This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 439 Are there aliens?

Not everyone pays attention to the entertainment industry, and not everyone likes watching movies.

Many people are accustomed to being immersed in their own world and are indifferent to everything outside.

But when they find that everyone around them is talking about the same movie, the media is also reporting on the same movie, and even the TV station is discussing the same movie, their curiosity is inevitably aroused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why are so many people talking about the movie Area 51?"

"Why is this movie so popular and so many people are talking about it?"

Immediately there were enthusiastic audience explanations.

"We are talking about the movie "Area 51". You must watch this movie. You will definitely regret it if you miss it."

"Why, it's just a movie, so what?"

"This movie is different. This movie is not a movie, but a real image shot by a college student who broke into Area 51, and there are aliens in it."

"Alien? Are they real aliens?"

"Of course it's true. In order to film aliens, this college student was even secretly executed by the federation. If it weren't for good luck, this video would have been destroyed long ago."

"If that's the case, then I have to go see it."

"I also want to see aliens, real extraterrestrial life, I definitely can't miss it."

"Area 51? I remember there have been rumors on the Internet that there is an alien crashed spacecraft in this base."

"That's right, it's the real image revealed from that place."

"Then I want to watch it too and take my classmates to watch it with me."

The popularity of movies is getting higher and higher. As insiders say, what netizens watch is no longer movies, but real images of aliens.

After a series of publicity, netizens' curiosity about extraterrestrial life has been completely aroused. Once the audience's emotions surge, it is difficult to restore their sanity. It takes time.

When "Area 51" hit theaters, there were a lot of posts, books, videos, and documentaries about aliens, extraterrestrials, and underground people. Netizens began to discuss whether aliens exist, and if so, what should they do? What kind of form is it.

There are still more people who firmly believe that there are aliens inside Area 51. The Federation has long reached an agreement with the aliens and conducted experiments in secret.

As for what kind of experiment to conduct, there is no need to think about it. It must be related to world domination. Behind the federal government, there is definitely a mysterious evil organization. They are lurking in the deepest depths. When the time comes, they will definitely jump out and rule the entire world.

Don't ask why netizens associate it so much. The main reason is that there are too many similar conspiracy theories in the United States. Nine times out of ten, they are of this tone. Even several leaders of this mysterious organization have fixed suspects.

Bill Gates, the former richest man, was the biggest target of suspicion and was frantically besieged by a group of netizens.

"What exactly is inside Area 51?"

"What exactly are you plotting with the aliens?"

"Did you go to Area 51 when you disappeared for a few hours last time on a plane?"

"Are you so young this year because you took the medicine provided by aliens?"

“Is there an alien factor in your success?”

"Do you want to rule the world? Let me tell you, don't even think about it. I will definitely stand up and stop you."

Bill Gates has become accustomed to questions from netizens, because this kind of thing happens often. Since he became famous, no matter what he does, a group of people will suspect him of some conspiracy.

Therefore, Bill Gates' response to this matter was the same as before, keeping silent and pretending that this matter had not happened.

Anyway, after a while, netizens’ enthusiasm will subside.

There was another person who also suffered a terrible disaster.

After watching the movie, netizens' emotions were as high as ever and they were eager to know what the aliens in Area 51 were doing.

You can't find the answer to this kind of thing online, but there is someone who definitely knows it, and you can definitely get the answer if you ask her.

As a result, the White House spokesperson was asked a question by a reporter as soon as she arrived at work that she didn't know how to answer.

"Hello, may I ask, what exactly are the aliens in Area 51 studying? What kind of cooperation has the Federation reached with them? When did this cooperation begin?"

Three question marks slowly floated on the forehead of the White House spokesperson.

? ? ?

What are you talking about?

Although in this position, White House spokespersons often encounter some weird questions, there are still very few weird questions like today.

Every time he encounters a question that would be difficult for a normal person to ask even if he is weighing ten pounds, the White House spokesperson has the urge to hit the reporter in the face with his high heels.

It's a pity that she is the spokesperson of the White House. At a small level, she represents the face of the White House, and at a large level, she represents the country.

So this meant that she couldn't do anything rude.

"Sorry, I have never heard of aliens in Area 51, let alone any cooperation with aliens. If you want to find aliens, you should not ask me, but go to the Astronomy Center .”

