This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 325 Heat Explosion

"The eternal Titanic, a new journey."

"I just got the news online and heard that "Titanic 2" has been scheduled and will be released soon."

"The first time I heard the news, the first thought in my mind was not looking forward to this movie, but thinking of the original "Titanic""

"I was still in college when "Titanic" was released. I remember it as a very ordinary day. I had nothing to do and planned to go see a movie because many people at the time said that "Titanic" was very good. So I chose this movie.”

"At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene of Ruth standing on the ship, the Titanic is about to sail, and the cold Atlantic water rises and falls on the screen. This scene only lasted a few seconds. I had no memory at the time until I rewatched it later. Only then did I really pay attention to this shot, and I felt that the God of Cards is indeed a God of Cards. The first shot was so well done, using the montage technique to connect the happy moment of the Titanic's sailing and the final moment of sinking. Together,"

"Then, the submarine dived into the deep sea and searched for the Titanic, which had sunk for decades, in the Atlantic Ocean. The captain of the scientific expedition team responsible for searching for the Titanic was very excited after finding the Titanic, because it was rumored that there was a bomb on the Titanic. A very precious gem called the Heart of the Ocean. If he finds this gem, he can make a fortune."

"So, after finding the safe, the captain was extremely excited because he thought he was going to get rich, but he didn't expect that there was no Heart of the Ocean gem in the safe, but only a portrait of a naked woman. According to the information on the portrait, this painting It was completed on April 14, 1912, the day before the Titanic sank."

"The camera turned back to a warm house. A kind old man with gray hair saw the news about the scientific expedition team's search for the sunken Titanic on TV, as well as the nude portrait. She called the scientific expedition team Call and tell the scientific expedition team that she is the woman in the portrait."

"Subsequently, the old man came to the scientific expedition team's ship and began to tell the original story to the entire scientific expedition team."

"The camera goes back to when the Titanic set sail. Ruth was a rich girl living in first class and was engaged, but she didn't like her fiancé and hated the rules and hypocrisy of the upper class."

"Jack was just a little gangster living in third class. He had no money. He even relied on gambling to win the ticket on the Titanic within a few dozen minutes before it set sail."

"These two people are very different in terms of status and environment. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for them to intersect, but their fate is so wonderful. A rich girl living in the first class, and a low-class man living in the third class. In the end, they met unexpectedly, and the spark of love arose."

"They met, got to know each other, confided in each other, overcame the huge obstacle of their identities, and finally came together and became a couple who were in love with each other."

"But fate soon played a huge joke on them. The Titanic encountered an iceberg and was about to sink. At the most critical moment, Ruth desperately jumped back from the lifeboat and gave up the hope of living. , chose to go back to the bottom cabin and used a fire ax to rescue Jack."

"And Jack did not live up to Ruth's friendship. The Titanic sank into the sea. The two finally found a bed plank, but the buoyancy of this bed plank could only carry one person. Jack chose to let Ruth get on the ship's plank and save her life. The hope was left to Ruth, but he himself remained in the cold Atlantic Ocean forever."

"At the end of the movie, the elderly Ruth threw the Heart of the Ocean into the sea. In her dream, she and Jack returned to the Titanic, accepted everyone's blessings, and walked together."

"I remember very clearly. After watching the movie, I walked out of the theater in a daze. I kept thinking about the movie, the relationship between Rose and Jack, and humanity when disaster strikes. What makes me regret the most is Yes, why Jack and Rose can't be together, why someone must die."

"I couldn't figure this out when I was young, and I even hated Director Cameron because of it, and hated him for why he couldn't let Jack and Rose be together."

"But as I grow older, I understand that it is precisely because of Jack's death that the relationship between two people can be sublimated and become eternal. If two people survive the disaster and enter the palace of marriage, then their lives may not be the same. Consummation, two people are too different, it is difficult to live a happy life."

"Regret is also a kind of beauty. It is the easiest to remember. It is precisely because Jack died in the cold Atlantic that I lamented for their feelings. If they all survived the disaster, maybe I would not I remember this movie so deeply.”

"Unconsciously, I have written so much. I can only say that the original "Titanic" left a deep impression on me. When I learned that the sequel to "Titanic" was about to be released, my thoughts were flying. , difficult to contain.”

