This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 315 Schneider publicly apologizes

In the room, Schneider looked at the comments that cursed him on the Internet, feeling extremely frightened.

He never expected that things would come to this point.

The American Human Rights Association, the American Minority Rights Association, the Producers Alliance of America, state legislators, congressmen and even senators have all spoken out to condemn his film discrimination.

In the United States, murder and arson can be forgiven, but discrimination cannot be forgiven. This is political correctness and must not be offended.

He is now a street rat on the Internet. Everyone calls him to beat him up, and he has committed countless crimes.

It took decades to finally make a successful movie. Before Schneider had time to fully enjoy the glory of becoming a great director, he first enjoyed the taste of being criticized by thousands of people.

Schneider felt aggrieved.

Is there any justice? He just scolded the Chinese director a few words, and he was treated so cruelly. He would die in society immediately, and his whole life might be ruined.

That damn Chinese director, he copied things, he cheated, and he said arrogant words, but there was nothing wrong with him, but I just told a few truths, and I was treated like this.

How could this happen?

But that's the fact. Now Schneider doesn't even dare to go out, for fear of being mobbed by reporters or being beaten.

It would be best for him to stay out of the public eye until the heat of this matter subsides.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rang, and when he saw the number on the screen, Schneider's eyes lit up and he quickly answered the call.

Schneider couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. President, how are things going? When can I go out?"

On the other side of the phone, Paramount's vice president didn't answer, but sighed.

Schneider's heart suddenly sank.

"This matter is very difficult. The theaters are currently discussing whether to remove the movie "300" from the shelves. I also heard the news from the Directors Guild. It seems that they are discussing whether to expel you as a member. qualifications."

The vice president of Paramount said slowly, and the content of the words made Schneider's expression change color.

"How could they do this? I just told a few truths. How could they remove the movie? How could they expel me from my membership?"

Schneider's tone was angry and aggrieved, and there was even a hint of panic.

It was just a few words of truth, how could the consequences be so serious?

If the movie is taken off the shelves, it means that all his previous achievements have been wasted. Paramount will definitely cause trouble for him, and no one will dare to ask him to make a movie in the future.

Being expelled from the Directors Guild is even worse. In the United States, if you are not a member of the Directors Guild, your future is bleak and you will not even be qualified to make movies in the future.

Thinking of the dark future, Schneider was afraid.

He had just reached the pinnacle of his life, and before he had time to enjoy it, his end became so miserable.

He does not accept this consequence, let alone bear it.

Schneider begged, "Mr. President, you have to help me. If the movie is taken off the shelves, you will also lose a lot of money."

The voice on the phone was very embarrassed: "This matter is really difficult to handle. You are discriminating. You know, in the United States, anything is allowed, but discrimination is not allowed."

Schneider said quickly: "I know I was wrong. As long as it can be undone, I can do anything."

We can only rely on Paramount. As a giant in the entertainment industry, Paramount has extensive connections and amazing power. As long as they help, things can still calm down.

Now Snyder just wants to make movies in the future, and he doesn't care about anything else.

If he had known earlier, he would not have said too much, so that he would not have fallen to this stage.

The vice president of Paramount sighed, and then relented: "Well, anyway, your movie is really good, and I don't want you to be unable to make movies in the future."

"Actually, there is still a way to solve this matter."

A few minutes later, Schneider hung up the phone, with a hint of reluctance on his face, but mostly relaxed.

The vice president of Paramount has agreed to help him solve this matter, on the condition that the second part of "300" will be directed at the original price.

This condition is a little too much. "300" was a box office hit, and his value as a director has skyrocketed. To shoot a movie, the director's fee starts at a minimum of several million US dollars, and there is also a share of the fee.

It would be a big loss for him to direct the next movie at full price, but as long as he can get things straightened out, he can accept these.

It is very simple to solve the problem, that is, he apologizes publicly on the Internet. In addition, Paramount also plans to contact Xu Nan to hold an apology meeting and invite a large number of celebrities to attend.

It was embarrassing, but there was no other way. Schneider had no choice but to agree, if he didn't want to never make a movie again.

A few hours later, Schneider took out his phone and logged into his Twitter account.

There were already tens of thousands of comments under the last tweet, most of which were insulting him.

Instead of reading the insulting comments, Schneider edited a new tweet and sent it.

