This lich needs more money

Chapter 289: flag of the future

Chapter 289 The Flag of the Future

 The white holy light condensed on Allen's wrist, and the comminuted fracture began to heal rapidly under the influence of the holy light. After a few minutes, Allen rubbed his wrist and felt almost fully recovered.

  "Holy light is very useful. It is much stronger than healing potions."

Amberxiu was very envious. If the Lich's bone was broken, it would have to be replaced, but there would be no way to grow it back.

 In addition to not being able to live forever, Ryan's paladin is really quite powerful.

Although any **** can have his own paladins, Ryan is different. Their paladins master more divine spells and are more powerful than other paladins.

Alan sat on the ground without caring about his appearance, looked at Amberxiu and said, "What lies have you made up this time? If you don't want to be more happy, just kill me."

Amberxiu was not in a hurry now, and said strangely: "Looking like you want to die, giving up your life goes against your teachings."

Allen smiled bitterly and explained: "I fought with all my strength to drive away the evil and then lost. Isn't dying at the hands of the undead the destiny of a paladin?"

Amberxiu touched his chin, pondered for a moment and then asked: "You kid, have you committed treason? You are dirty, decadent, and alone. You look like a paladin who has broken his oath."

“You said they were robbers, do you have any evidence?” Allen asked.

Those five old farmers have a high prestige in the village because they have spent a lot of money recently and often help the orphans and widows in the village.

  Such treatment is really unheard of.

Perhaps it was because his father personally issued an amnesty order to remove the undead from the wanted list.

Every detail can have other reasonable explanations, but all of them add up to confirm Ambrose's statement.

Amberxiu spread his hands and said: "No, believe it or not. It is normal to kill the robber when you meet him. I have never heard of anyone having to prove his innocence. You are the one who wants to uphold the so-called justice. Then it’s up to you to investigate. Do you think this is true?”

 The reason why I wanted to take action was actually because I had the same idea as Amber Xiu.

Allen's answer was brief, but Ambrose knew that he had guessed correctly. He just didn't break the oath, not that he didn't treason.

Then the question is, if the old farmers who are farming in this era do not starve to death, it is good. What ability do they have to help the poor? Are they nobles or wealthy landlords and businessmen in the countryside?

Alan recalled many details that he had not noticed before, such as the fact that the village was obviously poor, but there were many valuable old machines. Most of the people in the village have dark skin and wrinkled faces, which is the result of long hours of hard work, but Allen found that every household has one or two good new clothes, which are hidden at home when not worn. There are also several new graves in the cemetery outside the village, but none of them have tombstones.

The destruction of the Alchemy City caused turmoil in the entire kingdom. I think there must have been many alchemists who wanted to escape from the kingdom at that time. Not every alchemist could afford an airship, and not everyone could teleport directly to of other kingdoms.

Moreover, Allen began to feel that what Amberxiu said was true.

 In fact, Allen was not unwilling to listen to Amber Xiu's explanation. After knowing that it was the lich, Allen was willing to give him a chance to explain.

Eren thought so too before, but the undead person who said this was Ultraman Tiga. Allen didn't know why. He felt that the lich in front of him was different from other undead. Maybe it was because he captured the entire city last time but didn't kill anyone in the end.

There are so many adventurers in the world, and there are more robbers than there are scales on the dragon. There is no reason for every adventurer to use a memory crystal to record every time he encounters a robber to prove his innocence.

Allen was silent because he knew what Amberxiu said made sense.

 “I have not broken my oath.”

 For the paladin, anything the undead says is a lie and a curse, and it is definitely "I won't listen, I won't listen."

 Begin with a good beating until the other person is completely convinced, and then talk slowly, this way the communication will be much smoother.

 Isn’t it right? Ryan’s Supreme Judgment is about to take action? Amberxiu thought he would have to brew for a year or two before he could come up with something, but he turned his son into treason so quickly?

"Okay, for the sake of your father, I will reluctantly explain it to you. First of all, I did kill the five villagers you mentioned, but that was because they wanted to kill me."

Who would have thought that the one who was defeated was still himself. It seemed to be no different from before. At most, he only struggled for a little longer.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for the undead to communicate with the paladins. After all, they are absolute opposites.

Those embarrassed alchemists may have passed through this border village and were killed by the villagers.

 Everything is true, but there is no conclusive evidence.

Amberxiu saw Allen's expression change and knew that the boy had believed what he said, so he smiled and asked again: "If you go back to investigate and find that those villagers have really become robbers, what are you going to do?"

Paladins can gain power only by fulfilling their oaths. Amber Xiu is not very clear about the content of Allen's oath, but he probably won't be the type with flexible moral standards like the Black Knight, otherwise he wouldn't be tracking the deaths of five villagers. Several hundred kilometers.

If he discovers that the villagers are all bandits and pretends he doesn't know, he will most likely break his oath and become a corrupted oathbreaker.

The paladin favored by the Lord of the Dawn will not be so doomed, right?

