This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 186 Acting is better

After a lot of effort, Xu Nan finally persuaded Mimi to come back.

As an A-list star, Mimi has weathered many hardships, and her character should not be so fragile, wanting to retreat when encountering setbacks.

Mainly because she had huge expectations for this movie and put all her money on it.

As a result, during the actual filming, the situations we encountered became more and more outrageous each time. When I finally saw Xu Nan filming and editing at the same time, I finally couldn't stand it anymore and tried to run away.

However, after the persuasion of Xu Nan and her manager, Mimi regained her composure.

Come and take photos.

It took so long to prepare and so much energy was put into it.

Run away at this time.


Moreover, Xu Nan patted his chest and assured that he had done this before and was successful every time.

This movie was shot more seriously than before, and it will definitely not be a hit on the street.

If it were another director who was so unreliable, Mimi wouldn't believe it no matter how much he promised.

But it was Xu Nan who said this. It was Xu Nan who had created miracles several times. It was Xu Nan who had a movie with a box office of one billion.

The same words, said by different people, have different weights.

For Xu Nan, there is still a little bit of credibility.


It's really too late to leave now.

This little episode in the evening, thanks to Xu Nan's efforts, finally did not affect the filming of the movie.

The next day, Mimi got up on time to participate in the filming of the movie.

But I don't know what happened, but she was in a particularly bad state today.

While filming yesterday, although she encountered unexpected situations several times, Mimi was always full of energy and devoted 120% of her energy to filming the film.

After all, this movie is related to her future stardom, so she can't help but not be interested in it.

But today, she couldn't get her energy up for some reason.

Even though she knew that this movie was very important and related to her career, she just couldn't get excited about it.

I no longer have that anger.

After experiencing a very unreliable day yesterday, Mimi suddenly felt that taking on the movie "Spider-Man" was a very wrong decision.

This movie will make you want to watch it.

There are very few people in this world who can maintain a calm mind even though they know they will fail.

Anyway, Mimi can’t do it.

But what I never expected was that

"It's great." Xu Nan praised loudly: "Mimi, your performance is so good, it's perfect."


Mimi was stunned.

She couldn't help it.

"Director Xu Nan, are you sure my performance is better than yesterday?"

Yesterday I said that she performed well, and Mimi admitted it, because she was indeed in very good condition yesterday, and she was able to detect this herself.

But today you still said that I acted well, which is a bit unbearable.

Obviously her condition today is worse than yesterday.

This is simply talking nonsense.

Mimi remembered what Xu Nan said yesterday, saying that her acting skills were the best Xu Nan had ever seen in her career.

At first, Mimi was very happy. After all, this was the recognition of the great director and an honor in her career.

But now think about it carefully.

In the three movies you participated in, do the actors in them have acting skills?

After all, I am also a first-line actor. I have starred in several TV series and have a professional background.

If you compare me with those amateurs who have no acting skills, are you praising me or hurting me?

Mimi felt extremely unhappy.

"I'm sure." Xu Nan nodded: "Although your acting skills were good yesterday, they were too full and incompatible with the atmosphere of our movie."

"But today is different. Your acting skills are much more restrained. At first glance, it may not look as good as yesterday, but it perfectly fits the atmosphere of our movie."

"Being able to let go doesn't matter. Being able to take it back is the key."

"Some people on the Internet have been saying that your acting is a stereotyped acting without your own thoughts and feelings. I really believed it at first."

"Now that I see your natural performance with my own eyes, I know that your acting skills have reached the point where you can adjust your acting skills to match the filming of the movie, so that the audience can better integrate into the movie. In the plot.”

"I have rarely heard of such acting skills, let alone seeing them."

Mimi: "."

She couldn't hold it any longer, she really couldn't hold it any longer.

The co-writer's acting was worse than yesterday, and it surprisingly fit the atmosphere of the movie itself.

Your movie is serious.

Originally, Mimi wanted to make some innuendoes at Xu Nan to vent her anger.

But now that Xu Nan was praising her so much, she had no choice but to hold back her anger.

Don't stretch out your hand to hit the smiling person, not to mention Xu Nan is also the director.

Moreover, although the movie looks like it is about to hit the streets, it is not released after all, and it has not hit the streets. It has started relatively smoothly, and maybe it can counterattack.

Mimi had no choice but to continue acting.

Of course, the high spirits of yesterday are definitely gone.

Just make do with it.

Anyway, Xu Nan patted his chest and promised that he would be popular if he patted her like this before.

Since the protagonists in previous movies were popular even without acting skills, then her acting skills are better than those of the protagonists in previous movies, so there is no reason why she cannot be popular.

The morning passed quickly.

Like yesterday, today's shooting was still very fast.

But Mimi was used to it and went to eat right after filming.

Xu Nan also started to eat, and picked up his mobile phone to check the news.

This is the daily life of most people. Many people eat while reading news on their mobile phones.

But as he watched, a piece of trending news pushed by the software caught Xu Nan's attention.

"The director of "Our 30 Days" Liu Dongdong held a press conference and joined hands with the famous film critic Tao Heng to kneel down and plead with theaters to increase their film schedules and not to let good movies be buried."

What the hell?

This news was so exciting that Xu Nan didn't even hesitate when he saw the title and clicked on it.

The main body of the news is a video, which is just over one minute.

Clicking on the video, he saw Liu Dongdong kneeling on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, crying bitterly. The flash lights that came on from time to time showed that there were many reporters taking pictures under the stage.

"The movie "Our Thirty Days" is a classic movie that I worked hard to shoot. I implore the theaters to improve their film schedule."

"This movie is very important to me and is related to my career. The most important thing is that this movie is really good. It was only canceled due to some special reasons and because the competitors at the same time used unfair competition methods. It gets other people’s attention.”

"I hope theater chains can take some responsibility to save Chinese movies so that good movies can be seen by more audiences."

Tao Heng, who was next to him, also spoke up: "I guarantee on my reputation that "Our Thirty Days" is an out-and-out good movie."

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