This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 338 Cameron is so great


"What rubbish."

"Why is Cameron's filming so bad?"

There were low-pitched shouts and curses in the theater.

Fortunately, the people in the theater were relatively well-educated and kept their curses in a low voice instead of shouting loudly. Otherwise, the movie would have been unwatchable.

Robert frowned.

Oops, something's not right.

Although a super director like him can understand this movie and understand the profound meaning and profound realm of this movie, most viewers are relatively vulgar and will curse whenever they encounter a movie they don't understand.

The techniques and ideas that Cameron adopted when filming this movie were so subversive that ordinary ordinary viewers could not understand it.

Only great directors like him and some refined people with refined tastes can truly understand this movie.

The reputation of this movie will definitely be polarizing, and it is estimated that the results will not be very good.

Robert shook his head.

Cameron's creation this time is so bold that even insiders like him can't accept it.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

When it comes to film achievements, Cameron has stood at the pinnacle of directors. In this case, he should be more interested in pursuing the artistry of films rather than the universality of films.

Such a world-class director no longer shoots movies for public understanding and high box office, but for exploring new paths for film development and new expression techniques for films.

The plot progresses very quickly.

After the dinner, the twisted relationship between the three people continued until Titanic 2 was hit by an iceberg.

The confused Carter directly discovered the adultery between his fiancée Lucy and Jet, but what he didn't expect was that Jet knocked him out with a bench and wanted him to be buried with the sinking Titanic 2.

After seawater poured into the room, Carter was lucky enough to wake up and find a lifeboat, trying to escape from the Titanic.

Lucy and Jet, who did not get on the lifeboat, begged Carter to save them. The kind-hearted rich second-generation Carter knew that the two guys were not good people, but still let them get on the boat. Later, they were deceived by the evil poor boy Jet, and they were deceived twice. Get on board.

This time, he had no luck. Jeter rowed away directly in the lifeboat, abandoning Carter on the Titanic 2.

And just when Jet was filled with joy, thinking that he could marry Lucy and fly on a branch to become a phoenix, Lucy pushed him directly into the cold Atlantic Ocean.

Because the love of a poor boy is worthless to him, only if Jett dies can what happened on this ship be kept secret forever.

Seeing this, Robert was very excited.

Sure enough, in the ending, Cameron once again subverted the original "Titanic".

In "Titanic 1", the rich second-generation fiancé does whatever it takes to survive, but in the second part, he becomes a virgin.

A poor boy with a noble soul turned into a low-level man with a dirty mind and a desperate desire to climb up.

Ruth, who risked her life for love and took the initiative to jump out of the lifeboat, turned into a free-spirited Lucy who took the initiative to kill in order to maintain her reputation.

The once bad guys became good guys, and the once good guys became bad guys again.

It’s hard to imagine that Cameron would choose to create in such a subversive way.

Perhaps, only a director like him dares to create such a subversive creation.


"How could Cameron make such a bad movie?"

"I have been looking forward to the sequel for fifteen years, and it turned out to be such a joy."

"What rubbish, this movie wasted two hours of my time."

The theater was filled with curses.

Robert sighed.

Cameron's movie is still too subversive, so subversive that ordinary audiences, except for people like him, simply cannot accept it.

As the saying goes, anyone who is half a step ahead is a genius, and anyone who is one step ahead is a madman.

Cameron's movie is no longer one step ahead, but three or four steps ahead, so advanced that almost no one can understand it.

except him.

Robert was very angry when he heard the insults from the theater audience.

Director Cameron worked hard to produce a masterpiece that was ahead of its time, but this group of vulgar audiences didn't know how to appreciate it, but they actually slandered it in every possible way.

This is a movie made by Director Cameron in order to explore the future of movies and new ways of expression in movies. How can he be allowed to let his pearls fall into dust?

Put yourself in his shoes, how disappointing it would be if he was serious about making a good movie, but the audience didn't know how to appreciate it because of their poor taste.

Although Robert is famous for commercial films, at his core, what he really likes are literary films, especially those with unique styles and advanced expressions.

In fact, Robert's debut film was a literary film, but because the film was too complicated, it resulted in a flood of negative reviews and serious losses, which almost ruined his career.

Therefore, Robert can especially understand Cameron's helpless feeling of not being understood by the audience for his well-crafted works.

This is a tacit understanding that only great directors can have.

Although Robert was later forced by life and embarked on the road of no return to shoot commercial blockbusters, what he really liked was literary and artistic films, especially those good literary and artistic films that were not understood by the common people.

What he usually likes to do the most is to go into a private theater, alone and quietly enjoy good literary and artistic films that cannot be appreciated by the world, allowing his spirit and soul to soar in the clouds uncontaminated by the mundane world along with the literary and artistic films.

In fact, he also wants to make a literary film. Even if it is not understood by the audience, even if he loses money, and even if it causes criticism, he still wants to infuse his unique thoughts into the film and express it to enlighten these vulgar people in this troubled world.

It's a pity that he didn't dare. The lesson of the first failure was so painful that he still couldn't muster the courage.

But he didn't expect that Cameron would actually do something he didn't dare to do, and make a movie that was ten times more advanced than what he had imagined, and it was still based on "Titanic 2," the movie that once made him Movies heading towards glory.

Do you want to break and then build?

It is conceivable that when Cameron made the movie, he must have had a hundred thousand determination and courage, and the determination to succeed or succeed.

As a fellow, how could he watch Cameron alone.

I have decided to say good things to Cameron when I get back. I don’t ask for the world to understand. I just ask Cameron not to be too lonely. At the same time, I also want him to know that not everyone in this world is so vulgar, and there are still people who can understand him and understand him. his.

Thinking of this, Robert couldn't sit still and hurried out of the theater, preparing to go back and tweet to explain the movie so that the audience could understand the superb and profound meaning of the movie.

Not long after he ran out of the theater, he suddenly hurried back and looked at the name of the movie carefully and seriously.

It’s confirmed, it’s “Titanic 2”, it’s Cameron’s work.

It seemed that he was overthinking it.

Who else but Cameron could have produced such an advanced work.

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