This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 232 Crush Hollywood blockbusters

The news of Du Tao's arrest spread throughout the Internet in a short period of time.

The main reason is that this person is very popular and is a famous figure. Many people are paying attention to him. As long as he is online, everyone knows about it.

News about him quickly spread across the Internet, with each headline becoming more exaggerated than the last.

"Shocked, Du Tao actually said that."

"With superpowers, he is determined to change the world."

"Hundreds of police officers are waiting to see how strong Du Tao is."

"The whole city was shaken, and dozens of police cars were dispatched, just for the mysterious man."

"Having superpowers, he wanted to live a peaceful life, but someone caught him and put him in jail."

"The only person with superpowers in the human world was arrested for fighting. Is this true, or is there another hidden reason?"

"The authorities have been mobilized, but you still doubt the authenticity of superpowers."

"Du Tao personally admitted that he has superpowers and said he would be a good law-abiding citizen."

"The only superpower in human society said he would help everyone have superpowers together. What superpower do you most want to have?"

As long as there is news about Du Tao, netizens will definitely click on it and engage in heated discussions, even if it is just a clickbait.

By this time, even those with the strongest scientific beliefs began to waver and began to doubt.

Not to mention those who are already superstitious, crazy about chasing relevant news and discussing what they will do if they have super powers.

"I'm so excited. I'm at work and the manager is nearby, but I still couldn't restrain myself and secretly took out my phone to read relevant news."

"Me too. Someone really has superpowers. Fantasy has become reality. Who can sit still?"

"Just now, I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and I saw two vegetable sellers discussing this matter. I felt that they were more excited than me."

"Who wouldn't be excited? I also want to have superpowers. When I was a child, I dreamed of having superpowers and then acting like the heroes on TV."

"What about you, what would you choose to do if you had super powers?"

"I will travel. I am usually very busy at work and have always wanted to travel but can't spare the time. If I have super powers, I can fly directly to tourist attractions after get off work, sleep there, and fly back when I get to work."

"I will explore the world, the Mariana Trench, and space. They contain endless secrets. It's just a good time to take a look."

"If it were me, I would choose to act chivalrously and completely eliminate all injustice in this world."

"A new era is coming, and the human world is about to undergo major changes."

Netizens are very excited. You can see people discussing this topic everywhere in chat groups and forums.

At first glance, it seems unreasonable because this matter has not yet happened.

But if you think about it carefully, it actually makes sense.

This has happened many times in history.

The First Emperor of Qin and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were wise and powerful, and they believed in the alchemists' claims even in their old age. They felt that they could practice elixirs and become immortal.

In the 1980s, there was a qigong craze. At that time, everyone in the country practiced qigong. From university experts and professors to farmers, everyone practiced qigong. They were so enthusiastic that they even appeared on TV openly.

Even now, there are still people with special abilities, quantum speed reading, and reading with eyes closed. This kind of thing happens often and even appears on TV.

There are even people who claim to be Emperor Qianlong, but some people still believe him.

Xu Nan stirred up the topic of Mi Mi having superpowers on the Internet for several days, and then another real-life example appeared.

The most important thing is that Du Tao was arrested by the police, which is almost equivalent to official endorsement.

In this case, who can not believe it?

The box office of the movie "Spider-Man" surged again, with the single-day box office soaring to 95 million, and the cumulative box office reached 251 million.

This number spread to the circle, and everyone in the circle was shocked.

Is there any reason for this? A spoof movie with a cost of only 2 million, has a single-day box office of almost 100 million.

This time, not many people in the industry say that this movie is a bad movie. "Spider-Man" is a bit nonsensical and indeed a bit funny. It is not a bad movie, but the quality is just average.

Moreover, this movie is on its death schedule and is flanked by two Hollywood blockbusters, so it is destined to have a slow pace.

But I never expected that this would be the result.

"Shocking" is a famous disaster movie. Although it has a mediocre reputation, its box office is very stable every day, with tens of millions in box office every day. It is very stable.

As a result, today, Crisis' single-day box office is only a few million, less than one-tenth of "Spider-Man".

This result silenced many people in the circle.

If it weren't for the bloody facts before our eyes, who would have dared to believe this result.

A big-budget Hollywood blockbuster was actually crushed by a low-budget spoof film?

This is a Hollywood blockbuster.

It's a disaster movie with big scenes and special effects.

Even with mediocre reviews and solid box office, it was suddenly crushed and you couldn't even smell the exhaust from "Spider-Man."

Many conservative insiders have always been very hostile to Xu Nan, thinking that his success depends on luck, and this time "Spider-Man" will definitely fail.

But when they saw this box office, they were all stunned.

The box office in a single day is almost 100 million. This is just luck.

One success is luck, but two.

After Zhang Yange saw this data, he was silent for a long time.

In the past few days, he has been posting analysis of the movie on the Internet, crazy spoilers, and by the way, telling everyone not to watch the movie.

But as he watched the box office of the movie "Spider-Man" continue to rise, and now, even Hollywood blockbusters are crushing it, he really had nothing to say.

A Hollywood blockbuster, this is a Hollywood blockbuster.

At this stage, Hollywood blockbusters are completely invincible, and any major domestic director will have to kneel down when he encounters them.

But Xu Nan has even crushed Hollywood blockbusters, and this is despite the fact that the word-of-mouth rating is not as good as others.

What else could he say.

Now Zhang Yange doesn't even want to post on Weibo, because it's useless if he does, and the box office of movies is still rising.

Tired, destroy it.

Insiders were silent, netizens reveled, and movie theaters also promptly increased the schedule of the movie "Spider-Man".

Cinemas are very realistic. They will give higher priority to movies with higher profits.

However, the theater has not given all the movie schedules to "Spider-Man", because "Dragonfly Man 3" will be released tomorrow, and they have to give part of the movie schedule to this movie.

This is a true superhero blockbuster, and it has the foundation of a successful previous film and is very popular.

In North America, this movie has already been released. Whether it is word-of-mouth, ratings or box office, "Dragonfly Man 3" has achieved new glory, and it is estimated that the domestic box office will not be low.

Many people in the industry have pinned their hopes on this movie.

Hollywood blockbusters, crush "Spider-Man"

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