This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 180: 1 Everything is without words

Chapter 180-Everything is in the air [880 monthly pass plus more]

Into the night.

In order to thank Yue Guan for his help, Liu Yifei invited Yue Guan to dinner.

Mother Liu did not comment. She saw with her own eyes that under Yue Guan's "guidance", despite her daughter's pain, the performance she finally showed was so amazing that she couldn't believe her daughter performed it.

She herself has always felt that Liu Yifei has no hope in acting...

Today she realized that the gap between herself and the professionals is indeed very large. In fact, her daughter may be very talented, but she was delayed by herself.

In fact, she thinks too much.

Yueguan's help to Liu Yifei is quite limited, and more often he is filling chicken soup.

Liu Yifei was able to succeed in the end purely by grinding.

It took dozens of retakes, and it took most of the day. If it still doesn't come out, let alone Liu Yifei, Wang Jing would collapse first.

However, Yue Guan's support for Liu Yifei is indeed real.

So Liu Yifei and Liu mother were very grateful to him.

After the order was finished, when the waiter served the dishes, Liu Yifei suddenly said to Yue Guan, "Do you know that you missed an opportunity today?"

"what chance?"

"During the day you told me to shield me from the pressure other people put on me. You are an investor in this drama. As long as you have no objection to me, it is useless for other people to have an opinion. Don't worry about what they think, I just act well. The role of Yu Zhen is just fine. I was very moved when I heard it, really."

I have never met a crew that requires her acting skills so much before.

I have never encountered such a scene where the entire crew has been waiting for her alone. The first wait is still a few hours.

The pressure is really great.

Insufficient ability and mentality, if it were not for Yue Guan's encouragement and support, she might have collapsed on the set.

Yue Guan glanced at Liu Yifei, then smiled: "Actually I feel it."

"You feel it?"

"Nonsense, I'm not a wood." Yue Guan said naturally: "If you finish the play, I will encourage you to say something. After we have dinner tonight, we can almost applaud love when we return to the hotel. You are wrong."

"What does it mean to applaud for love?" Liu Yifei didn't understand.

At this time, the stalk hasn't come out yet, and Teacher Sa is still a very serious host of CCTV.

Yue Guan demonstrated the sound effects by himself.

Three seconds later, Liu Yifei reacted and her pretty face blushed: "Rogue, how could it be so fast, at most...I will give you a little reward at most, you are too dirty."

After a pause, Liu Yifei asked curiously: "You think so beautiful, why don't you do that?"

She herself felt that if Yueguan hadn't come to a tooth flower child and leaked out today, she might really fall.

Yue Guan's tone was very free and easy: "Anyway, there are opportunities. I don't like the way to win the other person's heart by touching the other person. Moving this thing cannot last."

It’s too hard to keep moving.

If you don't maintain it, the other party will probably think you won't cherish it when you get it, and maybe you will hate it because of love.

Chasing a woman by touch is definitely the next best thing. Of course, if it’s just for a simple applause and you don’t intend to go on for long, you can use this trick.

Liu Yifei was shocked: "What are the opportunities? Who gives you the confidence?"

"From my face, you can't imagine how many girls hinted or chased me over the years. Maybe only book friends from the beginning can experience this feeling. After all, they are as handsome as me."

Liu Yifei was silent for a moment, and then smiled: "Coincidentally, I came here too."

Pretend to be an opponent.

The key point is that their looks are really not just pretending to be coercive, and the 99% possibility that they say is the truth.

"Everyone is one's own, so don't pretend to force each other." Yue Guan suggested.

"Agree." Liu Yifei asked Yue Guan, "Do you want to drink?"

"Are you giving me a chance?"

"It is confirmed that you are not such a casual person, which shows that I am relieved of your character."

Yue Guan felt that Liu Yifei had a sharp eye.

But he still refused.

"Forget it, for the last scene tomorrow, don't drink today."

Liu Yifei smiled, and then asked curiously: "You really are not a casual person, Yue Guan, I'm very surprised, you are so restrained, why is your reputation in the circle so messy? Many people say that you play very well. , Did anyone deliberately discredit you?"

Liu Yifei never doubted her looks.

Even in the beauty-like entertainment industry, she is the first level in terms of appearance alone, otherwise she would have been stepped on the beach by the waves.

In the face of his own goddess, Yue Guan could be so restrained, how could he be so casual to other vulgar fans.

There must be someone deliberately discrediting his reputation.

Liu Yifei completed the logical closed loop.

Yue Guan was silent for a moment, and then gave Liu Yifei a thumbs up: "You still see the truth at a glance."

