This star is from the earth

Chapter 694 Greasy Middle Age

The high ratings broadcast of "All the way with you" has revived the careers of the nearly retired old fathers, made the second generation of young stars who are interested in singing popular before they sing, and spread the charm of Zhang Yiman to the middle-aged age group The above, but to say that the one who really benefits the most has to be Zhang Yaohui.

Zhang Yaohui was originally only famous in the circle. After the show, he became popular outside the circle. After his deeds and resumes are released, he is almost a person who came out of a romance novel. Even if he is single, he has such a protagonist template. The more he understands, the more he is surprised. The more treasures there are, the sooner he becomes the male god in the hearts of women under the age of fifty, he even has a fan club in the wild, and his reputation is no less than that of second-tier stars.

After an ordinary middle-aged man suddenly gets the attention of millions of people, it is hard to stay greasy. But Zhang Yaohui kept his heart, or didn't care about these false names at all, and focused on his career, leading [Aidu Films] to make several big moves in a row, with great momentum and success. Over the next year, although they failed to reach the top ten film production companies, they are already in the second echelon. In a few years, they may be enough to threaten the top ten status.

And Zhang Yaohui, who has made such achievements, spans music and film and television, and has become the hottest power upstart in the circle. Whenever he attends a party or banquet, he always has the most people around him. Even if he has a private meeting with people in the corner, his every move is always watched by others, and he will recommend himself with the cheek when he has the slightest opportunity.

At a reception hosted by one of China's three major cinema chains, Zhang Yaohui was hiding in a corner chatting with someone while holding a vintage wine that was more decorated than tasted. Not far away, some people looked at this side with eyes half fierce and half vigilant.

"Out of a total of eleven songs, five songs have problems. This ratio is still too high. People with a little more connection ability can string those five songs into a story. The details may be different, but the tone points to One possibility." When Zhang Yaohui said this, he looked disgusted with Han Jue's unreliable work, if he had asked his suggestion earlier, he would have suggested to be on the safe side, at least twenty pieces should be released.

"It's not a problem." The person standing opposite Zhang Yaohui took a sip of wine, raised the glass in front of him, and said, "There is usually only one fact, but there can be many ways to describe the fact. It's like watching When it reaches half a glass of wine, it can be said that it is "half a glass" or "only half a glass left". Depending on the way of expression, objective facts can become subjective arguments to support different arguments. Of course, Han Jue's lyrics can also be transformed , is said to be sensitive and delicate, with strong empathy and single-mindedness."

Zhang Yaohui said: "You are very skilled."

"I used to be a reporter." Xia Yuan put down his wine glass, clicked his mouth, and savored the taste of the fine wine. Although she was dressed in formal attire, the style was very neutral, with lipstick and short hair. Even the most frivolous and knowledgeable players would not dare to take advantage of her at this time, no matter it was verbal or physical.

If [Aidu Films] won by quantity last year and entered the second echelon of the film and television industry by winning more than it lost, then [Tinder] became another dark horse by relying on explosive products and a 100% winning rate. Leaving aside "Black Mirror" for the time being, the income from one "Dark Net" and one "Mystery of the Internet" is completely worth the income of most other film companies working hard for a year.

When the representatives of Zhang Yaohui and Xia Yuan, the two dark horse companies, walked to the corner to discuss, at least half of the people at the party kept this incident in their hearts and guessed what kind of cooperation they were talking about. But in fact they were just talking about Han Jue and what happened after Zhang Yiman's birthday.

It was Zhang Yiman's birthday a few days ago.

On the birthday of some well-known celebrities, congratulatory reposts can often be found online, including those from other celebrities, marketing accounts, and individual fans. Some netizens will be impatient with this, thinking that the celebrity's birthday is none of their business, but they just think that the faces that appear on the homepage several times are very annoying.

But on Zhang Yiman's birthday, they didn't feel disturbed at all.

Because Han Jue celebrated Zhang Yiman's birthday that day, after a romantic speech, he uploaded eleven new song demos on the Internet for free download and appreciation. Although China time is only early in the morning, there are still various voices on the Internet, some wishing, some praising Han Jue's generosity, some envious of Zhang Yiman, and some directly circled the weibo account of "Singer" chief director Lan Hai , asked him what he was eating.

Lan Hai didn't sleep in the middle of the night. He cried and replied that he was also very wronged. He had invited Han Jue but couldn't invite him. He really wanted to tie him to the show. Then Lanhai began to praise the well-written songs for a while, and then cried and said how great it would be if these songs were sung on "Singer"...

