This Game is Too Real

Chapter 239: Alpha 1. Zero version update! Life occupation play...


"Let these beasts run away."

Standing on the edge of the forest on the northeast side of the Yumu District, Chu Guang held a telescope in his hand, looking at Yuanxi Town hundreds of meters away, and couldn't help but curse.

A few days ago, the guard’s tracked vehicles patrolled the entire northern suburbs, searching for six hundred teams that fled. Three of them were wiped out, but more than half of the predators ran away.

Chu Guang estimated that some of the predators ran to Shiya and brought him the news of Black Snake's defeat.

What he didn't expect was that this group of people were so stubborn.

Instead of A coming up, he turned his head and ran away!

"Fight if you can't beat, and run if you can't beat, it's very much like the style of those predators."

Standing next to Chu Guang, Vanus also held the telescope and continued to speak after observing for a while.

"... But these fortifications look like a corps."

These predators used wood to reinforce the ruins, dig trenches in the streets, set up roadblocks and shelters.

It was transformed into a fort.

On a three-story ruined building, he even saw a gun stand reinforced with sandbags and wood.

Judging from the reserved "concave" shooting holes, it is probably some kind of curved infantry gun.

However, the guns there have been removed.

"It can be seen that they evacuated in a hurry, and only had time to set off a fire...Most of the fortifications were not destroyed in time."

Chu Guang put away the telescope, and his index finger touched the side of the helmet lightly.

"Queue 1, move forward."


The orange standing five hundred meters in front received the order and gestured to the player beside him.

After receiving the order, the 5 teams with a total of 50 people immediately moved forward and entered the abandoned town from five directions.

Wearing an exoskeleton welded with steel plates, Lao Bai held an LD-47j light machine gun in his hand, and the muzzle moved around the window on the street.

There is still a two-meter-long "lance" hung on his back, but this kind of combat distance should be useless.

"It's so quiet here."

"The predators stationed here should have been evacuated," Fang Chang glanced at the human skull on the side of the road, glanced around vigilantly and said, "The whole town doesn't look like there are living people."

The blood was painted on the wall into hideous graffiti, and there were some crooked words and symbols.

It looks like a ritual of some kind of evil religion.

The uneaten corpses were thrown on the side of the road, and the filth was everywhere on the street, messing up the ground.

Ye Shi swallowed.

The atmosphere here was depressing and made him feel suffocated.

He would rather fight head-on with the predators than explore this kind of place that makes him feel physically uncomfortable.

"Damn, how does it feel like a horror game..."

Gufeng glanced around and nodded blankly.

"Well, the Resident Evil version of Silent Hill... a similar feeling."

The surrounding is too quiet.

Don't say it's a living person.

Not even a mouse can see one.

The group of people continued to advance along the route indicated on the VM, and cooperated with other teams to conduct a round of search for the entire outer area of ​​the town.

After confirming that there were no predators, they continued along the main road and advanced to the center of the town.

There is a bell tower with a wide view. It is the tallest building in the whole town. It is probably used as a headquarters or similar place by those predators.

Pushing open the wooden door of the clock tower, Lao Bai, who was in the front row, walked in first, but was soon smoked out by the smell inside.

"Oh shit……"

"What did you see." Ye Shi walked up curiously.

"I advise you to not look at it."

Lao Bai just uttered these words, but it was too late, Ye Shi, who passed through the door and walked in, already helped the door to Yue.

In the hall of the bell tower, corpses piled up into hills.

The buzzing of flies is like a tsunami, black things crawling around on the pile of corpses, and the heat that blows on your face has a rotten smell. It seems that the whole town’s cockroaches have come here, the small ones are as big as fists, and the big ones have surpassed shoes...

Kuangfeng went in and took a look, then slightly stunned.

"This is too..."

This visual impact.

Even if there are filters, they are somewhat mentally polluted.

It's like a nightmare.

"...I feel that the public beta is far away. If you don't change the blood and corpses into green cubes, it will probably be difficult to end." Elf Wang Fugui said with a smack of his tongue.

Irene gave him an ambiguous expression.

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling."


After an hour of carpet search, it was basically confirmed that the thousand-man team stationed in Yuanxi Town had been evacuated.

And it was withdrawn about three days ago, and the target was Xizhou City, which is in the north.

Before evacuating, the predators executed all the slaves, sprinkled worm eggs on their bodies, burned supplies that were too late to take away, and even set fire to the fortifications.

