This lich needs more money

Chapter 306: The Fountain of Youth is included in military supplies

Chapter 306: The Fountain of Youth is included in military supplies

 Rachel Angelou is as strong as a lion.

Everyone who has seen him will be impressed by his fluffy red hair, which is as thick as a lion's mane. Coupled with his strong build, many people subconsciously ignore his eighty-year-old age.

This iron-blooded lion has spent forty years on the frontier, guarding the frontier for the empire and establishing a great reputation.

Originally there was a buffer zone between Unclean Ode and Ryan, in which various races lived, such as goblins, undead, lizards and gnolls.

Tieflings use these races as shields to isolate themselves from Llane.

 But since Rachel Angelo took over the position of city lord of Liuyan City, he has almost killed all these races.

Those huge goblin tribes, numbering in the tens of thousands, were trampled into **** mud by Rachel Angelo’s cavalry. The legendary goblin warlock was beheaded by Rachel Angelo, and it is still hanging in his bedroom. inside.

 Rachel Angelo's strength is also one of the reasons why tieflings are afraid of Ryan. All tieflings know that once the iron-blooded general launches an attack, tieflings are in danger of annihilating their clan.

So, more gates of **** are inevitable, and they would rather be killed by the gods than be massacred by this terrible executioner.

The Gate of Hell is a very troublesome thing for the Lane people. Once this thing is opened, the monsters from **** will surge out. Hundreds of thousands of troops can pour out of the Gate of Hell in one day. Even if Lane attacks with all his strength, he will suffer heavy casualties.

Transmission failure leading to positioning errors directly appearing in the city is very rare and may not be seen once in a hundred years.

 Rachel Angelo believed that it was her failure to fulfill her oath that made the Lord of the Morning disappointed in her.

Lian's system and culture are the best among the continent's countries, and humans are also the most superior race. Humans should become the masters of this continent and let the light of the Lord of the Dawn shine on every inch of the land.

Rachel Angelo was very happy that he could finally fight a war to destroy the country before his death. It was in vain that he had worked hard to make the oath and it was finally time to realize his dream.

 Rachel Angelo was so excited that she visited the city more frequently every day.

 Now, it’s time to fulfill your vow!

 But an interrogation later confirmed that this was the case.

But if it is non-directional and just randomly appears, the magic circle will not be effective.

 Conquest is to spread faith and is the greatest dedication of believers to the gods!

It’s a pity that Rachel Angelo has never felt the oracle of the Lord of the Morning. Even when he was promoted to legend, the Lord of the Morning never glanced at him.

Rachel Angelo didn't believe it at first. If it was so easy to forcibly teleport into the city, what's the point of the defensive magic circle? If you just teleport some explosives or poison in, Liuyan City would still be in vain.

Later, when the Silver Moon Knight died while conquering the orcs, Ryan immediately suspended the attack. When Rachel Angelo received the battle report, she yelled: "A bunch of idiots, if Silver Moon dies, they will die. Ryan doesn't just rely on him." A bunch of stupid and corrupt bureaucrats who took the city with the lives of my Ryan soldiers!

This time it will not be a small fight, it will be like the war in the desert, a war to destroy the country!

 This is what angers Rachel Angelo the most. His lifelong dream is to conquer a kingdom. The battle in the desert was inexplicable. The dwarves were too weak in the early stage. Later, the Silver Moon Knight's reckless attack caused heavy losses. It was really frustrating to have him clean up the mess.

Ask the priests who are responsible for managing the city defense magic circle, and you will get a ridiculous answer.

However, Rachel Angelo has been in a good mood recently, because news came from the imperial capital, asking him to train his troops quickly and prepare to receive a large amount of war materials, including food, medicine, weapons and equipment, etc.

Rachel Angelo knew at a glance that a war was about to begin and an attack was about to be launched against the blood descendants of the **** devils.

Leanne would not be able to increase the cost of the city defense magic array more than ten times for such a small probability event, and it would also affect the operation of other defense functions.

 The magic array in Liuyan City can only defend against directional forced teleportation. That is to say, if it is detected that someone wants to forcefully break through the space blockade, the magic array will automatically take effect to block such teleportation.

 Rachel Angelo doesn’t know much about magic, but he believes that his subordinates will not make mistakes, and this teleportation is really just a misunderstanding.

 As a result, we encountered a strange thing today. A noble from the dwarf side teleported to Liuyan City.

  It is said that there was an accident during the teleportation, and the space distortion caused them to appear in Liuyan City when they were originally going to Unclean Ode.

The subordinates quickly asked: "General, what should we do with the nobleman in the cell?"

"Thoroughly investigate the partners he does business with, and if they have anything to do with the people on the wanted list, kill them directly. If not, let his family pay the money. If he illegally enters the Ryan border, he will be punished. His Detain all the goods..." At this point, Rachel Angelo asked again: "By the way, what is on the carriage? The packaging is quite exquisite."

