This lich needs more money

Chapter 255: The mysterious drow

Chapter 255 The Mysterious Drow

 Led by the spider drow, the fugitive slaves who were still ready to continue their "resistance" walked into the boundless darkness.

These spider drow show a special space transfer ability. They can weave a space channel with dark spider webs, and when you walk into it, you will be teleported to the location of another spider web.

 No wonder Apoptotic Rose has been searching for so long but hasn't found the real mastermind behind the scenes. This method is too special. You can try to track it with regular space teleportation, but this kind of teleportation with different principles cannot be traced.

This shouldn't be the ability of the spider drow. Amberxiu probably has something to do with that artifact.

 When he thought of this, Amber Xiu got a little excited. Maybe he could use the artifact himself?

 If it doesn’t work, it will definitely be worth a lot if you sell it.

 As for the Rose Spider Queen, Amberxiu was not that worried.

 After all, gods have their own rules and cannot interfere too much with the mortal world.

 The reason why this world can still exist must be thanked and praised by Io.

 It is God who has given all the gods authority, and at the same time restricted all the gods from doing whatever they want, otherwise the world would have fallen apart long ago.

 Therefore, no matter what camp you are in, as long as you are still alive in this world, you should be grateful to Io.

Even the devils in **** did not dare to have any objections to this god. Instead, they thanked Io for giving them a place to stay.

The same goes for Amberxiu. He also respects this god. Whenever he gives him a wink, Amberxiu will swear to only respect this man in his life and will not betray him no matter how much money he gives.

  After all, there is nothing more valuable than Io.

It is precisely because Io worked so conscientiously to restrict those gods that Amberxiu had the urge to steal the artifact.

Melina automatically banned the magic field, and Amber Xiu is now regarded as the top figure in the spellcasting profession. Can the two of them together still steal a so-called artifact?

 After all, fate did not warn Amberxiu, which means there is no danger ahead... Wait, something seems wrong.

Even if you don’t have a premonition of danger, why don’t you have a premonition of success rate?

Amberxiu is now blessed with the power of fate. When making many decisions, he can sense the success rate of many things even if he does not deliberately use the power of fate.

 But this time, Amberxiu only felt a void, as if there was nothing in front of him.

 Is it because the artifact is too closely related to the Lolth Spider Queen?

Amber Xiu’s current ability is only incapable of sensing anything related to gods.

While thinking about this problem, Amber Xiu found that everyone was taken to an underground city full of spider webs.

After traveling through so many times, Amber Xiu was not sure where he was in the Underdark, but the huge underground space in front of him should be easy to identify. He quickly recorded it and showed it to Apoptotic Rose to confirm. Location.

The spider drow led Amberxiu and the others into the city. Amberxiu quickly deduced many things from the dilapidated buildings and fresh footprints.

Judging from the architectural style, it is a bit like the style of the ancient gray dwarves. Judging from the dilapidation of these buildings, Anboxiu estimates that this city is at least a thousand years old. However, the cobwebs and footprints on the ground are fresh, which shows that they are the gray dwarves recently found by the rebels. The dwarf ruins, and then occupied this place, did not bother to repair it, just covered it with cobweb paste and repaired it.

  In other words, this group of rebels has not been here for too long, or this is not their base camp yet. And because of the teleportation ability of those black cobwebs before, Amber Xiu was a little more careful about the various cobwebs inside the city, for fear that there might be some special abilities that he had not yet demonstrated.

Amberxiu saw a lot of things, but Melina only focused on urging the spider drow to take her to see that mistress.

This kid is already ready to take action as soon as they meet, kill the mastermind directly, and then set the city on fire to completely solve this problem.

However, the spider drow did not take Melina to meet his master, but instead found a place to settle down for everyone.

"The master is busy with other things. When she is free, I will introduce you to her. You guys should get used to it first. There is no shortage of food and various supplies here, and it is absolutely safe. You can also take a rest. , relax.”

This is quite reasonable. These escaped slaves had been frightened for most of the day. Finally they found a safe place and couldn't help but want to lie down and take a rest. Melina didn't want to be too obvious, so she had no choice but to accept this arrangement.

Amberxiu didn't think there was any problem with this. If he was the mastermind behind the scenes, he wouldn't receive these new drows right away. If the drows don't have a good idea of ​​their character, he would have to show his power first and make them surrender completely.

I believe it won’t be long before the means to establish authority will come.

