This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 649 The highest rated anime in history

"Dad, why are you crying?"

He Yue asked softly.

He Ye wiped his eyes and tried his best to smile: "Yueyue, daddy didn't cry. There was sand in daddy's eyes just now."

"Dad, you're lying, you were obviously crying." He Yue pouted, her cheeks bulging with anger.

He Ye smiled awkwardly.

After all, it is quite embarrassing for an adult like him to cry while watching anime.

But this anime is indeed very good, and it touched the point in his heart.

It's obviously a very childish style of painting, and the characters are also very childish and cute, and even the tone of voice is cute.

It was such an animation that was regarded as a children's watch that moved He Ye.

A truly excellent animation sometimes doesn't need exquisite images or realistic characters. It just needs to tell the story in the simplest way, which is enough to move people's hearts.

Heartstrings twitched.

That's probably what it feels like.

It's just that He Ye didn't want to be embarrassed in front of children, so he refused to admit that he cried while watching anime, but said that sand got into his eyes.

I just don’t know where the sand in the living room came from, and where the wind blew the sand into my eyes.

In short, He Ye spent a lot of effort and finally comforted his youngest daughter He Yue, diverting her attention and making her forget about this matter.

Then he couldn't wait to open the chat software, wanting to know what his colleagues thought of the anime.

In fact.

By this time, the group had exploded.

Shen Guang is also a big name in the industry, and there will definitely be no shortage of people watching his works.

Even if they think the prospects are not good, there will definitely be people who want to give it a try to see the quality of anime.

At this sight, all the people in the industry were frightened.

How could Shen Guang make such a top-notch anime?

As for the quality of the anime "That Year of the Rabbit", it's actually not that high.

As many people have said, this was the popular style more than ten years ago or even decades ago.

It's a bit similar to Sheriff Black Cat and Calabash Baby, but the painting style is a little more refined and pleasing to the eye.

Even the characters in it are very simple. The rabbit, the bear, and the eagle are all painted in a very simple and childish style.

To be exaggerated, any art student can draw it. It can be said that it is as simple as possible.

Originally, people in the industry have always looked down on such simple animations.

But unfortunately, this anime is so touching.

Most people's mental journey is the same as He Ye's. At the beginning, they turned on the TV with the idea of ​​taking a look to see what Shen Guang had done.

As I watched it, I immediately thought, holy shit, this is what this anime is about!

Then they get hooked.

The anime is obviously not sensational, but it is all sensational.

In fact, if the animation is told in a realistic style and with realistic characters, the audience will not accept it and may even find it disgusting.

Because everyone has seen too many things that promote positive energy, and they have long been tired of it.

However, the animation "That Year of the Rabbit" uses a simple style of painting and young characters to depict the original story. This contrasting style made the audience watch it and touched the soft hearts of many people.

That night, I don't know how many people were like He Ye, looking at it with sand in their eyes.

Especially those in the industry, those who can work in this industry are basically intellectuals with a sufficient understanding of history.

So they were also the most deeply touched.

After watching three episodes of the anime, they all ran to the group to vent their excitement after watching the anime.

"Damn it, have any of you watched Mr. Shen Guang's "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year"?"

"I did not see."

"Not interested in."

"I'm not interested in watching low-age animations for children."

Several people in the group who were always in the mood quickly replied that they had indeed not watched the anime.

Group friends who had just watched the anime spoke quickly.

"Hurry and go see it."

"This anime is amazing."

"It's the first time I've seen such a touching anime, it's amazing?"

Several members of the water group were a little confused when they saw these messages.

As for it, it’s amazing and amazing. Is the anime really that good?

The group is all professionals, with extremely high vision. I'm afraid they can't even catch the eyes of ordinary anime, but they praise an anime so much.

Is the quality very poor?

At this time, other group friends who had watched anime also joined the group.

"Hurry and watch Mr. Shen Guang's "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year"."

