This lich needs more money

Chapter 232 The Funeral of the Silver Moon Knight

In Lane's imperial capital, low and sad horns sounded for three whole days.

The people spontaneously took to the streets and began to mourn the death of the imperial hero.

The life of the Silver Moon Knight has long been known to the people of Lane, and many young people can cherish every victory of the Silver Moon Knight.

He is such an admirable hero and has been the patron saint of the Lane people for hundreds of years.

This grand and solemn funeral was what this hero deserved.

The Silver Moon Knight's coffin entered through the gate of the imperial capital and was carried by ten legendary paladins to the square in front of the palace. The original silver-white curtains on the palace wall had been replaced by black. The young Emperor Ryan walked to the coffin and read the hero's memorial in a sorrowful tone.

The atmosphere of sadness filled the air. I don’t know when or where it started. The crying slowly became one, and the tens of thousands of people from Lane who came to see him off all cried until their eyes were red.

After the emperor finished paying his respects, the Silver Moon Knight's coffin was sent directly to the cemetery and buried in the center.

Originally buried here was another general from hundreds of years ago, but the emperor personally ordered that this man's tomb be moved to the side so that the Silver Moon Knight could be buried in this location to highlight his achievements.

But this order caused another general's descendant to commit suicide.

The descendants failed to preserve the honor of their ancestors and were forced to move their graves. This humiliation seemed to be washed away with blood.

Of course, this is just a trivial matter to the empire, and few people know about it, and those who do know don't think there is any problem.

After the funeral, the empire will observe a month of silence and prohibit any large-scale entertainment. Passers-by are advised not to smile on the street, even if a child is born, otherwise they may be attacked by the crowd.

When the Lions shout that the empire respects people, they have to accept the other consequences of this extreme.

After the funeral, the young Emperor Ryan returned to his palace.

Allen's father, the supreme judge of the empire, reported to him with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty, because of Winston's accident, our offensive against the orcs can only be suspended. The morale of the army is not suitable for the attack now. We can only try our best." Defend the city we have captured now."

The young emperor rubbed his eyebrows and asked: "If the empire leaves him, will it really be unable to defeat the orcs?"

Supreme Judgment James Watson said calmly: "It's not that we can't beat it. Lane's national power is superior to other kingdoms. We have the most powerful army and the strongest faith. If we continue now, the casualties will be very high."

The emperor raised the corner of his mouth with a sarcastic smile and asked: "Casualties? Since when has my empire been afraid of casualties? I have heard since I was a child that even if more than half of the Ryan army suffered casualties, there would be no morale problems at all. The war has already begun. If we don’t take this opportunity to capture the orcs, how many more years will we have to wait?”

James Watson frowned and explained: "Your Majesty, our army is not afraid of casualties, but unnecessary casualties are the commander's stupidity. It is really not suitable to continue fighting now, at least until those young men get used to Winston's absence. day."

This is a bit blunt and may sound impolite, but James Watson dared to say it.

In recent years, Ryan has changed emperors too quickly. He, the supreme judge, has served three emperors.

The little emperor was only sixteen years old and had only been on the throne for less than three years. He was young and not too smart, so it was difficult for him to have any prestige.

The young emperor heard James Watson's disrespect, and he said angrily: "James Watson, you are just my minister. Don't think you have power. I am the emperor, and I can change the supreme decision."

James Watson was too lazy to waste time with the little emperor, and said calmly: "Then please select a suitable candidate as soon as possible, Your Majesty. I am getting old, and it is time for another person to take on this important responsibility."

The emperor didn't expect James Watson to speak so decisively, but he was a little bit stuck. If you don't agree, wouldn't you be very embarrassed? If he agreed, how would he know who could take over the old man's position?

James Watson looked at the emperor's angry but afraid expression and sighed inwardly.

This young man was originally a member of the royal family who was just waiting to die. He never received a decent education since he was a child, and he couldn't even become a paladin. Originally, he should have lived a mediocre and ordinary life like other ordinary nobles. Who would have thought that among the royal family now, he is the only one who can make the magic dragon's weapons react even slightly.

The only thing he had to worry about after he ascended the throne was having children. James Watson couldn't even remember how many children he had. After giving birth to his sixth son, the Supreme Judge no longer cared.

This kind of blind reproduction, like animals, seems more like a kind of blasphemy.

What the great founding emperor left behind, whether it was blood or glory, was about to disappear.

