This star is from the earth

Chapter 119: Here Comes the Kid (Part 1)

There are so many film and television companies in Beijing, large and small, according to the statistics of various film and television related associations, there are as many as several million film and television practitioners recorded in the register. It is these people who make Huaxia's film and television industry top in the world. Every year, cultural exports to foreign countries through media works have made foreign governments and film and television industry personnel tremble with fear but are helpless. All kinds of conspiracy theories and threats are flying around, but Huaxia Movies should still be the boss.

In terms of popular culture, whether it is music or fashion, the Shanghai Metropolis gathers large and small labels here, which can be regarded as the vane of global popularity.

In other places or cities, although there are more or less these film and television or music industries, the top of the mountain is definitely not up.

When it comes to Star City, people's impression of this is:

oh! Your variety shows in Star City are amazing!

That's right, in terms of variety shows, Shonan TV Station located in Star City is a big mountain in the domestic variety show field.

Star City made its fortune with original variety shows, and later on, it often cooperated with Han Gaoguo's variety shows, recruited a lot of talents in variety shows, and introduced and adapted many interesting foreign variety shows.

Several other great variety shows, such as the TV stations in Zhejiang Province and Jiangxi Province, although they also produced some variety shows with popular ratings, their background was still inferior to that of Shonan TV Station.

This time, the two mountains cooperated, even if it was only superficially, and the two programs collided.

It all depends on one person, Zhang Yiman.

Aidu Entertainment has a good cooperative relationship with Shonan, and Aidu Entertainment will be able to pick people when good seedlings are divided up in the second half of the talent show. The partnership goes so deep.

And in "Let's Fall in Love" in Zhejiang Province, Zhang Yiman is the pillar.

Hearing that Zhang Yiman was catching up with the schedule of "Singer" and might miss the recording of the next episode, this made everyone in the program group of "Let's Fall in Love" very anxious. In the end, Director Wang and the others could only negotiate with Shonan TV.

Fortunately, the result of the negotiation was not too bad. Shonan allowed "Let's Fall in Love" to take a corner to shoot.

Even if there is only this issue, it's pretty good for "Let's Fall in Love".

So Director Wang and the others brought Han Jue to Star City.

Zhang Yiman, as a newcomer singer who debuted not long ago, boarded the stage of the top domestic platform "Singer" before his first album was released. The starting point of his career is not low.

The news of going to the audition has already spread, and the news that Zhang Yiman will participate in "Singer" has been widely spread.

People questioned on the Internet that although Zhang Yiman sang fairly well, it might be unfair to be able to appear on "Singer" like this? So he said that the director of "Singer", Zhi Lanhai, would not be so confused.

Zhang Yiman appeared at the airport in Star City yesterday, which further confirmed the rumors on the Internet.

[Does she have the qualifications and qualifications? Even if I don't talk about qualifications, I just ask her if she has any works? 】

【How hard is the backstage? This...】

[The students who came out of "The Voice" had to wait for several years before they dared to appear on "Singer", hiss... Zhang Yiman is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, right? 】

[Has anyone seen Han Jue who is dressed plainly like a staff member next to him? Maybe they went to participate in the promotion of "Study Hard" or "Happy Base"? 】


In the past, even if the identities of the contestants were photographed halfway, it would not hurt if it spread in a small area in the end. As long as there is no official announcement, when it is broadcast, the audience will still be surprised by the majority.

But this time, the controversy caused by Zhang Yiman is bound to cause a lot of trouble.

Although there is more than one variety show being recorded in Star City, most people on the Internet are still willing to believe that appearing in Star City at this time is definitely for participating in "Singer".

So the Internet was full of all kinds of doubts, feeling that the water in the entertainment industry is really deep, and even "Singer", which has been well-known since the first season, has finally become impure.

The clamorers sent [don't watch], [unclose] and other personal feeling good messages, and they tended to turn black after being disappointed.

However, neither "Singer" nor Aidu Entertainment issued a statement on the online message.

Han Jue didn't know that these disputes had already fermented after one night, even if he knew, he wouldn't use it to affect Zhang Yiman at this time.

Sister Qin and the program groups on both sides also thought so.

After Han Jue woke up, he couldn't find a gym in the hotel, so he could only go back to his room to do a modified version of Tai Chi and some exercises without equipment.

Until Director Wang came and knocked on the door.

"Drip~" Han Jue's door was opened, and Director Wang, who was even more bloated after wearing a down jacket, entered Han Jue's room and squeezed out a lot of air.

"Nine hundred thirty-two..."

"Nine hundred thirty-three..."

"Nine hundred thirty-four..."

Han Jue frowned, his eyes were firm, and his sweat-soaked muscles were soft and continuous, appearing and disappearing, distinct and explosive, and the beauty of the moving body was vividly displayed in the camera.

The hair was already wet and hung down on his forehead. Sweat droplets gathered on the chin, and finally fell into the small puddle on the ground overwhelmed, breaking into eight petals.

