This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 664 Released Alive

The news that Chen Pengfei's new movie "Legend of the Demon Cat" is scheduled to be released on May 25th quickly spread to the Internet.

The reaction from netizens is quite promising.

No matter what, Chen Pengfei is a great director, and his works are still very attractive.

"Art films?"

"Very good."

"Chen Pengfei is originally suitable for making literary films, but he can't do commercial films."

"The artistic films made by Chen Pengfei are very interesting. If you calm down and watch them, your soul will be baptized."

"It's long past time for him to come back and make artistic films. He is not suitable for commercial films."

Netizens felt very pleased.

Chen Pengfei made his debut in literary films. At that time, his literary films won the Berlin Golden Bear, which made many Chinese feel proud.

Later, Chen Pengfei switched to making commercial films, which made many viewers sad and felt that he was not doing his job properly.

Really, in the minds of many people, the quality of literary and artistic films is higher than that of commercial films. No matter how high the box office of commercial films is, it is still not as good as one finger of artistic films.

If Chen Pengfei succeeded in transforming into a commercial director, no one would say anything. Now that his transformation has obviously failed, many people feel that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

As a director of art films, you should make art films, not vulgar commercial films.

No matter how good commercial films are, they are just something to pass the time. Literary films are the spiritual and cultural treasures of mankind.

Now that Chen Pengfei has returned to making literary films, many viewers who grew up watching Chen Pengfei's films feel a sense of relief that the prodigal son has turned back.

This guy finally obeyed.

People in the industry smelled something different.

"It's strange, why Chen Pengfei's movie is also scheduled for May 25th."

"Yes, this is the same date for Xu Nan's movie."

"This isn't a popular schedule, it's just a normal day."

People in the industry are often very sensitive to news such as schedules, because sometimes the release date of a movie can really determine the life or death of a movie.

The news circle that Chen Pengfei is making a literary film has long known about it, and everyone’s thoughts are similar to those of netizens.

Chen Pengfei finally returned to the right path.

Although commercial films are more influential and profitable than literary and artistic films, many netizens feel that literary and artistic films are serious films, while commercial films are low-level and cannot be put on the stage.

There are more people in the film industry who think this way.

There is a chain of contempt in the industry. Variety show stars look down on Internet celebrities, actors look down on variety show stars, and then directors look down on actors.

There is also a chain of contempt between directors. TV drama directors look down on variety show directors, movie directors look down on TV drama directors, and then art film directors look down on everyone.

Although it is outrageous, this situation does exist.

Literary films have a higher quality than commercial films.

Chen Pengfei has returned from the field of commercial films to the field of literary and artistic films. Many people in the industry are looking forward to it, even more than Xu Nan's new film. They feel that there is another treasure of human spiritual civilization.

The main reason is that Chen Pengfei has proven himself in this field, but Xu Nan has not yet.

No matter which circle you are in, newcomers will be questioned.

Although both Chen Pengfei and Xu Nan have literary films to be released, everyone sees them as two different things, and they are incompatible with each other.

But here's the thing.

Chen Pengfei, why do you want to put the movie on the same day as Xu Nan?

"What's so special about May 25th?"

"I just checked, that day is the solar term Xiaoman."

"God is so full of energy, this is nothing like a movie, okay?"

"Then why Chen Pengfei releases his new movie on this day, and Xu Nan's new movie is also released on this day."

"Is it for fighting in the ring?"

"Is it necessary for a literary film to compete in a competitive arena?"

People in the industry can’t understand this operation.

Commercial films may compete at the box office, but artistic films have no box office at all.

Although Chen Pengfei's actions seem to be targeted, and everyone thinks it is targeted, there is really no need to be targeted.

"Perhaps Director Chen Pengfei is still angry. After all, he can't compare to Xu Nan in commercial films, but artistic films are different."

"Chen Pengfei in commercial films may not be as good as Xu Nan, but Chen Pengfei in literary and artistic films will definitely hang Xu Nan up and beat him up."

"It's good. For an artistic young man like me, having two artistic films released on the same day is almost like a holiday."

"The great director is a little more naive than I thought. This needs to be targeted."

"Great directors are human beings too."

People in the circle saw Chen Pengfei's intention towards Xu Nan and couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

It seems that great directors are no different from ordinary people when it comes to conflicts.

