This lich needs more money

Chapter 258: The overall pattern of the Mourning Poets Society

Chapter 258 The overall pattern of the Mourning Poets Society

  【Ultraman Tiga: Help, I am being hunted down by four goddesses! 】

Amberxiu did not hesitate to ask for help from the president. After all, he was the one who dragged him into the Mourning Poets Society, and he would not refuse to save him even if he died.

However, to Ambrose's disappointment, the president did not appear. Instead, it was Heggie Stone who was like an atmosphere group, always speaking after him.

  【Don't like humans: What are you doing today? Why didn't I understand? 】

  【Ultraman Tiga: Go aside, this is not a big deal that the dwarf vampire race can get involved in. 】

  【Headless Horseman's Crown: Brother, I'm not talking about you this time, and I didn't understand what you said either. What does it mean for four goddesses to join forces to hunt you down? That's not how you brag. Which **** would join forces to deal with you? 】

Amberxiu was helpless. The group of friends would not believe him if he told the truth, so he could only explain everything he encountered on the tower, even the things that Shar asked him to plot against several other goddesses.

The first rule of the Mourning Poets Society is that the communication in the group is not allowed to be spread outside the community.

Amberxiu believed in the president's ability and believed that no one would dare to violate this rule, so he had no scruples in speaking.

 The only people who can help now are the people of the Mourning Poets Society.

  【Apoptotic Rose: I asked you to help me deal with a little trouble, and you got into trouble with this goddess alliance? I don't know what to say anymore. Is Melina okay? 】

  【Ultraman Tiga: She doesn't know yet, but she is safe now. 】

  【Pale Little Skeleton: Wait, who is Melina? 】

  【Apoptotic Rose: It's my and his daughter. 】

  【Pale little skull:? ? ? ? ? 】

  【Don’t like humans: XXXXXXX! 】

  【The Headless Horseman's Crown: Are you kidding me? ! How do the undead give birth to children? ! 】

 Poet: I also want to know, I would like to write a poem about this feat! 】

Amber Xiu was speechless. Is now the time to care about this? But even the poet has appeared. Can we find the president through him?

Hyperman Tiga: Giving birth is not the point. The point is that the four goddesses are staring at me now. Friends, if you don’t help, you will never see me. 】

  【Pale Little Skeleton: No matter what the task is, Gareth and I have helped, but you have to tell us how the child was born! 】

  【Headless Horseman's Crown: Yes, I will risk my life to help you! 】

 It seems that this undead couple has really wanted to have a baby for a long time.

It’s a pity that Amber Xiu doesn’t really let the undead have children.

  【Ultraman Tiga: Ms. Rose, it's better not to say such misleading words. I weave the soul, and Ms. Rose is responsible for making the body. Melina is just an undead created by our cooperation. 】

These words may have shocked the Gareths, and they did not speak again for a long time.

Amberxiu felt a little regretful. If the undead could really give birth to children, this business would probably be very profitable.

 No, now is not the time to worry about this.

Amberxiu quickly grabbed the life-saving straw and said to the senior [Poet]: [Senior, you are very familiar with the president. Can you ask him to help? I will definitely remember this favor. 】

 The Mourner is an existence that even Shar wants to show respect to. It must be a god, but I don’t know who it is. It is probably much more reliable than the God of Alchemy.

                                                   plea: Don't be too whimsical. The president will not get involved in conflicts between gods. However, you are right, you are a member of the Dead Poets Society after all. We old guys have been sleeping for so long that the world has forgotten the name Dead Poets Society. It's really shameless for four gods to unite to deal with a lich. This time, I'll help you, it's time to give the old guys some slack. 】

Amberxiu was a little excited. Could it be that this mysterious senior poet was going to take action?

  He had speculated before that the poet might also be a god, but now it seems that he is not.

The gods cannot personally participate in mortal disputes, and even the Goddess Alliance can only get mortals to help them with things by blessing them.

However, even if they are not gods, poets should be like the ghost ship Aige, at least at the level of demigod. With his help this time, it should be safer.

              But it’s okay to ask us old guys to help, but what exactly do you want to do? According to Shar's request, can't you just use illusion to hide yourself and then give that drow a knife? Just leave the rest to Shar. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Senior, look at who the Goddess Alliance is, the Dragon Goddess, Rose Spider Queen, the Goddess of Pain, the Goddess of Night... none of them is a good person, Shar can find me To plot against the other three goddesses, do you think Queen Rose Spider will not hold anything back? I dare say that Shar will definitely talk to Tiamat and Rose and tell them that the three of them worked together to trap Lavita, and the other three goddesses will do the same thing. Three against one, or two and two combined, and then each has its own plan to trick the other three. The four women can come up with eight permutations and combinations. 】

  【Don’t like humans: Why are there only eight types? 】

  【Tiga Ultraman: As a history student, don't think about this issue. Now the problem is, I don’t know how many back-ups these goddesses have arranged. I can use illusion to hide myself and then sneak attack, but what if this is a trap? I don't want to take risks without knowing anything. ]      Just like what I said before traveling through time, if there are four people in a dormitory, there can be several chat groups. Amber Xiu believed that none of the four goddesses were worry-free, and their calculations would definitely go crazy. The dagger Shar gave Amber Xiu was not improvised, it was clearly planned for a long time.

