This lich needs more money

Chapter 297: The training of drow

Chapter 297 The Training of the Drow

 Ambrose spent a lot of time returning from the underground to his alchemy factory.

Those who have teleportation don't think there is any problem with long-distance travel. After losing the ability to teleport, Amberxiu realized that traveling is really a troublesome thing.

Finally, I returned to my hometown. As soon as I came back, I saw Catherine sitting at the gate of the dungeon, holding her legs with her hands and burying her head in her knees.

Why does this posture look so familiar?

 Oh, Melina was sitting on the bed in the same position last time when she was laughed at as an idiot.

Amberxiu said in surprise: "What's going on? Not long after I left, you became depressed?"

 Catherine raised her head, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

 “They, they all lied to me...”

 Catherine cried and explained everything to Ambrose.

Originally, Catherine was full of confidence and wanted those drow to be loyal to her. Her operation was also very simple and direct. She first let the drow have a good rest, eat and drink enough, and then started talking to them one by one.

 After completing this ritual, the drow will begin to undergo rigorous training. Assassination, poisoning, lurking, torture...everything is eroding the humanity in their hearts. Until they reach adulthood, they will go to the surface to hunt down a high elf, sacrifice it to the Rose Spider and become the real drow master. mother.

 Catherine buried her head back into her knees in shame.

 Then, they fell into a magic trap.

Ambosio had prepared this a long time ago. He knew that the drow would definitely cause trouble, so he casually set up a trap with the immobilization technique.

Catherine also believed that she had completed the task of reforming her. She took these five drows who were close to her with her and almost ate, drank and slept together.

 Legend, when unprepared, is only flesh and blood. Catherine's body in pajamas cannot block the blade.

This kind of education that is against human nature is designed to make drow lose kindness and love from an early age.

Then, just as Catherine let her guard down, she was stabbed.

When Catherine talked to them, the drow were very resistant at first. It was not until Catherine "influenced" them with her sincerity that the drow opened their hearts to her, and some even cried with her.

After listening to her statement, Amberxiu asked strangely: "Why do you think what they say is true? Catherine, they are drow elves!"

Of course, these captured drow elves are all minors, but after years of torture, they have already become cruel monsters that are completely inhumane.

 In the end, they succeeded.

 The undead guards along the way did not stop them, allowing them to successfully escape to the gate of the dungeon.

However, perhaps it was Catherine's charm that played a role. The knife did not stab her vitals, but only caused her severe injuries.

 After crying for a while, the faces of these drow no longer looked wary and vigilant, but began to smile.

 It was good at first. These drows went from being wary to opening up and telling Catherine their tragic experiences.

 Obviously, they have talked about everything, and Catherine has promised to give them a better life, so why do they still betray her?

Catherine could not think of any reason why these drow would rather risk death and escape than stay with her and live a good life.

All the drow were hit, and then two undead guards, Dahei and Erha, appeared from the corner. They first moved the injured Catherine aside and filled her with healing potion, and then captured all the escaping drow. Put him in a cell.

 Then the five drow whose souls were unbound by Amber Xiu took Catherine as a hostage and wanted to leave the dungeon.

 Catherine also felt the same after hearing this. She did not expect that the life experience of these drow elves was so miserable. From birth, they will be assigned a cute little spider, who will grow up with the drow. And as soon as they learned to speak, they had to learn vicious magic spells. After mastering this spell, the first object they cast the spell on was the little spider they had raised since childhood.

 Catherine was hit hard, not physically, but mentally.

Amberxiu walked over, patted her on the head and said, "Don't worry, it's not your fault that you were deceived, it's the fault of the person who deceived you. Now you know what's going on with the drow, right? Before you understand them thoroughly, , put away your kindness. Now come with me, and we will deal with the escaping drow."

 Catherine raised her head and asked a little excitedly: "What are you going to do to them?"

“Why, do you still want to let them go?” Amber Xiu asked.

Catherine originally really wanted to beg Amberxiu to let them go, but she hesitated when she said it, and finally said: "No, it's all up to you."

  It is true that I am not capable of recovering the drow.

 In this case, just listen to this lich. As for the drow, Catherine recalled the time when they had a long conversation, and then recalled the scene when they stabbed her body with a knife. Since they chose to betray, Catherine will no longer plead for them.

Amberxiu said happily: "Yes, there has been progress. But don't worry, I am not going to kill those betrayers."

 “Huh? Why? This is not like your style.”

Catherine couldn't believe that Brother Amber would let those betrayers go. This lich dared to attack gods, and was usually very ruthless.