But Xu Nan will definitely suffer in this wave.

For no other reason, in the field of literary and artistic films, there are only one or two people in China who can surpass Chen Pengfei, and Xu Nan is not among them.

Moreover, the shooting logic of literary and artistic films is completely different from that of commercial films. It requires a little insight into life to shoot well and taste.

Xu Nan is a young director in his thirties, and he has a shitty understanding of life.

Time passes day by day, and it is getting closer and closer to the release of the two movies on May 25th.

Logically speaking, since two movies are released on the same day, and they are both movies by great directors, the media will definitely fan the flames and create an atmosphere of a battle of gods, stimulating the curiosity of the audience and at the same time causing a stir for themselves. flow.

However, the media did not report much about Xu Nan and Chen Pengfei's new movie. At most, they published a few articles to let netizens know about it.

The reason is also very simple, because these two movies are literary films.

Except for some artistic young people, most audiences are not interested in literary films.

Since the audience is not interested, the media will naturally not report it.

Therefore, there is not much news about the two movies on the Internet, and only a few people know about it.

Xu Nan had a lot of publicity funds in his hands, but he didn't plan to promote the movie before it was released. He planned to start promoting it after the movie was released.

The reason is very simple. Artistic films naturally do not attract audiences, and early publicity is of no use.

It is better to wait for the movie to be released, attract audiences with good reputation, and then break the circle.

As for whether the movie "Alive" can break through the industry based on word of mouth.

Isn't that obvious?

Coincidentally, Chen Pengfei thought so too.

Before the movie was released, he only did a little promotion, and planned to use better word-of-mouth to guide the promotion after the movie was released.

He doesn't have high expectations for this movie, as long as it returns the money, he can even accept a small loss.

The two directors had the same idea, so the Internet was calm.

Time soon came to May 25th.

On this day, two movies were released in theaters at the same time.

Because it is a literary film, the film schedule given by theaters is not too high.

But because this time period is the off-season, and Xu Nan and Chen Pengfei are both great directors, the film schedules given by theaters are not too low.

Anyway, they are very ordinary movies, it is better to enlarge the director and make them more attractive to the audience.

At this time, Xu Nan's advantage in choosing this schedule became apparent.

If it is a popular schedule, even if Xu Nan is a big director, the theater chain will not squeeze out too many films because they want to take advantage of this opportunity to make money.

But the unpopular schedule is different. The big director still has a bit of face. Anyway, other movies are not popular, so squeezing out a few movies is nothing.

Therefore, most theaters can see Xu Nan's movies, and at the same time, Chen Pengfei's movies can be seen.

In the field of literary and artistic films, everyone has a higher degree of trust in Chen Pengfei, so the first choice of most literary and artistic young people is to watch Chen Pengfei's movies.

This can be seen from the number of people in the theater for two different movies.

But there are exceptions.

The first choice of both Tao Heng and Liu Dongdong was "Alive" shot by Xu Nan.

Of course, the two of them also bought tickets for Chen Pengfei's "Legend of the Demon Cat", but they had to wait to watch it after watching "Alive".

People in the industry are basically literary and youthful, and they don’t want to miss out on good literary films.

When I walked into the screening room, there were not many people, it was sparse, and the attendance rate was only about 30%.

Liu Dongdong and Tao Heng were not surprised.

It's a literary film. How many people do you want to watch it? It's already good to have such a high attendance rate.

The two of them found a seat in a corner and sat down, chatting for a while before the movie was released.

"I heard that Xu Nan made this movie to win awards."

"Definitely. If a big director suddenly makes a literary film, what else could it be for, if not for winning awards."

"It's difficult. Domestic awards are determined by small circles. Xu Nan will definitely be stuck."

Tao Heng sighed.

As a film critic, he is very familiar with the nastiness in the film industry.

When I was young, I thought it was unfair, but when I get older and see more, I understand that this is human nature and cannot be changed.

Although the film industry is very dirty, it is relatively clean because it is under the spotlight. Some circles are darker, even blatant, and do not hide it at all. They are much more disgusting than the film industry.

But it’s quite interesting that a great director like Xu Nan would be stumped by unspoken rules.

