This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 654: Captain Dragon 2

Yueguan was actually occupying the moral high ground first.

But he didn't use strong words, because he was telling the truth.

Hollywood movies do not touch China's domestic IP, and there are no less disgusting viewers of the Dragon Kingdom, and freedom of artistic creation.

But freedom is the same standard.

There is no reason why you are free, you are not allowed to be free.

Just hurt each other.

Therefore, Yue Guan's remarks actually had a wide audience.

After the live broadcast, these comments quickly spread.

Many experts jumped out and said that this was wrong.

"There is no great power."

"The dog bit you, can't you still bite it back?"

"We are an ancient civilization, how can we do such a thing?"

"This is too bad for our international image."

"At the end of the day, it's also an actor. He only depends on his personal likes and dislikes. The thinking is too simple and too low."

"I heard it, I didn't expect that Yue Guan was such a crude Minzuist, who had no international vision at all, and he has achieved this point in his life."

"Patriotic thieves, ridiculous, there are actually a group of people who can follow the carnival, sad."

Yue Guan happily swiped Weibo, and Zhang Yin was stunned by the excited expression.

"So many people scold you, aren't you angry?"

Yue Guan was happy: "I still have too few people scolding me."

"What do you mean?"

"Half of the navy who scolded me was paid for by myself."

Zhang Yin: "???"

She was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, she was itching for the negative attacks that Yue Guan suffered.

It's a waste of feelings.

"Are you trembling now? Or Stockholm syndrome?" Zhang Yin didn't understand.

Yue Guan explained with a smile: "I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. If the opponent doesn't have teammates like pigs, then we will create pig-like teammates for the other party by ourselves. Inspire the audience's rebellious psychology. We won this wave."

Yue Guan's judgment is correct.

His remarks are not true or wrong in themselves. In fact, from different angles, different perceptions can be drawn, and both support and opposition are justified.

But when the opposing party frequently began to show IQ, even the neutral party could not sit still and was pushed to the supporter.

Since ancient times, the extremes of anything have been an important reason for the neutral party to fall to the opposite side.

And Yue Guan started to fan the flames in the opponent's camp.

The effect is impressive.

Soon, the netizens who supported him became the majority.

Xiaoyue Fenglang: "When I first watched "The Mummy 3", he forced the Dragon Kingdom, and he also changed the background, time, etc., which directly defeated the favor of watching the mummies 1 and 2 after hours, so that I watched the heavens. In the novel of Infinite Stream, even the Mummy 3 feels that it should be."

"The dog bites me. If I don't bite back, do I have to lick it back?"

"If the demeanor of a big country is just a swollen face to fill a fat man, I would rather not have the demeanor of a big country."

"Ugly has the international image of a fart, is it not the same that there are so many filial sons and grandchildren? As long as the country is strong, farting is good."

"What's wrong with the actor's patriotism? The actor can't be patriotic anymore? I just want to laugh when I see so many mentally retarded people mocking Yue Guan'ao for being wrong."

"Yueguan, a member of the Dragon Kingdom, what kind of international vision do you want? I support Yueguan and "Captain of the Dragon Kingdom", and the second brush will walk away."

"Three brushes passing by."

"It's disgusting to be led by this group of leading parties. If I were the producer of "Captain Dragon", I would definitely continue this behavior. It would be cool to watch the people of Longguo fight Ugly, and hold back the movie tickets for dozens of dollars. Money, labor and capital are still affordable."


In the heated discussion, "Captain Dragon" was already about to go downhill, and there was a wave of backlash.

The box office trend of "Captain Dragon" is even more obvious.

Half a month after it has been released, the single-day box office has continued to rise again.

This box office trend stunned countless experts in the industry.

Those who could not accept "Captain of the Dragon Kingdom" became more autistic after seeing the box office of "Captain of the Dragon Kingdom".

As for Yue Guan, he did not pursue the victory again.

Anyway, he obviously has nothing to do with "Captain of the Dragon Kingdom", and he certainly can't rush to the front to block guns for this show.

Just make a fortune by muffled voice.

After the first part of "Captain Dragon Country" got a good start, as long as you release some investment shares later, even if Yueguan wants to stop, the capital will not stop.

As for insulting Ugly Country IP...

Is this a problem?

Twenty days after "Captain of the Dragon Kingdom" was released, Chris Evans brought good news to Yueguan.

"King, I have opened up the overseas release channel of "Captain of the Dragon"."

Yue Guan was surprised at the speed of Chris Evans.

"So fast?"

Chris Evans’s tone was a bit proud: “After all, I’m starring in this drama. Of course, this drama will definitely not get the same treatment as you do in the Dragon Kingdom, but it will not be too little. I believe the box office should not be too bad."

"Chris, my friend, I hope you can use this drama to earn enough wealth to support your dreams." Yue Guan blessed.

He sincerely hopes that Chris Evans can make more money in this wave.

In this way, when the second part of "Long Country" invites other Hollywood stars, there is much less resistance.

Chris Evans also heard Yue Guan’s sincerity, and was very touched in his heart: "king, you are such a good person. By the way, I helped you get in touch with Ian McLean, who explained that he will travel to Long Country for the annual meeting. Yue Guan is overjoyed: "Chris, being friends with you is definitely one of my wisest choices. "

"Me too, looking forward to our next meeting." Chris Evans smiled and ended the video call with Yue Guan.

Zhang Yin witnessed the whole conversation, and her mouth opened into an "O" shape again.

"Ian McLean? Is that Ian McLean?" Zhang Yin asked.

Yue Guan smiled lightly: "If you don't know the second Ian McLean, it should be that Ian McLean."

"Who to play Magneto in "X-Men"?" Zhang Yin confirmed.

"That's right, come here, brother will give you a kiss as a reward."

Zhang Yin blinked: "Is this done for him?"

"Not yet, it's just a preliminary contact, but it's a matter of time."

Chris Evans could not refuse the ability to make money.

Yue Guan didn't think Ian McLean could refuse.

Besides, the money is not good, he still has the emperor's spirit.

Magneto must not be able to run.

"So the plot of the second part of "Captain Dragon" is..." Zhang Yin's expression was very subtle.

Yue Guan smiled: "Of course it was Yan Shuangying who beat the Western mutants. The Western mutants who killed them lost their helmets and abandon their armor, making the East a forbidden zone for them, and driving them back to continue fighting on their own territory."

Freedom of artistic creation.

Is it a problem to have Ian McLean play a Western mutant leader?

There is no problem at all.

This is very stable.

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