This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 340 What’s a Girlfriend?

"There must be a reason why Cameron arranged it this way." Chris argued.

Although he also felt that something was wrong, how could Cameron make such a low-level mistake when making a movie, but he still couldn't accept it when he heard someone questioning his idol, even if the person questioning him was his girlfriend.

"What's the reason?" Tina asked.

"No matter what the reason is, there must be a reason anyway." Chris defended forcefully.

This is his idol and no one is allowed to question it, not even his girlfriend.

Tina was so angry that she didn't want to speak anymore and turned her head to watch the movie.

The plot of the movie progressed rapidly, and the more he watched it, the more solemn his expression became.

This movie seems to be trash in every aspect.

Is this really a movie made by Cameron?

No, you can’t think like that. Cameron is a world-class director and has produced so many excellent works. Since this movie was made by him, it can never be a bad movie.

Even if it looks like a bad movie and cannot be understood, it must be because his knowledge is shallow and he cannot understand it.

There's no way a Cameron movie is bad anyway.

With this thought in mind, Chris continued to read carefully.

Maybe it was because of the filter, but after watching it, he actually thought the movie was quite good.

Rich girl Lucy, kind-hearted fiancé Carter, and poor boy Jet who wants to climb up, three very different characters performed a strange drama on the Titanic 2 cruise ship.

Despite the poor setting, the plot of this movie is actually very touching.

It is indeed a Cameron movie with a different flavor.

There were low-pitched complaints in the theater. Some people were scolding the movie for not being good enough, and there were quite a few of them.

Chris's brows furrowed, and there was a fire in his heart.

This is my idol Cameron's movie, why do you say it's not good?

It's obvious that you don't know how to appreciate it, yet you still have the nerve to say that the movie isn't good.

Soon, the plot of the movie progressed to the dinner party. Carter invited the poor boy Jett to the dinner and tried to support him. However, Jett, who had little experience, made a big fool of himself at the dinner, completely exposing his ignorance and shallowness.

Seeing this, Tina couldn't hold back at all.

"Is there any mistake? Plastic table, three-piece set of hamburger, fried chicken and Coke. This is what is served at dinners in the upper class? How did Cameron take the picture?"

Chris became angry, turned around and scolded in a low voice: "Tina, why can't the upper class eat hamburgers, fried chicken and Coke? The president once bought a hamburger alone, and the photos were leaked."

"Besides, you are very rude. It's movie time now. Please don't disturb others."

Tina looked at Chris in disbelief, with anger flashing in her eyes.

He scolded me, how dare he scold me?

Tina was so angry that she wanted to bite Chris to death.

What made her most angry was that after Chris scolded her, he turned around and went to watch a movie without noticing her emotions at all.

Just wait for me.

Tina gave Chris a vicious look.

The plot of the movie progresses rapidly. After the dinner, the rich girl Lucy is still on two boats, walking between two men, and she is very romantic.

Titanic 2 hit an iceberg and the ship was about to sink. The kind-hearted rich second-generation Carter was deceived by the treacherous poor boy Jett and fell into the cold Atlantic Ocean with the cruise ship. Just when Jett thought he could fly on a branch and become a When he was a phoenix, the rich girl Lucy pushed him into the sea in order to silence him.

Chris was immersed in the ups and downs of the plot. He did not expect that the ending of the movie would be so subversive.

Good people are not rewarded, and good people are deceived and die by bad people. In the end, the one who survives is the ugliest and worst Lucy.

As expected of Cameron, the ending was really unexpected.

"Oh my god, how could this movie be so bad?"

"If Cameron appeared in front of me now, I would kick his ass hard."

"What rubbish, wasting two hours of my time."

Hearing these words, Chris was very angry.

How could you shallow viewers be so insulting to my idol’s movie?

You know how talented Cameron is and how serious he is about making movies. Why do you think he makes bad movies?

Chris gritted his teeth angrily, clenched his fists, and his expression was twisted.

Insulting my idol is the same as insulting me. I don’t care if you insult me, but not your idol.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people in the theater who called the movie trash, Chris might have taken action to defend the honor of his idol.

Unfortunately, there were too many people and he was afraid of causing public outrage.

The flames of anger were stored in his heart, waiting to be vented.

As a big fan of Cameron, Chris did not leave the theater as soon as the movie ended like other viewers. Instead, he stayed in his seat to see if there were any easter eggs.

The scrolling credits after the movie were a little blurry and hard to see clearly, but Chris didn't pay much attention.

Usually after watching a movie, normal people will leave immediately. Who has the time to pay attention to the rolling subtitles?

After a few minutes, after confirming that there were no easter eggs, Chris stood up and said to Tina, who was still sitting next to him: "Let's go."

Tina said angrily: "Why don't you go? Just watch it again. Don't you like Cameron's movies very much? If you like it, buy more tickets to support him."

Chris's eyes lit up: "Tina, you understand me so well. Let's go to the ticket office to buy tickets."

Tina looked at Chris in shock and speechlessness. I was just talking, but you actually mean it?

But Chris didn't notice her emotions at all, thinking that Tina was telling the truth, so he took his girlfriend's hand and walked to the ticket office.

Tina resisted, but Chris was too strong, and it was useless for her to resist. Chris pulled her up excitedly, and excitedly wanted to buy movie tickets for "Titanic 2" again.

But Cameron's reputation is too great, and the publicity is also strong. A large number of audiences come here to see it. Chris wants to buy tickets to watch it a second time, but he has to wait in line for a while.

The weather was hot, and Tina didn't want to watch a movie in the first place. She was scolded by Chris several times, and now she had to wait in line again. The fire in her heart burst out uncontrollably.

"Stop waiting in line. This movie is so bad. Watching it once is enough. Why watch it a second time?"

Chris turned his head in disbelief: "How can you say that my idol's movie is bad? This movie is so good, what's wrong with it?"

"It's really bad. Didn't you hear that the audience in the theater was scolding me just now after the movie was played?" Tina said.

Chris shouted: "That's because they don't know how to appreciate it. You are my girlfriend, how can you think Cameron's movies are not good?"

Tina became even more angry: "You yelled at me, you actually yelled at me?"

Chris retorted: "It's your fault, okay? This is Cameron's movie, it's very beautiful."

"Okay, then you can go to Cameron's movie and let's break up." Tina shouted, turned around and ran away.

In the past, if Tina was angry, Chris would definitely chase her and comfort her, but this time, Chris was really angry.

He even insulted his idol Cameron, so he didn't want this girlfriend.

"If we break up, we'll break up. No one can insult my idol, not even you." Chris roared.

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