However, due to lack of fuel, most of the wooden bunkers and roadblocks survived, except for the burned food.

If you wait another half a month, the entire town may become a paradise for mutant cockroaches and flies.

Although those "little guys" are not strong in combat power and can hardly pose a direct threat to the wastelanders, they are quite good at spreading diseases and stealing food and supplies.

Obviously, Shiya didn't want this "fortress" to fall into the hands of survivors in the northern suburbs, so it tried to prevent them from occupying it by such a method.

Chu Guang ordered the player to set a fire in the bell tower, burning the alien species and corpses inside.

It is nearly 30 kilometers from here to the outpost. It is too difficult to recover these corpses, and it is not cost-effective in terms of cost.

The two active substance extractors have been working 24 hours a day, and the production tasks have been scheduled from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

At least for a period of time, there is no need to worry about the issue of resurrection coins.

Standing at the intersection on the north side of Yuanxi Town, the wrench spread out a map in front of Chu Guang, and made several red crosses along the contour line with a marker.

"...It is nearly 20 kilometers from Yuanxi Town to the southernmost tip of Xizhou City. There are hills and forests along the way. Although there are three roads from the pre-war era, they are basically deserted. If they plan to move to us from the north, the marching route is similar. limited."

"I propose to build an operation base in Yuanxi Town, set up radio base stations, and build outposts along the northern hills, set up radio stations and communication equipment, and closely monitor the movements of the north!"

Chu Guang stared at the map for a while, then looked at the hills covered by woods to the north. The snow covered with the treetops became a piece of snow. Only a few abandoned high-voltage electrical towers and a few relics of unknown use could be seen in the vast white snow.

The view there is good, and the surrounding terrain is open.

If an outpost can be established on the top of that hill, it should not be a problem to include an area of ​​five kilometers or even ten kilometers in the field of vision.

The only thing to worry about is the alien species in the forest.

Monsters, cave beasts, mutant brown bears, wild boars, apes and even death claws are very likely to appear in the forest.

At least two machine guns and one 20mm cannon must be deployed in each post, and two iron fist bazookas must be deployed.

This should ensure the safety of the sentry.

Chu Guang said with a light nod.

"This is a good suggestion. How many people do you think is appropriate?"

Wrench thought for a moment and said.

"There are always three people in the post, two shifts a day, 30 people should be enough!"

Chu Guang picked up the marker and added three marks on the map, and then returned the map to the wrench.

"I'll give you 50 people. The outpost has been raised from 5 to 8, so be sure to keep an eye on this area!"

"If you have any situation, report to me in time."

The job of standing guard can only be handed over to the guards, and players cannot do boring work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

He plays games on his own and can squat for a wave of ss for a day, but it is impossible to squat forever.

However, it is possible to release some missions related to Yuanxi Town, to divert a group of hunters, scavengers, explorers, and professional players to this area for activities, and the number of people is controlled between 20 and 90.

Cooperating with the NPC's fixed sentry, it should be able to ensure foolproof.

Fists with both hands, the wrench led the way.


The plains of the river valley provinces are mainly concentrated at the north and south ends. They traverse east and west in the form of bands on the map. They are the transportation hub from the eastern provinces to the western provinces.

It's like two corridors.

The large area sandwiched by the two corridors is mostly hilly and gentle slopes, with a few plains scattered sporadically.

Most of the pre-war cities were on these plains, or at least centered on the plains, spreading along the contour lines to the hills.

Most of the survivors in Qingquan have a good life. A large part of the reason is that they are located in the transportation hub connecting the east and the west. There is a large plain here.

Unless the road is blocked by heavy snow, there are usually many caravans passing by the northern or southern suburbs of Qingquan City, and they usually bring a lot of good things.

The location of Yuanxi Town happens to be the northernmost side of the Yumu District, and it is also the northernmost side of this southern corridor.

After passing through the hills to the north and continuing for more than 20 kilometers, it is Xizhou City controlled by the Ya clan.

Whether it is to protect the farmland and the safety of long-term farms, or to ensure the smooth flow of commercial roads, the strategically important place of Yuanxi Town must be controlled.

"If I were from the Bone Chewing Tribe, I would wait until autumn to come again."

Vanus, who was standing next to Chu Guang, glanced at the direction of the north, and continued.

"Should you consider that it is not a 100mm gun on the hills? That thing has average anti-armor capabilities, but it's okay to blow up an infantry and break a track."

Chu Guang looked at him and said.

