This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 539 Transformation of Feast Island! Destiny Pirates Expansion Plan! Constant rising currents

When Cui Ze contacted Buena Festa, looking for [Ralph Drew's Permanent Pointer].

The Destiny Pirates sailing into the wide channel of the Feast Island are also rapidly cleaning up the evil pirates and dark world forces in the Feast Island.

As for those guys who saw the ship of Shichibukai under the king and immediately raised the sails and prepared to escape, none of them ran away.

With Yixiao and Ai Nilu, two knowledgeable and domineering beings with an extremely wide sensing range, those who plan to escape, no matter whether they go to the sky or go to the sea, cannot escape.

With several thunderbolts from the sky.

Those pirate ships flying the black skull flag were immediately bombarded by the powerful lightning, and the ships were destroyed.

And those sailing ships that were flying normal flags but fled as soon as they saw sailing ship A were also controlled by the halo of gravity that came from nowhere, and were forcibly pulled back to the port of Feast Island.

Wait for Cui Ze to join the large force of the Destiny Pirates.

Araki has already used his [Sen Sen Fruit] power, which has been awakened for a while, to grow extremely lush plants on several sub-islands of Feast Island, almost covering several sub-islands.

Facing the natural devil fruit of the awakening level.

The resistance on Feast Island is almost so weak that it can be ignored.

Aramao's [Sen Sen Fruit] does have the embarrassing situation of lacking sufficient attack power when facing top players.

Can clear up miscellaneous soldiers?

This can almost be said to be the housekeeping skill of the natural department!

Under the control of Aramaki's [Sen Sen Fruit], most of the living people on Feast Island, except for the Fate Pirates, were firmly controlled and became captives waiting to be killed.

If the Feast Island is under the rule of a legal country at this time, even if it is not a member of the World Government, the Destiny Pirates will not be able to do so.

But who let Festa Island be occupied by Buena Festa, a second-rate guy from the dark world, and a group of wandering pirates and dark world personnel who can't stand in the new world?

Even the most generous smile will not show mercy to such people.

Cui Ze will also not stop everyone's actions, because this is the order he gave before leaving.

Renovating Feast Island not only needs to transform the environment of the island, but also needs to count the people on the island!

Aramaki's dense fruit can do both of these things at the same time, and the effect is very good.

With the efforts of the Destiny Pirates, the chaotic and evil camp on Feast Island was basically wiped out.

Although the members of the Destiny Pirates did not execute all of these personnel on the spot.

But when the reward amount or past history of these people is found out, these guys are destined to have no good fruit!

As for whether to transfer them to the deep sea prison of the world government, or to be imprisoned inside the Feast Island, it depends on future plans.


Feast Island is by no means only the scum of the dark world, pirates who do evil, and criminals...

There is also a small group of peaceful ordinary people, legal businessmen, etc. on this island.

These people were also collected by the Destiny Pirates and placed in a small uninhabited area on Feast Island.

The person in charge of communicating with these people is Gilder Tezoro, who will be in charge of the business affairs of the Destiny Pirates.

After owning the base island of Feast Island, the first step Cui Ze plans is to dismantle the Destiny Pirates and expand their army!

At first, Cui Ze wanted to break up the Destiny Pirates and integrate into the Hunter Association.

After all, in the "new era" he personally expected, there is no so-called "pirate" or "pirate".

Even the Destiny Pirates of their own family are no exception!

But after some careful consideration.

Cui Ze believes that there is no need to advance this plan immediately.

The Destiny Pirates can separate some personnel, integrate into the Hunter Association, and confirm the corresponding "classified hunters" respectively.

But for now, there is no need for the Destiny Pirates to fully integrate themselves into the Hunter Association.

Especially those members of the Destiny Pirates who already bear the bounty amount!

The Hunter Association is an organization rebuilt by Cui Ze.

In essence, this is a brand new organization that is different from pirates!

It is not a problem to temporarily integrate some members of the Destiny Pirates into the Hunter Association, such as those crew members who do not have a bounty amount and are not well-known.

But if the entire Destiny Pirates were dismantled and integrated into the Hunter Association...

This is the "Hunter's Association" after all.

Or "Fate Hunter Grand Fleet"?

It was precisely because of this concern that Cui Ze stopped the project.

The fusion plan between the Destiny Pirates and the Hunter's Association was suspended.

But the task division and work distribution within the Destiny Pirates has reached the point where it must start immediately!

In the past, when sailing one island after another in the sea, due to environmental location factors, all crew members can live together harmoniously on a sailboat, and there is no need for too detailed task division between each other.

But now that the base camp of Feast Island has been determined, if the Destiny Pirates want to develop further, they still need a more detailed division of professional work!

As far as the "Destiny Pirates" is concerned, Cui Ze does not intend to continue to expand its power.

It will not absorb the rest of the pirates in the new world like the Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, and BIG MOM Pirates.

What Cui Ze called "expanding the Destiny Pirates".

It refers to the splitting of the members of the Destiny Pirates into the Hunter Association, and they will form a new type of [Hunter], and then expand the power of the Hunter Association, and finally enhance the overall power of the Destiny Pirates.

For example, Tezolo, who has just taken over the business affairs of the Destiny Pirates, has a little reputation and no bounty, and now he has a new identity in the [Hunter Association]-[Fortune Hunter]!

Tezzolo himself wanted to apply for the establishment of a "Business Hunter".

Consider the average intelligence and receptivity of the sea.

Cui Ze changed it to [Fortune Hunter].

If other members of the Destiny Pirates want to join the [Hunter's Association], they can also apply to Cui Ze, but that's another story.

This moment.

The aborigines on Feast Island have been completely controlled.

Cui Ze is about to start a drastic transformation of the Feast Island!

Feast Island can be roughly divided into four areas.

Three sub-islands, and the small island at the core of the island that was pushed up by the rising current.

The first step in transforming Feast Island.

Cui Ze directly activated [Destiny], stepped into the round lake in the center of the Feast Island, and came near the huge pothole on the seabed.

Upwelling currents are actually a type of natural disaster.

There is a huge cavity in the deep sea. Because the low-temperature seawater in the deep sea flows into the cavity, it contacts with the lower-level geothermal heat and generates steam. sea ​​current".

The power of the rising current at Feast Island is far inferior to that near Gaya Island.

The upwelling current near Gaya Island can lift a ship, or even an island, to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters in just one minute.

Although the rising current of the Feast Island can push up a small island and stabilize it in the sky for a period of time, its overall power is slightly inferior.

One of the first things Cui Ze did was to use the power of [Reality Distortion] to stabilize the effect of the rising current on the bottom of Feast Island.

In the future, as long as Cui Ze is still on Feast Island, the upwelling current erupting from the core of the island will continue to push up the core island continuously and steadily.

in other words.

This small island at the core of Feast Island will always be suspended above the skyline of Feast Island in the future!

Cui Ze left from the bottom of the sea, came to this small floating island, and named the island.

"The true core of Feast Island—[Fate Island]!"

Cui Ze turned his eyes away from the island of destiny, and then looked down at the three sub-islands below, naming them one by one in his heart.

"[Ordinary Island] where the people gather, [Hunter Island] of the Hunter Association..."

"And the last one, I don't know if it will be successful...【Navy Island】!"

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