This lich needs more money

Chapter 300: Mr. Fortune

Chapter 300 Mr. Fortune

The tiefling kingdom of Unholy Canticle may be the only kingdom that has faced skepticism since its founding.

The **** blood of tieflings has always been the reason for being racially discriminated against by others. They even contributed in the war against the dragon, but the real tiefling heroes have died on the battlefield.

At that time, there were other races who believed that Lane should not help tieflings build their country. These were cowards who hid behind and enjoyed the gains.

But Arthur Lane said at the time: "The reason why heroes sacrifice their lives is so that ordinary people without courage can live a happy life. Should we treat people who have not gone to the battlefield, such as the elderly and children, differently?"

In this way, Arthur Lane defied all odds and helped the tieflings establish their own kingdom.

As for the tieflings, in order to thank Arthur Lane for his support, a statue of this holy king still stands in the capital of the Kingdom of Unclean Ode.

 But even after successfully establishing a nation, the tieflings still had many problems.

 According to the traditions of other kingdoms, the most prestigious hero or the hero's descendant will be elected as the king.

The heroes who stood up to follow Arthur Lane on the expedition have all died, and their descendants are too young, the oldest is only five years old.

 So, the tieflings established an "Injustice Council" to manage the entire kingdom. The members of the Council call themselves the Unclean Ones because they have stolen the authority that should belong to the heroes. They always remind themselves that they are responsible for the entire tiefling kingdom and cannot live up to the sacrifices of the heroes.

The Tiefling Kingdom had to activate the power of **** again and create a large number of sealed **** gates on the border. Once Lane invaded, they would open the **** gates to resist Lane's offensive.

If it were an ordinary court mage, he would be opposed if he objected, and at worst, he would be kicked out. But this mage is different. He is not just a legendary mage. He was the one who originally suggested building the Gate of Hell to resist Ryan.

Since then, the Unholy Ones have become the real controllers of the Tiefling Kingdom, and the Unjust Council has become inbred and gradually controlled by thirteen families.

Such an extreme approach also allowed the tieflings to be stable for a long time. However, with Ryan's consecutive victories, the tieflings were under increasing pressure, and the Injustice Council decided to build more hells again. door.

It's a coincidence, right? For so many years, the royal family has been like a single descendant. No matter how difficult it is for tieflings to have children, the royal family can't even find a branch.

Everyone can still tell which one is light and which is serious, except for one of the unclean people.

It is precisely because of his plan that the tiefling kingdom will not lose most of its land like the dwarves did.

 Until the last few hundred years, the Lion Empire has become more and more terrifying, completely ignoring the boundaries between countries and expanding crazily.

But this time, the mage gave everyone a serious warning - if they add the Gate of Hell, they will cross the line and may very well attract punishment from the gods.

 So, the Kingdom of Unclean Ode has been passed down like this, without any major problems.

However, a court mage who had served the tiefling kingdom for many years objected.

Lean's invasion will not destroy the country in one fell swoop, but if it exceeds the rules and provokes punishment from the gods, the kingdom will be destroyed instantly.

It is also because of the mage's precise calculations that the tiefling walks on the edge of the limit without attracting punishment from the gods.

 Then it continues until now.

But less than three hundred years later, a descendant of the first tiefling king died due to an "accident" without giving birth to a child, causing the royal bloodline to be cut off.

 But after all, it was an internal problem of tiefling. At that time, Ryan was not arrogant enough to care about other people's domestic problems, and they had no evidence.

Hence, everyone understands the truth. Those who claim to be unclean truly become unclean and usurp the hero's authority.

It can be said that every kingdom was prosperous when it was first established.

 Because of his statement, all the unclean people in the Unjust Council gave up the idea.

 For ordinary tieflings, there is not much difference in life whether the descendants of the hero are kings or the thirteen families who stole the hero's glory are kings.

  Anyway, all the responsibility lies with Ryan.

This unclean one was once a **** knight. As a tiefling who had been to hell, he thought there was something wrong with the master's calculations.

 It won’t be a problem to build at least ten more Hell Gates in the kingdom.

 Now the question arises, who should we believe?

This issue has been debated for a long time, but no result has been reached in the end.

The Injustice Council finally chose a compromise plan, which was to prepare all the materials for building the Gate of Hell in advance, complete 99% of the project, and make all preparations.

Once the Lion attacks and their Hell Gate is broken, the bad one will just build another one on the spot.

This seemingly reasonable plan was once again opposed by the master.

 But this time, the Unjust Parliament believed that they were the right party and ignored his opinions.

 The court mage, who had served the kingdom for many years, finally resigned from his post and disappeared without a trace. And the Kingdom of Unclean Ode began to prepare materials intensively to build more gates to hell.

Today's Tiefling Kingdom is almost in a state of full preparation for war, with troops in transit everywhere and quartermasters collecting materials.

It was at this unlucky time that Harvey entered the Kingdom of Unholy Carols, and was interrogated for a long time because of his human identity. Fortunately, Harvey produced the certification documents from the dwarves, otherwise he would have been imprisoned for a few days.

Although he successfully entered Black Gate City, the border city of the Tiefling Kingdom, Harvey encountered another problem.

