This lich needs more money

Chapter 240 Amber Xiu, whose business is booming

Late at night, candlelight was bright in the castle's laboratory, and Isabel was immersed in sorting out experimental materials for the whole day.

Before Amberxiu came back, Isabel didn't have so much information to sort out.

It's not because Isabel isn't diligent enough, but because her speed in doing experiments is far slower than Amber's.

This lich teacher can control the hands of more than a dozen mages at the same time to operate. One person is equivalent to an assembly line.

Not only that, Amber Xiu has a far more solid foundation in alchemy than Isabel, and can think of several different formulas and related preparation processes in an instant.

Although the final result of the potion cannot be inferred out of thin air, every adjustment is targeted, so Amber Xiu obtained an astonishing number of experimental results in one day.

Isabel may not have so much data to record in half a month.

And it’s not just about recording, but also organizing it into categories.

In order to confirm the final effect, Amberxiu also spent half an hour explaining to Isabel how to list statistics, how to make bar charts and pie proportion charts, etc.

Isabel said that she had never heard of this statistical method from her previous teacher, or that the other teacher had always hidden it and not taught it.

Anyway, Isabel thought about it on her own and found that this statistical method was clearer. Even when she made the table, she had a clearer understanding of the difference in the dosage of those materials.

"Sure enough, the gap with the teacher is still too big."

Isabel felt a little emotional. If Amberxiu had discovered the mucus, he would have made more and better potions.

My enthusiasm for learning is at an all-time high, and I don’t think there is any problem even if I stay up late.

However, the maid next to her, Cardinal, felt a little sad and advised Isabel: "Miss, why don't you take a rest? Can you wait until tomorrow to do these things?"

Isabel said without raising her head: "That won't work. The teacher asked me to send it to him when I finish it tonight. You can bring another bottle of vitality potion."

"But..." Cardinal couldn't help complaining: "Oh, your teacher is too harsh."

Isabel originally looked down at the information, but when she heard what Cardinal said, she immediately raised her head and warned very seriously: "Cardina, never say anything bad about the teacher, absolutely not, do you understand?!"

Cardinale had been getting along with Isabel for some time, but she had never seen this young lady speak to her in such a stern tone. Cardinal knew that she had said something stupid. It seemed that the relationship between the young teacher and Miss Isabel was closer than imagined, and they could not even say a bad word.

Could it be that there is nothing wrong with these two people... Cardina thinks about it and there is nothing wrong. Isabel is very beautiful, and the adult looks young and handsome. From the appearance, the two of them are quite a match, but Miss Isabel is too nice. Wow, that adult is so harsh and doesn't look like a good person at all.

Cardinal is worried that Isabel has been deceived by a bad man, but Isabel is more worried than the maid. What worries Amberxiu is that she heard what Cardinal just said. You know, this teacher is a lich!

Isabel had witnessed Amberxiu disembowel two adventurers who invaded the castle and make them undead. Isabel also helped clean the laboratory.

Although Amberxiu was kind to her, Isabel always reminded herself not to anger the other person. Cardinal was a nice person, and Isabel didn't want to see her body fresh on the autopsy table tomorrow.

The two of them started working overtime tonight with completely different thoughts. Amber Xiu was lying on a long-lost chair, chatting with friends from the Mourning Poets Society.

Although the previous time journey cost a lot, the rewards were also huge.

Not to mention anything else, Arthur Lane's heroic spirit alone is already an earth-shattering harvest.

Before, Apoptotic Rose had been quietly collecting materials on the orc mountain side, so she had no time to pay attention to Amber Xiu. Now that the orcs have ceased war, Apoptotic Rose has also returned to the Underdark. It is time to talk about Arthur Lane. .

[Apoptotic Rose: Are you sure that is Arthur Lane's heroic spirit? 】

[Ultraman Tiga: No, so I have already sent a message to the elves. The previous elf king and Arthur Lane were adventure companions for many years. I believe he can make an accurate judgment. According to Catherine’s news , this Elf King should come to me in half a month. 】

According to Catherine's reply, the old elf attached great importance to this. If the elves hadn't still had many troubles to resolve, he would have wished to fly to Amberxiu to meet his old friend.

[Apoptotic Rose: Let’s wait until it’s confirmed. 】

Apoptotic Rose didn't show too much concern. Amberxiu thought she would really want to see this ancestor, or would like to transform Arthur Lane's heroic spirit into a ghost?

This business can be negotiated, but if it is not possible, Amberxiu can lend her a few days and let her give Arthur Lane a good beating. She is probably willing to spend money for this.

However, Apoptotic Rose showed indifference to this, which made Amber Xiu couldn't help but curiously asked: [You don't seem to be interested in Arthur Lane. Is this your ancestor and the founding emperor of Lane? Even if it’s hatred, you should still care about it, right? 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Why should you care? It wasn't Arthur Lane who made that country what it is today. 】

Hey, there seems to be a saying here. It was not Arthur Lane who made the Lane Empire what it is now. Who did it?

