This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 659 The next movie is a literary film

Are all the movies in the Mythical Cinematic Universe just assembly line productions with the same routines?

This is the first time this statement has been raised.

For those who have watched the movie, if you think about it carefully, it seems that what Shen Yuan said actually makes some sense.

The routines of Xu Nan's several superhero movies are indeed similar.

Basically, ordinary people mutate, evil appears, heroes encounter setbacks, and then justice defeats evil in a decisive battle.

When I watched it, I didn’t feel much, and I was even a little excited, but after watching it, it was really the same.

Some people who didn't like similar movies or had objections to Xu Nan took the opportunity to jump out.

"Finally, someone spoke out what was in my heart."

"These superhero movie routines are indeed very monotonous. After watching one, you will find that they are basically the same."

"This kind of movie looks cool and fascinating, but when you look back, you will find that this kind of movie has no connotation at all, it is empty and without substance."

"I'm actually not disgusted with this kind of movie. After all, superhero movies are pretty good at special effects and big scenes. I just think it's not a good thing if there are too many of these movies."

"Actually, there is another shortcoming of this kind of movie that Shen Yuan did not mention, and that is that it solidifies the actors. If an actor plays one role for a long time, the audience's impression of her will be solidified, thereby losing diversity. In the long run, this will Not a good thing for an actor."

"On the surface, this kind of movie has a high box office, but in fact, too many repetitions will only make people feel bored."

"This is poison wrapped in honey. It's good in the short term, but over time the entire Chinese film industry will be completely distorted."

"I'm really curious, why do you have expectations for Xu Nan? Haven't Chinese movies been led astray by this guy a long time ago?"

"Chinese movies have been over for a long time. They were over as soon as Xu Nan appeared. Up to now, Summit Film and Television is still producing a steady stream of crappy movies that deceive people. Haven't you noticed?"

"Anyway, I never watch Chinese movies. All I watch are foreign movies. Only foreign movies are truly good. Compared with them, domestic movies are nothing."

Shen Yuan's Weibo was like a signal, causing many people who were dissatisfied with Xu Nan or who didn't like superhero movies to jump out.

And what they said was reasonable, and it seemed like it was true.

Seeing these idiotic remarks, Xu Nan felt very funny.

The Internet is really a great place. Every time I come here, I can refresh my outlook and witness the diversity of species.

Shen Yuan said that all his movies repeat the same routine, saying that they are very formulaic and have no connotation.

Xu Nantong admits all these shortcomings.

His movies are indeed very repetitive and formulaic.

But the problem is, aren’t all literary and artistic works like this?

Shen Yuan said that all of Xu Nan's movies are about justice defeating evil, but the problem is that almost all human literary and artistic works are about justice defeating evil.

I can’t say it’s 100%, but 80% of it is a brave man’s way of defeating the devil.

Ultraman in Gobi Neon has been using Ultraman's routine of fighting monsters for decades, and it has never changed. Has it delayed others from becoming a world-class IP, and has it been loved by people around the world?

Formulaic creation?

Works of art are inherently formulaic and never change. Thousands of years have passed, and the formula has never changed.

Human beings cannot accept works that break away from formulas.

As for the connotation, it’s even more funny. Watch a movie and tell me the connotation?

There are always some people whose brains are like stones, whether they are watching movies or playing games, it seems that it is a crime to not learn something without connotation.

It seems that in the eyes of many people, entertainment is sinful.

Simply outrageous.

You even posted a long article accusing me, are you embarrassed?

Xu Nan logged into his Weibo and posted a rebuttal.

"Director Shen Yuan said that all my movies are based on my own routine. Then I want to say that everyone's movies are not all based on fixed routines, including yourself. You have also made many similar movies about justice defeating evil."

"In this world, most works are fixed routines. Professional TV dramas are about a person achieving success in a field through hard work and overcoming difficulties, idol dramas are about handsome men and beautiful women falling in love, and anti-war dramas are about fighting Japanese soldiers."

"There are countless similar films and TV series that follow a fixed routine. Why don't you criticize them and criticize me."

