This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 391 I have a dream

Amid the carnival of memes among netizens, the release date of the movie is getting closer.

The third to last day.

The penultimate day.

The penultimate day.

Officially released! ! !

On the day of the official release, Xu Nan held a small premiere, and spent a total of about 100,000 US dollars on renting the venue and various other items.

Generally speaking, not many people would come to such a small-scale premiere, but the premiere held by Xu Nan was different. Many people came after hearing the news, and most of them were just for fun. People and hot-button media.

Fun people come to the premiere just like those who like to check in at Internet celebrity stores. They just join in the fun and have the mentality of chasing hot spots.

The media is relatively naive and feels that the premiere must be indispensable for news.

Xu Nan is a popular figure. His first original film held a premiere, and with such high popularity on the Internet, there is absolutely no shortage of material at the premiere.

The media's speculation was correct, and there was indeed no shortage of news material at the premiere.

Although there are not many big-name stars in this premiere, Xu Nan plus Paris are enough for them to interact.

Xu Nan was wearing a suit today, with her right hand holding Paris, who was wearing a dress and looking gorgeous. As soon as she got out of the car, she became the most eye-catching presence in the audience.

The media quickly surrounded him, their eyes were so hot that they wanted to swallow Xu Nan down.

Fortunately, the security guards did their duty and blocked the media outside, allowing Xu Nan and Paris to squeeze through. Otherwise, these reporters might have eaten Xu Nan alive.

But even so, it did not prevent this group of reporters from asking questions.

"Mr. Xu Nan, the famous historian Miller publicly denounced the so-called hidden history as false and impossible. What do you think of this?"

"People in the industry say that there is no limit to how you use internet memes to hype up things."

"Excuse me, is it true or false that you were assassinated five days ago? I have communicated with the police, and they said they have not received any reports from anyone."

"How much do you think the box office of "Washington" will be?"

"Is it true that Paris is the reincarnation of Washington?"

The reporters' questions were packed together, sweeping towards Xu Nan like a wave, making his head spin.

Fortunately, he has long been accustomed to this kind of scene, and has a certain immunity, so he keeps his expression unchanged.

Next to her, Paris has been frequently bombarded by reporters during this period. She has a decent smile on her face and a hint of excitement in her beautiful eyes.

This is the life she wants, like the center of the world, no matter where she goes, she will be the focus of the crowd.

Xu Nan held Paris's hand and walked toward the screening room. He selectively answered the reporter's questions.

"Historian Miller publicly reprimanded? That's because he is a federal lackey who is responsible for hiding things from the public. He knows everything, but he deliberately conceals it. This kind of person is extremely hateful."

"Of course the assassination is true. The police department is working with those who conceal the history. Of course they will not tell the truth."

"Box office doesn't matter at all. I don't make movies for the box office, but to reveal the truth."

"Washington is reincarnated. Ask Paris about this."

The reporters were very dissatisfied with Xu Nan's answer. What they wanted was not such a superficial answer. What they wanted was a thorough revelation. It would be best if Xu Nan could reveal flaws in his words and completely expose this Chinese man. Every inch is under the spotlight.

It's a pity that Xu Nan didn't give them a chance and entered the venue directly.

There were many people in the screening hall. Except for a few reporters, most of them were spectators who were watching the fun, that is, people who were having fun.

Xu Nan walked to the front with a smile, faced all the audience, and picked up the microphone: "Hello, ladies and gentlemen."

"I know you are here to pursue the truth. You must have a lot of confusion in your hearts and want to blow away the fog of history and see the truth."

"And today, I, Xu Nan, will fulfill your wish."

On the stage, Xu Nan was full of passion, his movements, language and body were powerful, and his tone of voice was highly contagious.

Netizens who were looking for fun and the media who wanted news material fell silent.

“Two hundred and eighty-three years ago, in Virginia, a great man was born. He was the Son of God, the King of the Great Axe, the Pride of Virginia, the Destroyer of Chaos, the Divine Protector, the leader of the American Militia, and the Lord of Independent Will. , signer of the Declaration of Independence, destroyer of the British Army, and founding president—Washington.”

"He is a great hero. From the moment he was born, he has shouldered many great missions. His arrival is like the sun, lighting up the dark Virginia. Throughout his life, he has made countless earth-shattering achievements with glory and justice. deeds."

"He once killed the evil cherry tree and saved Virginia. He once faced the gods and fought for the rights of freedom and democracy for the American people, giving freedom to all Americans. He also personally led the American people to defeat the evil Britain. Let the country of America be born.”

"But sadly, due to some well-known reasons, not all the great deeds of this great founding president have been handed down. Today, everyone only knows that he was the founding president of the United States and defeated the United Kingdom, but they don't know how much he went through. It took many difficulties and many obstacles to achieve those amazing achievements.”

"This is unfair and unjust to the great man Washington, the Son of God, who should not be forgotten and should be remembered forever."

"Everyone should know that I am a Chinese, but even if I am a Chinese, I cannot just watch a group of evil elements bury great people in history in the name of justice, and they will not be known."

"Although the evil force is extremely powerful and tries to deceive everything and make great people be forgotten forever, I will not give in because I have a dream."

"I dream that one day, no one will be deceived or cheated, and can learn everything they know from the Internet and books."

"I dream that one day the deeds of great men, Washington, the Son of God, Lincoln, the vampire hunter, Franklin, the lightning wizard, these great men will be familiar to everyone."

"I dream that one day, everyone in this country will know the truth, the greatness, and the secrets of the world. People will no longer hide from each other and communicate everything harmoniously."

"For this dream, I am willing to give everything, even my life."

"The United States is a great country, and it has a group of great people. They have the right to know the truth, and I also have the obligation to tell the American people the truth."

"This truth is in the movie, in "Washington," and right here. After watching the movie, you will no longer be deceived, you will know everything, and the fog of history will be blown away."

"This may be just a small step for me, but it's definitely a giant step for America."

"And now, the movie officially begins, and the truth is about to be revealed."

On the stage, Xu Nan was full of passion, his voice was like thunder, and he was extremely passionate.

Anyway, the audience in the audience was moved.

They originally came here with the mentality of having fun, but seeing Xu Nan talking so excitedly and acting so passionately, they also became excited.

The United States is actually a country that attaches great importance to speech ability, which can be seen from Hollywood movies.

How many times, when the protagonist encounters difficulties, instead of relying on actions to reverse the situation, he talks to a group of supporting actors, and then these supporting actors are brainwashed to help the protagonist.

The reason why American audiences don’t think this plot is outrageous is because speeches are really important in the United States. A person with strong speech skills is often very popular in the United States.

Xu Nan stood on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, and gave a passionate speech, which quickly changed the mentality of the entertainment audience.

It's burning.

The audience actually knew that Xu Nan was making a spoof film, and they originally had an indifferent mentality. However, Xu Nan's passionate speech immediately changed their mentality.

Maybe this movie is worth watching?

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