"Yes, it's very, very good-looking. It's the first time I've seen this style of animation."

"To be honest, I was moved by this anime."

"This is a classic not to be missed."

"I even think this anime may change the trend in the industry."

"If you miss this anime, you will definitely regret it."

Everyone in the group was shocked.

As for that.

If only one person said this, everyone might think it was a joke or a backbiting.

But if a group of people say this, the truth is very high.

At that time, someone couldn't hold back, clicked on Nanmu's video, and opened "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year".

Now that the mobile Internet is developed, even if an animation is finished on TV, you can continue watching it using video software on your mobile phone, which is very convenient.

The anime "That Year of the Rabbit" is also very short. One episode only lasts seven or eight minutes. Excluding the ending theme, you can finish it in less than twenty minutes in three episodes.

Then, the group of friends who came here because of the reputation also exploded.

"Holy shit, this anime."

"It's actually about that period of history."

"I'm a little touched."

"I'm equally touched."

"My eyes are actually moist. I obviously hated this kind of sensational routine before."

"Me too, I have always hated the kind of forced sensationalism. I think it is insulting to the audience, but this time I was really touched."

"The main thing is that the history is touching. Think about our current life, which was bought with the blood of our ancestors."

"This is the first time I know that animation can be made like this."

"I admit that I made a mistake. This anime is not only suitable for children to watch, it can also be watched by adults, and it is even more suitable for adults to watch."

"The boss is indeed a boss, and his level is indeed higher than ours."

The people in the group are all professionals, so they appreciate this anime even more.

This is equivalent to using poor ingredients to make top-notch gourmet food. It is so skillful but not workmanlike that even people in the industry can't help but admire it.

"It's not as good as you said."

"It's just an ordinary children's anime."

"The lines are not serious at all and are suspected of insulting our ancestors."

"It feels very ordinary, something for children to watch."

"I think this vilifies foreign countries and has a bad influence."

"The lines are childish and the style is childish. This anime is simply not in line with the mainstream."

There were also some counterarguments.

Everyone has their own preference for radish greens, and not everyone likes this style.

Some people find this style strange and simply deviant.

The more professional people are, the more stubborn they are. Some people think that this kind of animation is simply heresy, and it is best to ban it completely.

"The animation is obviously very good and very touching."

"This old style should be phased out."

"As long as it looks good."

"It doesn't look good at all. The style is too old and the audience will definitely not like it."

"Netizens have very good comments about this anime."

"What do these netizens know? We are the professionals."

There was a quarrel in the group, which was very intense.

At this time, animation producer Shen Guang came online.

"I found that some people don't like this style, but the audience likes it. Others say that this style of painting is backward. The focus of animation is whether it looks good or not, not whether the style of painting is backward or not. Everything serves the story. Please clarify the key points."

"That's right, "That Year of the Rabbit" is just good-looking. Even if you guys say something outrageous, this anime is still good-looking."

"The animation created by Mr. Shen Guang will definitely trigger a trend in the industry."

"The most important thing about animation is not the technology or the style, but whether it looks good or not."

Those who supported Shen Guang in the group had the upper hand. After all, it was easy to tell whether an anime was good or not.

There is @He Ye in the group.

Someone else sent a private message to He Ye.

"Lao He, please hurry up and join the group to take a look. There is a quarrel in the group because of Shen Guang's animation."

He Ye and Shen Guang are rivals, and they usually have a hard time dealing with each other. Everyone hopes that he can stand up and say something.

"I have watched the anime "That Year of the Rabbit", and it is indeed very good. @Shen Guang, congratulations to Lao Shen for making a good anime."

Those who had objections in the group were stunned.

Even He Ye has turned against him.

He is your competitor.

What else can they say.


After a night of fermentation, "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year" became extremely popular.

# Rabbit Baldy #

# Those things about that rabbit that year #

# Eagle Sauce #

# Tears will also freeze #

# The most touching anime #

Among the top ten hot searches, "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year" accounted for five of them. One of them was bought by Nanmu Video, and the rest were all posted by netizens.