“Killing must be meaningful. I will never do meaningless killing or unreasonable abuse. I respect every life equally.”

Amberxiu said this very piously. This was also his greatest realization after reincarnating into a lich.

 From a human to a lich is to change a species. Amberxiu looks at all life from another angle, a more fair angle - to see who is more valuable and how to exert its value.

 Including Amber Xiu himself, he is also on this scale, and only in this way can it be considered fair.

And the betrayal of these drow elves is actually part of Amber Xiu's plan. There are only twenty of them. If we kill five of them at once, what else will we do next?

 Besides, these drow elves are so valuable when sold, how can they be killed casually?

Amberxiu took Catherine to the cell. The five drows were chained and all hung on crosses. Each of them looked bruised and swollen, as if they had been severely punished.

 “How can these two guys slap each other in the face?” Ambrose said unhappily.

Catherine was just thinking that Amberxiu sympathized with these drow elves, but his next sentence was: "If you lose face, you won't be able to sell it for a price."

 Catherine looked at Amberxiu in surprise and asked, "Are you going to sell them?"

Amberxiu nodded and said: "Of course, otherwise what use would they have? Many nobles want a drow as a family heirloom. Maybe they can give birth to a half-elf and improve the family's bloodline."

"How could you do this? If you do this, you might as well kill them!" Catherine cannot accept this result. It doesn't matter if the betrayer is killed, but buying it as a "heirloom" for the nobles is more painful than death. Catherine can't even imagine them. What kind of abuse will be suffered.

However, as soon as Catherine finished speaking, the five drow elves said loudly: "No, no, no, don't kill us, we are willing to be slaves and sold to anyone, please let us live!"

 Catherine's eyes widened, she did not expect that the drow would choose this result.

Amberxiu smiled and said: "You still don't understand the drow. Chastity is completely unimportant to them. As long as they can survive, it doesn't matter if they are an heirloom elf. There is always a chance to escape. As long as they live, right? They don't take any insult to heart. Because they have little sense of shame, drow will betray without any scruples."

Catherine was speechless by Amber Xiu's words. She was indeed too naive.

 What I think is good is not good for the drow. Is it because of this different concept that the drow betrayed me?

Catherine fell into deep thought, but Amberxiu said to the five drow: "Catherine is kind-hearted and doesn't want to see you suffer, but I also know that this favor means nothing to you. Every drow is born It’s ambitious. So, I can give you another option.”

Amberxiu's words confused the five drow elves. The lich in front of them was obviously much more powerful than the stupid elves. They didn't have any good expectations for the future.

Amberxiu didn't care what they thought, he just said: "I know you want freedom, so let's make an agreement. I still have fifteen drow elves under my command, and there will be more in the future. I will transfer these drow The elves are left to you to lead, and what you have to do is very simple, assist Catherine and make these drow elves willing to obey Catherine's orders.

"Each of you, as long as you can get a hundred drow to voluntarily obey Catherine's orders, you can leave. I swear in the name of the God of Alchemy that I will never violate this contract! If you are willing, I will be with you. Leave a magic mark on your body, and when you complete the contract, I will let you go.

"Of course, you can also choose the second one, and I will kill you now."

Without any hesitation, these five drows all chose to sign a contract with Amber Xiu, and then each of them was assigned three drows. So far, the twenty drows were divided into five groups.

Amberxiu gave them enough time to discuss among themselves, then took Catherine aside and whispered: "These drow elves will be left to you, and the only thing you need to do is to respond ambiguously no matter what they say. Don’t agree or refute, and then record everything they say and do in detail. Do you understand?”

Catherine said a little doubtfully: "I will do it well, but why do you let the drow elves take care of the drow elves? Isn't it more dangerous for them to unite?"

Amberxiu wanted to say that Catherine's fate was to work overtime for herself until she burst into tears. She would never die until she completed this future.

But Catherine would definitely be angry with him, so Amberxiu told her: "The drow are the ones who know the drow best. There is a hierarchy between them. How to make the drow loyal, only they can I know, all you have to do is record this method. As for the danger, why are you afraid of being stabbed? "

Catherine said firmly: "I'm not afraid. This is a task given to me by the gods, and I won't be careless anymore!"

 “Very good, I’ll leave it to you.”

After Umbershoe finished his instructions, he returned to his laboratory, took out a piece of parchment, and thought about how to write a letter to James Watson.

 After thinking about it, Amberxiu decided to talk about the two hundred thousand gold coins that Allen owed him.

 (End of this chapter)

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