This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 426 I really want to see it

The progress bar of the video reached the last part. The reporter tried hard to pursue clues, but all the clues came to an abrupt end after reaching the mysterious place of Area 51.

If you want to get the answer, you have to enter Area 51, but that place is not allowed to enter. The reporter tried every means to contact him, but nothing could be done.

This place seems to be hidden in the fog and nothing can be seen.

After working hard for a long time, the reporter found a way to interview a member who had worked inside Area 51 on the phone.

Employee: "I have been away from there for a long time, but I can guarantee that the college student is dead. You will never find him. No one can come out alive after entering Area 51. The federal government will never allow anyone to know the secrets inside. .”

Reporter: "That's a great young man. His parents are anxiously waiting for news about him at home. Please, help me?"

Employee: "Well, you can go to the valley to the left of Dad's farm near the base and have a look. Maybe you can find something."

After saying that, the employee hung up the phone directly. When the reporter called again, it was already a busy signal.

Finally, the reporter decided to follow what the employee said and went to the valley. He searched hard for a long time and finally found a camera in the garbage dump. Moreover, the camera was damaged and divided into several parts.

The reporter found Brown's girlfriend and parents with this camera and confirmed that it was the camera Brown carried with him.

Unfortunately, the camera is broken.

But the reporter did not give up. He found professionals and repaired part of it after repairs.

In the last part of the video, the reporter said to the camera with a solemn face.

"There is no doubt that we have come into contact with important secrets that the Federation has always wanted to protect. Anyone who knows this secret will be persecuted by the Federation and may even be killed. So, if you in front of the screen don't want to get into trouble, You can turn off the video, because next, I will play the content of the camera. There is no doubt that it reveals the secrets of Area 51. Ordinary people may get into big trouble if they see it."

That being said, at this point, who can resist turning off the video.

Paul ignored the reporter's warning and continued reading.

Not only him, but also the classmates behind him who were attracted, and Arthur, who had already seen it once, all continued to watch intently.

The camera's content began to play, and at first there were some meaningless pictures, and it would go black from time to time.

It seems that the camera owner was in an unstable situation when filming this section, so he could not let the camera shoot freely.

Moreover, there was a heavy gasping sound in the video, "Huff. Huff." Just listening to this breathing sound, you can feel how nervous the photographer of the video was.

Seven or eight seconds later, the video suddenly flashed by, and it seemed as if some special creature had been captured. At the same time, a sharp shout came out: "ET!!!"

The reporter repeatedly played the video of the camera repair and paused the scene when Brown called ET.

"Oh my God."

"Really are."

"No way."

Paul and his classmates all exclaimed because, in the video, an alien figure vaguely appeared.

Although it is very blurry, it is still obvious that it is an alien.

The reporter in the video also showed a solemn expression: "Oh my God, it's aliens. Brown photographed aliens. Could it be said that there are really aliens in Area 51?"

"Does the federal government know all this? What is their relationship with aliens? What are they doing in Area 51?"

Finally, the reporter said: "Unfortunately, we don't know anything for the time being. The camera was artificially damaged and only this part of the content can be played."

"But please rest assured, we are working hard to repair this camera. As soon as the repair is completed, I promise to let you see it as soon as possible."

"There is no doubt that there are huge secrets hidden here. Perhaps, we can use this to unlock the truth about Area 51."

Here, the video ends.

Paul was still unsatisfied and wished he could continue watching for more than ten hours.

Are there really aliens in Area 51?

What is the federal government hiding? ?

What secrets were captured in the camera? ? ?

A series of questions lingered in Paul's mind, making him eager to know. Unfortunately, these questions could not be answered at all because the camera of the missing college student Brown was broken and the contents could not be seen.

At this moment, Paul really wanted the camera to be repaired immediately so that he could see what was inside and see what kind of secrets Area 51 hid.

Others had the same idea as him.

"Why did it break here? What a pity."

"Yeah, it would be nice if that camera was intact."

