This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 782 Extra Story New Era Ralph Drew

"Stop whoever comes!"

A calm and indifferent voice came from the dense canopy, choking Robin and Domino who were walking towards the depths of the forest.

"This is the Holy Land 'Moby Whale Forest'! No one is allowed to enter or leave without the order of the King of Day or the King of Night!"

Suddenly heard a sound.

Robin and Domino raised their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of the sound.

But the turquoise layered branches and leaves resisted the figure of the speaker, and the two could only faintly see a strong and burly orc shadow, unable to determine the real appearance of the other party.

"Could it be a member of the fur clan?"

Domino looked at the direction of the tree crown with great interest, and a strong sense of anticipation rose in his heart.

"I don't know what kind of fur race it is. Could it be a reindeer like Chopper? Or some other furry cat or dog?"

No matter what age girls are, they always lack enough resistance to furry things.

Even a toad might become a sought-after pet if its smooth skin is covered with a layer of soft and soft down...

"According to the intelligence data collected before, what stopped us should be the Musketeers or Knights in the Furry Principality who are responsible for guarding the Holy Land, the Beluga Forest."

Robin's eyes did not leave the canopy of the tree, she first explained a few words softly in Domino's ear, and then raised her voice slightly.

"Mr. Furry Principality, I am Nicole Robin, the archaeologist of the Destiny Pirates! I have sent the request to the King of Day and the King of Night before, and I am here for the appointment."

The furry principality located on the back of the elephant owner rarely communicates with the outside world due to its special environment and location, but it is by no means completely isolated from the world.

After the Destiny Pirates overthrew the original world government, most of the countries or regions on the sea knew the existence of this legendary pirate group and the existence of "New King of the World Card Master".

Even the Furry Principality is no exception.

Robin just finished speaking.

The beast shadow jumped down from the canopy, and landed in front of Robin and Domino with almost no noise.

It is tall, with a leopard-like animal face, thick golden wavy short hair, yellow fur covering the whole body, dotted with dense black spots.

The leader of the Knights, a member of the Jaguar Fur Clan, Pedro!

"I'm Pedro, the leader of the knight group. The boss of the cat viper did mention this matter before..."

Pedro's sharp animal eyes glanced at Robin and Domino, two female members of the monkey fur family with thin body hair, and the curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Robin gave his identity certificate and the promised token in due course.

After checking and confirming, Pedro put away his vigilant stance.

‘If I remember correctly, the King of the Day controls the Musketeers, and the King of the Night controls the Knights... But it is clearly daytime, and it is the Knights who appear in front of us... Is the Furry Principality in trouble? '

Robin silently accepted the token handed back by Pedro, and did not speak hastily.

‘Or is there turmoil in this fur country? '

Pedro didn't notice what was going on in Robin's mind, but he took the initiative to explain something.

"Duke Inuarashi led the Musketeers to leave the Furry Principality for the time being, and went to the sea below. Currently, the Furry Principality is managed by the boss Momushime... Since you are a guest, please come with me!"

The words of the head of the knight group were concealed.

The place that Inuarashi and the Musketeers are heading to is none other than Wano Country!

After the destruction of Beast Kaido and Heitan Orochi, the Wano Country was once again under the rule of the "Kozuki Clan".

As the second of the "Nine Heroes of Red Sheaths", the vassals of the Kozuki family, after learning of the great changes in the Wano country, both Inuarashi and Momushiba wanted to take this opportunity to go to the Wano country to investigate the current situation of the Wano country .

In the end, after some discussions, Inuarashi led the Musketeers to Wano Country, and Mobashiba led the Knights to Zou.

Robin and Domino heard Pedro's concealment, but both of them knew their purpose and purpose, and they didn't answer the words indiscriminately. They just followed Pedro, the leader of the knight group, towards the direction of the Moby Whale Forest. The core—the tree of whales.

But Robin and Domino could bear patience.

Pedro couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Miss Nicole Robin, you just called yourself an archaeologist, does that mean you can understand ancient texts?"

Robin was a little surprised at the other party's initiative to speak.

But the original world government was overthrown, it is no longer a mistake to explore history, coupled with the special collection of the Furry Principality, Robin still responded politely.

"Yes, Mr. Pedro. I can read ancient texts. This time, when I come to the Furry Principality, the goal is the information recorded in the red history text."

Pedro nodded slightly, his expression hesitant to speak.

Robin took the initiative and said, "Mr. Pedro, do you need my help to decipher some ancient text?"

Normally, Robin wouldn't make such an aggressive move.

But who made the current situation vaguely related to "history"?

"Yes, Miss Nicole Robin."

Pedro's posture is very low.

"In fact, I'm the furry principality who just returned some time ago. In order to help the cat viper boss find ancient historical texts, I also set up a 'Knox Pirates'. For this reason, I was also wanted by the original world government. ..."

Knox Pirates?

Robin and Domino raised their eyebrows slightly.

The name of this pirate group... this member of the jaguar fur tribe, I am afraid that he really has a "leopard gut"!