In the morning, those new songs that obviously didn't participate in the list had already appeared on the new song lists of various countries. In the afternoon it was even crazier. Lin Qin and Chen Zhan jokingly asked Han Jue if they could cover these songs on Weibo, and then Zhang Yiman replied instead of Han Jue: 【Yes. Mr. Han welcomes everyone to cover. 】

As if the shark smelled blood, the rest of the singers sniffed the smell. It’s been a long time since Han Jue wrote a song for a singer other than Zhang Yiman. They were desperate but had nowhere to go. They recommended themselves several times but were always rejected. They couldn’t even see anyone. Method.

Now is a good time.

Singers, whether big or small, start by wishing the teacher a happy birthday in the previous chapter, expressing a certain song by Han Jue, and then try their best to start singing a cover, as if they are assessing or showing off, the song is singing It's all [I sing this song the best, please give me this song! Give me! 】

Hands are fast, hands are slow, and the eleven songs were quickly divided up. The latecomers were unwilling to give up and began to cover repeatedly, so that there were several cover versions of one song. Of course, none of them sound bad, because I dare not pass on the bad ones.

This has simply become a feast for singers and fans.

The couple Han Jue and Zhang Yiman have almost become the common friends of all singers in the music circle.

For many netizens, this is probably the most lively celebrity's birthday they have ever seen. But it's hard for them to get bored with it. If every star's birthday can hear free high-quality works, they would like to have a star's birthday every day.

Han Jue's new songs are obviously sad, but the atmosphere of sadness is not strong. As Han Jue said, the reason why I sang bitter love songs is to stop singing them one day. So listening to these songs, everyone still wishes more to this couple of gods and immortals. The clips of "My Love" and "Workplace Couple" were taken out and reposted desperately, and the two issues of "B\u0026B Cabin" followed suit and went abroad.

Of course, it's not that no one noticed the negative lyrics of those songs, especially the day before was the birthday of another popular actress, Weng Nanxi. But compared to the blessings and exclamations of the mainstream, this kind of voice is extremely small, far from being a big deal.

On the second day of Zhang Yiman's birthday, Han Jue's studio released another report, claiming that the computer in the studio was hacked and the remix file of the album "Runaway" was stolen. Afterwards, the hackers blackmailed five people. One million Huaxia coins.

Han Jue Studio issued a statement on this, saying that his boss Han Jue did not buy into the hacker's account, and then directly released the album material, which is still available for free download, but people can also buy it with money, but [the proceeds will be all for charity].

As soon as the statement came out, Han Jue once again received praise. The [friends] who just met on the Internet the day before, spontaneously helped Han Jue denounce the hacker after only one day, saying that Han Jue had done it with a magnanimity. "The Runaway" directly returned to the top ten of the [Billing List], and the online on-demand volume of "Dark Net" and the box office of "Mystery of the Internet" also began to rise.

After two big moves in a row, the little attention left on the lyrics problem was suddenly diverted. Even if some suspicious netizens feel something is wrong, they can hardly guess the truth. They just think that Han Jue may be a hype or a show, or he may be directing and acting himself, and there is no hacker at all.

On the day of Lantern Festival, after Zhang Yaohui heard the truth from his daughter, he was not as angry as he imagined. One is that this matter is related to Han Jue's career, and how Han Jue's career is is not his business. The second is that I have expressed my consent before, and it is definitely too late to regret it now. Based on his understanding of his daughter, he had just said the word "repentance". The silly daughter might steal her household registration book and run away to get married. There is nothing to say.

In the end, Zhang Yaohui just asked if she and Han Jue could solve this matter, but Zhang Yiman said that the two of them could solve it, Zhang Yaohui was silent for a moment, and then decided to leave it alone.

This is the first ordeal for my daughter and Han Jue. If they want to go hand in hand to the end, such ordeals are inevitable, and there is no shortcut. For the days to come, he had to get used to it, and they had to get used to it too. He could only watch silently, reminding a few words from the side.

"The situation is good now, and no one has pointed out the lyrics for the time being. Hackers may point out, but it is not difficult to deal with hackers. As long as you control the voice channel, you can say whatever you want next. The hot search creates public opinion. In a purely labor-intensive industry, it is impossible for hackers to hack you alone. So the next thing you really need to guard against is not hackers," Zhang Yaohui looked at Xia Yuan and reminded: "It is those who plan to borrow hackers' skins, fish in troubled waters, and plan to make trouble .” Maintaining public relations image has always been a professional thing. Zhang Yaohui has brought down many people in his career. He is a professional in terms of black hands and controlling the voice of the Internet.

Of course, Xia Yuan had heard rumors about Zhang Yaohui all these years in the industry, and now he heard Zhang Yaohui talk about how to observe the direction of the wind, and it felt like a top criminal was teaching the police how to catch bad guys. She nodded and said, "Zhang Jinshan said the same thing."

