This lich needs more money

Chapter 276: Ambrose's new research

Chapter 276 Amberxiu’s new research

   Amber Xiu returned to his underground alchemy factory from Silvermoon Highgarden.

Although the deal was not settled, it was not entirely in vain. Amberxiu sold the secrets he knew about Arthur Lane to Huggie Stone and made a small profit of several million gold coins.

For the sake of the Mourning Poets Society, our own people still have to pay a discount, but if it's an outsider, we don't have to ask for hundreds of millions.

After the dwarf vampire learned the truth about the dragon's blood curse, he howled for several minutes, as excited as a naughty child. Then Huggie Stone decisively drove Ambrose away. He said that he would spend the next few years in seclusion and write a book. He wanted to write a history book that would leave his name in history.

With such a great ideal, Amberxiu was very happy for him, and said that he would share half of the manuscript fee, and that the second work should be named after him.

Hodge Stone wanted to refute the fact that Desert People did not pay attention to copyright, but Umbersheu decisively came up with another method.

“If you don’t give me royalties and a signature, I will tell this secret to other historians. I think they will be happy to give me these things.”

Hodge Stone surrendered decisively. Compared with the ideal of leaving a name in history, the royalties and signatures are nothing more than hush money for this lich.

 Ambrose returned to his alchemy factory with satisfaction.

 If a legendary-level prophecy mage tells you it's settled, it must be settled.

  But that’s because mushroom spore powder is very rare, so the cost cannot be reduced.

Harvey was about to leave, but was stopped by Amber Xiu, and continued: "Wait a minute, I also thought of a way to brand our products as soon as possible. Go and send a piece of ice to every distributor , covered with our sunscreen, and let them bask in the sun in front of the store.”

They are not only launching a new product, they are also trying to compete with the original sunscreen. Their opponents will use all possible means to deal with their competitor.

If the price is cheaper, they will definitely say that it is made of fake and inferior materials and has various side effects. Then they will find a few people to pretend to be victims, saying that something went wrong after using sunscreen, and then ruin the reputation of Amberxiu's products. Smelly.

Amberxiu wanted to open up the low-end market so that more people could afford it, so he directly priced it at five silver coins.

The Apoptotic Rose has begun to deliver the first batch of mushroom spore powder, and the production of sunscreen has begun. Because it is a very simple alchemy product, it can be generated directly in one go without the need for secondary processing.

Now that there are thousands of bottles of sunscreen, Amberxiu asked Harvey to send it to surface dealers in preparation for launching it on the market.

The sunscreen on the market now costs almost ten gold coins a bottle, which is very expensive and only nobles can afford it. You have to apply this stuff every day. One bottle lasts for half a month at most. How can ordinary families afford it?

“It costs five silver coins a bottle. If you recite a line of praise to the God of Alchemy when buying it, you can get an additional 20% discount.”

Moreover, Amberxiu is planning to launch large bottles, one bottle will last for a month, which will make it more affordable.

 After hearing this, Harvey knew that Amberxiu had already made arrangements, so he no longer worried.

“It’s so cheap, I’m afraid some people may think we are inferior goods.”

 Checked the work and found that everything was going well.

 Harvey is not an innocent little boy, he is also a person who has lived in the market, and he is very clear about these ways.

These are common "business war" tactics. If you are more ruthless, you may directly find land hooligans to smash stores.

Amberxiu smiled and said: "I have already prepared this. Later you go to the Alchemy City...oh, no, it should be called the Gold City now, and find another student of mine. Her name is Isabel, and she is the current alchemist. The rising star inside, let her go to the desert and configure our sunscreen on site, which will naturally solve most of the problems. For the rest, I will ask the current president of the Alchemist Council to help provide our products. Get certified and you’ll be guaranteed to be more advanced than your competitors.”

 So, the real question is how to ensure that your sunscreen will not be smeared by your opponents.

However, Amberxiu’s dealers are all locals, so you don’t need to worry too much about this.

Hundred silver coins were exchanged for one gold coin. Amberxiu’s price directly transformed sunscreen from a luxury item to a civilian commodity. Although five silver coins is not cheap, it is a consumption level for ordinary people to eat a good meal occasionally, and most people can still afford it.

Harvey asked curiously: "Teacher, how much does our kind cost?"

“Ah, our sunscreen is so effective? Can it prevent the ice from melting?”

Amberxiu said: "How is this possible? I want you to use your hands and feet to prevent the ice from melting."


 This teacher is really unreasonable in his employment. He is a prophecy mage, how could he know such magic?

"Anyway, the task is left to you. I have to do everything myself. You also have to use your brain. You can only throw dice all day long, and your IQ will deteriorate."

Amberxiu’s words are not entirely alarmist. The prophecy mage does have this problem.