Pedro babbled a bit about its experiences when it was young, roughly speaking about its efforts and discoveries in the past to explore ancient history, and it was not until the end that it spoke its true thoughts.

"Miss Nicole Robin, what plans do you have for the future?"

"Me? In the future?"

Robin was a little confused.


When we met for the first time, Pedro knew that his question was a bit offensive, but he still gritted his teeth and asked tentatively.

"Miss Nicole Robin, do you have an educational plan to spread the way of reading and writing ancient texts in the future?"

Robin's eyes lit up, and his tone immediately became a lot more passionate.

"Yes! Rebuilding the Library of the Tree of Omniscience and restoring the glory of O'Hara Island, the holy land of archaeology, are indeed what I plan to do in the future!"

Domino on the side rolled his eyes secretly.

My best friend is fair and beautiful, rich and generous... But why do you want to delve into archeology?

Enjoying the long life to the fullest is the attitude towards life that one should have!

Robin didn't notice Miss Hunzi's voice, she was just continuing to communicate with Pedro.

In a few words, Robin figured out Pedro's true thoughts, and by the way, also figured out a lot of ancient historical information that the other party had collected.

For some reason, the captain of the Knox Pirates and the head of the Knights has a very strong interest in the text of ancient history, and wants to take advantage of today's opportunity to make advance preparations for continuing to explore ancient history in the future.

Why did Pedro pursue the text of ancient history... Robin didn't care, she only cared about the other party's pursuit of history.

God's poor!

This kind of guy who is interested in history is really not too rare!

And it's different from other pirates.

What ordinary pirates pursue is never the "historical text", but the "Ralph Drew" hidden behind the "historical text"!

But Pedro is interested in the history recorded on the "History Text"!

Robin was very pleased with this.

Exploring history is the meaning of Robin's life.

But rebuilding O'Hara is Robin's life dream at this stage!


Maybe it's a good tool leopard...

The black-bellied archaeologist, who hadn't been online for a long time, gave the burly jaguar a sad look, thinking about how to abduct the leopard away.

Talking all the way, Robin, Domino and Pedro finally came to the location of the whale tree.

The last piece of red history text is hidden in the core of this strangely shaped whale tree!

Wait for Robin to read and translate the information recorded on the last road sign history text.

Domino asked curiously: "Robin sauce, now that you have collected all the historical texts of road signs, have you found the location of Ralph Drew?"

Robin nodded leisurely, "The four historical texts of road signs can indeed refer to and lock the exact location of the final island, Lovedru."

Domino pressed, "Then how do we get to Ralph Drew?"

"of course……"

Robin pulled a magnetic pointer from his pocket.

"Use [Ralph Drew's Permanent Pointer]."



Robin and Domino are the only ones going to the Furry Principality to find the historical text of the fourth road sign.

But when [Ralph Drew's Permanent Pointer] was used to go to the final island, the size of the operatives instantly expanded a lot.

It's not just Robin and Domino.

Most of the members of the Destiny Pirates followed after receiving the news.

With the help of [Ralph Drew's Permanent Pointer], Robin and others found the exact location of the final island at the end of a certain sea area in the New World.

After the original Roger Pirates, the Destiny Pirates became the second pirate group to discover the [Final Island] in the current era!

Robin and his party came to [Ralph Drew] with inexplicable expectations. Among them, the most excited one was the Golden Emperor Tezolo.

On the sea, rumors about "One Piece's Great Secret Treasure" have been floating around for decades.

Tezolo's ears could hear the words "When you arrive at Ralph Drew, you can get the Great Secret Treasure" and "The Great Secret Treasure contains an incomparably rich wealth".

But to the Golden Emperor's great regret, the "ultimate island" he arrived at did hide the "big secret treasure of One Piece Roger".

But the so-called "big secret treasure" is just a stone...

sports arena.

"Is this Ralph Drew?"

Tezolo was disappointed.

"Simply a 'LAUGH TALE'!"

[The Ultimate Island Raftedru], this small island is like a comprehensive and detailed sports arena.

In this sports arena, you can see members of the murlocs and mermaids rowing competitively, you can see members of the giants and small humans throwing balls, and you can see the players of the long-legged and long-handed races. The members are boxing and wrestling, and you can also see Sky Islanders, Lunaria tribes, fur tribes...

Compared with the former IWC Totland.

This ultimate island, on the contrary, is more in line with the theme of "harmonious survival of all races".

In the most conspicuous place of [Ralph Drew], there stands a stone statue about the size of a giant Gundam. The existence of a straw hat carved on the top of the stone statue has already verified the true identity of this stone statue.

The protagonist of the world eight hundred years ago, Joy Boy (JOY BOY).

Robin stepped forward, approaching the statue of Joey Boy, and saw two rows of ancient characters engraved under the statue.

"I dream that one day there will be all nations and all races in the sea, the obstacles will be broken, and everyone will be free and equal"

"I dream that one day, all nations and races in the sea will sit together at the same table and share the joy of the banquet"

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