This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 310 You are the light of the United States

Seeing this comment, Schneider felt inexplicably familiar and quickly checked the user information of the comment.

Sure enough, the author of the review was the famous film critic Francis, the same guy who had previously written a review criticizing Xu Nan for making the movie so good.

That film review left a deep impression on Schneider, because Francis's film review was wrong from the beginning. "300" was filmed by him and not by Xu Nan.

At that time, Schneider judged that this should be hype, but because he was busy promoting his movie during this period, he had no energy to pay attention to the news. It was not until he saw this comment that Schneider thought of it.

Out of curiosity, Schneider specifically checked the relevant information, and unexpectedly discovered that this film critic has become very popular recently.

Xu Nan, why did you make the movie so beautiful? This matter is also very popular.

This film critic named Francis even accepted an interview with a media. During the interview, Francis cursed Xu Nan and was heartbroken, as if without Xu Nan, American movies would completely collapse.

This interview can be said to be very outrageous. It is completely equivalent to a person promoting the flat earth theory on TV. Anyone with a little bit of brain would only regard this as a joke.

Schneider could tell at a glance that this was hype, very obvious and unjustified hype.

But even if it’s just hype, this matter is still very popular.

Just like the speculation about CP and brotherhood, many people know it is fake at a glance, but this does not prevent it from becoming popular.

And there are some idiots who think this is true.

Many people who usually don’t pay much attention to the news in the entertainment industry were attracted to watch the movie by the good reputation of "300". As a result, they accidentally watched the wrong movie and were feeling depressed. Suddenly they found someone like themselves. He is still a famous film critic, and the anger in his heart suddenly calmed down.

It turns out there are people like me.

The most important thing is that Francis has not woken up yet. Although he watched the wrong movie, he has not yet reflected on it and behaves like a fool, which makes many people who watched the wrong movie feel inexplicably psychologically superior.

Although I watched the wrong movie, I reacted and I also knew that I watched the wrong movie. From this point of view, I am still smarter than this fool.

Schneider could tell that this was hype, but people outside the industry didn't know that. Many people thought it was true.

There were even a group of netizens with weird tastes mourning there, clamoring for Xu Nan to give up his evil ways and move towards the bright road of copycat movies.

According to them, it is to abandon vulgar and ordinary movies and move towards copycat movies that deeply rebel against the secular world.

Just outrageous.

You can still feel a sense of superiority when you watch a copycat movie, right?

The more Schneider watched, the angrier he became, and his heart began to become unstable.

He didn't know why, but he felt uncomfortable watching Xu Nan's various slutty moves that had refreshed people's outlook on life.

Think about yourself, from a commercial director, to a small-scale film, to a large-scale film, you have taken one step at a time, worked hard, and spent countless efforts to get to where you are today, and finally have some status in the industry.

Xu Nan, this damn guy, relies on deceit, abduction and various bottomless operations, but his status is only slightly lower than his current status.

The most important thing is that Xu Nan has only been in the United States for less than three months, but he has achieved such a high status in such a short time. How convinced he is.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel, but I still can’t do anything with him?

I will endure.

Perhaps because of a thorn in his heart, Schneider was still paying attention to the follow-up of this matter during his busy schedule.

The popularity of "300" continues to rise. This historical epic film, with its unique style of painting, passionate plot, and strong publicity, has firmly occupied the topic of the entertainment section.

Fortunately, although the popularity of "3000 Warriors" is still very high, the single-day box office has still declined uncontrollably.

Paramount put pressure on theaters to stop making small moves, and a lot of people on the Internet complained about the wrong movie. In the end, it was inevitable that many viewers would wake up and know how to avoid lightning.

But even so, the single-day box office of 3000 Warriors is still 700-800 thousand, a number that is not worth mentioning to 300 Spartan Warriors, but it is still very embarrassing.

All I can say is that there are too many fools.

Anyway, Schneider doesn't believe that the 800,000 box office was solely based on the movie "3000". If it hadn't been for his popularity, it would have had such a high box office?

Humph, villain.

Even when Schneider was promoting the movie, he felt a thorn in his heart, but he hid his emotions very well and did not show it.

After all, he is in his thirties, so he is not so helpless.

But as the saying goes, the more you suppress something, the more intense it will be when it breaks out.

Even Schneider himself didn't realize that he was becoming more and more dissatisfied with Xu Nan and the movie "3000", which had been teasing him from various angles.

This thorn pierced deeper and deeper into his heart, and it had become a demonic obstacle for him.

"300" is his pinnacle work and a solid step towards the top of his career as a director, making him shine.

How could he allow others to share his glory when he was so glorious?

But he really had nothing to do with Xu Nan and could only endure it.

Just when he was taking advantage of the popularity to promote the movie, something went wrong with Xu Nan again.

Francis, the film critic who saw the wrong movie, collected tens of thousands of signatures online, asking Xu Nan, the prodigal son, to turn around and return to the bright road of copycats and porcelain films.

Francis said so.

"In this dark world, everyone is vulgar and everyone is stupid. We need copycat movies, the kind of rebellion that is completely different from the world, the kind of uniqueness, the kind of maverick that is different from the mediocre. , I need—you Xu Nan.”

"As a film critic, I have watched countless movies, but those mediocre movies can no longer make me emotionally fluctuate. I have been thinking about what the ultimate movie is, but I never got the answer, until I saw you Only then did I finally understand that your movie is the ultimate and everything.”

"Come back, Xu Nan, and continue to shoot your unique movies. Without you, the entire United States will be plunged into darkness forever. You are the light of the movie, the only light. Your destiny is to awaken the public with your unique movies."

"Please join me in calling for Xu Nan's return. I need him, the movie needs him, and the United States needs him!!!"

After reading this tweet, Schneider was a little confused.

As for what?

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