This anime was a big hit, right from the start. It came out of the blue and caught many people off guard.

"Someone watched "That Year of the Rabbit" on CCTV Children's Channel yesterday. This animation is simply amazing."

"I watched it. To be honest, I was completely stunned."

"I watched it with my kids. It was originally to kill time, but I ended up getting myself involved in it."

"Same as above, I watched it with my children, but who knew they were fascinated by it."

"I was moved and saddened by it, and it even made my children laugh."

"I dare say this is the best anime of the year."

"Not only is the plot moving, it's also very educational."

"This is the first time I've seen this kind of anime, and I give it a thumbs up."

"When I first started watching this anime, I wondered what the hell this was. After watching it, I decided to book it as a masterpiece."

“No need to make a reservation, it’s just a masterpiece.”

"Thinking of that humiliating era, we can live the life we ​​have now thanks to the hard work of our ancestors."

On the Internet, there are overwhelming praise and comments about "The Story of That Rabbit".

There are two platforms for broadcasting this animation, one is CCTV, which has the largest audience and highest ratings in China, and the other is Nanmu Video.

Both platforms have a large audience, causing the anime's influence to ferment very, very quickly.

At first, few viewers had expectations for this anime, and most of them thought it was for children.

When I really looked at it, it turned out to be such a story.

Thinking back to the once magnificent history and the hard struggle of our ancestors, the audience's hearts were filled with excitement.

Set off by a wonderful and connotative plot.

The style of painting and the young characters are not problems. Instead, they form a subtle contrast that touches the audience even more.

Netizens collectively praised it.

Bean sprouts.

"That Year of the Rabbit" opened with a score of 9.3, becoming the highest-rated Chinese comic of the year.

Almost everyone gave it five-star reviews.

Audiences rated this anime very highly.

"Watching anime with your children was originally a parent-child activity, but I shed tears while watching it. This anime is superficially a story between animals, but it actually tells the story of our difficult and tortuous history. That is Our nation was in the most dangerous moment. Fortunately, we survived, but the prerequisite for surviving was the sacrifice and struggle of our ancestors. This animation is very good, and the good thing is that it describes the history so that people will not forget the past. "

"I really didn't expect that history can be told in this way. In fact, I have always been very disgusted with those main themes and so-called red animations. They are just trying to force a cow's head to drink water. On the surface, the three views are incredibly correct. It's picky, but it's actually disgusting to the extreme. Basically no one wants to watch it, but I watched "That Rabbit That Year". Watching those cute rabbits fighting against the ferocious enemies, I was touched for no reason. This It is a rare and good animation, and I would like to say that it is great that such a work can appear in the domestic animation industry."

"I cried the whole time I watched this anime, because my grandfather was once a warrior who fought against Takajima. When I was young, I often listened to my grandfather telling those touching battle stories. Now when I see the anime, I suddenly recall that time. The scene of getting along with grandpa is precisely because of the sacrifices and struggles of those predecessors that we have the wonderful life we ​​have today. We are grateful for the past and look forward to the future."


Not long after the game was released, there were hundreds of comments on that year's Natu story, almost all of which were positive.

The reputation of this anime was shockingly high from the beginning, and few netizens who have watched it said anything bad about it.

The good reputation has also allowed the influence of animation to continue to expand.

Nowadays, many people are not used to watching anime. When they saw that Rabbit was so popular on the Internet, everyone who had seen it said it was good, and their curiosity aroused and they couldn't help but want to watch it.

If you can't watch it on TV, many people will naturally go to Nanmu Video, the only video platform that plays it.

After watching it, many netizens naturally became users of Nanmu Video and recharged their membership.

Taking advantage of this trend, Nanmu Video's various data are rising rapidly, and it is about to surpass Penguin and regain the number one video platform.

Seeing this situation, Penguin Video couldn't sit still.

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