Liu Dongdong sighed: "It will only get stuck once or twice at most. Xu Nan will win the prize sooner or later."

In any case, Xu Nan's status in the circle is here, and it is only a matter of time before he wins the award.

Many people in the industry know this very well.

The director with the highest box office in China, and he is still so young. If you think about it with your heels, you know that Xu Nan will definitely dominate the future film industry.

Now there are just a lot of old men who are unhappy with Xu Nan and are deliberately blocking him. When those old men leave, Xu Nan will not have the final say in the circle.

Just like when Leonardo DiCaprio wanted to win an Oscar, many old judges did deliberately block him, but after DiCaprio showed sincerity, they immediately gave him the award.

Because Xiao Lizi’s status is here, you can’t be stuck with him forever. At most, you can be stuck with him for a while.

If you were an ordinary actor, even if you worked hard to win an award, who would take a second look.

So Liu Dongdong knew that Xu Nan would be able to win the award sooner or later, it was just a matter of sooner or later.

This made him feel a lot gloomier.

We are all directors, how come you are so famous and I am like a rat crossing the street.

The most annoying thing is that Xu Nan is not a major, but a computer major.

Tao Heng was very calm: "It's normal, the rules in the circle are like this. It's good to be able to block him for a while. It's better than being awarded the prize as soon as he comes up."

Liu Dongdong shook his head: "You don't understand. Xu Nan is whitewashing his name. Once he wins the award, no one will talk about his dark history. Even if someone talks about it in the future, it's like a prodigal who can't exchange for gold. How ironic. The bad guys only You only need to put down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha immediately, but it takes nine, nine and eighty-one difficulties for a good person to become a Buddha, in this fucked-up society."

He devoted himself to making good movies, but the audience didn't buy it. He made a high-quality movie "Fireworks" that did not have a high box office, and he was forced to recruit people to promote it in order to reverse the decline and make money.

Because of this incident, his reputation instantly dropped to rock bottom. A group of people chased him and scolded him. Among them were his former friends in the industry, saying that he ruined the whole pot of porridge and ruined the atmosphere of the film industry. .

You say it's funny or not. Xu Nan was the first to do this. Instead of scolding him, everyone got used to it and thought it was very reasonable. Now he wants to win the prize and whitewash himself.

He worked hard to make movies, but he had no choice but to use a strange trick once, and was despised and boycotted by everyone, becoming a well-known scum.

A bad person can become a Buddha immediately by putting down his butcher knife, but a good person deserves to be pointed at a gun.

In this case, don't blame me for being evil.

Liu Dongdong's new movie has been filmed and is currently in the post-production stage.

Because his last movie was a hit and he made a lot of money, and because of his eccentric publicity, Liu Dongdong also became a "famous director."

Of course, his famous director is different from other famous directors. Other famous directors have a positive reputation, but Liu Dongdong's reputation is notoriously bad. He is nicknamed "Director of Shit". When netizens mention him, they laugh at him and despise him. There are not many people who respect him.

But no matter what, a famous director is a famous director, and capital doesn't care about your reputation. They only care about whether you can make money.

If Liu Dongdong can make money, then he is a guest of capital. Not only did a group of people rush to give him money to invest in the new movie, but they also offered him the best conditions. Before the movie was released, Liu Dongdong earned nine figures. funds and assets doubled.

This society is so fucked up. If you want to make money, you have to be shameless. If you lose your shame, it will be easier to make money.

Anyway, Liu Dongdong has made up his mind. He doesn't want any integrity or face anymore, he just wants to make money.

Even the quality of his movies is no longer as meticulous as before. He is focused on thinking about how to create a national sensation through marketing and increase the movie box office.

And he has already thought of a big move. Once released, it will definitely cause a nationwide sensation and stimulate the movie box office.

Liu Dongdong has become the kind of evil director he despised before, but he doesn't care at all. As long as he can make money, it doesn't matter if he goes evil ways. He can just turn back to the right path when he makes enough money later.

At that time, we can also market the prodigal son's return without changing his character, which will not have any impact on him at all.

It takes ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties for a good person to become a Buddha, but a bad person only needs to put down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha. If this is the case, then he should just be a bad person.

He gave it all.

at this time

The lights in the screening room dimmed.

"Alive" starts playing.

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