Liu Yifei was a little proud: "Don't praise me, I will be proud. It is mainly because I have encountered this kind of thing. There are people who black me out as a transgender person. The most exaggerated thing is that there are people who believe in me, I don't know. What to say."

Yue Guan glanced at Liu Yifei and silently agreed with this view: "Although I haven't experienced it personally, I confirm that you are definitely not a transgender person."

"You deliberately lost your tongue again, obviously you are not that kind of person." Liu Yifei gave Yue Guan a white look. "It's best to correct your problem. It may be because you talk too casually that you gave others a chance to discredit you. ."

"It makes sense, but I suddenly feel that you are very suitable for marrying home as a wife."

Liu Yifei blushed, did not speak, and ate vegetables silently.

What Yue Guan was thinking was that Li Ruotong was a bit silly and overdone, and marrying home would probably lose all his family wealth.

Liu Yifei was just silly and sweet. She could make money and could take the initiative to help him with various reasons.

It's perfect.

It's a pity that the big forest outside is too alluring, and he hasn't stopped thinking of hanging on a tree yet.

The meal is very vegetarian.

In the end, nothing happened.

Seeing Liu Yifei's return, Mother Liu blurted out the first words: "Cici, you actually came back?"

Liu Yifei: "???"

Mother Liu quickly explained: "No, Mom didn't mean that. Mom thinks that Yue Guan is a good person. He has his own opinion and responsibility, especially in your career. He can provide great help. Today If it weren't for him, let me deal with it, maybe things would mess up."

"Mom, what do you mean?"

"Mom means that you are not young anymore, and Mom will not keep you from looking for a boyfriend, as long as his character and ability satisfy Mom."

"You just tell me to find Yueguan." Liu Yifei was helpless: "Okay, don't worry about it, he is indeed chasing me."

Although Yue Guan never said to chase her.

But Liu Yifei was convinced of this matter.

You are not pursuing yourself, how can you be so good to yourself?

The logic has completed the closed loop again.


The next day.

The crew of "Pure Mind·Chasing Dreams Taiping Wheel" are very excited.

Because today is the day when "Pure Heart·Chasing Dreams Taiping Wheel" comes to an end.

There is one last scene left.

It is also one of the highlights of the whole play and the last climax.

The protagonists of this scene are still Yue Guan, Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei.

Yue Guan's script is too friendly to the three of them, occupying almost all the main plot of the whole play, leaving no room for supporting actors and dragons.

This is a good thing for the three, and it is also a huge pressure.

Being able to withstand this pressure, the three of them will definitely be able to go further in the movie circle in the future.

Whoever pulls his hips will naturally become a joke.

Fortunately, so far, there is no hip pull.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, this is Yue Guan deliberately suppressing himself, otherwise Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei would have pulled their hips long ago.

Because it was the last scene, after Wang Jing and other props set up the props, they went through it in person, and then said to the three Yue Guan: "Are you ready?"

Yue Guan and Liu Yifei nodded.

Huang Xiaoming said, "Director, give me another minute. I want to sort out my emotions."

"Okay, as soon as possible." Wang Jing did not force The last scene seemed calm, and there was no need for the three of them to have any intense action scenes, but they did not require any acting skills for the three. low.

And this scene is also very important for the whole movie.

It can be said that if the last scene is missing, the whole movie will at least lose ten.

One minute later.

Huang Xiaoming spoke again: "Director, I can do it."

Wang Jing picked up the trumpet: "Everyone prepares."

This is a group show.

The scheduling requirements for the director are also very high.

Except for Yue Guanhuang, Xiaoming, Liu Yifei and three of them who want to act online, the dragon set cannot be played.

This scene is also the last scene of the movie.

Yan Zekun succeeded in ruining the marriage between Lei Yifang and Yu Zhen. He took a large sum of money from Lei Yifang's competitors and went to Chou Country and became a famous painter.

After Lei arrived in Ugly Country, he was accepted by the upper class of Ugly Country because he had funded the local warlords to resist the king's division. In the end, he became a Wall Street financial upstart relying on fraud and abduction.

Yu Zhen went to Hollywood, relied on his good acting skills to get married twice, and became a second-tier female star in Hollywood, with a colorful life.

Ten years later.

The world's largest cruise ship "Freedom" set sail, and the three met unexpectedly at the "Freedom" banquet.

Although standing in three different positions and not too close to each other, they both saw and recognized each other.

After a brief astonishment, the three of them simultaneously raised their wine glasses with smiles to greet each other.


"I declare that "Pure Heart·Chasing Dream Taiping Wheel" has officially ended."

The voice of Wang Jing fell, and the crew members cheered.

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