"Zhang Jinshan." Zhang Yaohui hooked the corners of his mouth, he was smiling, but it was obviously not a smile of appreciation.

"What? Know him?" Xia Yuan asked Zhang Yaohui.

Zhang Yaohui took a sip of his wine so as not to widen the smile on his face. "I've heard of it a little bit."

This is not a look down on ability, but just a feeling of fate.

Zhang Jinshan brought out the pillars of [Jinsha] with his hands. Naturally, his ability is not bad. There are bright spots in several operations, and he has only fallen down once in his entire career. Zhang Yaohui had naturally heard of him, but he didn't pay much attention to it. The real reason why Zhang Yaohui remembered this person was the time when Zhang Jinshan fell down. Because the culprit is Han Jue.

Operations such as helping opponents buy black hot searches are rarely seen in the circle, and usually only exist in the fantasies of outsiders.

Because of the lack of confidentiality first, it is extremely easy to overturn. As long as there are more people handling a matter, the degree of secrecy will inevitably decrease. Whether it is communication, billing, or reimbursement, evidence will be left. As long as the evidence flows out once, it is enough to shoot yourself in the foot.

Secondly, it’s expensive. It’s not good to spend this spare money. It’s hard to think about making traffic for your opponents. Black and red are also red. As long as you produce a good work or make some changes, you can completely turn the direction of the wind and digest the traffic. It's no different from being an enemy.

Last but not least, there is no gain in doing so. Everyone in the same industry eats the same bowl of rice, even if they don’t compete with this person, they will compete with that person. There will always be newcomers in this circle, and there will always be rivals.

So to a certain extent, when everyone hangs out in the circle, the comparison is to see who is calm, who makes fewer mistakes, who is unlucky, makes mistakes and gets caught and exposed, and finally compares whose team is better , can make the black white.

Unless a person who is not short of money has a personal vendetta with a celebrity that needs to be resolved, he will choose to punish others in a way that hurts others and does not benefit himself.

There is a personal enmity between Zhang Jinshan and Han Jue.

When Zhang Yaohui knew that Zhang Jinshan was going to punish Han Jue, he also thought that Han Jue was going to be finished, and that Han Jue would die when the movie was released. Because I heard that Han Jue went to make a movie rashly, as long as a reasonable person would not like it, and the more he analyzed it, the less optimistic he was. After all, Han Jue's past is really not related to a good movie. However, the outcome of the matter was surprising. Han Jue actually made a pretty good movie beyond everyone's expectations. Zhang Jinshan has done so much and taken such a big risk. In the end, he not only wasted resources and achieved Han Jue's title of "genius", but also suffered a leak of secrets, losing his future, making "Jinsha" once again become a release Han Jue's idiot had to be sent to the pension department for the elderly.

Zhang Yaohui sighed more than once that Han Jue's life might really be very different without Zhang Jinshan, the unlucky ghost. If you make a movie silently, and release it silently after filming, not many people will go to see it.

"To be honest, Zhang Jinshan has long been one of your people?" Zhang Yaohui asked Xia Yuan.

"I don't understand very well." Xia Yuan didn't understand Zhang Yaohui's meaning, but he felt that Zhang Yaohui's question had bad intentions, so after answering, he immediately talked about other topics. "Han Jue is going to make a new movie."

The reason why Xia Yuan said such a sentence is because since Han Jue and Zhang Yiman got together, the companies on both sides have become natural allies according to the tacit understanding, so some resource exchanges will be carried out, and the role and investment of the movie are one of them.

"New movie," Zhang Yaohui asked curiously, "what type?"

"Pure love, a literary film, with a budget of 60 million."

"What about the script?"

"Still writing."

"Then we'll talk about it after reading the script." Zhang Yaohui didn't invest blindly just because the director is Han Jue.

"Okay." Xia Yuan nodded without any objection.

Seeing that Zhang Yaohui and Xia Yuan had almost finished chatting, he looked at the people waiting for him in the distance, and was about to say goodbye and leave. But he suddenly remembered one thing. "By the way, I heard a message that someone is going to mess with you."

But looking at Xia Yuan's calm expression, he obviously already knew it.

Zhang Yaohui has heard about this incident. [Tinder] has been coveted by a well-established company since last year. [Tinder] did not agree to sell shares, nor was it willing to be restrained from cooperating, so he refused. After the refusal, the situation was calm for a while, which made people relax and thought it was okay, but the revenge was reflected in "Network Lost Track". At first, it was rated maliciously. After the release, a certain theater ranked lower than other movies in the same period, and then the film review was bought. Even though these problems were resisted by the unquestionable content of "Mystery of the Internet", the reason why established companies are scary is that they are afraid of the word "veteran". Force [Tinder] to compromise.

