This star is from the earth

Chapter 315: The Unsolved Mystery of the Show

Han Jue suddenly stopped clapping, turned to face Tang Ye, and walked forward with an extremely slow movement. When the next node was reached, the movement changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, which made people feel Han Jue's body is fast forwarding.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.


The eyes of the players brightened. Originally, they were unprepared and had no expectations for Han Jue, but when they saw Han Jue's sudden attack, they all exclaimed.

This feeling is like throwing firecrackers in the shallow water of a pond, and a shark explodes!

Some powerful dancers instantly felt a different sense of oppression from Han Jue.

To learn popping, it takes five or six years, or even more, for a dancer with average talent to lay the foundation. Those with better talents, and with a master leading the way, can start the Tao in a year or two. After finishing the basics, all that needs to be done is to hone body coordination and muscle control, and to form a personal dance style.

They could tell at a glance that Han Jue was a dancer with a foundation and his own style.

A real rose is the first flower that blooms.

Han Jue stretched and paused, which amazed the knowledgeable players present.

[What kind of assistant is this? ...] This idea just popped into their heads, and before they could think about it, they were so attracted by Han Jue's movements that they couldn't move their eyes away.

[This is... Tang Ye's action? ? ? 】The contestants wanted to look at each other to confirm each other, but because of Han Jue's actions, they couldn't move their eyes away.

In fact, Han Jue didn't think about how to get through this crisis until he started dancing. During the 20 seconds of pacing back and forth, Han Jue only felt that his brain was gradually emptying out. In the noisy environment around him, he clearly felt that his body He wanted to make some moves, but Han Jue really didn't know what to do. The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, and the more anxious he became, the less he could think of anything.

Until the rhythm of the music suddenly changed, Han Jue's body couldn't wait any longer, and his body moved before his consciousness.

Han Jue suddenly felt that he was going crazy.

But it was obviously too late to take it back. In a hurry, what popped out of his head was the action Tang Ye made just now.

Han Jue copied Tang Ye's action just now.

For Han Jue, Tang Ye's action just now impressed him the most, so he did this action first, without any intention of targeting it or not. But in the eyes of Tang Ye and other contestants, Han Jue was provoking Chi Guoguo!

Tang Ye's face became extremely ugly in an instant.

"Whoa!!" The onlookers couldn't calm down anymore.

What made them scream was not only Han Jue's provocation that made their blood boil, but also the texture of Han Jue's movements.

It's texture.

It's the same movement, but it feels different for everyone.

Tang Ye's well-regulated movements were performed by Han Jue, which gave the onlookers the feeling that there was a difference between heaven and earth.

Han Jue's body is like a black box. After imitating the movements of eating them, he will actively adjust those movements, and the movements he makes will all have Han Jue's own characteristics.

The places that should be soft are softer, and the movements that should be strong are more powerful.

Judging from this kind of texture, the gap in strength between the two is clear at a glance, and the difference between the two is clear.




"Who is this buddy?! Niubi!!"

The contestants were amazed from time to time, just because Han Jue had only listened to the piece just now, and the card was too accurate, the movement and rhythm were perfectly integrated, and he was able to do a job with ease in the music.

When imitating Tang Ye's movements, Han Jue's problem of incoherent movements was still unsolved.

But Han Jue didn't think about connecting them together when he was dancing. Between movements, Han Jue used the wave he usually "plays" most at home, that is, using high-quality arm waves, It was muddled through as a transition.

good results.

Tang Ye no longer looks high-spirited at all, nor does he have the friendliness that encouraged Han Jue to dance bravely. Tang Ye smirked, swaying left and right following the rhythm, feeling very happy.

However, Tang Ye's movements could not be completely imitated. After Han Jue finished imitating a few movements that could be imitated, there was more than enough time.

Han Jue suddenly turned around and pointed at a certain dancer.

The dancer was confused.

The contestants thought that Han Jue was asking that contestant to participate in the duel, but they saw that Han Jue used the same dancer's dancer's moves in the next move.

"I wipe!"

"Fang's actions..."

"This fucking is taking a tutoring class?!"

It's really a mentoring class.

Every time Han Jue used a contestant's movements, he would point to that dancer.