"I have this plan. How far can the artillery of your legion go?"

Vanus thought for a moment and replied.

"The effective range is 11 kilometers, but sometimes it can reach 13 kilometers. If it is a rocket extended-range projectile, the range may be doubled, but I looked at the batch of shells you seized, and it seems that they are all ordinary high explosives. bomb."

When attacking the Pioneer before, the two howitzers he used were Legion-style 100mm artillery. They were deployed in the forests of the Elm District and hit the long-term farm more than ten kilometers away.

It's just that those two guns didn't play any role.

Not only the vast majority of the shells fired were intercepted by the more technologically advanced point defense system, but later they were also locked by drones and sent to the sky by the employees of the company with two metal-hydrogen shells.

But there is one thing to say. Compared with the high-tech equipment of enterprises that are expensive and expensive to maintain, this cheap, easy-to-use, simple, rude and powerful large-caliber artillery is more suitable for the environment on the wasteland.

After all, it is too wasteful to use a good thing like metal hydrogen to deal with predators.

It's equivalent to hitting cockroaches with a submachine gun.

After leaving the spanner, orange and other guards here, Chu Guang took the players back home.

The whole winter of relentless military force finally opened up the space for development.

Now spring is here, and I will starve to death if I don't farm.

After returning to the refuge, Chu Guang first opened the refuge system, entered the administrator allowance page, and confirmed the reward points.

Due to the diligent work of the players during this period, the reward points consumed at the celebration some time ago have recovered a lot of blood, and now there are a full 271 points.

"It's happy time to open the blind box again."

After careful consideration, Chu Guang selected 2 advanced blind boxes, 5 intermediate blind boxes, and 21 primary blind boxes.

With the slight shaking of the wall, the alloy door opened, and the reward from the blind box was quickly sent out along the conveyor belt.

Looking at the things on the conveyor belt, Chu Guang's face showed a surprised expression.

"This is……"

It was a set of jet black exoskeleton with blue lines on the surface. The shape was a bit similar to the five-style exoskeleton, but its size was not small, and it was a circle larger than the five-style foot.

To make an inappropriate but vivid analogy, if the Five Exoskeleton is compared to a basketball uniform, then this set is a football uniform. A thick composite panel hung on the chest, and the scaly armor lining covered almost 90% of the body.

【Type 6 "Heavy Cavalry" police exoskeleton: Type 5 improved model, which has stronger bulletproof ability than Type 5 "Light Cavalry" exoskeleton. It can not only resist the shooting of light weapons, but also resist explosion to a certain extent. The shock wave and fragment damage. 】


Chu Guang put it on his body with great interest and moved his limbs.

The power source is probably a chemical battery such as azide compound or solid hydrogen, and the battery life is 24 hours under normal use.

Compared with nuclear-powered power armor, this gadget is more suitable for daily wear. It can be recharged when the battery is used up, so there is no need to look for cold fusion batteries everywhere.

As for the other high-level blind box, the reward is very mediocre, it's an EMP grenade.

So far, the things opened in the advanced blind box are the most useless things.

The intermediate blind box and the primary blind box opened pretty good things, including two treatment needles, two boxes of bandages, one box of antibiotics, and a lot of cans, portable food and condiments.

"It's a pity that no seeds were planted this time."

It would be perfect if you could unlock a few more high-yield crops!

After confirming the rewards, Chu Guang came to the office to sit down, turned on the computer, and logged on to the official website for a tour.

Today's young players are still tortured as always.

The two directors of the No. 81 Iron and Steel Plant are discussing with cloud players whether or not to change the 20mm cannon to a 37mm rapid-fire gun, so as to increase the charge of the shells and produce a greater explosive effect.

Mosquito drew a picture with a pencil that only he could understand, showing that the new equipment being developed by Goblin Technology is armored by the claw crab shell, powered by a wood engine, equipped with an 88mm short-tube mortar and A "crab chariot" with a 20mm cannon!

Although everyone complained about whether this thing could hold the tank a shot, the mosquitoes still insisted that this is the equipment that meets the needs of the wasteland.

"How can there be so much steel to build tanks! And this is wasteland, brothers, how can there be so many tanks for you to fight?"

"Obviously what we need is a heavy equipment that can quickly harvest soft targets and traverse rough terrain. It does not need strong protection, as long as it can withstand bullets."

"The shell of the Claw Crab perfectly meets this requirement! With eight mechanical legs, it can cross ravines, deep pits and bunkers like a spider, paving the way for our entire line of troops and providing direct fire support! Even death claws, You have to run away like a reptile in front of the 88mm mortar!"