Such a scene is more than enough for posters and advertisements.

Director Wang led the trusted old cameraman into Han Jue's room, wanting to take some unmodified and real pictures of waking up, only to see Han Jue doing push-ups with his feet on a chair with his upper body bare.

In the eyes of the two gentlemen who came out of the Keban Art Academy, the picture is extremely beautiful, and it can be regarded as the mulberry harvested in the east corner, which can be distributed to the audience as a welfare.

However, listening to the number of more than nine hundred and more than nine hundred in Han Jue's mouth, Director Wang and the cameraman, who were unable to move, were deeply shocked!

"More than nine hundred?!"

"Are you still human?!"

they exclaimed.

"Nine hundred...forty!" Han Jue put down his feet resting on the chair, and stood up with his hands.

Under the shocked eyes of Wang Dao and the other two, Han Jue took the old short sleeves aside, wiped his sweat and explained:

"It's nothing. If you start counting from nine hundred and thirty, you can do it too."

"Cut~~" Director Wang and the others rolled their eyes.

However, Han Jue didn't say that he started counting from seven hundred.

He smiled and said he was going to take a bath, and then drove Director Wang and the others out.

When Han Jue packed up and went to the third floor of the hotel to have breakfast, he found that the "Singer" program team was already filming Zhang Yiman.

Han Jue wanted to sit with Director Wang and the others, but was expelled by the director and asked Han Jue to sit with Zhang Yiman.

"Hey, what's the matter, it's not good to always post it on someone's camera, right?"

"What's wrong, we have agreed with the other side, you are Xiaoman's [singer's agent] today, and accompany her to record a kick-off match. Our program team will follow behind to film the two of you. "Director Wang also hated it when he explained it.

Although he came here to accommodate Zhang Yiman's itinerary to record the show, even if he didn't have the identity assigned to him by the show crew, as an artist, shouldn't he take advantage of the opportunity to catch a hot scene? What does it look like to run and hide?

Han Jue was very helpless when he heard this, no wonder he pushed him hard here, but he didn't refuse on the other side.

Han Jue thought that "Let's Fall in Love" was going to start his old business again, so he tried to catch the popularity of those popular shows, trying to make himself look like a sideshow of those popular shows.

[Bah, shame on you. 】Han Jue said with contempt in his heart.

"We are a cooperative relationship!" Director Wang saw Han Jue's disgusted eyes and immediately explained.

As the darkest and biggest dark horse of this year's show, "Let's Love" is no longer what it used to be. It needs to beat around the bush to catch the popularity of "The Rip Hop". Their "Let's Love" is now an equal partnership with "Singer" !

Han Jue picked up the buffet tray and walked towards Zhang Yiman.

Zhang Yiman sat alone on one side of the big round table, and the one sitting opposite was not the young female director and cameraman from yesterday, but an older female director with a decent and steady conversation.

The camera is placed in the middle of the round table, facing Zhang Yiman.

"Uncle!" Zhang Yiman should be resting well, seeing Han Jue approaching, he greeted Han Jue energetically.

Han Jue responded, and after taking his seat, he also nodded with the director opposite, and then he turned his head and saw Zhang Yiman's plate full of food.

"Is it okay for you to eat so much?" Han Jue asked in surprise.

He remembered that Mr. Zhang once taught that a full stomach is not conducive to singing.

"It's okay, I have to sit there for a long time after lunch before starting the rehearsal, and the singing for the recording competition won't start until evening, I need to replenish my energy!" Zhang Yiman stuffed food into his mouth to show that he really To add a lot of energy.

[Silly girl! 】Han Jue couldn't help gasping when he saw Zhang Yiman stuffing a soup dumpling in one gulp.

Then Zhang Yiman was so hot that he wanted to vomit and couldn't bear it, so he could only keep raising his head and exhaling.

Fortunately, the temperature of the soup dumplings is not too hot, and Zhang Yiman is still safe.

Han Jue carefully opened a steamed stuffed bun from the small breakfast plate in front of him. When he saw that there was no pepper in it, he relaxed and bit it down, and started to eat breakfast.

"Have you eaten?" Han Jue asked the director of "Singer".

"Eat it." The other party replied politely.

Han Jue nodded, not caring about the weight of the program, and started eating on his own.

The director on the opposite side knew that the role of Han Jue was included in the cooperation between "Let's Fall in Love" and "Singer". At that time, Han Jue will be Zhang Yiman's "singer manager" in the kick-off competition, and will accompany him to participate in the entire recording period. The attitude towards Han Jue is naturally not as flat as the young female director who didn't understand the situation yesterday.

However, if Zhang Yiman does not succeed in kicking the gym, then Han Jue will be Zhang Yiman's only and last [singer manager], and if he wants to leave, the two of them will leave together.

The reason for Han Jue's appearance, when it comes to TV, the public will say: because Zhang Yiman is a newcomer, he is very nervous. At this time, with the company and encouragement of the "boyfriend", I believe that with the power of love, the possibility of success in kicking the gym will be higher.