Han Jue didn't imitate everyone's movements. Among the contestants before, there were many kinds of dances. Han Jue only imitated popping, and did not imitate lock dance, jazz, Decepticons, reggae and other dances.

The atmosphere is very warm.

The contestants were happy, Gu Fan was happy, and so were the program crew.

Although Han Jue was still nervous and worried that his true level would be exposed, he was relieved to have found a way to get past it now. Han Jue, who gradually became more confident, has a completely different mentality from before he jumped.

Among the people present, only Tang Ye was the most upset.

Tang Ye pointed at Han Jue, made a common gesture in hip-hop circles, ran back and forth, and said to the camera and to the onlookers: "Copy it! Copied it! He copied the moves!"

In fact, in the street dance circle, copying moves is a very despicable behavior. Because dancing requires imagination.

The onlookers heard this, and the booing sound also decreased.

Han Jue heard it too.

[If you don't copy... I also have a unique trick, okay? 】 Han Jue thought in his heart.

Through just now, Han Jue discovered that the movements of his arm waves through muscle memory are of high quality. The waves start from the fingers, to the elbows, to the shoulders, completely soft like water waves. Han Jue didn't dare to control it, fearing that if he controlled it, he would collapse.

So now wave is his ultimate move.

Han Jue suddenly had an idea.

He faces the camera, doing waves with his left and right hands, that is, arm waves. From left to right, then right to left, back and forth twice.

High quality is high, but Han Jue has done it before, so it doesn't surprise people at this time.

Then Han Jue's movements changed, turning his hands and five fingers together, folding them back and forth, doing hand movements similar to Egyptian dances.

This is not surprising. Everyone still doesn't know what Han Jue wants to do.

[Isn't it true that he didn't move by himself after not copying the moves? ] Everyone thought so.

However, Han Jue stopped his movements and spread out his hands, doing arm waves with his right hand and Egyptian dance with his left hand.

All the players were stunned.

The difficulty of this asynchronous movement of the left and right hands is similar to drawing a circle with the left hand and drawing a square with the right hand. And it's high quality round and square.

As soon as this action came out, the contestants watching from a distance couldn't sit still, shouting [Fuck! 】,【abnormal! ], [Big pervert! ] and other words, they stood up one after another, craned their necks and watched carefully.

Tang Ye's face turned pale.

And Han Jue over there was doing different movements with his left and right hands, and felt that it was boring to look at his head dry, so Han Jue turned his head back and forth, left and right with his neck.

"Isn't it a human? It's definitely not a human!"

"Who is this???!"

In the distance, the contestants waved their fists, tossed towels, and roared excitedly.

Then it was not over yet, Han Jue fixed his upper body in mid-air as if nailed. The two legs of the lower body are doing leg movements, no matter what they do, the chest is still hanging in the air.


"What kind of monster is this!"

"I beg you to accept your supernatural powers!"

"Where did this guy come from?! Gu Fan's assistant? He's Gu Fan's teacher!"


Head, left hand, right hand, feet. There are a total of four different movements. This level of body separation and physical coordination makes the players completely unable to calm down, whether they are famous or not.

Han Jue was not too proud of everyone's reaction, because it was the talent of his predecessor. Looking at the crowd who couldn't calm down, Han Jue faintly felt sorry for his predecessor.

【The people in the twenty-seven-year-old club all died young...】

Han Jue remembered that the music was coming to an end, and Han Jue had a sudden whim, wanting to imitate the b-boy in a few floor moves.

Han Jue lay down on the ground and made a wave all over his body, from head to toe, with his head raised and his chest bent, his chest raised and his abdomen bent, an impeccable wave.

In the end, Han Jue supported himself with both hands, wanting to do a back roll to make himself stand up, and to have a handsome ending.

What Han Jue didn't expect was that the music suddenly stopped halfway, and Han Jue subconsciously stopped.

So, in the end, Han Jue's final movement became - face up, with his hands on both sides of his body, and his body stopped in mid-air at a forty-five-degree angle.

Relying entirely on the strength of the waist and abdomen, stop the body.



All the contestants ran to Han Jue's side and jumped up and down.

The scene exploded.

This bombing did not mean that the building was destroyed, but that the atmosphere reached its peak and everyone went crazy.

