This star is from the earth

Tell me about the latest update

The latest update is really outrageous, and I will admit my mistake to everyone here.

Let me talk about the remedial measures first: After the National Day is over, the four missing bursts will be made up one by one.

Also, allow me to explain again.

In fact, the explosion can still explode, just like the first two days.

I am also full of ambition, and feel that the rewards for the event have been decided.

However, after I broke the update, I read the chapter and book reviews, and there were negative comments. Said that I gave up quality in pursuit of speed.

I panicked.

Because I'm someone who pays more attention to quality than quantity.

I started to blame myself. Ask yourself if you have forgotten the original intention of writing the article in the first place.

Then in the following days, I repeatedly considered the plot, tried to keep the content from being boring, and slowed myself down as much as possible. A chapter of 3,000 words would take more than six hours to write. Compete with yourself.

But after being scolded in the group today, I realized that I was throwing everything at the bottom.

Obviously there are so many people who support me, but I greedily want to get the support of those people, thus neglecting those who originally supported me.

I'm really sorry, let me say sorry to you.

Next, I will stop reading book reviews and this chapter until I complete the word count.

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