Amberson asked him to deliver the letter, but he didn't tell him where the recipient was. In Amber's words, hundreds of years have passed and he can only confirm that the other party is still alive. As for the address, Harvey can find it himself.

 If the teacher is troubled with everything, why should the students do it?

 Harvey once again experienced Amberxiu's stinginess, wasn't it because he was reluctant to sacrifice gold coins to divine the other party's address? It sounds like it's a test for students.

But it’s useless to know that Harvey will eventually come to deliver the letter as requested by Amber Hewlett-Packard.

 Now, it depends on your own ability.

“According to the teacher, his senior brother is a tiefling, and he is also a legendary prophetic mage. He should be quite famous, so let’s start with the court mage of the tiefling kingdom.”

Harvey muttered to himself and walked towards the tavern in this city. If he wanted to inquire about the news, the tavern was undoubtedly the most suitable place.

The tavern in Black Gate City was much deserted than Harvey imagined. There were only three or five guests in such a large tavern, and the bartender almost made sparks from his glass.

 Harvey walked up to the bartender, put down a gold coin, and ordered a special cocktail.

Different from Amber's copper coins to clear the way, Harvey is usually very generous. When the bartender saw the shining gold coin, he immediately became attentive and threw the bottle out of the flower.

Harvey drank a spicy cocktail slowly and asked the bartender: "Why is this business so deserted? Are there so few adventurers here?"

"The situation has been tense recently. There are no commissions here, so there are naturally fewer adventurers."

 Harvey could feel that the bartender was lying. Couldn't it be that the more tense the situation, the more dangerous the commissions?

There is no shortage of risk-takers in this world, and this is not a racist country. There must be other reasons why adventurers disappear in large numbers.

But Harvey doesn't care about this, he's not here for a mission.

Harvey said to the bartender: "I am a traveling wizard apprentice. Everywhere I go, I have to visit famous wizards. I wonder who in this kingdom is worthy of my seeking advice?"

"You talk about famous mages, there are quite a few. Master Brendan Gratton is best at transformation magic; and Master Domino Lawley, she once received the Outstanding Scholar Badge issued by the Alchemy City, and finally Good at refining magic potions..."

The bartender listed a dozen famous mages, but only four of them had reached the legendary level, and none of them were prophecy mages.

This is not right. Did the teacher guess wrong? His senior brother did not have a prominent reputation?

 In this case, it will be very troublesome to find.

 Harvey estimated that he would have to use the Dice of Destiny, or at least divine a direction to look for.

 But at this moment, a drunken tiefling appeared next to him and said to Harvey: "Please buy me a drink. I can help you find the person you are looking for."

 Harvey looked at this tiefling strangely. He was very old, but his skin was not fiery red like most tieflings. Instead, it was a bit like the gray-black color of the drow. Harvey remembered that he had read in a book that this was a tiefling of another bloodline, but he couldn't remember which one it was.

His hair has turned completely snow-white, as has his beard, and there are still many wrinkles on his face. Although he is very tall, he looks like an old man who is dying.

In a tavern, ninety-nine percent of the people who suddenly come over to you to buy you a drink are liars, and the rest are often very capable adventurers. The latter is usually very interested in the topic you are talking about and ready to participate.

 Harvey's previously very effective premonition suddenly disappeared, and he was unable to sense anything from this tiefling.

 But sometimes, the answer is revealed without a hunch.

Harvey asked: "Old man, are you the one I'm looking for?"

This old tiefling did not answer, just smiled and said: "Now, can you buy me a drink?"

 Harvey poured out all the money in his pocket and piled it on the bar, and said to the bartender: "No matter how much this old man drinks, I'll treat him."

The old tiefling sighed with emotion: "Yes, that **** has accepted an enviable good student. But you are nothing like your teacher. He was not an ordinary stingy before. Oh, here is the most expensive drink !”

 Harvey was so embarrassed that he didn’t know what to say. Although what he said was true, he couldn’t join him in scolding his teacher.

The old tiefling grabbed the golden wine bottle handed over by the bartender and took a sip of it for himself, and then said: "It's completely different in other aspects. That bastard's mouth has been blessed by the gods, and he will never run out of things to say. "

 Harvey did not dare to let him mock his teacher anymore, and quickly took out Amberxiu's letter.

The old tiefling took it, stuffed it into his pocket without looking at it, and then said to Harvey: "You can call me Mr. Fortune. You should know that my name has already been lost to that bastard."

Harvey quickly said: "I heard the teacher told me about this old thing, saying that you two were competing..."

The old tiefling waved his hand and said: "Don't be so tactful. This is a dispute between my position and your teacher's. In the end, I lost, including my name. But it was me who lost, not the ideas I adhere to. If I'm not mistaken, your teacher isn't doing very well either."

They are all mixed up into lichs, which is indeed not good. But Harvey also thought about how his teacher had turned his hands into clouds and rain in various kingdoms, and it seemed that he couldn't be evaluated as "not very good".

Mr. Fortune did not make things difficult for Harvey. He changed the subject and said, "Your teacher will talk to me later. Come with me now. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

 Harvey still didn’t understand what Mr. Fortune meant, when a group of armored tieflings rushed into the tavern.

The leader raised his sword, pointed at Mr. Fortune and said: "The fugitive is there! Catch him!"

 (End of this chapter)

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