Han Jue easily completed the unfinished backflip, stood up, and picked up the hat in mechanical slow motion.

put on.


Among the noisy people present, only Gu Fan applauded Han Jue very calmly, as if he believed in Han Jue's strength very much, he was not surprised by the current result, it can be said that it was expected.

Han Jue looked at [Don't thank me yet? ] Gu Fan with an expression on his face almost wanted to punch him, but he held back.

Some contestants wondered if this was planned by the program.

But the director knew that this was not arranged by them, nor by Gu Fan and the others. But for this effect, it is more real than a reality show. When the director captured this footage, he laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

As for Gu Fan's manager, Brother Hai, they were dealing with others trying to find out who this well-equipped "assistant" was. Brother Hai can only say "I don't know", and then he has to bear the evaluation of "hypocrisy", which is very pitiful.

After a burst of excitement at the scene, it finally calmed down and the recording continued.

The final result doesn't even need referees to judge.

Tang Ye was very stubborn, and he wanted to use the reason of "being deceived" to change his opponent, but before he finished speaking, he was booed by the players present. The plan didn't work out, so it had to end.

In fact, looking at it another way, after the show is broadcast, Tang Ye will also achieve the purpose of his trip - the fire is very hot.

Tang Ye sat on the curb with a sad face, and the players around him looked at him pitifully.

"Don't be sad, you are honored to lose."

"You have become a part of the hot spot of the show, and many people are too late to envy you."

"Boy, tell me the truth, are you trusting?"

"Do you know that fairy?"


Tang Ye wanted to beat all these people to death. He was already so sad, and these people came to provoke him.

After cleaning up Tang Ye, the recording continued.

But Han Jue looked at the cameras that were aimed at him frequently, and felt that there was no way to stay here. One was afraid of the cameras, and the other was that someone would want to confront him again.

In fact, in addition to the imitation ability being reflected, what Han Jue really displayed is only the body coordination ability of "one mind, four functions" and strong waist and abdomen strength. These are not skills, but hard conditions. Others, those imitated before, are all false strengths similar to blindfolding...

But others don't know, others will think that Han Jue is a [playful minded], [powerful to abnormal] great god, who knows the whole leopard at a glance, the reason why he didn't use all his skills is because Tang Ye is too weak...

So Han Jue wanted to run away, and if he was challenged by the next contestant, his mirage level would be seen through, and it would not be beautiful.

So Han Jue and Gu Fan talked about going for a walk, and Gu Fan agreed.

Han Jue took a temporary pass from Brother Hai and went to the other three streets to watch the game.

Next, Gu Fan's assessment still does not give comments, and directly [Thank you, next one]. And no other player would jump out and say that he wanted to find that assistant for a heads-up duel.

The atmosphere gradually turned into low pressure again.

It seems that nothing has changed on this street, but everyone knows that Han Jue has left here, but the legend about him has stayed.

【This show has a wild hidden god! 】

If someone asked: "Isn't that Gu Fan's assistant?"

Then everyone will think that this person has a brain problem.

Afterwards, some people speculated that it was the head coach of the program group, or the choreographer, or the devil king of kicking... I thought about it, and even used the method of elimination to compare all the famous masters in the world, but I couldn't be sure, and there was no one. Real hammer.

Even the people in the program team said they didn't know, and said they also wanted to know who this person was.

Gu Fan, who was the only one who knew the identity of the wild god, kept his mouth shut and couldn't give an answer to anyone who asked him.

In the end, who is this big black devil king has become the biggest suspense of this season of "This Is Street Dance".


Note: Han Jue's left and right hands have different waves and the suspension bridge where his body is stopped at 45 degrees straight in the air. These two movements originated from the hip-hop god Salah. If you are interested, you can search [2014 Red Bull Street Dance Finals Referee Show-SALAH], respectively. 1 minute 20 seconds and 1 minute 50 seconds. In addition, the movements on the stage are based on the movements of another hip-hop master hoan in [Titan Popping Fest referee performing hoan].

Evolved in just one word! Nearly 10,000 words of updates, come and count your votes! So that I can taste the sweetness of evolution so that I can evolve next time! In addition, notice: Teacher Zhang is coming out soon!

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