This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 320 What about Cameron?

This is Cameron.

In the past few days, Xu Nan's ears almost became calluses when he heard these words.

The name Cameron seems to have a magical power. When you say it, you have a special feeling, which is different from ordinary people.

People in the film industry, in particular, pay more attention to this name and it carries more weight.

George had obviously already worked on several major productions with Xu Nan, but when he saw that Cameron was about to work on Pengci, his heart was pounding and he began to hesitate.

Xu Nan smiled and looked at George like a sword: "What about Cameron? Is there anything different between him and others? Does he have three heads or six arms?"

"No, that's not what I meant." George became panicked: "It's just that Cameron has a very high status in the industry, and I'm afraid that if I mess with him, there will be problems."

The real reason is that this truck driver has established his supremacy in the hearts of movie fans around the world through one movie after another.

Some even call him the number one director in the world.

Although the world's number one is not recognized, there are not many people who ridicule it, and except for Cameron, no director has been called this.

One can imagine how special Cameron's position is in the global film and television industry.

A director like Pengci is like a slave shooting at a king, or a mortal killing a god. Just thinking about it gives you the feeling of touching a taboo, which makes people shudder.

At this moment, George felt that time passed extremely long, and he felt extremely panicked, but among the panic, there was also a strange excitement.

Xu Nan smiled: "What's the problem? Fox, Warner, Paramount, I've all been in trouble, they can't do anything,"

"Although Cameron is very famous, he is not as powerful as the Hollywood giants when he fights alone, so what can he do to us."

George nodded slightly. Indeed, Cameron is only slightly more famous, but in terms of strength, he is not as good as the five giants in Hollywood.

There is no problem even with the five giants of Hollywood, but it is even less likely to have problems with Cameron.

Xu Nan looked directly at George: "If you don't want to do it, I won't force you. It's the same as leaving it to others."

"No, leave it to me." George said loudly, his eyes shining.

This is Cameron. How could he miss the opportunity to meet the director god?

Think about it, the arrogant and dignified Cameron, being wantonly insulted by them, can only be helpless and furious. Such a scene is so exciting.

He is just an ordinary producer, and now he has the opportunity to meet the director god. How could he miss such a rare opportunity?

George's excited body trembled slightly, feeling the forbidden excitement of a mortal killing a god.

He's on fire.

George quickly left Xu Nan's office, full of energy as if he had been given a shot of blood.

Xu Nan was also very excited.

He had already made up his mind to let George take the lead in preparation for him to take over the company.

But after finally getting a chance to touch Cameron, Xu Nan decided to do it himself.

George, it's better to continue practicing.

Things went smoothly, and George was soon contacted by the ship manufacturing company that had built the Titanic in the previous century.

After decades of ups and downs, this company had actually gone bankrupt long ago, leaving only an empty shell, so Xu Nan simply bought the company.

Naturally, he successfully obtained the film and television adaptation rights for Titanic and Titanic 2.

Although this concept does not yet exist in the film and television industry, this does not prevent Xu Nan from using it to make a fuss.

The preliminary preparation work has been completed, and the next step is filming.

At this time, Xu Nan encountered a very difficult problem.

That's what the movie should be called.

According to his original intention, it would be better to call the movie "Titanic 2", which would make American netizens confused and feel the shock of the real and fake Monkey King.

But there was no way this name would pass the review because Cameron had already registered the name.

However, this does not mean that Xu Nan has nothing to do. If "Titanic 2" doesn't work, then he can name it "Titanic 2" or "Titanic 2".

If it doesn't work, you can call it "Titanic 20". Then the last zero will be deliberately made very small, and the effect will be the same.

As long as the attitude is correct enough, there is always a solution to the problem.

The copyright is in hand, the name has been decided, and the filming of the movie has officially begun.

Compared with getting the copyright and choosing a name, filming a movie is a very, very easy thing.

In order to prevent leaks, Xu Nan did not tell the rest of the crew the name of the movie. Currently, only he and George in the company know the name of the movie.

That's respect for Cameron.

If it had been anyone else, Xu Nanguang would have been honest.

But Cameron still needs to give him some face.

This kind of operation is not a problem for the crew.

Hollywood has such a tradition. In order to keep confidentiality, many projects do not directly indicate the real name, but directly replace it with a letter. For example, the Inception project was initially replaced by Project X.

Therefore, Xu Nan's filming method of not telling the film's name had no impact on the crew.

They were just beating workers, so they just had to do as Xu Nan said.

The actor was a little troubled, but not too troubled. Anyway, there is a script, so just act according to the script. If the requirements are not met, the director will naturally call him "famous".

It is worth mentioning George.

During the filming of the movie, George seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, exerting 120% of his energy, which was more powerful than a chicken blood injection.

This is Cameron's movie, so we have to go all out.

After filming the movie during the day, Xu Nan and George stayed in the same room together at night.

Xu Nan edited the movie and asked George to watch it next to him. At the same time, he told him some fixed principles for porcelain-type movies.

Editing is very important in a movie. A strong editor can even transform a junk movie through editing.

George is a producer who doesn't know how to edit, but he can find a professional editor to do this job, as long as the final edited movie satisfies him.

"You have to remember that copycat films can only be made crudely due to cost reasons, so the pace of our film must be fast and there must be no invalid shots, otherwise the audience will find the paleness and weakness of our film itself."

"The most important thing is that the structure of our film must be complete. The beginning, development, climax, and end of the story must tell a complete story, and the audience cannot be confused."

"The most important thing is that we must not think about expressing anything. We are specialized in making fake films, just to make the audience feel happy. We must not think about playing with depth or expressing any unique thoughts."

In the editing room, Xu Nan explained her understanding to George, who nodded repeatedly as he listened.

There is a certain reason why the producer-centered system prevails in Hollywood. When a producer leads a movie, he only thinks about how much it will cost and how much money he can make, but not what he wants to express in the movie.

For producers, movies are a money-making tool, and they can shoot movies with a calm attitude.

But the director is different. He always wants to express something and uses movies to express his thoughts. In layman's terms, he has a literary youth syndrome.

There is no difference between the director-centered system and the producer-centered system, only whether they are suitable or not.

However, for copycat movies, the producer-centered system is more suitable, because this kind of movie is to make money from the beginning and does not need to express any thoughts. This is why Xu Nan focuses on cultivating George.

In this way, while shooting, editing, and cultivating George. Seven days later, the film was successfully shot.

Xu Nan held a closing banquet, invited the crew members to have a feast, and then disbanded the crew.

The film has been produced, and the next step is to release it.

This is also the most difficult part, because Xu Nan cannot guarantee that theaters will release this movie, even the Imperial Theaters, which has a stake in it.

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