Amber Xiu was not polite to Apoptotic Rose and asked directly: [Is there any special information you can share? 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Nothing special. I haven’t studied these carefully. I only know that when Arthur Lane was still alive, the Lane Empire did not discriminate against or even persecute foreign races like it does now. 】

When Apoptotic Rose was young, she was a branch of the royal family. Until one day, her father became the emperor. The reason was also ridiculous. It was because his Ryan bloodline was stronger, and the previous emperor was more suitable because he could not give birth to a child. The child had to pass the throne to Apoptotic Rose's father.

Then, Apoptotic Rose got lucky and she was able to control the dragon's weapons and became the next heir.

Then, Apoptotic Rose did not want to be locked up in the palace as a fertility machine, so she chose to escape from Ryan.

It can be said that Apoptotic Rose does not know much about the real secrets of the royal family, or that the royal family itself has lost most of its secrets many generations of emperors ago.

Many people don't even understand why they have to work hard for the royal bloodline generation after generation. Anyway, the magic dragon weapons are also placed in the treasure house and have not been used at all for more than a thousand years.

And even without using the magic dragon weapons, Ryan is still the strongest country in the continent.

There are also many people in the royal family who think that there is no need to go through such trouble, which will not only cause many tragedies, but also make each generation of the Ryan royal family worse than the last.

Bloodline alone is not enough to manage an empire. It also needs to be carefully cultivated from an early age, rather than just pulling someone in and stuffing it into a chair.

But now, whoever can make the silver-white armor in the treasure house shine can become the emperor. Isn't Ryan inferior to the last generation?

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Amberxiu started talking about other cooperation.

[Ultraman Tiga: I have settled in the desert underground. It is a huge underground ruins, which is enough for us to cultivate. The mercury zombies I mentioned to you before can now be cultivated on a large scale. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Okay, just tell me if you need anything. How about this? I'll have someone dig an underground passage to connect the Dark Area with your underground city. This will make it easier to transport various supplies. 】

Amber Xiu hesitated for a moment, a little afraid to agree.

It is certainly a good thing to exchange information with Apoptotic Rose, as transaction costs can be greatly reduced. But once this passage is opened, it is equivalent to handing the key to the house to Apoptotic Rose. Another point is that mercury zombies can divide themselves as long as they have enough metal. Amber Xiu doesn't want Apoptotic Rose to know about this. If she discovers this, she can cultivate it by herself as long as she takes away one or two mercury zombies. Okay, how do you collect the final payment from Amber Xiu?

But if she refuses, will it make Apoptotic Rose suspicious?

After thinking for a moment, Amberxiu replied: [It would be nice to get through, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy. I don’t know what civilization left this underground ruins, and the building materials are incredibly strong. Catherine and I tried it, and it took us a long time to leave only a shallow scar on the city gate. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: How is this possible? You and the elf queen can't destroy it even if they work together? 】

Amber Xiu took out the memory crystal, which he had taken when he was in the dungeon. He was also planning to find someone to ask about the information about the city gate, so he just happened to send it to Apoptotic Rose now.

After reading the contents of the memory crystal, Apoptotic Rose replied: [This is outrageous. How could there be such a strong material in this world? How did the civilization with this material perish? 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Who knows? I am also very curious. Well, let's forget about digging tunnels. Let's stick to the old rules and build a stable teleportation array. Although the cost is higher, it is the only more convenient way. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Okay, let’s decide like this. When the teleportation array is built, I will also come to see your new home. By the way, I said before that I snatched the legendary corpse from the orcs. I will send you the specific requirements. You can help me prepare the soul as soon as possible. I have an urgent need recently. 】

Urgent need?

Amber Xiu is a little curious. Doesn't this Queen of the Undead want to attack Ryan now?

Although the Silver Moon Knight is dead, Ryan still has the most legends on the continent and the strongest military power.

Amberxiu couldn't ask more questions, so he could only suggest: [Well, if you really need it, you can ask other people for help. I believe Gareth and the others will be happy to do so. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Haha, don't worry, I'm not going to fight Ryan now. I've been waiting for so many years, and I'm not in a hurry. It's just that there are some problems in the Underdark that need to be solved. 】

An Boxiu then replied with confidence: "Don't worry, I promise to help you do it well." By the way, the cost is probably not low. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: You make a price. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Although the level of the soul cannot be legendary, if you want to control the undead body of the legendary level, you will need at least 10 million gold coins. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: I’ll give you 20 million to help me do my best. 】

Amberxiu sighed, she is truly worthy of being a queen. After deducting the cost, this business will earn at least 18 million.

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