The subordinate quickly replied: "It's the Fountain of Youth, a recently emerging magic potion of youth."

 “Youth potion? So many?!”

Rachel Angelo was shocked. A bottle of youth potion was worth nearly half a million gold coins. How much did this carriage cost?

Even Rachel Angelo was shocked by this figure. The youth potion in this carriage could almost cover Liuyan City's five-year military expenditure.

The subordinate quickly explained: "General, this is not a complete version of the youth potion. I heard that it has no real life-extending effect. It can only restore youth for a few days. After the effect of the medicine is over, it will return to its original state."

"It turns out that the alchemist created something to deceive people...Wait a minute, when you say restoration of youth, do you just mean appearance?" Rachel Angelo suddenly became excited, and everyone sat up.

"This... I don't know much about this, but I heard that the drug can completely restore youth to a state of youth while the effect lasts. Those nobles use it as that kind of medicine. It should not only change the appearance."

Rachel Angelo quickly said: "Go and check, and then send me these fountains of youth!"

 Watching his subordinates leave quickly, Rachel Angelo paced back and forth in his office a little anxiously.

He hopes that the effect of the Fountain of Youth is real and that it can really restore people to a youthful state in a short time.

The Ryan Empire does not allow the use of youth potions to extend one's life. This is an iron rule.

Once discovered, all property will be deprived, the principal offender will be sentenced to death, and the entire family will be exiled.

Even with such prestige as the Silver Moon Knight, he could only accept the burden that time brought to him, and eventually died of old age on the battlefield.

“If I could give him a bottle of this fountain of youth, the orc kingdom would have been destroyed long ago!”

Although Rachel Angelo looked down upon the Silver Moon Knight, a reckless man who could only wield a sword and had no commanding ability, he had to admit that the Silver Moon Knight's power was beyond common sense. Restore his youth, even for just a few days, and the legends of the Orc Kingdom will only bring death.

 It’s a pity that he is already dead.

But the Fountain of Youth is still useful.

 Rachel Angelo was very excited. The Fountain of Youth could only temporarily return her to her peak, and had no life-extending effect, so using it did not violate the regulations.

Rachel Angelo himself is eighty years old, and his energy is not comparable to that of his youth, but his current combat experience is also not comparable to that of his younger self.

 If he were allowed to return to his youth, he would become a nightmare for all his enemies.

Most of the legends of Lane are over sixty. If everyone could drink a bottle when they go to the battlefield, how strong would their combat effectiveness be?

Why didn’t you tell him such a good thing?

I think it has something to do with Ryan's rules. Things related to rejuvenation are considered taboo in Ryan, and most people don't mention it.

 Unexpectedly, I almost missed something good.

 After a while, the carriage of the Fountain of Youth was delivered to Rachel Angelo.

 A palm-sized bottle, the potion inside is as bright as the starry sky.

“It’s so beautiful. How much does this bottle of the fountain of youth cost?” Rachel Angelo asked.

"It seems to be at least two thousand gold coins. I have asked someone to inquire. This potion can indeed restore the body's functions at the same time. This is the lowest-end type, and the effect can only last about three days. There is also a high-end fountain of youth, which can last up to Keep it for ten days.”

Rachel Angelo held the medicine bottle and couldn't put it down, and asked again: "Are there any side effects?"

The subordinate replied: "I haven't heard of any side effects yet, but after the effect of each bottle of medicine wears off, it cannot be taken again for at least a month, otherwise symptoms of diarrhea and dizziness will occur."

 Rachel Angelo hesitated for a moment, and then ordered: "Go and get me a prisoner, an older one."

A few minutes later, a stooped old man was brought to Rachel Angelo. Without asking what crime the man had committed, he directly poured the medicine from the medicine bottle into his mouth.

 After pouring down a bottle of potion, only ten seconds passed before the wrinkled old man turned into a young man in his twenties or thirties.

 Rachel Angelo’s face was full of surprise, but she still carefully observed it for a while and asked someone to check the criminal’s body.

 It was quickly concluded that this man had completely returned to his youthful state from the inside out, and no other abnormalities were found. Three days later, the effect of the medicine wore off and the old man just returned to his original state without any abnormality.

It’s just that the Guangming priests responsible for the inspection didn’t notice that this unkempt old man had lost several white hairs in the past three days.

This is normal. What kind of side effect is hair loss?

Even if someone sees it, they won't think there is any problem. The prisoner is locked in the prison without food, water or water to take a bath. Losing his hair is nothing. If he doesn't die from illness, he has a strong vitality.

 The final report was that everything was normal and no side effects were found.

Rachel Angelo looked at the report and said excitedly: "Okay! Great stuff! Write a letter to the imperial capital immediately and include this fountain of youth in military supplies procurement!"

 Then, he poured himself a full bottle, and Rachel Angelo wanted to experience the feeling of regaining her youth.

 (End of this chapter)

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