  In other words, even if Amberxiu did not appear, Shar would use the dagger in other ways.

Time is tight, and the ceremony can be completed in a day or two at most. Amber Xiu does not have enough time to find out all the goddess’s back-up men.

 Because the dice of fate cannot account for the actions of gods, no matter how divination is done, there will be nothingness.

If it weren't for this reason, Amberxiu wouldn't need to ask for help. After calculating all the hidden dangers, he could just throw the meteor bursts all the way.

                So, your trouble now is actually that you are worried that the goddesses have other traps, then I know how to help you. 】

The outline of a crystal appeared on the Code of the Undead, and a special crystal appeared in front of Amber Xiu.

Poet: I gave you a recording crystal. After you smash it, you can play the new music I recently created on a loop. 】


 New music, is this any good? Was it broadcast at his own funeral to enhance the atmosphere?

Poet: When this song is played, it should be able to temporarily isolate the will of the four goddesses for about five minutes. 】

 It means that Amber Xiu has no lungs, otherwise he would definitely take a breath of cold air.

 Blocking the will of the gods, isn’t this the effect of isolating the coming of the gods? This is a perfect artifact!

 As expected, the Mourning Poets Society are all big guys, and whatever they throw out are good things.

Five minutes of isolation from the influence of the gods is enough for Amber Xiu to kill seven in and seven out of this tower.

  【Ultraman Tiga: Thank you so much. 】

                           :Don't be too busy thanking me first. Since you are doing this in the name of the mourning poetry society, you can't make a small fuss. The four goddesses teamed up to deal with the members of our Mourning Poets Society, and if we didn't let them leave anything behind, wouldn't it be an embarrassment to the president? 】

These words were said in a domineering manner. In the eyes of this senior, the four evil goddesses were like little girls playing school bully.

Poet: Just go about your business, we old guys will take care of the rest. 】

This domineering senior fell silent after saying this. He didn't know what he meant by solving. It couldn't be that these four goddesses were solved.

 Lavita is okay, not that good anyway.

But Queen Lose, Tiamat and Shar, these three are all famous. Even the elves and gods can't kill Queen Lose. Tiamat is the Lord of Hell, and Shar is the founder of Io. One of the ancient gods who was born at the beginning.

It is impossible to kill them, but Amberxiu estimates that this senior has a big appetite, and it is very likely that he wants to rob these goddesses of their original divine power.

This is called the big picture. Normally, he looks like a funny character, and all he does is boring things like forcing others to listen to him reciting poems. But when he gets serious, he dares to hunt gods. I am really far behind.

 After a moment of humbly reflecting on himself, Amberxiu regained his confidence.

Amberxiu's most worrying problem has been solved. If he can isolate the influence of gods, Amberxiu has the Golden Throne plug-in and Melina's trump card, so he really has no one to fear.

“Senior is right. Now I represent the Mourning Poets Society, so I should be a little bolder.”

Amberxiu resisted the illusion and floated directly to the magic circle being set up.

This magic circle is full of drow style. Amberxiu only knows a little bit about many of the patterns, and cannot change them randomly like Harvey.

But he still saw traces of the patchwork of this magic circle. It was indeed an alliance of four goddesses, giving this magic circle four very different areas. In Amber's opinion, the fusion of these four parts was not very good, like four pieces of plasticine that were hastily kneaded together. Although each shape was very delicate, the fused part looked very rough and completely destroyed. Overall perfect feel.

But these drow elves didn't seem to feel anything, and they completed the magic circle carefully according to the drawings.

 And Trisna, the drow matron, has already begun preparing blood sacrifices.

Many underground races that Amberxiu didn't know were sent to the tower, killed by Trisna herself, and then skinned and deboned. What she wants is not flesh and blood, but the hatred and despair brought by pain.

  These emotions mixed with blood will become the best sacrifice for the drow to the gods.

 Thanks to the fact that the four goddesses are all from the evil camp this time, the blood filled with hatred and despair is a sacrifice that all four can accept, which saves Trisna a lot of trouble.

  Every killing must be done by hand. Trisna's expression was extremely pious as she filled the huge pool several meters deep with blood little by little.

Amberxiu estimated that when the blood pool was filled, the blessing ceremony would begin.

Melina should also be among the sacrifices. I wonder if the child will find out?

I have one more chapter to go later. I suddenly had diarrhea. I really can’t drink iced milk at night.



 (End of this chapter)

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