This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 175 The movie I made is definitely not a bad movie

The recording of the dialogue program is very simple, with Xu Nan and Zhu Song sitting at the same table, chatting like friends.

Zhu Song was very sharp when he opened his mouth: "Many people now say that the movies you make are bad. What do you think?"

Of course it is impossible for Xu Nan to admit: "I didn't make bad movies. "Along the River on a Sunny Day" and "Taoist Bian Shan" are copycats, and "Captain of China" is a comedy. These are not bad movies. Bad movies make People can't stand the movies, but the movies I make are never unbearable, and there are even many audiences who like to watch my movies."

Zhu Song continued to ask: "But the problem is, now everyone says that the movie you made is a bad one."

Xu Nan asked back: "Everyone says it's a bad movie, does it have to be?"

"Many people in ancient times believed that our world has a round sky and a square earth. So, does our world really have a round sky and a square earth?"

Zhu Song shook his head.

Of course he doesn't think that what the public says is necessarily right.

There is a saying that the truth is often in the hands of a few people.

For many things, there was no way to get answers at the time. Only after a period of time has settled, can we get clear answers.

Xu Nan continued: "And the people you are talking about are just a handful of insiders who saw me making money and became jealous. There are also some people who just follow the trend. They are not everyone, everyone is the silent majority."

Zhu Song said: "So you don't think the movie you made is a bad one?"

Xu Nan retorted fiercely: "Of course it's not a bad movie. If it was a bad movie, why would it have such a high box office? Are the audiences blind and they like to watch bad movies?"

"Why do many people in the industry now say that the movies I make are bad? It's because I have made money, and a lot of money, so they are jealous and try to slander me for making bad movies, so that everyone should not watch my movies. Movie."

"I find it very funny. Since everyone says that the movies I make are bad, then why do the movies make money? Do they mean that movies that make money are not good movies, and only those that they say are good movies are good movies?"

"When will it be their turn to judge whether a movie is good or bad?"

"Here I want to say a word to those insiders who have poured dirty water on me."

"If the audience likes it, but you don't like it, who do you think you are?"

"Even if you say that the movies I make are bad, I will still make money, and I will make a lot of money. It will piss you off."

Xu Nan spoke freely and expressed his true feelings thoroughly.

Being slandered every day, do you really think he has no temper?

Zhu Song had no intention of arguing with Xu Nan.

This is a talk show, mainly for guests to express their opinions.

Even if he thinks what the guest said is wrong, he will not try to convince the guest, but will choose to broadcast it and let the public judge.

Zhu Song continued to ask: "We all know that the movie "Captain China" has achieved great success. It not only received a box office of 1 billion, becoming the third largest film in history, but even set a new record for domestic film network broadcast rights."

"But many people think that the success of this movie is purely based on foot-washing marketing. What do you think?"

"Captain China" relies purely on marketing to achieve such a high box office. This is also the most popular saying on the Internet.

Zhu Song deliberately asked this question just to get Xu Nan to express his point of view.

Xu Nan nodded: "I admit that marketing plays a large role in the success of "Captain China"."

"But, is there any movie that doesn't rely on marketing? Are there any movies that don't promote it now?"

"Everyone is promoting it, why should I be the only one talking about it?"

Zhu Song hesitated and said, "Maybe it's because the foot-washing water is relatively vulgar."

Xu Nan nodded: "Even if the success of the movie is due to marketing, then the question is, suppose there is a ball of rice fields now, and everyone says it is delicious, will you go and eat it?"

Zhu Song: "Uh"

Xu Nan's question was too vulgar and really made it difficult for him.

Xu Nan didn't pay attention to Zhu Song's slightly embarrassed expression and continued: "Maybe some people will eat it, but the number of people who eat it will be a minority after all, because this thing is fundamentally bad."

"But if it's stinky tofu, it's different. More people will eat it. If it's durian, even more people will eat it."

"Why I use this as an example is because I want to tell everyone that if a movie is really rubbish and makes the audience unable to stand it, then no matter how it is marketed, it will be useless. The reason why "Captain China" can have such a high box office because the movie itself is unique."

"It's just that many people, especially some directors in the industry, won't admit it. As long as it's something they can't stand or think is bad, it must be wrong."

"After all, I'm old and can't keep up with the development of the times. A certain big director has been making bad movies in the past few years. The reason why the movies are not doing well at the box office is because the audience is rubbish."

"Look at what a director said. The audience is God. He actually called the audience rubbish. Isn't this just picking up the bowl to eat, then putting the bowl down to curse the mother? Can you believe what this kind of person says?"

Zhu Songdao: "So you think that the quality of "Captain China" itself is good, so it can rely on marketing to explode."

Xu Nan nodded: "Of course, the box office of the movie is the most obvious evidence. In addition, there are netizens on the Internet who always say that my movies are interesting, including Li Ping, a director who has won the Oscar."

"If these people go to the movie because of marketing, then they should be angry and yell at me when they see that the movie is bad. But the reality is that even if my online reputation is very bad, there are still a group of netizens who are always insisting support me."

Zhu Song did not express his opinion, but continued to ask: "Will you continue to make this type of movie?"

Xu Nan nodded: "Of course I will continue filming. There are audiences who like this type of movie and it can make money, so why don't I continue filming."

Zhu Song asked: "Even though many people say this kind of movie is bad."

Xu Nan smiled: "I know there are many people who can't stand me and can't understand why I can achieve continuous success."

"But I want to say that the world will continue to turn without anyone. What you can't understand doesn't mean you can't succeed."

"Next, I will make movies seriously. I will use my success to completely shut up those who don't like me. I will succeed one after another to let them understand that the movies I make are definitely not bad movies."

Finally, Xu Nan also seized the opportunity to advertise his new movie. Of course, this was communicated to the program team in advance.

"Here I want to advertise my new movie "Spider-Man". This movie is of the same type as "Captain China" and has the same world view. It stars Mimi. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. Please expect."

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