"If I remember correctly, the movie "Dark Night" you shot was released on October 1st. The results seemed to be very poor, and it seemed that the cost was not even recovered."

Xu Nan directly questioned whether Shen Yuan's purpose was pure.

No need to argue with anyone.

There are many ghosts and monsters on the Internet, ranging from an eighty-year-old grandmother to a baby who has just learned to walk.

Even mentally ill people and lunatics can express their opinions online.

So sometimes when you see someone making idiotic remarks, you must not try to convince the other person, because it is very likely that the other person is really an idiot.

Many people obviously know not to care about fools in life, but they forget this when they go online.

Xu Nan simply questioned Shen Yuan himself, eliminating those useless arguments.

And his routine was very successful.

When everyone knew that Shen Yuan's movie was released on the eleventh schedule and the results were not as good as Xu Nan's, the credibility of his words suddenly dropped a lot.

And thinking about it carefully, it seems that what Xu Nan said really makes sense.

In literary and artistic works, the routines seem to be really fixed.

Let’s not say 100% similarity, but there must be 80% similarity.

A romantic drama is about two people falling in love, or three, four or five people falling in love.

Workplace drama is about work.

Business war dramas are business wars.

Anti-gang dramas are anti-gang dramas.

The anti-war drama is about fighting the Japanese.

Period dramas are the lives and joys and sorrows of a group of people decades ago.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama is about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Wait, wait, wait, endless.

It's really all a routine.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Yuan's words were somewhat untenable.

Moreover, he also failed in the eleventh grade competition. Could it be because of jealousy?

A group of netizens in turn began to question Shen Yuan.

"Yes, film and television works are inherently formulaic, and there are actually very few non-routine things."

"All neon action movies feature men and women together. There is no difference at all. What did I say?"

"All the works are performed by people, and I didn't say anything."

"All movies are shot with cameras, which is very monotonous. What did I say?"

"I said it looks weird. I didn't realize it at first. Why is it weird? It turns out that's what happened."

"It seems that directors are like ordinary people. If they fail, they will deliberately spread rumors to discredit others."

"You are wrong. Ordinary people will not be so shameless and only spread rumors to smear others after failure."

Seeing similar remarks, Shen Yuan felt very uncomfortable.

He felt that some dark thoughts deep in his heart were exposed, and he felt as helpless and panicked as an ordinary person in the spotlight.

Of course he would never admit it himself.

Unlike Xu Nan, Shen Yuan no longer cares about online public opinion.

He still attaches great importance to online public opinion and reputation.

Shen Yuan is a cultural man who thinks he is superior to others and feels that he has the obligation and responsibility to educate all living beings and awaken the people.

Just like a saint enlightening animals.

Animals are ignorant and need enlightenment from saints in order to gain wisdom and know right from wrong.

In his view, ordinary people are beasts that need enlightenment and need his guidance and teaching in order to have free will and independent thinking.

So he must not allow netizens to question him.

This is treachery and disobedience. It destroys etiquette and music.

"Many people say that I posted an article questioning Xu Nan because I was jealous of Xu Nan and that Xu Nan's box office performance was higher than mine. This idea is ridiculous.

As we all know, the box office of a movie cannot mean anything. Movies are a kind of art. The core and meaning of a movie are what are really important. The real value of a movie should be its artistry, not the so-called box office.

In fact, box office is a very vulgar thing. A truly good movie should be rich in artistic value and pursue depth of content and artistic expression. "

Shen Yuan's new Weibo had little impact and few people commented on it.

After all, he is not a celebrity, and the movies he makes do not have high box office. He is still a behind-the-scenes worker.

Audiences had limited interest in him.

But Xu Nan was speechless when he saw this Weibo post.

The box office can't compare, so just say the box office isn't important, right?

If it really wasn't important, why would you release it on November?

Also art.

Arty balls.

Art is the most unreliable thing. Everything can be called art, but nothing is art.

In Xu Nan's view, there is nothing more intuitive than a movie's box office.

Because touching interests is a hundred times harder than touching souls.