James Watson began to wonder whether the royal family's selection criteria were out of date.

But James Watson had no choice. The election of the emperor was controlled by the royal family. Unless he, the supreme judge, wanted to rebel, he was not qualified to express any opinions.

Fortunately, the power of the empire is very clearly divided, and the emperor of the tribunal controlled by the Supreme Judgment cannot point fingers, unless the little emperor is determined to change his mind and replace him with someone else as the Supreme Judgment.

Obviously, the emperor did not have such determination. He just said "I am tired" and then left this magnificent palace angrily.

After the emperor left, the Supreme Judgment came to the throne, looked at the reliefs on it and fell into deep thought.

The throne is engraved with the founding emperor's feat of slaying the dragon and establishing the empire. It was built by the second emperor after the death of Arthur Lane. Arthur Lane did not like this kind of thing full of personality worship during his lifetime. According to the records, the founding emperor had almost no shortcomings except for being too conceited about his appearance. He was Lane's most perfect saint.

Who could have imagined that one thousand seven hundred years later, the emperor sitting on this throne would look like this.

James Watson said to Arthur Lane on the relief: "Your Majesty, your heirs are no longer able to manage this empire. If you are still here, what will you do?"

The relief will not give James Watson any answer. His words are actually asking himself.

However, he didn't have the answer himself.

James Watson could only raise his head and look at the window with morning light, praying silently in his heart, hoping to get guidance from the Lord of the Morning.

However, the radiance of the gods did not appear, as if James Watson's doubts were not important to the Lord of the Morning.

At this time, James Watson thought of his youngest son who was far away in the Orc Mountains. News came from the army that he had listened to the oracle of the Lord of the Dawn not long ago, and perhaps he should be brought back and asked.

However, the Supreme Judgment was not qualified to intervene in military matters, so he could only say hello to the new imperial commander. This is Alan Wright, the grandson of the Silver Moon Knight. He is over 70 years old this year. He is considered a veteran in the military. With his background as the grandson of the Silver Moon Knight, he was quickly recommended as the new commander-in-chief.

This is just an honorary position. Lane's supreme commander usually has no military power. Only when necessary, the emperor will appoint the supreme commander to lead the army to fight, and will take back military power after the battle.

It's just that the Silver Moon Knights themselves are too special to have absolute dominance in the army.

Now, I'm afraid Lane's army will have to adapt to the old rules again.

All kinds of annoying things came up at once, and James Watson was a little tired, but he had no time to rest. James Watson had to return to the referee's office to start today's work.

But when he returned to the court, he saw an emerald-green letter placed next to a mountain of official documents.

An envelope like this is a magical letter from Silvermoon Highgarden. The seal on it can only be opened by the recipient.

Under normal circumstances, letters sent from Silvermoon High Court will not be in this form. The people below will open the letters and read the contents, and then convey the important parts to James Watson. If he had to check every letter personally, he wouldn't have that much time.

But the magic letter is different. It must contain extremely important top-secret content that can only be known to James Watson.

"Is there something wrong with the elves?"

James Watson did not dare to neglect. The elves were Ryan's biggest allies, and could also be said to be his only allies. The content of such an important letter was definitely not simple.

Opening the letter carefully, James Watson found that there was only a simple sentence written on the letter: "I have news about Arthur Lane. Come to Silvermoon Highgarden to discuss it in detail."

After James Watson read the letter, the words quickly burst into flames, incinerating the entire letter to ashes.

There is no polite modification, just this sentence that is hard to understand. Arthur Lane has ascended to the Kingdom of God for many years. What does it mean to have news about him?

If it were a letter sent by someone else, James Watson would only order someone to punish the prankster severely.

However, this letter was signed "Hildas Terra", the name of the previous Elf King. As we all know, Hildas Terra is a good friend of Arthur Lane. The two have traveled the continent together for many years, and they were also one of the heroes who fought against the dragon tyrant together.

James Watson also had a good personal relationship with the former Elf King, and they often exchanged letters.

The same sentence, said by different people, has completely different effects.

James Watson had to seriously consider this invitation, but as Ryan's supreme judge, the Silver Moon Knight had just been buried. At this critical moment, he couldn't get away at all.

Looking at the official documents on the table again, James Watson sighed and blessed himself with an enhanced version of the vitality spell. Now we can only finish what we are doing as soon as possible before applying to visit Silvermoon High Court.

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