When you believe too much in the dice of fate you throw, people will become lazy to think and slowly become a waste who can only follow the crowd.

 Harvey thought to himself that he didn't throw dice very often, but when the teacher said this, Harvey could only accept his fate.

 How to keep the ice cubes from melting? Harvey was lost in thought as he walked.

 Sent the students to work, Amberxiu began his own work.

Amberxiu doesn’t need to worry about the alchemy factory, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

What Amber Xiu is busy with now is the large-scale reproduction of mercury zombies. Apoptotic Rose was stimulated by Amber Xiu and became more and more excited about attacking Lane. She began to urge Amber Xiu to prepare an army of mercury zombies for her. , a large amount of ore was delivered at any cost.

Amberxiu couldn't accept the money and stop working, so he could only designate an area in the underground city specifically for receiving ores and cultivating mercury zombies.

This thing is quite simple to raise. Mercury zombies cannot even excrete metal after eating it, so just put mercury zombies and ores together, and they will automatically divide and reproduce.

 After arranging the venue, all you have to do is come over regularly to observe.

 After finishing this work, Amberxiu returned to his laboratory and started a new experiment.

But this time what he saw before him was no longer the skeletons of various creatures, but a bunch of mechanical parts of different models and functions. There are also a small amount of weapons and equipment, all of which are materials needed today.

Amberxiu simply assembled it, and a palm-sized drone appeared in front of him. He then took out the **** of alchemy's artifact gold coin, converted the drone into a corpse attribute, and then fabricated a soul and stuffed it into it.

 The propeller of the drone began to rotate rapidly, and the drone took off.

 "Forward, backward, left and right, raise, lower..." Amberxiu kept giving orders to this drone, and this little guy could complete all the tasks given by Amberxiu excellently.

 After doing this, Amberxiu put the drone aside, then took out a dagger, and also converted it into a corpse attribute.

 Following that, Amberxiu created a new artificial soul and put it into the dagger.

After a while, the dagger also levitated and flew up and down according to Amber Xiu's orders, appearing to be very flexible.

  This is often referred to as flying weapons. In many old castles, after the owner dies, he or she will sometimes attach himself to the weapons and armor he loved during his lifetime and become a different kind of undead.

Possessed weapons can generally float in mid-air and attack on their own. These are called flying weapons, while possessed armors are generally called hollow armors or living armors.

  The principle is the same anyway, that is, the souls of the dead use dark magic to control these metal equipment.

 But this situation is very rare, because metal is really difficult to possess, and only those particularly powerful undead can do it.

However, Amberxiu has the legendary grace of transforming attributes, so making this kind of flying weapon is very simple.

“The simulated soul imprinted with flying skills can indeed turn a dagger into a flying sword. The speed is not bad, and the flexibility exceeds that of a drone, but the accuracy is much worse, and hovering is also more difficult..."

 Amber Xiu continued to test, and then created many "undead" with different shapes for subdivision and comparison.

 Mechanical undead have the characteristics of precise control, and the soul cost is relatively low, but their flexibility is affected by the mechanical body, their movements are stiff, and their movements are fixed when moving, making them easy to predict.

 As for the flying weapons and hollow armor, because they are made by pure undead methods, each individual appears to be very agile, and the flight trajectory of the long sword and dagger is not affected by the shape at all.

If you let an undead drone fight against a flying dagger, the drone will definitely lose.

 It’s just that these souls must at least be imprinted with flight skills, and the cost of manufacturing souls is many times higher than that of machines.

Especially for hollow armor, if you want it to be able to move freely like a human being, the soul cost is even higher, which is almost equivalent to creating a high-level undead.

 Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and Amberxiu needs to constantly adjust to find a battlefield suitable for them.

"Drones can be sold to adventurers. They can even form a team with necromancers. Undead drones can explore and track their paths. If the price is cheap, they should buy it. As for this kind of flying weapons and hollow armor, It can be disguised as an antique and sold to collectors.”

Aerial weapons and hollow armors are very old before they can be possessed by the undead, so these things must be considered antiques. Amber Xiu’s fakery is so perfect that no one can refute it.

“These products praise the God of Alchemy and are discounted at 20%. In this way, teacher, your power should be restored soon.”

The reason why Amber Xiu is so busy is because of the upcoming troubled times.

The division of the Lion is just around the corner, and a world war is bound to begin. Once the demon dragon and Ryan decide the winner, the gods will break the previous agreement not to take action against each other, and it will definitely affect the mortal world on a large scale.

 Amberson must make preparations early.

These new undead arms are not only commodities, but also his future war weapons.

If these small, flying things carry a bottle of explosive alchemical potion and throw it over the enemy's head... Haha, let those enemies experience what modern warfare is.

 (End of this chapter)

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