"As a film critic, I have watched many movies, but there has never been a movie that has left such a profound shock to me as Titanic. It has been unforgettable even in the past ten years."

"Titanic 2 will be released soon. I hope this movie can shock me just like the original Titanic."

"I believe this movie will not disappoint me, because Cameron has never disappointed anyone."

After this long article was posted on the Internet, it became a trending topic on Twitter in a short period of time, and countless viewers left comments below.

"Yes, I was very shocked when I watched "Titanic", especially the relationship between Jack and Rose. It made me regret it for a long time. I was not very happy for several days after watching the movie."

"Who wouldn't be? If it weren't for "Titanic" being so exciting, everyone wouldn't be looking forward to the sequel of this movie so much."

"I have been waiting for more than ten years. I even thought I would never wait in my lifetime, but I didn't expect this movie to be released so suddenly."

"The work that Cameron has spent more than ten years creating must be a masterpiece."

"Maybe this movie will surpass the record of the original "Titanic"."

"I feel the same as the blogger. When I saw the news of "Titanic 2", I couldn't help but think of the original "Titanic". The only way to have such complex emotions that shocked my soul was to watch the movie "Titanic" So, if you look forward to Cameron's "Titanic 2", don't let me down."

"It definitely won't disappoint because it's a sequel to Titanic and it's Cameron's work."


On the Internet, there are endless news about "Titanic" and the movie sequel.

# "Titanic 2" #

# Titanic #

# Jack Ruth #

# Titanic sequel #

# Netizen: Looking forward to #

# A long article of 10,000 words in memory of the Titanic #

# expect #

# Cameron #

# Titanic sequel scheduled #

The trending searches on Twitter are full of news about the sequel to Titanic. At a glance, they are densely packed.

Not only on Twitter, but also on Facebook, as well as major forums, discussion boards, and groups, there is news about the sequel to Titanic everywhere, and people are talking about it everywhere.

People in the industry were shocked by this momentum and popularity.

"The heat is too high."

"Has Cameron started promoting it?"

"It doesn't look like it. If it was Cameron promoting it, the reaction from netizens wouldn't be so enthusiastic."

"This is not an effect that can be achieved through publicity alone. This is a spontaneous reaction from netizens."

"So, netizens got so excited just when they heard that "Titanic 2" was scheduled to be released."

"It's too exaggerated."

"I knew the movie would be very popular, but I didn't expect it to be this high."

"It is indeed the sequel to Big Ship."

"I can only say that the God of Cards is not called for nothing."

"I'm so envious. When will my movie be released with half the momentum of Cameron's? Forget it, it's too exaggerated. I'll be satisfied with one-tenth."

"Cameron's fans say he is the world's number one director. Although I don't object, I actually disagree in my heart. But looking at the momentum, he is not the number one director in the world."

"His height is something ordinary directors can only look up to."

People in the industry are envious and jealous of the popularity and spread of the Big Ship sequel. As expected of Cameron, there is no publicity and just the news of a scheduled release can create such momentum.

When the movie is released, Cameron's status will inevitably reach a new level. Perhaps by then, he will really be qualified to become the world's number one director.

Cameron is also very happy that the movie can have such popularity.

"I didn't expect netizens to be so looking forward to this movie. Da Chuan's influence will always be there."

The assistant next to him flattered him and said, "Of course, that's what classic movies are like. No matter how much time passes, classics will always be classics and will never be forgotten."

"'Titanic' is a classic movie, and it is one of the best among classic movies. It is normal for it to be so popular."

"Hahahaha." Cameron laughed.

The assistant's praise was very helpful to him, and the popularity on the Internet also proved that what the secretary said was right.

"How are the preparations for the promotional activities going?" Cameron suddenly asked.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid.

Although "Titanic 2" is very popular on the Internet, publicity still cannot be lacking.

If a movie wants to be a hit, publicity is a very important part, and there must be no mistakes.

The assistant hurriedly said: "Funds have already started to be invested. Subway ads and online ads have been purchased. I have also contacted some activities that I need you and the leading actors of the movie to participate in."

"Yes." Cameron nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction.

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