A reporter immediately retorted: "But Brown, a college student, broke into Area 51 and took real images of aliens. For this, he paid the price with his life. How do you explain this?"

The White House spokesperson took a deep breath: "Next question."

Every time they face reporters, these guys always ask countless tricky questions, which are endlessly answerable. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them.

But her evasive attitude immediately became irrefutable evidence of collusion between the Federation and aliens after being seen by those suspicious netizens.

"Look, the White House spokesperson didn't even dare to answer."

"I knew this was all a federal conspiracy."

"She must have been manipulated by the Freemasons, maybe a member of the Freemasons."

"We can't let the federation hide everything, we want to know the truth."

"We must fight evil to the end."

Netizens are getting more and more excited.

The Area 51 Research Association of the United States, the UFO Research Association of the United States, the Alien Enthusiasts Alliance of the United States, the Extraterrestrial Life Alliance of the United States, etc., held demonstrations in many major cities in the United States to protest against the federal concealment of the truth about aliens. They demanded The Federation makes everything public, opens up Area 51, and makes public all information about aliens.

In the United States, there are too many similar organizations. They launched and protested together, which caused a great impact, and many ordinary people participated.

This is the election season, and election campaigns are in full swing across the country. Seeing how popular "Area 51" and aliens are, many presidential candidates have started to speculate on the hot topics.

When participating in an event, a certain presidential candidate publicly stated that if successful in the election, he would definitely comply with public opinion and open Area 51 for Americans to visit, and at the same time disclose all federal information related to aliens.

Netizens immediately praised him, and a lot of people said they would vote for him.

Seeing this scene, the other candidates couldn't sit still, and they all promised that if they were successful in the election, they would open Area 51 and disclose all federal information related to aliens.

Another candidate said that he has reached an agreement with aliens. As long as the election is successful, aliens will establish diplomatic relations with the United States. Everyone can travel to other planets, and aliens can also travel to the United States, and can provide Americans create millions of jobs.

I have to say, it is outrageous, but very reasonable.

For these candidates, explaining to the public that there are no aliens in the United States is a thankless task. It is better to follow public opinion and say that there are aliens.

So, something that seemed outrageous actually happened in a reasonable way.

Seeing this scene, insiders and Spielberg became anxious.

It doesn't matter if you say there are aliens, but the problem is that if this continues, the box office of Chinese director Xu Nan's movies will explode.

This is not okay.

A group of insiders quickly spoke up and roared at the top of their lungs.

"There are no aliens at all."

"The Area 51 video is fake."

"Aliens are fake."

"This is a movie."

A group of people explained carefully and presented various evidences to tell the American people,

But, of course there are no eggs.

Mao is useless.

Those who understand their explanations and those who can understand will naturally understand it already, and they don’t even need to watch the movie to understand.

People who insist on their own opinions will still selectively disbelieve it even if you put all the evidence in front of them.

You say that there are no aliens in this world, and we also say that you are the lackeys of the Federation and the thugs of the Freemasonry, and you want to deliberately hide all this.

So, a funny thing happened. The more I explained, the more doubtful some people became and the more convinced they were of their own opinions.

However, as time went by, more and more people began to question it.

In fact, there are too many flaws in this matter. It became so popular in the beginning mainly because netizens’ curiosity about the unknown was aroused, which is why the topic of Area 51 and aliens became so popular.

After a few days, when their emotions calmed down, those doubtful points that were originally invisible to their emotions were immediately noticed by them.

For example, there are some plot flaws in the movie, such as the film and television dramas that Brown has appeared in, and the small towns surrounding Area 51 are simply not the same as in the movie.

But even if there are many doubts, there are still people who insist on their own opinions.

These people are extremely stubborn, always immersed in their own world, and will never accept different opinions.

As a result, the two groups of people who support aliens and those who oppose aliens are fighting to the death online, and they are also fighting to the death offline.

Seeing that this topic is becoming more and more popular, it has even caused a certain amount of social chaos. The President of the United States finally couldn't sit still.

In an interview, he spoke out.

"I can assure the people that there are no aliens in the United States, and I have never seen any aliens."

"As for Area 51, it is just an ordinary military base. There are no aliens at all, let alone any secret experiments."

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