After Han Jue watched TV and listened to "Let's Fall in Love" explaining why he appeared in "Singer", he rolled his eyes.

Zhang Yiman answered questions and chatted while eating. Han Jue was eating breakfast in silence all the time, his posture was unhurried, and he didn't participate in the topic no matter what.

You must know that Zhang Yiman bought Han Jue's song in the first place to do her best to help Han Jue promote his fame.

Although Han Jue is no longer so famous for her creations, but who is she, Zhang Yiman, if she says to make you popular, she will make you popular!

So Zhang Yiman bit his lip, rolled his eyes, and said to Han Jue:

"Uncle, why do you use the word [return] in the song [don't return it to me]?"

【Um? 】Although the editor felt strange that Zhang Yiman suddenly lost the topic to Han Jue, he still understood the meaning of Zhang Yiman's words at once, and asked Zhang Yiman: "Did Han Jue help you write the song you participated in this time?" ?”

"That's right, it hasn't been made public." Zhang Yiman smiled proudly, bending his eyes.

The director looked at Han Jue in surprise.

Han Jue drank the soy milk silently, and asked Zhang Yiman's question:

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yiman originally just threw a topic to Han Jue, but after hearing Han Jue's question, he honestly expressed his thoughts on this song.

Han Jue listened carefully, even if he heard something different from what he thought, he didn't interrupt.

A song, like a movie or a novel, betrays its master when it is completed.

When Han Jue came to this world, after writing those songs, even in the face of misunderstandings and misinterpretations from audiences and music critics, he never explained why he wrote them that way or sang them that way.

For one thing, his feelings are like his privacy, no matter good or bad, he doesn't want to share them. Second, some people are touched when they listen to songs, but they are actually listening to their own stories, and there is no standard answer to sensory feelings. Thousands of people have different feelings, but none of them are wrong.

Han Jue remembered that when he was young, a teacher played a piano version of "Canon" in class. After the play, he called the roll and asked Han Jue what he felt after listening to the song. When he was called up to answer, Han Jue said something. pile up your feelings. Then the teacher said, what you said is wrong, the creation of this song originated from a certain story, and what mood the creator had in creating it at that time.

Since then, Han Jue never dared to express his true feelings when listening to music, so that he was alienated from music when he was a teenager. Later, when I grew up, I took listening to music as a very personal thing, only listening, not talking, not singing.

It was not until this life, when I came into close contact with music, that I gradually felt the beauty of expressing music and using music to express myself. At the same time, he is unwilling to let the music produce a fixed answer.

Faced with Zhang Yiman's eloquent talk, Han Jue said after hearing it:

"You speak very well, you just need to sing your own feelings, don't care what I think."

"But... If you, the lyricist, don't tell me, I don't have the confidence." Zhang Yiman twisted his shoulders.

"I have great confidence in you." Han Jue continued to eat breakfast unmoved by Zhang Yiman's coquetry.

Because he doesn't know if his [singer manager] can eat in the middle. What if it can't? He can only eat more in the morning and noon.

And he has great confidence in Zhang Yiman, if Zhang Yiman performs normally and is eliminated, he doesn't plan to join the music industry, and he can be his promising screenwriter with peace of mind.

Zhang Yiman really likes singing. Since childhood, his passion for singing has never changed, and if he wants to change, he will only like it more and more. Enthusiasm coupled with the talent that is really God's bounty job, and finally coupled with the songs provided by Han Jue, this time the tournament is really determined to win.

After the meal, they continued to rest for a while, and finally set off. People from the "Singer" program group put a radio in the hands of Zhang Yiman and Han Jue.

After everyone in "Let's Fall in Love" was ready, they took a step ahead and went to the lounge and other places to set up cameras in advance.

Han Jue and the others had to wait for the car that paid the advertising fee for the "Singer" program group to pick them up.

The editor and director conducted a short training for Han Jue, the wild way [singer manager], took out a small book, and said:

"This is the book card, you can take a look at it. Later, you will take out a mobile phone, read a commercial, and then analyze the strength of the seven existing singers to Mr. Zhang. At that time, the mobile phone will receive The photos of all the singers' entry song list, you can guess which teacher sings which song according to the pictures and Mr. Zhang..."

The choreographer said a lot, which reminded Han Jue that not all programs are like "Let's Fall in Love", and he was allowed to play casually in the program.

As Han Jue memorized it in his mind, he simulated in his mind how to act naturally and unpretentiously in front of the camera...

[It's so difficult. ] It was the first time for Han Jue to record a program in such a well-regulated manner, and it was strange that he couldn't get used to it. There is no one anymore.

This is the correct posture for recording a program.

It's too bad that I gradually got used to coding in the early morning. I have to change it. (Because it is too late, some typos and wrong sentences are too late to be corrected, please forgive me, sorry.) Finally, the miscellaneous filing and arrangement other than the thesis is about to be completed. The formalities for leaving school will also be in the not-too-distant future, and you can code as soon as you get home~

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