This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 578 Xu Nan steps down from the altar

No matter how angry Chen Pengfei was, there was nothing he could do to change the fact.

That is, as time goes by, the reputation of the movie "Tianji" is getting worse and worse, and the box office is also gradually declining.

The day after the movie was released.

The single-day box office of "Female Flower" bucked the trend and increased to 18 million.

"Tianji" plummeted to 63 million.

When Chen Pengfei saw this data, he smashed several things in the office, but he still couldn't change the result.

On the third day of the movie's release, Douya scored 10 points.

"Female Flower" is 6:50, while "Tianji" is only a pitiful 4.80.

Even professional film critics gave the movie "Tianji" a very low rating.

"After watching the whole movie, I felt that it was a mess, especially in terms of the plot. I couldn't quite understand Chen Kaige's thoughts. At the beginning, the little girl was looking for steamed buns, and then Guangming rescued her. The whole process gave me a sense of nonsensical. The most ridiculous thing is the trial scene, which completely made me feel uncomfortable. I really can't understand why a palace conspiracy has a trial part, it is completely meaningless."

"The feeling of "Tianji" to me is that a group of fools are playing house. For example, the slave Kunlun could obviously not kill the king, but he still threw the long sword without hesitation. For example, Duke Wu Huan of the North could have the last laugh, But he still pretended to hold a trial in order to convince General Guangming, and then he was killed. The highlight of the whole movie is that it is funny."

"I think the movie should not be called "Tianji", but should be called the story of a woman and four men. Qingcheng is the king's woman, and then the king dies. The Duke of the North has no joy, the general Guangming, and the extremely fast Kunlun all like Qingcheng. , in the end they all died. This woman is simply a nuclear weapon, whoever touches it will die. I suggest that when filming the second part, focus on describing how Qingcheng used this ability to become the emperor, which will definitely restore the high reputation of the movie."

"It can be seen from this movie that Chen Pengfei himself has an extremely unique and special understanding of movies. The only problem is that he is too special, so special that no one can understand it. It can only be said that this era is not suitable for Chen Pengfei Such a director has extraordinary magic in making movies, which is suitable for aliens to watch, but earthlings will never understand."

Critics all gave negative reviews.

Netizens collectively cursed.

Looking around the internet, there are not many people who have good things to say about the movie "Tianji".

Chen Pengfei finally gave up.

Maybe, maybe, it seems, he makes movies that audiences really don't find interesting.

But Chen Pengfei was still very unconvinced.

His movies are definitely not bad, and they are definitely not as useless as netizens say.

It's just that netizens can't understand his movies, it's definitely not that the movies are not excellent.

In anger, Chen Pengfei posted a Weibo message.

""Tianji" is a good movie with profound connotations, humanistic thinking and philosophical speculation. It took ten years for the audience to understand it."

After seeing this Weibo, the audience who were disgusted by the movie were all furious.

"You can understand it ten years later. Why don't you shoot it ten years later?"

"In a daze, I seemed to remember someone saying this. It turned out to be Xu Nan. How did you fall to the same level as Xu Nan?"

"Before the movie is released: "Tianji" will definitely set off a fantasy craze. After the movie is released, it will take ten years to understand this movie."

"According to your statement, directors who have made bad movies in the future will all say that the movie is too profound for the audience to understand, and it will take a few years for them to understand."

"What the hell, a bad movie is a bad movie. Even if it's hype, it's still a bad movie."

“What if no one can understand it in ten years?”

"No one will understand this movie ten years from now, and no one will understand it a hundred years from now."

"Chen Pengfei, I think you need to study for ten years before you can make movies again."

"This kind of movie that can be understood ten years later is too profound for the audience. I suggest you make a few movies that the audience can understand now."

"I am a time traveler who traveled back in time twenty years later. I secretly tell you a secret. No one will be able to understand this movie twenty years later."

Netizens were disgusted by Chen Pengfei's Weibo post, and ridiculed Chen Pengfei.

Seeing the overwhelming comments in the comment area, Chen Pengfei finally gave up and pretended to be dead.

Don't care about this group of vulgar people.

The film industry has been in a state of flux these days, and people in the industry are feeling very sad.

""Tianji" is too cold, and it is destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame."

"Yeah, no one would have thought that this movie would start a fantasy trend after it was released, but now the fantasy genre is in trouble."

"It took me several days to write the fantasy movie script. I already contacted the investors, but it turned out to be nothing."

"To be honest, I didn't expect it. I thought the movie "Tianji" would be not only a big hit, but at least a small hit. But now, this movie has completely failed."

"Several major producers have suffered heavy losses."

"The main reason is that this movie is really too spicy. The whole process is incomprehensible. It doesn't have the magnificence and grandeur of the fantasy movie that everyone imagined. It's just about you love me and I love you."