It's actually not that difficult for you to say a few nice words to someone for free.

But asking you to spend money on someone is extremely difficult.

A movie that can make many people willing to spend money to watch it proves the excellence of the movie.

Moreover, how can one evaluate the excellence of a movie without relying on its box office?

Do you rely on business to promote each other?

Xu Nan quickly posted on Weibo.

"The so-called art movies are the most unreliable things. They are nothing more than some people's pointless moaning and self-righteousness. The most important thing about a movie is always the box office. Only when the audience is willing to spend money to watch can it prove that the movie is excellent and make the audience happy. It’s easy to say a few nice words for free, but making the audience willing to pay is the most difficult thing.”

Xu Nan spoke what was in his heart.

But posting this Weibo is like poking a hornet's nest.

You actually said that art films are not important? ? ?

"This is a bit extreme. The artistry and commerciality of a film should be given equal importance. No director dares to say that the artistry of a film is not important."

"Xu Nan, maybe you are an excellent commercial film director, but this is not the reason for you to despise artistic films."

"Art films do have the disadvantage of not being accepted by the public, but this does not mean that art films are unimportant. Good art films are of immeasurable value."

"The last Weibo post made sense, but this one has become abstract. There must be a reason for the existence of literary and artistic films. Some excellent literary and artistic films can indeed give people strong spiritual guidance."

Some netizens even questioned it.

"Isn't it because you can't make good art films that you are slandering me?"

Netizens instinctively felt that Xu Nan was wrong.

Because this is different from the information that many people usually receive on the Internet.

As for whether this view is right or wrong?

God knows.

Shen Yuan was stimulated and quickly wrote a long article to refute.

“Xu Nan’s new Weibo is simply wrong.

I don't deny that commercial films have their own value, but this is definitely not the reason for Xu Nan to disparage artistic films.

There is nothing wrong with commercial films paying more attention to market demand and economic benefits, but art films bring enlightening thinking and innovative expression to people, and pursue artistic aesthetics and depth of connotation, which is definitely not worthless.

Even in many cases, the artistry and commerciality of movies are not antagonistic, but harmonious and unified. There is a lot of artistic expression in many popular commercial movies.

Because art films do not need to please the audience, they often have great innovations in shooting techniques and content themes, which are pioneering and groundbreaking. Many commercial films refer to the shooting techniques of art films when shooting. It can even be said that commercial films The success of a movie is indispensable from the nutrients it draws from art films.

I don't understand why Xu Nan, as a famous director, would have such shallow and stupid ideas. "

Not only Shen Yuan, many directors have publicly spoken out to refute what Xu Nan said.

In fact, most directors are artistic directors, and successful commercial film directors are in the minority among directors.

The reason is simple. It is difficult for the audience to take the initiative to spend money to enter the cinema. Relatively speaking, it is easy to make a movie.

When many directors see that their films are not successful, they will say that their films are too sophisticated and the audience cannot understand them.

In summary, it’s not that my filming is bad, it’s that it’s too advanced and the audience can’t understand it.

"Xu Nan doesn't understand movies at all."

"He just relies on luck to succeed and doesn't understand the artistic value of movies at all."

"God is so blind that he allowed such a person to succeed."

"The idea is too extreme. I actually think that art films have no value."

"That's what rough people do, they don't understand the value of fine art."

The famous director Chen Pengfei was also shocked: "As a visual art, film's artistry often comes before commerce. Many successful films include discussions on art and extremely profound humanistic thinking. They are definitely not Xu Nan's." What he said has no value at all. Xu Nan's views are obviously very extreme. This may be related to his non-professional background and lack of systematic study and understanding of film art. Please do not be misled."

Looking at all the comments on the Internet, Xu Nan was a little speechless.

Is this a hornet's nest?

Or perhaps digging ancestral graves?

So excited.

You say I don’t understand art, right?

Okay, then I will give you a big piece of art.

Xu Nan quickly posted a message on Weibo.

"I find that there are always some people who like to misinterpret what I say, or take it out of context. Okay, you can think whatever you want. By the way, my next movie will be a literary film."

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