"How is it possible? The federal government will not allow the secrets of Area 51 to be leaked. It would be great to find the remains of the camera."

"I really want to see what's inside."

"I bet this camera captured aliens and maybe a federal conspiracy."

Several students started talking in low voices with excited expressions.

Someone even asked Paul what the video was and that he planned to go back and watch it again.

The curiosity of these college students has been completely aroused by the video, and the same is true for Paul.

Most people should have similar experiences to them. When I was a child, I saw the unsolved mysteries of mankind, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Loch Ness monster. I always couldn't wait to know the truth and wished I could get wings. , fly to Bermuda or Loch Ness to find the truth.

Paul is in this state now. He wishes he could use magic or powers to enter Area 51 and see what secrets are hidden inside.

After eating, Paul was still in this mood and couldn't wait to know everything.

With this emotion, he continued to search the Internet for information about the disappearance of college student Brown.

This matter has attracted attention and many people are talking about it.

"College student Brown is missing, but he's missing from Area 51."

"Area 51 is the Area 51 I heard about growing up."

"Yes, that's the place. I heard there are aliens in it."

"But why did I hear that there was only a crashed alien spacecraft inside?"

"The focus now is not what's inside, but that a college student broke into Area 51 and took pictures of what's inside."


"Of course it's true. In order to take pictures of Area 51, a college student with a great future disappeared. I heard that he was silenced."

"Oh my God, what a shame."

"Where can I find the footage he took?"

"You can search for Discovery Channel documentaries on American radio and television and you can see part of the footage."

"Why is there only part of the picture?"

"Because the college student's camera is broken and has been damaged by people. It is currently being repaired and only part of the picture can be seen."

"What a pity?"

"It is indeed a pity, but it is normal. The federal government will not allow us to know the secrets of Area 51. They often do this."

"I just finished watching the documentary. Unfortunately, the camera is broken. It would be great if it wasn't broken, so I could know what's in Area 51."

"Who says it's not? I really want to know what's recorded in it."

"I hope the camera will be repaired soon."

"Me too, I hope the camera will be repaired soon."

On the Internet, netizens are discussing this matter a lot, and they all want to know what scenes were captured in the camera and what earth-shattering secrets were recorded.

In the next few days, this topic could be seen everywhere on the Internet, and countless people's curiosity was aroused.

# Brown Camera # This topic even became a hot search topic.

Two days later, the Discovery Channel broadcast another documentary.

This documentary is no longer about college student Brown, but about revealing Area 51.

It is said to reveal the secrets of Area 51, but this documentary does not reveal what is inside Area 51 at all, but plays all the mysteries about Area 51.

Residents living nearby often witness UFOs or strange things happening around them, such as hearing strange loud noises.

There was also an interview with the original pilot, who said that he saw a crashed alien spacecraft after passing over Area 51.

And some internal staff said they saw alien corpses inside and so on.

This documentary brings together all the mysteries about Area 51. There are no substantive things at all. The whole process is mysterious and ghostly, just like the domestic "Access to Science", the whole process is very mysterious.

And it doesn’t give an answer as to what is in Area 51. It just talks about rumors about Area 51.

It just so happens that the audience just accepts this.

This Discovery Channel documentary has aroused the audience's curiosity about Area 51 to the extreme. Everyone is extremely eager to know what secrets are hidden in Area 51.

In the past, even if they were curious, it would be useless because no one knew and there were no records.

But it's different now. A college student named Brown broke into Area 51 and disappeared. He left behind a camera that recorded what he saw in Area 51.

The camera is currently being repaired by professionals, and the process is relatively smooth. It is said that it will be repaired soon.

As long as the camera is repaired, everyone will be able to see what's inside and know what's inside Area 51.

Netizens can’t wait.

"I really want to know what's inside Area 51."

"Don't worry, the camera will be repaired soon."

"We'll be able to see it once it's repaired."

"Please fix Brown's camera quickly, I want to see what's inside so bad."

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