This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 413 Save the United States

"Goddess Paris, please save the United States."

On the lawn in front of the villa, a group of fans knelt on one knee, their eyes feverishly focused on Paris.

The sun was bright, and the golden sunlight shone on Paris, like a holy angel, sacred and noble.

Paris was stunned.

She didn't expect that these fans came all the way here, not to get her autograph or to meet their idol, but to ask her to come out and save the United States.

But the problem is that this seems to have nothing to do with her. She is just an ordinary person. Although she has the idea of ​​running for president, she has not actually participated.

You actually asked me to save the United States. Isn't the joke too big?

But looking at the serious expressions of these fans, Paris couldn't say anything. A heavy sense of mission surged in her heart.

She originally had the idea of ​​running for president, but now she sees a group of fans coming to support her and asking her to come out, which is very exciting.

Paris took a deep breath, and a wave of emotion surged from her heart. She nodded solemnly: "Okay."


A group of fans cheered.

In the villa, the representatives of the Elephant Party were stunned at this scene.

On the lawn, a group of fans surrounded Paris, like soldiers surrounding a general, bees surrounding the queen, or people surrounding their leader.

When the reporter saw this scene, a news headline quickly emerged in his mind.

"Paris, the great man sent from heaven, returns to save America."

On this day, Lin Ziyi called Xu Nan.

"What's going on? I heard that your relationship with Netflix fell apart."

Xu Nan nodded: "Yes, the price they gave is too low. After all, it is a movie with a box office of over 100 million. Netflix only gave 8 million US dollars, which is too little."

Lin Ziyi advised: "Eight million US dollars is actually a lot. Your movie has just exceeded 100 million in box office, and it is still a spoof. Netflix cannot pay a high price."

Xu Nan retorted: "You can't settle the score like that. Although my movie is a spoof, it is very popular on the Internet and has a lot of potential audiences."

"Also, Paris has been very popular on the Internet recently. I heard that she is going to run for president. If she really runs for president, how can netizens not be interested in her movies?"

Lin Ziyi advised again: "The streaming media market in the United States is not like that in China. There are several streaming software competitions. Here, Netflix is ​​the absolute leader. Among the remaining competitors, Disney has a little bit of strength, but they are not. It’s not as good as Netflix.”

"If you don't compromise and Netflix refuses to buy your movie, you will suffer a big loss."

Xu Nan continued: "I won't sell it at a low price anyway."

Lin Ziyi said helplessly: "Okay, think about it yourself."

Soon, Lin Ziyi hung up the phone, and Xu Nan began to think deeply.

The movie "Washington" has been released for more than a month. There are only more than 200 theaters showing the movie now, and the single-day box office only has less than 100,000 US dollars, which is better than nothing. There is no difference between it and not.

Under this circumstance, Xu Nan's eyes naturally focused on overseas box office, as well as streaming media rights and video tape rights.

Among them, overseas release is not difficult, just rely on the channels of the Imperial Cinema to push them one by one. Foreign countries are quite interested in this kind of movie that spoofs the founding president of the United States.

But when it comes to selling streaming media rights, Xu Nan encountered trouble because he and Netflix failed to agree on a price.

This is not the first time that Xu Nan has discussed streaming rights deals with Netflix. He has cooperated with Netflix people several times before, such as "The Age of the Hobbit" and "Atlantic Rim" to promote the streaming of copycat films. The media rights were all sold to Netflix, and Netflix also gave a good price. It can be said that the previous cooperation between everyone was quite pleasant.

But something went wrong this time. Xu Nan made an original spoof film with a box office of nearly 130 million, but Netflix was only willing to pay 8 million in copyright fees, which was a lot lower than normal.

But Netflix also has reasons. They believe that Xu Nan's movie is a spoof with average quality. It mainly relies on marketing to boost the box office of the movie, and the audience may not necessarily like it.

The price of 8 million depends on the good cooperation between Imperial Cinemas and the past, otherwise they would only be willing to pay 6 million.

Then the two sides froze and are still in a tug of war.

The key is that the situation in the United States is different from that in China.

There are several domestic video websites such as Penguin Video, Kiwi Video, and Moon Video. The competition is very fierce. With full competition, film and television companies do not worry about not being able to sell their films and television dramas at good prices.

In the United States, Netflix is ​​the dominant player. This video player software alone occupies 60% of the market share. The remaining Disney Video and Apple Video only account for 30%.

Therefore, Netflix is ​​particularly strong in the United States and is not willing to accept negotiations at all. Either agree to the price of 8 million, or they will not buy it. There is no other way to go.

"President, I'm back." Avi came to Xu Nan's office.

Xu Nan immediately asked: "How are the talks with Netflix going? Are they willing to increase the purchase price?"

Avi nodded: "They agreed to increase the price for the online broadcast rights of "Washington"."

Xu Nan smiled, and the people at Netflix finally understood.

"But they are only willing to increase the price by US$500,000. In other words, they are willing to pay US$8.5 million to purchase the online broadcast rights of "Washington"," Avi said.

Xu Nan was furious: "Are you kidding? Our movie's box office is close to 130 million U.S. dollars. 8.5 million U.S. dollars is not enough. It needs at least 10 million U.S. dollars."

Avi looked troubled next to him.

He also felt that Netflix’s acquisition price was a bit low. This was his first movie as a producer, and it starred Paris. The Internet was so popular, and it was only $8.5 million. The price was really too low.

But there is no way. Netflix has always been very strong. Even the three major theater chains and the top film and television companies in Hollywood cannot do anything to Netflix, because Netflix is ​​the dominant streaming media in the United States.

It’s just Disney. Because Netflix repeatedly lowered the prices of their movies and TV series, Disney got angry and built its own streaming media platform to challenge Netflix.

However, Disney’s streaming media platform is still losing money, and it cannot compare with Netflix in terms of market size.

Besides, Disney is the largest media group in the United States. It owns both theaters and film and television companies. It is a big company and has a big business. Of course, it has the confidence to challenge Netflix.

But Xu Nan couldn't. He had to find a way to sell the streaming rights to "Washington", and it had to be sold when it was most popular, otherwise he would lose a lot of money.

Xu Nan felt very embarrassed.

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