This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 48: snake bite

"No, Big Horn was bitten by a poisonous snake!"

Jiang Xuan, Chishao and Uncaria had just returned from hunting when they heard someone in the tribe shouting in a panic.

"Go and have a look."

Jiang Xuan put the prey on the ground and hurried over, followed by Chishao and Uncaria.

In the breeding area, there were already seven or eight people around, and it was noisy.

Dajiao sat on the ground, his face pale.

On his calf, there are two deep tooth marks, and the blood flowing out is black, obviously highly poisonous.

"Let's get out of the way, why are you so close?"

Jiang Xuan roared loudly and dispersed the crowd, preventing them from continuing to surround the big horn.

Afterwards, he squatted down and only glanced at the wound on Dajiao's leg, his brows furrowed.

Snakes are divided into non-venomous snakes and venomous snakes. The teeth marks bitten by the two snakes are different.

Non-venomous snakes have no fangs, and the teeth marks are in two rows. They are relatively fine and generally do not bite deeply. If the snake is not very large, it will only break a little.

But poisonous snakes are different. Generally, poisonous snakes have two long fangs in their mouths. After biting a person or beast, the poisonous fangs will penetrate deeply into the flesh and inject deadly venom.

The wound on the big horn's leg was obviously bitten by a poisonous snake, and it looked more poisonous.

"How long have you been biting?" Jiang Xuan asked while pulling out an animal skin rope.

"Just... Not long after being bitten..." Dajiao was sweating coldly all over his body, obviously very frightened.

In the primitive jungle, many people are bitten by various poisonous snakes or poisonous insects every year. If you are lucky, you can save a life, but if you are unlucky, you will die!

In the face of the threat of death, few people are not afraid.

"What about the snake that bit you?"


"What kind of snake bit you?"

Dajiao described the appearance of a poisonous snake. It is a relatively common poisonous snake in the jungle, and its poison is not particularly strong.

This made Jiang Xuan slightly relieved.

"I'll tie your legs first so that the snake venom will not continue to spread."

Jiang Xuan used a woven animal skin rope to tie Dajiao's calf from a position just below his knees, so that the poisonous blood would not continue to flow to the rest of the body.

From the animal skin bag, Jiang Xuan found a piece of stone with the sharpest edge and sharpest edge.

The material of this kind of stone is similar to obsidian. Although it is relatively brittle, the thin section is extremely sharp. Jiang Xuan is generally used to peel animal skins.

"Be patient."

Jiang Xuan didn't have time to sterilize the stone flakes. He took a deep breath and decisively cut open the wound bitten by the poisonous snake with a sharp stone flake, making the wound wider.

He scratched the wound on Dajiao's calf twice with a stone flake in a "cross" shape. The purpose of this was to release the poisonous blood.

Afterwards, he followed Dajiao's calf, from top to bottom, and squeezed hard, so that the poisonous blood on Dajiao's calf was discharged as quickly as possible.

As Jiang Xuan continued to squeeze, black poisonous blood flowed out along the cut wound, and blood stains were all over the ground.

While squeezing the poisonous blood, Jiang Xuan said to Chi Shao next to him, "Sister, I can only expel the poisonous blood as much as possible, and I'll leave it to you to find medicine and detoxify."

"I'll find an antidote right away."

Chi Shao hurried away.

The tribesmen have been facing various poisonous snakes and poisonous insects for a long time, and they have summed up a lot of experience in dealing with them, and they have also found a lot of effective antidote from various plants.

Chishao is very familiar with the plants that grow near the Vine tribe, and she knows where there are medicines that can detox poisonous snake bites.

I don't know when, the mysterious old man also came.

He heard that someone was bitten by a poisonous snake. He wanted to help, but when he came over, he found that Jiang Xuan had already dealt with it, so he quietly observed.

He saw that Jiang Xuan tied Dajiao's legs with animal skin ropes, cut the wound with stone chips, and squeezed out the poisonous blood, and found that Dajiao's condition did not deteriorate, so he did not make a sound.

In fact, if he were to be cured, he would adopt a more common method used by tribal people: fire!

The specific method is: directly pick up a burning firewood, put it on the wound bitten by the poisonous snake, and directly cook the wound and the flesh and blood near the wound.

This method is very crude, and people who get burned will suffer a big crime, but it does work when they are just bitten by a poisonous snake.

Snake venom is actually a protein, but it is a poisonous protein. After being burned at high temperature, the snake venom will deteriorate, from highly poisonous to non-toxic.

The other one, because the flesh and thin blood vessels near the wound have been cooked, and the blood has coagulated, so the poisonous blood naturally cannot spread.

Of course, whether it's bloodletting, sucking blood, or burning at high temperature, it's only useful for people who have just been bitten.

If you are bitten for too long, the poisonous blood will spread long ago, and these methods will be useless.

If that's the case, I'm afraid I can only carry it to the Totem God and pray for the god's blessing.

Not long after, the red peony came back with some plant rhizomes.

She quickly found a relatively flat stone, put some plant roots on it, and pounded them with another stone.

"Huh? Octagonal lotus, not bad."

The mysterious old man standing by the side nodded, apparently agreeing that Chishao used this medicine to detoxify and heal Dajiao.

The plant from the red peony is called aniseed lotus by tribal people, because each leaf of it has eight horns, and the rhizome is generally used as medicine.

Anise lotus can cure poisonous snake bites, and it is also often used to treat bruises, unknown swollen poison, etc.

It should be noted that the whole plant of aniseed lotus is poisonous, so the red peony should be smashed on a stone instead of being chewed directly.

If people don't know how to use this medicine, it is very likely that people will not be saved, but will poison themselves.

After smashing the red peony, Jiang Xuan's side also squeezed the poisonous blood almost.

Chishao immediately put the smashed rhizome on the wound of Dajiao, and took out the cotton-like spider web to cover the wound to prevent the medicine from falling.

Chi Shao said to Jiang Xuan, "You look at him first, and change the medicine every once in a I'll go and roast the roots of these star anise lotuses."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, leave it to me here."

Chishao hurriedly returned to the bamboo house, picked out some red charcoal fire from the fire pond, put a thin stone chip on it, and put the root of the star anise lotus on the stone chip and roasted it.

The thin stone flakes were quickly heated by the charcoal fire, and the rhizomes above were also roasted little by little.

Without this piece of stone, if the rhizome is thrown directly into the charcoal fire, the outer skin will be scorched, and the effect will not be so good.

From time to time, Chishao uses a wooden stick to turn the rhizome on the stone chip until the rhizome is completely roasted, then immediately wrap it with a leaf and return to the breeding area.

During this process, Jiang Xuan had already loosened the animal skin rope once, so that Big Horn's legs would not be damaged due to a long-term blood failure.

Chishao walked to Dajiao, handed him the rhizome wrapped in leaves, and said, "Eat it quickly."

Dajiao looked at the red peony gratefully, and then ate all the roasted rhizomes.

Chi Shao watched him finish eating the rhizomes, and then checked the wound, and found that the wound was no longer black, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is no accident, after tying up to prevent the spread of toxins, widening the wound for bloodletting, and taking internal and external antidote, Dajiao's life should be saved.

Jiang Xuan greeted, "Take Dajiao back to the bamboo house first."

The people around immediately moved around and carefully lifted the big horn, carried it all the way back to the bamboo hut, and placed it on the bed.

After the crowd dispersed, the old man still stayed where he was, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

Jiang Xuan's treatment method just now was something he had never used before, and it seemed to be quite effective.

This little tribe can really bring him a lot of surprises!

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