This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 327 Xu Nan apologizes

"I'll pay a lot of money for the address of the Chinese director."

"Can any brother tell me where this guy lives?"

"Is this gun enough? Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3."

"This gun is easy to use, picture 1, picture 2, picture 3."

"Hey, man, you've missed the point. The point is to find out where the son of a bitch Xu Nan lives."

"Yes, hurry up and tell me where you live. Even Kashen dares to touch porcelain. I must show this Chinese director how good he is."

Cameron's fans went crazy on the Internet, frantically asking for Xu Nan's address, and even posted photos of firearms in his home, which was very threatening.

Xu Nan's fans are very anxious, but the directors in the circle find it very interesting.

It made you arrogant, now you are facing a tough problem.

Do you think Cameron is as weak as the rest of us and can do whatever you want?

This is Cameron, the card god.

Faced with the clamor of Cameron fans, Xu Nan seemed to be unable to bear the pressure and quickly sent a tweet.

"Thank you for your concern for my life, but I want to solemnly tell you the fact that I have not touched Cameron, and my new movie has absolutely no touch with Cameron. Please don't misunderstand me.

I am also a fan of Cameron, and I like the movies directed by Cameron very much. The reason why my movie will be broadcast on December 13th is to pay tribute to the director, not to make trouble. Please don't get excited.

It's all my fault. I didn't make it clear in my previous tweets. I was wrong. I sincerely apologize here. "

As this tweet was sent out, Cameron fans were relieved.

This Chinese director is already scared and has already apologized. This matter is almost over.

It's enough to send out photos of firearms and threaten them, but it's impossible to actually come to someone's door and shoot someone. That's illegal.

Although it is impossible to actually shoot at the door, these fans are still unforgiving.

"Director Hua Xia, weren't you very crazy before? Do you still dare to be crazy now?"

"Be careful, this is the United States, not China, and this is not a place where you can run wild."

"Cameron is not someone you can mess with. Be careful next time, otherwise I will definitely come looking for you with a gun."

"Apologetic attitude is not bad, but remember, you can't provoke the God of Cards."

"For the sake of your apology, I will let you go. If I find out that you have done something wrong, I will definitely come to find you with a gun."

Xu Nan's apology gesture was smooth and her attitude was sincere. The incident was barely over.

But people in the industry don't want this matter to just go away.

Previously, Xu Nan made all kinds of wild claims in the United States and tried various tricks. He also said that he would teach American directors to make movies.

Moreover, this guy got his start through crooked ways, and he has long stopped making people in the industry unhappy.

His attitude was so arrogant before, but when he met Cameron, he gave in. He was arrogant at first and respectful at the end, which is really despicable.

Now that he had caught the opportunity to be embarrassed, people in the circle naturally laughed at him.

In a certain movie discussion forum, a group of insiders were discussing this matter.

"Guys, do you know the whole story of Xu Nan's apology on the Internet?"

"Of course I know. This guy's new movie was released on the same day as Cameron's "Titanic 2". He wanted to have a conflict like before, but he ended up angering Cameron's fans, who wanted to come to the door with guns and kill him. Then this guy got scared and quickly apologized humbly."

"I witnessed the whole process on the Internet, hahaha, it was so funny."

"This guy is also here today. If I remember correctly, didn't he say that he would teach all American directors how to make movies? Cameron is also an American director."

"I'm just talking about it online. If I really met Cameron, would he dare to say this?"

"It's a pity that Cameron fans couldn't really kill this guy."

"As long as he continues to mess with things, sooner or later there will be a day like this."

In an office, James, the director of "The Hobbit", sent a tweet with a smile: "Xu Nan obviously wants to touch Cameron. You can tell when you see that he doesn't even dare to say the name of the movie, because The title of his movie must be very similar to "Titanic 2", otherwise why would it be broadcast on the same day? Don't be fooled."

When the secretary next to him saw this scene, he couldn't help but ask: "Director James, is this really good?"

"Director, I'm not against your behavior. I just think that as a director, you can easily cause controversy by posting such an obviously biased tweet."

James shook his head: "So what about the controversy? This damn guy has made it impossible for me to continue filming "The Hobbit 2". Of course I'm going to find some trouble."

"What a pity." James showed a regretful expression: "Cameron's fans only talk but don't do anything. If it weren't for fear of breaking the law, I would have bought a killer to kill this guy."

In another office, Benjamin, the director of "Pacific Rim", happily watched the speeches of Cameron fans.

Especially after Xu Nan humbly apologized, he felt extremely happy, just like drinking a glass of iced mung bean paste in the summer, feeling happy from head to toe.

Let you touch me.

Let you make trouble for me.

It's okay now, let's encounter some tough problems.

How dare you touch on unknown directors like us, who immediately give up when encountering someone as ruthless as Cameron.

In a happy mood, Benjamin waved his hand: "I'm holding a party tonight, let's all have fun together."

Cheers immediately erupted in the office.

Schneider, who had been paying attention to Xu Nan, also found out about this through the Internet, and he felt very happy.

Didn’t you have all kinds of troubles before?

Weren't you crazy before? ?

Didn’t you slander my movie before? ? ?

It's fine now, I've been sanctioned.

It's a pity that these Cameron fans are just talking and posting harsh words on the Internet. It would be great if they could really touch Xu Nan's residence and kill him.

Schneider felt bad.

You know, he almost had his career ruined by Xu Nan's movie discrimination, and even now he doesn't dare to speak loudly because the suspicion of movie discrimination still hangs on him.

Therefore, Schneider's hatred for Xu Nan cannot be eliminated, and he very much hopes that he will be killed.

However, Xu Nan gave in too quickly, and the matter was resolved as soon as it started.

But Schneider feels the opportunity is not entirely lost.

This guy Xu Nan obviously wants to get in touch with Cameron.

This can be seen from the fact that he didn't even dare to report the names of his movies.

Why didn't he dare to tell me the name of the movie? Because the name of the movie is very similar to "Titanic 2", and everyone will know that he is still going to get into trouble.

So Xu Nan can only avoid the important things and apologize first to let everyone calm down. As for the name of the movie, he can't change it because there is no way to make a difference if he changes it.

So when the movie was released, everyone knew that Xu Nan was still going to have trouble.

By that time, Cameron's fans will definitely be furious, and maybe something they like will happen.

Just waiting for the movie to come out.

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