This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 233 A man sitting on the server playing games

Guo Mo's recurrence experiment failed!

This failure confirmed Chen Ba's idea that what Guo Mo encountered was purely accidental and a randomly generated convulsion bug.

If that's the case, don't worry about it.

This type of bug, which is extremely random and completely unpredictable, doesn't matter even if it exists. It should be used as a benefit to the players.

After all, among so many players, only Guo Mo has encountered this situation, and even Guo Mo has only encountered it once and cannot encounter it continuously, so why worry about a hammer?

Would you go out of your way to find out the lottery winning rules and try to figure out a way to win 100% of the lottery just because a stranger XX won the five million lottery jackpot?


Chen Ba thinks this random bug is irrelevant. After all, it is too random and has little impact.

It’s just 10 points of merit. If this were a lottery, the prize would be too shabby.

"so be it!"

Chen Ba tapped the solid wood tabletop with his index finger, and then said softly: "The second test found no new problems, and it can be concluded successfully."

After testing for a few days, nothing happened.

In this case, there is no need to be suspicious, just follow the original plan and prepare for the open beta of "Cultivation Fantasy".

The open beta is different from the second beta.

The biggest difference is that the public beta is open to everyone, while the second beta uses an activation code and is only open to a small group of people.

Secondly, the public beta represents the official release of an online game, which is equivalent to completing all the procedures and officially getting married. After that, the game cannot be stopped or deleted at will.

The public beta time is also the time in the eyes of many people when an online game is officially released. Internal tests and so on are generally not included in the calculation.


For an online game, apart from the different meanings of public beta and non-public beta versions, the difference in game content is actually not very big.

Many public beta online games just add an "in-app purchase of krypton gold" system on the basis of the closed beta version without deleting files.


Some perverted game developers have already opened in-app purchases of krypton gold during the deletion test or non-deletion test stages, and promised to return the points at a rate of 200% or 500% during the public beta, etc.

This is so perverted!

The deletion test tricked people into recharging krypton gold, promising to return it in certain proportions after the public beta. Chen Ba generally called this kind of game "unsightly".

There's really no need to be anxious, right?

You show off your jealousy right from the start, for fear that players won’t know that this is an explosive game. Isn’t that a deliberate attempt to dissuade players?

According to Chen Ba, the game is still in the testing stage, even in the first half year of public beta, and operations must be more conscientious, even if it does not make money.

Retain players first and make them interested or trust the game!

After half a year has passed, the retention rate of the game is guaranteed, and the reputation is relatively satisfactory, then the game will be exposed and the leeks will be harvested. This is a more reasonable way of "raising pigs".

"What kind of pig farming is this?"

Xiao Lu didn't understand why he had to have a conscience for a while before he started to expose his eating habits. Isn't it okay to expose his eating habits from the beginning?

"Two reasons!"

Chen Ba explained: "In this way, we can maximize the favorability of players and make the game's player churn rate less exaggerated."

"The second reason is a very simple sunk cost! You have been playing this game for half a year, and it is still an MMORPG game. Do you think your abandonment cost is very low?"

Many online games, as soon as the public beta is released, they can’t wait to launch various gold-earning activities and gift packages, hoping to directly rob players.

This kind of game was very lively a few days before the server was launched. After the lively days after the server was launched, players are not stupid. They know what your game is like and decisively run away with the bucket.

However, Chen Ba chooses to operate conscientiously for half a year, and then exposes his behavior after half a year. The possibility of dissuading players from quitting is greatly reduced, and he will even receive extremely high evaluations.

If players choose to continue playing instead of running away, then playing for a long time will generate so-called "sunk costs".

Regardless of whether you spend money on the game or not, the time and emotion invested are also a hidden cost. As long as there are such sunk costs in the game, the threshold for abandonment will be greatly raised.

"Indeed it is……"

Huang Qing doesn't know much about games, but he understands human nature, so he also said: "When you invest too much emotion and time into a game, even if the game deteriorates later, there is a high probability that you will continue Play."

Unless one day you are really heartbroken by this game, and it even touches you somewhere, or you are entangled in trivial matters in reality and haven’t played this game for a long time, then you will give up the game freely...

"Have you not noticed that most online games nowadays use this routine?"

Chen Ba joked: "Let's not talk about those games from small companies. Games from big companies are definitely worth getting into in the first half or two months."

As for whether you can get out in time after playing for two months or half a year, it all depends on your own willpower.

Generally speaking, this is not possible.

The routines of big factories are higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea. When I first entered the trap, I was very committed to it. I felt that I was just playing casually and there was no way I could become addicted to it. After a while, it would be hard to tell.

The best way is actually to tell your friend that you want to play a certain game and just want to have fun for a while, and let him remind you to get out in time.

A friend's advice, if it is a trustworthy friend, may be able to persuade you, and it can also help you cut off distracting thoughts in time and get out of this game.

If you can't even persuade your friends, and you even try to drag them into the trap, then that's a different matter...

"It has to be an online game!"

Zhong Shengwei sighed: "When making a stand-alone game, why bother thinking about these routines? Just put the game directly on the shelves and sell it. If you want to play it, you can play it or not!"

"You're not right either."

