This star is from the earth

Chapter 133 This Person Looks Familiar

Han Jue wanted to keep a low profile, but Koike didn't allow it.

Koike held the video camera high, not only filming the performers, but also turning the camera from time to time to film the surrounding crowd. And he was very scheming, pretending not to pay attention, and even photographed Han Jue. I shot it once, twice, three times... Finally, I just pointed the camera at Han Jue and asked:

【What do you think of this singer? 】

[From your professional point of view, how is this song written? 】

In this case.

Han Jue is also kind.

He answered each question carefully:

[Singing is not bad, in "The Voice", at least four turns! One of them is me! 】At least four turns, as if there are more than four chairs.

[This song... hiss, the writing is pretty good, it's really good, I really want to meet the songwriter and praise him. 】

Jalens and Amanda appreciated it very seriously, so Han Jue couldn't leave for a while. Han Jue could only talk nonsense to the camera.

As for the street performer who was performing, he saw that Koike was taking very serious pictures of him and the audience with professional equipment, so he was overjoyed, adjusted the angle calmly, and turned his body towards Koike, So that Koike can take a clearer picture.

Turning around, the crowd's attention was drawn to Koike.

So everyone saw Xiaochi filming them with a video camera with a serious face.

Some people are very shy, brushing their hair to make themselves look better; some people are only interested in music, and are indifferent to Koike's camera, and don't care at all after a glance; some people are very lively, making expressions at Koike's camera, interactive.

The two foreign girls beside Koike shook their hands at Koike's camera, gestured with scissors hands, and smiled brightly. Then one of the girls belatedly imitated Xiaochi, took out her mobile phone to take pictures of the street performer, and at the same time took pictures of the people listening to the music around her.

"Hey, you said that if I send this video back to China, will I also become an Internet celebrity?" The foreign girl who took out her mobile phone lowered her voice and asked her girlfriends around her while filming.

"What do you think? Even if you become an Internet celebrity, it's the performing singer who becomes an Internet celebrity. What's the matter with you?" The girlfriend responded with a look of disgust.

"Who said it's nothing to do with me?! I took the picture, it was me!" the girl argued with her eyes wide open and her voice lowered.

"You? Forget it, you can gain a few fans at most," The girlfriend stopped talking.

"And what? What do you want to say? Why didn't you say it? Are you afraid? Or do you admit it and think I will be popular?" The girl bumped her best friend with her elbow. It's also strange in my heart, why doesn't my best friend talk back.

Then the girl's shoulder was grabbed by a hand!

"Oh! Xie Te! I can't take pictures clearly! You hurt me!" The girl was in pain, and turned her head to see that the person pinching her shoulder was her best friend.

She also wondered why her best friend didn't hate herself uncharacteristically. It turned out that she was holding back her badness and directly doing it.

When the girl was about to take a video of her girlfriend's crimes, she heard her trembling voice and said like seeing a ghost:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hurry up and look! Over there! That man!"

The best friend stomped her feet, and the strength in her hands did not relax at all, but became more and more forceful. She put her mouth close to the girl's ear, and spoke in a low voice and quickly, her tone was hot and restrained, like a volcano that was about to erupt but was suppressed.

Very strange, could it be possible to see wet hands? But there is a need to be so excited...

While following her best friend's line of sight, the girl shook her shoulders, trying to shake her best friend's hand off. Can't get rid of it.

When the girl turned around muttering and swiped her phone, she wanted to see what strange or boring things her best friend wanted her to watch. Her gaze was fixed on the screen of the mobile phone, following the deflection of the lens of the mobile phone, she could distinguish the scene above.

Then she saw that professional-looking Chinese man with a video recorder, monkey-headed and monkey-headed, who was very pretentiously taking pictures of a tall and straight man. Especially conspicuous.

【uh-huh? Wouldn't it be male harassment? Huaxia seems to be able to call the police. The tall guy looks good. Do you want me to see this handsome guy? ] The girl thought to herself, so she adjusted the focus and magnified the content on the screen.

Then, her finger was fixed on the screen.

So familiar!

Like where have you seen it? ! dreaming? no no!

I remembered!

It's a bit like the person in the [North Star Bar] video she watched hundreds of times.

Hehe, it looks a bit like it if you look closely.


The girl suddenly put down her mobile phone, stared wide-eyed and looked over, the whole person was motionless and frozen.

Han Jue felt that someone was patting him, turned his head to look, and across Jalens and Amanda, he saw two girls beside Xiaochi, one was dull, the other was looking at him excitedly.

Han Jue saw them, and they also saw Han Jue.

The eyes meet, as if something will happen in the next second.

Han Jue blinked, his heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

Waiting for Han Jue to react.

next second.


The foreign girl holding the mobile phone screamed, and then her best friend covered her mouth.

Although the scream was quickly suppressed in the palm of the hand, the scream still disturbed the appreciation of other listeners amidst the sound of the music.

The surrounding onlookers looked at the girl very dissatisfied.

"Tsk, Americans have no quality."

"Did she see a ghost? What is the name of the ghost?"

The person who complained about the girl screaming followed the girl's line of sight, and the result:


okay. He also let out a ghost cry.

"Oh Shet! What are you doing!" People around complained about this buddy.

Then this buddy didn't speak, just "Wow! Wow!", stretched out his finger, and pointed at Han Jue excitedly.

Others looked and reacted in the same way.

"This person is quite familiar!"

"OH! MY! GOD!"

"It's him!"

"Who is so and so? Han?!"


There was a commotion in the crowd, and the noise became louder and louder, and soon spread to the entire crowd of onlookers.

Only a small number of people who came to [New York Street] for the first time, and those who heard this song for the first time, felt confused in the face of such a situation. I don't know why everyone suddenly didn't listen to the music well, why did they all go to see that Huaxia person?

The performers who performed on the steps didn't understand what happened, and they were very upset. He has been thinking about this adaptation for several days, and today he showed his hand, and finally attracted the Huaxia people, and the Huaxia people took out the video recorder to shoot, but everyone suddenly stopped listening to him singing halfway through? What is this!

While playing, the street performer looked angrily at the place where most of the eyes were concentrated, and his eyes were very dissatisfied.

When he saw the source of the commotion:

"Deng~~Light. Deng~~"

The piano is out of tune.

But at this time, most people can't pay attention to this point.

Even the one who played the piano couldn't take care of himself.

Just because he saw Han Jue.

Han Jue keenly heard that the singer's piano sound was messed up, but he couldn't do anything. Standing in the sight of many people at this moment, he felt very helpless.

Xiao Chi stood next to Han Jue with question marks on his face, but he patted all this with his hands without any delay. Finally, I was able to take photos of Han Jue in a fair manner.

Xiaoxia is also very strange, why these foreigners around see Han Jue as if they are seeing a superstar, and don't understand when Han Jue became so popular among foreigners.

Look at those foreigners, they didn't take out their mobile phones to take pictures of the performance when they were listening to the music, but now they all take out their mobile phones to take pictures of Han Jue, which is really abnormal, really abnormal.

But when something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there is big news in it! If there is nothing wrong with it, Xia Yubing will eat the phone!

Second update.

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