Allen smiled bitterly and said: "What else can we do? Make the truth public and let the laws of the kingdom deal with it. That village is now a village under the rule of dwarves, so it naturally follows the laws of dwarves. I am only responsible for making the truth public, how to punish Let the locals decide for themselves.”

Amberxiu nodded and said sincerely: "You have indeed grown up a lot than before. Then, goodbye, I hope we don't have to draw swords against each other next time we meet." Melina quietly said through soul transmission: " Father, why don't you kill this paladin?"

"The split of Lane is imminent, but a leading rebel is still needed. James Watson, the Supreme Judgment, is old, and he is not qualified to be the leader of the new Lane. But this kid is different. I have a hunch that the Lord of the Dawn has already He has been appointed as the new king of Ryan."

Amber Xiu also said this from the bottom of his heart.

 James Watson, like him, belongs to the old guy of the last era. And this old man grew up under Ryan's extreme education, and he has tried his best to maintain his fairness today. He should not be able to understand or imagine what it would be like to lose the extreme Ryan.

 Even if Lane is divided internally, James Watson cannot become a banner.

 Without new ideas and new doctrines, how can Lane's rebels distinguish themselves from orthodoxy? Without such a clear flag, how could one gather enough power to overthrow Ryan.

 But Alan can.

Amberxiu finally understood why the Lord of the Dawn favored him, not just because of his fighting talent. The twenty-year-old legend is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he cannot defeat a hundred of them.

 Thoughts can infect countless people.

Allen was born into a noble family, but before he could reach the heights of his fathers, he was nailed to the pillar of shame, and then he kept falling to the bottom. As a result, he became the youngest legendary paladin and became a new star in the empire.

 But at this time of success, Allen actually chose to commit treason.

 This must be extremely disappointing to Ryan to make such a choice, and being able to make such a choice shows that Allen sees more clearly and feels more deeply than his father.

As long as Allen can maintain his original intention, he will soon sum up new ideas from these painful experiences.

 This is the life trajectory of most great people.

 When Allen completes this transformation, he will become the new banner of Lane. He can answer all the questions for those who are confused, and then he can get responses from countless people with a single call, and then overthrow the Lane royal family and become the new king.

 The only problem that needs to be worried about now is that Allen is too weak.

The youngest legendary paladin talks nicely, but all it takes is one accident to kill him.

Amberxiu opened his private space and gave an order. Two small figures made of broken glass came out carrying a long sword.

Amberxiu handed the long sword to Allen: "Given to you, a paladin cannot live without a good sword."

Alan took the long sword strangely, pulled it out, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Allen knew swords very well, so when he pulled out the long sword, he could feel that it was not an ordinary enchanted long sword. He had never seen the pattern on it, and the material was also very special. He only recognized the essence of the sword. Expensive special metals such as gold and mithril are unrecognizable from other materials.

Amberxiu explained: "This is a unique demon-breaking weapon of the elves. It can destroy almost any defensive magic. It also has additional sharpness enchantment. It may be a bit exaggerated to cut iron like mud, but ordinary armor cannot block the edge of the sword. ”

Allen was shocked. Such a long sword was so precious. How could this lich give him such a precious thing?

As expected, Amber Xiu immediately continued: "This sword costs two hundred thousand gold coins. If you praise the God of Alchemy, I will give you a 20% discount."

Allen directly pressed the long sword into Amber Xiu's hand. He didn't even have two gold coins on him, let alone two hundred thousand gold coins. Not to mention praising the God of Alchemy, the Lord of the Morning would slap him to death if he said this.

  Mortals with faith cannot praise other gods casually. This is a very serious act of betrayal.

Amber Xiu chuckled and took out an IOU.

“It’s okay, just give me a thumbprint and the money can be paid back slowly.”

Allan felt that Amberxiu had bad intentions. When had this lich ever done such a loss-making business?

But Amberxiu didn't give him any chance, grabbed Allen's hand and pressed it, and Allen's fingerprints immediately appeared on the magic contract.

 “You!” Allen was stunned. Why is this lich so fast?

 A mage can grab the paladin's hand and press a hand seal. Even if Allen is not prepared, the speed is ridiculously fast.

This lich didn't use the acceleration spell just to trick him, right?

Amberxiu put the IOU away, threw down the sword and left.

It is said to be two hundred thousand gold coins, but in fact the cost is only two to three thousand gold coins. This is the legendary grace ability that Catherine shared with him, so it is not a conventional magic weapon refining method, and the cost can be reduced to an incredible level. situation.

But 200,000 gold coins for a magic sword with a super-powerful demon-breaking effect is more than this price anywhere.

The writing is clearly written in black and white. Old man James Watson should also burst into gold coins!

Amberxiu still remembered that the old man sent people to hunt him down when he failed to get a ransom last time. But now the offensive and defensive situation has changed. The old man is now a rebel of Lane, and he must take the 200,000.

 (End of this chapter)

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