"I'm sorry. I apologize for my inappropriate remarks before. I didn't mean to discriminate against movies. I just don't understand that copycat movies can make money."

"I have deeply realized my mistake and understand that the audience's aesthetic appreciation of movies is diversified. All types of movies are movies, and it is reasonable no matter what movies the audience likes."

"Anyway, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

After the tweet was sent out, Paramount immediately began to exert its efforts, using its own connections, and at the same time launched a troll army to clear Snyder's ground, publicize public opinion, and improve Snyder's image.

This is the most critical step. An apology alone is not enough. Instead, it may be insulted. Only by letting a large capital group like Paramount exert its efforts and public relations control can public opinion be reversed.

The situation quickly changed.

The first is the comments below the tweet.

When Schneider's tweets were first sent out, they were basically all sarcastic, and few people cared about his apology.

What most netizens enjoy is the pleasure of judging others from the moral high ground. It is simply impossible to forgive.

But after Paramount launched a public relations campaign, everything changed.

“It’s good to realize your mistakes.”

"Everyone makes mistakes, just apologize."

"In fact, he just made an unintentional mistake, and there is no need to pursue him fiercely."

"Maybe we should forgive him, he didn't cause serious consequences."

In addition to simple public relations control and evaluation by trolls, Paramount also mobilized its own connections and asked a large number of Internet influencers and media to help guide public opinion.

Martin, a famous film critic, posted: "Schneider just apologized on Twitter. His attitude was very sincere. I believe he just said it in a moment of emotion last time. There is no need for everyone to pursue and fight, as long as they can realize their mistakes. ”

The vice president of the Directors Guild publicly spoke: "As a director, Schneider's discrimination in movies is undoubtedly a wrong behavior, but he knows how to make corrections and his public apology is sincere. I think he can be forgiven."

The media is also publishing news frantically.

"Famous director Schneider apologizes."

"Snyder has understood the aesthetic diversity of film."

“All types of movies are movies,” Snyder said.

"He has apologized and we should forgive him."

The most important thing is that three hours later, the person involved, Xu Nan, responded on Twitter.

"I just saw Schneider's tweet and received a call from him. I felt his sincerity in apologizing. I believe he didn't mean it before. Please don't blame him."

Xu Nan's voice, coupled with Paramount's frantic public relations campaign and ground-washing, quickly began to turn public opinion.

Previously, the general attitude of netizens was that this guy was actually discriminating in the movie, and he must die to wash away the sin of discrimination. No, even death can't wash away the sin of discrimination.

Now, after Paramount's guidance, the attitude of netizens has changed. Although Snyder was discriminatory in his previous movies, he just accidentally said the wrong thing. Now he has apologized and his attitude is very sincere. This matter is Forget it, he realized he was wrong anyway.

Although some people do not think this way and they still want to pursue the case, but with the giant Paramount guiding public opinion, even if some people still want to pursue the case fiercely, netizens will not support it.

Even if this matter is over.

Seeing that public opinion finally changed, Schneider breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost, almost ruined his life.

If it weren't for Paramount's help, he might never be able to make a movie again.

After this incident, Schneider learned a lesson and must not talk nonsense in the future.

In addition, an apology on Twitter is not enough. He also needs to publicly apologize at an apology meeting and apologize to Xu Nan himself.

This was arranged by Paramount Land.

As a blessing in disguise, due to the film discrimination incident, the popularity of the "300" movie has skyrocketed. People across the country and even the world know about it, and the movie box office has also increased along with it.

Paramount Pictures plans to continue its efforts and take advantage of the trend of discrimination in movies to launch a major promotion in an effort to continue to increase the popularity of the movie.

The movie's box office is approaching 500 million, and it's not far from the annual box office record.

In comparison, the box office of "300", a copycat film, has just approached 10 million, and its box office trend is like a tortoise crawling, improving very slowly.

After all, a copycat movie is a copycat movie. It is a bit niche. Even if it is extremely popular, the box office is actually just that.

Although Schneider felt a little ashamed of publicly apologizing at the apology meeting, he was actually willing to do so.

The United States is very particular about political correctness. Once there is a name for discrimination, it is very detrimental to a person's career, and he will not have a future in the future.

Only by publicly apologizing at the apology meeting, and then Paramount finding ways to publicize it, can the negative impact of the film's discrimination on him be minimized.

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