"There are also problems with publicity. The tone should not have been set so high from the beginning. After raising the audience's expectations, the movie turned out to be so rubbish, and the backlash came instantly."

"After all, the quality of the movie is not good."

"With the performance of "Tianji", Chen Pengfei will probably have to keep a low profile for several years. Originally, because he made several movies in a row, capital didn't trust him. Now that "Tianji" has been released again, no one will invest in his movies in the future. .”

"It's not like he can't find investors. One "Legend of Overlord" alone is enough for Chen Pengfei to live in for a lifetime. I don't believe you when you say he can't find investors."

"I guess there are still people investing, but if you want to have all the say in the crew like before, it's probably not possible."

"The great director has actually fallen to this level."

"I said you only pay attention to Chen Pengfei and his "Tianji", but haven't you noticed that there is also a great director who has jumped on the street?"

""Female Flower" by Xu Nan, right?"

"That's right, three days have passed since this movie, and the box office has only been less than 50 million. According to predictions, the total box office of this movie is about 240 million to 260 million. It's crazy."

The box office of more than 200 million is considered a good result for ordinary directors, but for Xu Nan, it is really not enough.

Since his debut, the box office of Xu Nan's movies has exceeded 1 billion. Although people in the industry despise Xu Nan's evil ways and unscrupulous methods, they still recognize Xu Nan's ability to harvest box office.

The last movie "Legend of Sword and Chivalry" was criticized by the whole Internet, but it still made more than 1 billion at the box office, which made people in the industry dissatisfied.

But after the release of "Female Flower", not only was there no splash, but the box office was also not as good as "Tianji" which was smashed at the same time.

Don't look at the fact that the score of "Women's Flower" is higher than that of "Tianji", it seems to have a good reputation.

But everyone in the industry understands one thing.

The biggest fear for a film and television drama is not that it will be scolded, but that there will be no one to scold it. Being scolded means that the film and television drama is still somewhat popular. If there are no people to scold it, then it will be very dangerous. Purely. Invalid playback.

The last movie "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was released with a box office of over 1 billion. Many people in the industry were envious and jealous, and Xu Nan was at the height of his power.

As a result, after the release of "Female Flower", there was no splash at all, and the box office was half dead.

Such a huge contrast made people in the industry very sad.

"The main thing is that this movie is too flat. It feels like I haven't watched it."

"After a long holiday, the audience goes to the cinema mainly for enjoyment. "Female Flower" obviously does not satisfy the audience."

"It's not good for publicity either. In my impression, there's almost no publicity."

"But the box office won't be so low. After all, he is a great director and there should be a lot of die-hard fans."

"I want to laugh when I talk about iron fans. Are you sure Xu Nan has such a thing as iron fans?"

"As for Xu Nan, the entire Internet is probably filled with black fans. It's already pretty good to have this result."

"Actually, to put it bluntly, Xu Nan has suffered backlash. No one would think that Xu Nan has been relying on crooked ways to harvest box office without consequences, right? Won't the consequences come now?"

"To be honest, Xu Nan's backlash was something that was expected a long time ago. It's too late for the backlash now."

"The movie "Legend of Sword and Chivalry" completely nailed Xu Nan to the pillar of shame, and made the audience completely lose their trust in Xu Nan. "Female Flower" has a good reputation, but the box office sluggishness is proof of this."

There was even a director who was alarmist.

"I dare to say that the box office collapse of "Female Flower" is the beginning of Xu Nan's decline from the altar. In the future, the box office of his movies will be lower than the last one, until he is completely ignored by everyone."

The box office performance of "Female Flower" has made many people in the industry excited.

In the eyes of many people, this is a signal and a harbinger of Xu Nan's decline.

It should have been like this a long time ago. Xu Nan was able to reap the box office by relying on crooked ways, leaving hard-working filmmakers like them to where they are.

The lower the box office of "Female Flower" is, the better. It would be best if it were released at zero tomorrow.

Similar statements soon reached Xu Nan's ears.

Xu Nan wanted to laugh when he heard someone say that this was a sign that he was going downhill.

A movie that costs less than a million can have such a high box office, what else do you want?

There is no way, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Many people are like this. They know they are not good at everything, but they dare to point fingers at those successful people, thereby gaining a self-righteous sense of superiority.

Xu Nan has long been used to this situation.

But there is one thing these people are wrong about.

That is, the box office of "Female Flower" is not sluggish, because he has not yet released the big tricks to stimulate the box office.

Didn't some people say that "Female Flower" collapsed at the box office and there was no discussion?

Okay, then I will let you see whether the box office of "Female Flower" has collapsed.

You want to discuss it, right?

right away.

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