 But Amberxiu didn't want to waste too much time. After comforting Melina, he relied on his illusion skills to follow directly behind the spider drow. If it was just a group of drow who were ready to cause trouble for the Apoptotic Rose, Amberxiu could rest assured and let Melina perform on her own, but when it came to matters of gods and artifacts, Amberxiu could only do it himself and leave it to a person who was just a few years old. Children of God are irresponsible.

 The illusion inherited from Lady of the Mist is enough to hide from all sensors and magical monitoring, because this illusion is not just a simple distortion of light, it can even forge touch and smell, and it is a comprehensive way of creating falsehoods.

Amberxiu felt that the effect of this illusion was to completely distort his own existence, so even if he accidentally touched those spider webs, the vibration did not attract the attention of the spider-turned drow.

Following this spider drow all the way through the cobweb-covered city, walking through large ruins, and climbing up several high walls, I finally came to a decent tower.

This high tower looks completely different from the city's architectural style at first glance. It is made of purple-black stones and is estimated to be close to a hundred meters high.

The outside of the tower is filled with drow decorations, and at the top of the tower is an exquisite statue of the Spider Queen Lolth.

Amberxiu felt relieved when he saw this high tower. This was the opponent's lair. This high tower was filled with a terrifying and evil atmosphere. It had gone through countless blood sacrifices. It was definitely not a temporary residence.

As a lich, he naturally wouldn't worry about anything inside the tower that could kill him, so he followed the spider drow without hesitation and walked into the tower.

As soon as he entered the door, Amberxiu sensed a faint sweet fragrance permeating the tower. There were no dense spider webs inside the tower. Instead, it was covered with expensive plush carpets, and gold lamp holders and lamps were hung on the walls. Exquisite oil painting.

Although drow are cruel and vicious, they are also a branch of elves and have very high requirements for their living environment.

Amber Xiu was suspended in the air, looking around as he floated.

Typical of Rose Drall's style, the oil paintings contain a lot of pornographic, violent and **** content, but they are also artistically processed very beautifully, giving each painting a strong sense of impact, as if you will be taken away by it if you look at it too much. A kind of violent aesthetic brainwashing.

Amberxiu was thinking about how much these drow-style paintings could be sold for on the ground. It shouldn't be difficult to sell a painting for 20,000 gold coins. If he could get a complete set together, the value might even increase.

But these things also show that the owner of the tower comes from a long-standing drow family, rather than the drow slaves who have been enslaved by the Apoptotic Rose for many generations.

 The older an elf is, the richer its foundation, the more various magic equipment it has, and the more difficult it is to deal with it.

But it’s not a big problem. If it really doesn’t work, I can hide in a corner of this abandoned city and draw a teleportation array, and then let the Apoptotic Rose teleport over with the undead army, and directly push the ruins away.

Amber Xiu's current goal is to confirm the location of the artifact and what role it plays, and he dares to boast that it can destroy an undead empire.

 Amber Xiu followed the spider drow all the way up, passed through many tightly guarded checkpoints, and finally reached the top of the tower.

Amberxiu could tell at a glance that this top-floor building was a huge magic circle, which contained several powerful magic effects and was mainly used for **** sacrifices.

The statue of Rose Spider Queen stands in the center of the magic circle. In front of the sculpture is a chair in the shape of a spider, and a black-skinned drow beauty sits lazily on the chair.

 She wore revealing clothing that looked like a spider web, but perfectly showed off her body curves.

Drow are such evil and charming creatures.

It is probably the default rule on the mainland. Those big shots like to place their seats in front of the statues of the gods they believe in. Maybe this gives them the feeling that "the gods are watching me" and they can also borrow the breath of the gods to benefit themselves. Adds a sense of majesty.

The spider-turned drow came to the female drow, knelt down humbly, and reported: "Master, we have confirmed that the explosion was real. The explosion caused heavy losses to the undead, and a large number of slaves took the opportunity to escape. . But the cause of the explosion is not yet known.”

The female drow sneered and said: "There is no need to investigate. The Spider Queen has already told me that this is a conspiracy of the undead."

Amberxiu frowned. This Spider Queen was so unruly. How could she directly tell these drow her plans?

This is already against the rules.

Moreover, how does this **** know? She has no power of prophecy.

The gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. It is impossible for Amber Xiu to think up a conspiracy and be noticed by the gods. Rose is not the Lord of Knowledge Ogma.

But what the female drow said next made Amberxiu even more surprised.

"Kill all those so-called slaves. There must be undead spies among them... Oh no, bring them up. I want to conduct a new blood sacrifice, and I just need some sacrifices. This time, it's not just about welcoming the Spider Queen. When I come, there are many goddesses who want to bless me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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