"Who says stand-alone games don't have routines? Stand-alone games also have routines, especially those platforms with refund restrictions, and there are a lot of games with limited refund time."

When Chen Ba said this, he was also full of anger.

When he was still studying, he often encountered stand-alone games that were fun for the first few hours, but then became purely a defense.

High emotional intelligence: The entire game process lasts for more than 20 hours!

Low EQ: By the time you notice something is wrong, you can no longer initiate a refund!


There are not many stand-alone games that do this, and the integrity of most stand-alone games is still guaranteed. After all, in this industry, a bad reputation will have a great impact on subsequent works.

"Online game routines are really deep."

Yang Dong said with a smile: "Didn't someone comment that to make a good online game, what needs to be studied is not the gameplay, but social interaction and human nature."

Understand the weaknesses of human nature and socialize well, and you can make a lot of money playing online games with your eyes closed!

If you fail to do these two things well, no matter how strong the gameplay is and how fun the game is, it will not be able to attract online game players, and it will be difficult to make big money in the online game market.

Mijia games are not social?

That's true, but they do a good job of exploiting the weaknesses of human nature! Who do you think those characters were drawn for? Who wrote those plot copies?

The open beta of "Cultivation Fantasy" is very conscientious.

At least in the early stages of the public beta, Chen Ba is not going to play any tricks on the players. He is playing a conscientious game, not trying to make money but just making friends.

It took half a year before I started pursuing turnover.

But then again...

Although "Cultivation Fantasy" is an online game that pursues turnover, Chen Ba does not intend to learn from friends, and he still has to maintain the bottom line and integrity.

"how do I say this?"

"It means that even if we are bad, it is still bad and bottomless compared to Tianba Studio's previous games."

Chen Ba explained: "Compared with our competitors, our game is much better. If it is worse, we are not afraid of anyone."

"I understand!"

Xiao Lu understood the essence instantly.

The lower limit of "Cultivation Fantasy" is very low, but this low limit is compared to other games of Tianba Studio.

But if you put "Fantasy of Cultivation" into the pool of MMORPG games and compare it with games from friends, then "Fantasy of Cultivation" is more conscientious and more fun!

"As long as you understand it, let's build a game mall based on this idea!"

Chen Ba rubbed his arms and said: "During the public beta, remember to buy more advertising and so on. We can make them if we have money."

Today is different from the past.

In the past, game promotions were considered poor. They didn’t dare to touch higher-end advertisements. After all, the studio didn’t have that much money.

But now, there is so much money lying on the books just eating interest. If it is not spent, is it still waiting for pups?

Spend all your energy and that’s it!

For online games, the bigger the public beta is, the more players it attracts, the better. We are not afraid of many people coming, but we are afraid that no one will come.

"How many servers are open?"


Chen Ba was stunned by the question for a moment, because he didn't know exactly how many servers to open to meet the demand.

The main thing is that he has no idea about the game "Cultivation Fantasy" and doesn't know how many players will flood into the open beta.

If there are too many servers, it will be too embarrassing to fill them up and even "full queue" cannot be achieved. After all, everyone is queuing up for the open beta. If you don’t queue up, wouldn’t you be unsocial?

You can't just line up a bunch of underworld soldiers and deliberately disgust the players when the time comes, right?

"Let's do this, open five servers in the early stage! Later, we will open more servers according to the situation, and the maximum will not exceed eight regional servers..."

Chen Ba thinks five districts are enough.

Assuming that there are 100,000 players online at the same time in one area, then there are 500,000 players online at the same time in the five areas.

To be fair, if a game from two major companies other than Piggoose can have 500,000 people online at the same time, it’s pretty good. With millions online, it would have to be a weird game like "Don't Leave After School"!

"Okay, then five districts."

Xiao Lu nodded, and then asked: "Are these five servers all located in Jiangning?"

"No, no, no, that won't work."

Before Chen Ba could speak, Yang Dong took the lead to stop him and said, "It would be better to spread out the servers and take more care of the players in each region."

There needs to be one server for Southwest China, one for South China, one for North China and one for Central China. As for East China... Jiangning area can cover it, so there is no need to set up a dedicated server in Zhonghai.

Of course, this is a private title.

Jiangning District 1 or something, that's what it's called inside the studio. The district server that players see must have another name.

For players, when they choose a server to register a character, there is not much difference other than the level of latency, popular or non-popular.

Delaying this issue is impactful but acceptable.

After all, it is an MMORPG game, which is not very competitive. It is not a FPS or MOBA game that pursues extreme latency and is highly competitive.

So as for the server, just choose the one you like.

Players who play FPS games and MOBA games may not necessarily play in the area with the lowest latency. Why should they care about latency in an MMO online game?

Anyway, the highest delay is only about 40-60ms, and the lowest is about 20ms. For an MMO online game, you can play how you want, and the impact is not particularly big.


This delay affects your operation. Do you want to pursue the ultimate delay, preferably single-digit delay?

sure, no problem!

The computer in Ba Ge’s office has a latency as low as 2ms when playing its online games, and about 3ms when playing “Cultivation Fantasy”. This must be your preferred network latency.

Well, if you just give me a few tens of millions, Brother Ba will immediately pack up his things and leave, freeing up the office for you to use. What do you think?

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