Body stroke chef: "Although I don't understand it at all, it sounds great."

Raiden Professor Yang: "How do you plan to coordinate the movement of the eight mechanical legs? And what if one breaks? Let me say that it is better to just go on the track or get a big tire, just like an off-road vehicle!"

WC really has mosquitoes: "Hehe, I want you to take care of it! Master has his own way!"

Highland Security: "You should get the plane out as soon as possible. Get a piston propeller plane. It's not as fragrant as this stuff? It's more than enough to wash the ground, detect, and fight a few bandits."

Ivan the Great of Siberia: "Go directly to the airship! That thing throws a lot of bombs, and several tons of explosives are thrown down!"

WC really has mosquitoes: "MMP! It's easy to say, come in and get it!"

Ya'er, I want to go to the toilet cable: "But there is a saying, wooden planes can be tried. I remember Daqi's mosquito bomber seems to be made of wood and glue. The furniture factory can do it. Only the engine and the landing gear are available. The connecting parts are made of metal, which can carry 4,000-pound aerial bombs. The speed is particularly fast, comparable to that of the bf109, which is a bit costly for pilots."

Ward's athlete's foot and Levin: "Old Maozi's Bo-2 biplane seems to be a wooden plane, and has been in service for half a century."

Irene: "Charlie the shop? (Funny

Seeing the content exchanged by these little players, Chu Guang was very pleased.

The plane.

That's a good thing.

It should be no problem to build an airstrip at Changjiu Farm and fly to Xizhou City.

At that time, take a few photos in the sky to learn about the deployment of troops in the area of ​​the "Ya" clan of the Bone Chewing Tribe, so as to cope with the next attack.

If you don't know, you can still find a chance to counterattack in the past.

However, this matter is not in a hurry.

The most severe moment has passed. Refuge 404 has been ruined for a whole winter. What is needed most now is development.

After entering February, there will be a large wave of caravans passing through Qingquan City, and the buffs of permanent corporate partners will soon come in handy.

Before that, he needs to be fully prepared to seize this historic opportunity.

"With the grain seized from the black snake, it shouldn't be a big problem to raise another 300 people."

"Although it is a month earlier than planned, now is the time to need manpower."

"The refuge needs more life professional players, especially players who have farming experience in reality."

"It's time to release Alpha1.0 version."

It is not difficult to screen out these players.

Now that the number of reservations is almost 100,000, it is more than enough to select 300 players with user tags such as "agriculture-related occupations or professions", "farming tendency", "business game lovers", and "Liver Emperor" according to the questionnaire. .

There is no need for these 300 people to run to farm the land obediently.

This is neither realistic nor in line with the logic of the game.

But as long as 1/10 of these people, even 1/20 of them, can be like Brother Maca, wishing to stay in the field 24 hours a day, it was enough for Chu Guang.

It is best for these players to combine their real-life experience, improve agricultural equipment and planting techniques, and bring them to the wasteland.

Now the industrial zone is able to independently produce the pan-camel machine, and the mosquitoes have started to make crab chariots. It shouldn't be a big problem to build two tractors before the start of spring plowing.

With some other cheap and easy-to-use tools, as long as they can solve 1/3 of the production tasks, they can already help managers a lot!

After thinking for a while, Chu Guang opened the text document and edited a line of words in it.

【Alpha1.0 version update announcement! 】

[Major update:

1. The number of closed beta players has increased to 1,100!

2. New occupations such as "farmer" and "operator" are added, and the agricultural and commercial systems are fully upgraded!


1. Richer mission content: The game content is expanded to Yuanxi Town More alien species can be hunted. But please be careful, there are dead claws in that area, as all deaths fall, low-level players please proceed with caution!

2. Richer NPCs and merchants with specific styles: After the game time enters February, merchants from the eastern and western provinces will pass through the long farm.

3. A richer ecosystem: Starting in the new version, players can capture xenotype cubs, domesticate wild animals, and turn them into pets. They will be your good helper, whether it is to help you search for prey, carry goods, or plow in the fields... For more gameplay, please explore by yourself.

4. Fix a few bugs.


[New expansion piece: "Sword for Plow" is now online! 】

[B round test will start after the expansion pack is unlocked. Stay tuned for more new content, new maps and new elements! 】-

(The second chapter is not finished, there is only one chapter today...QAQ)

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