This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 335 Why is Cameron so bad at filming?

The plot of the film continues amid Pedro's breakdown.

After the dinner, Green Tea Lucy continued to hook up with the poor boy Jeter, and at the same time she fooled her fiancé Carter. She was even more scumbag than a scumbag.

The kind and innocent fiancé Carter was deceived by the shrewd Lucy. In order to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, the poor boy Jet also flattered Lucy. He said he wanted to marry Lucy several times, but Lucy used the topic every time to distract him. open.

Soon, the film's key turning point arrives.

Titanic 2 suddenly hit an iceberg and was about to sink. Order on the ship immediately collapsed. Passengers in both first and third class wanted to escape, and conflicts broke out.

By this time, Pedro had already accepted the fact that the movie's set was pretty trash, so when he saw a really shabby ship, he just kind of twisted his mind to accept it.

Moreover, even a very shabby ship only appeared for a few seconds, and the rest was replaced by close-up shots, obviously to fool the audience.

As for the small disadvantages of a luxury cruise ship with only a dozen passengers, it is nothing.

After the Titanic 2 leaked, the passengers on the ship were scrambling for lifeboats. At this time, Carter accidentally broke up Lucy and Jet's adultery and asked what the relationship between the two was.

In desperation, Jet, a poor third-class boy, actually knocked Carter unconscious with a stool, then locked him in a room, trying to make him sink with the Titanic 2 in the Atlantic Ocean, so that he would not have to worry about anyone doing anything bad. Good thing for him.

Fortunately, seawater poured into the room and woke Carter up. He broke open the door and escaped, and luckily found a lifeboat that no one found.

Carter's fiancée Lucy and the poor boy Jett were pushed back after getting on the lifeboat because they were alone. They could only stay on the Titanic 2 to wait for death.

After they discovered that Carter had a lifeboat, they immediately forgot what they had done before and begged Carter to let them get on the lifeboat. Jet, in particular, knelt down and apologized with tears in his eyes, saying that he had just been there for a while. Excited, Carter must forgive him and not let him stay on the ship to die.

Although the kind-hearted Carter was angry at Jet's previous attempt to kill him, he finally relented and let the two people board the lifeboat because he couldn't bear to let the two people sink with the cruise ship.

But after Jet got on the ship, not only was he not grateful to Carter, but he deceived Carter, saying that a child failed to get on the lifeboat, so that Carter returned to the leaky Titanic 2.

After Carter boarded the cruise ship to save his children, Jett immediately rowed a lifeboat and left the leaking Titanic 2, which was about to sink, abandoning Carter, his savior.

Lucy asked Jeter why he did this, but Jeter said that he wanted to be with Lucy forever, and as long as Carter died, no one would interfere with them.

Lucy remained silent, and Jet was ecstatic that Lucy acquiesced to his behavior.

But what he didn't expect was that while he wasn't paying attention, Lucy pushed him into the cold Atlantic Ocean, and then rowed away in a lifeboat.

In the cold Atlantic water, Jet asked desperately: "Lucy, I love you so much, why do you do this?"

Lucy sneered: "Your love as a poor boy is worthless to me. Only if you die can what happened on this ship be kept secret forever."

At the end of the movie, the ugly Lucy was rescued by a passing ship and returned to the shore. The civil servant in charge of the matter learned that her fiancé died in the shipwreck and specially comforted her.

Lucy pretended to be weak, but after the civil servant left, the corners of her mouth turned up in a sneer.

At this point, the movie ended completely, and blurry subtitles appeared on the screen. The audience sitting in front wanted to see who the actors were, but they couldn't see anything clearly.

Pedro, the film critic, sat in his seat with a dull expression on his face, his spirit completely broken.

Is this "Titanic 2" shot by Cameron?

How can this be?

This garbage set, crappy actors, and subversive plot, are you telling me this is a movie made by Cameron?

If he hadn't known the relevant information in advance, Pedro would never have believed that this was Cameron's work. He would have only thought that it was the work of a new director who had just graduated from school.

No, it is impossible for a new director to make a movie like this.

The movie is shoddy, and making it like this is no longer a question of ability, but entirely a question of attitude.

But it just so happens that this movie is the work of director Cameron, and it is the sequel to the rampaging ship.

The movie "Titanic 2" can be said to have completely subverted the plot of "Titanic" back then.

"Titanic" sang the praises of supreme love and freedom, but "Titanic 2" completely trampled love into the mud, thinking that love is not worth mentioning.

The Ruth who gave up everything for love turned into the ugly, green tea, and despicable Lucy.


Pedro racked his brain and couldn't figure out why Cameron made movies like this and what he was thinking.

That's Cameron.


"What rubbish."

"Did Cameron fly away?"

"This is the crappiest movie I've ever seen."

"It's so disappointing, so disappointing."

There were a lot of curses in the theater, and the audience present simply couldn't accept that this movie could be so bad.

It would be fine if this was a movie by an ordinary director, but this is Cameron's movie, and it's a sequel to Titanic.

How can it be so poorly shot?

"Titanic 2" has just been released. At this time, those who buy tickets to go to the cinema to watch the movie are basically Cameron fans or people who like Cameron's movies.

The previous promotion of the movie and Cameron's confident words in interviews made them think that the movie must be very exciting, so they bought tickets to watch the movie immediately.

But in the end, what I saw was such a mess.

Who can accept this?

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. After watching "Titanic 2", many people were mentally broken, and many people were angered by Cameron and turned fans into negative fans on the spot.

In the theater, many people angrily tore up the movie tickets in their hands and turned around to leave. Some people were clamoring for refunds.

Film critic Pedro sat in his seat for a long time before finally coming to his senses, with a look of helplessness on his face.

You know, he received money from Cameron to write a film review to praise Cameron's "Titanic 2".

I originally thought this was a simple good job that would gain a lot of fans, but I didn't expect this movie to turn into such garbage.

How to write this movie review?

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