Seek the possibility of breaking the situation. This is why Xia Yuan attended the party today.

"Sometimes the more you ask for help from others, the more supporters you'll have. Because the people who support you are the ones who most want you to succeed, because they're afraid that their efforts will go to waste. A great cause is like a great war, as long as sacrifices are made, sacrifices must be made step by step." Xia Yuan's eyes have the calmness of a fisherman, as if the next sentence is within the plan.

"It's all within the plan." Xia Yuan said.

"Not bad." Zhang Yaohui glanced at Xia Yuan appreciatively, without the slightest irritation from [Ai Du] who was also one of his supporters.

Xia Yuan is undoubtedly a smart person, who can understand that it is an advanced game in all power games to not hesitate to ask for help, such a person does not need to worry about him.

If my daughter is so smart...

Zhang Yaohui shook his head, and quickly threw the unrealistic fantasy out of his mind.

"You have encountered this kind of bullshit when you made two movies. The music circle will only make more enemies. In addition to the historical problems left over from the early years, you are smarter than him. Remind him to be more careful when you have time." Zhang Yaohui talked to Xia Yuan.

Although Xia Yuan nodded, he was puzzled: "It's just a phone call and a text message, why didn't you tell him yourself?"

"I'm afraid that if I say something, I will say more and more, from preaching to dictating. By then, I will be a greasy middle-aged man." Zhang Yaohui smiled and was about to turn around.

After bidding farewell to Xia Yuan, Zhang Yaohui returned to the center of Vanity Fair, toasting and drinking.

About two hours later, it was already eleven o'clock. Declining the follow-up activities of several other big shots, Zhang Yaohui returned home with a faint sense of alcohol.

Except for the night of the Lantern Festival three days ago, the lights at home were turned on early at night, and for nearly half a month, the dark home was waiting for him every night. Today is no exception.

Seeing the street lights that came on regularly in the yard, and seeing the dark room inside, Zhang Yaohui felt disgusted and got into the habit of going home after a while.

After his daughter went to Dali, he also tried to stay overnight, but he couldn't stay and had to go home.


What if the silly girl wants to go home suddenly in the middle of the night?

What if the silly girl is already at home and is going to surprise me quietly?

Zhang Yaohui thought so, and then returned home every night.

After getting out of the car, entering the door, and turning on the lights, Zhang Yaohui lazily put on his slippers, threw his coat on the ground as he walked, stepped on his socks, and then kicked them away like a shuttlecock. Walk to the kitchen, take out a can of wine from the refrigerator, take a few appetizers, and go straight into the study. Sit down, turn on the lights and the computer, and subconsciously pop out a cigarette to light it, but after pinching it, I finally put it back. Usually the number of cigarettes is strictly controlled at five a day, but now without the control and nagging of my daughter, I just feel empty and boring when I smoke again.

After taking a sip of wine, Zhang Yaohui waited until the computer was fully turned on, and immediately started working. Without my daughter, I am too lazy to watch TV, so I can only rely on work to pass the time before going to bed. When it was two o'clock, Zhang Yaohui went back to his room and went to bed. He knew that when he woke up the next day, he simply ate some breakfast bought on the road, and then began to repeat the day's meetings, work, entertainment, meetings, work, and entertainment.

Zhang Yaohui didn't remember how many days passed like this, after all, there is actually no difference between living one day and living two or three days.

It's all just living alone without a daughter.


One morning, Zhang Yaohui felt that he was awakened by the shaking.

Opening his eyes, in addition to seeing the bright sunlight shining into the room, he also saw the silly girl sitting on the bed with an anxious expression on her face.

Zhang Yaohui was dazed in a daze, thinking for a while whether he was in a dream or in reality.

"Dad! Something happened!" Zhang Yiman seemed to want to reach out and pat his face, but at least she still remembered that she was the biological daughter of the person in front of her.

However, seeing Zhang Yaohui closing his eyes peacefully the next second, she still couldn't hold back and stretched out her palm.

"Dad, don't sleep!" Zhang Yiman patted his father's face, "Uncle has an accident!"

"Huh?!" Zhang Yaohui opened his eyes suddenly, his brows were browbeaten, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Oh! What are you happy about!" Zhang Yiman was so annoyed that he patted Zhang Yaohui's belly like a drum.

Zhang Yaohui groaned in pain, and finally realized that this was reality, and the girl in front of him had indeed returned home. After realizing this, nothing in this world could stop him from feeling happy and happy except for the news that his daughter was pregnant out of wedlock.

"Great!" Zhang Yaohui smiled silly.

Zhang Yiman's face gradually turned pale.

"I'm not happy about that..." Zhang Yaohui hastily explained, "You just said something happened to Han Jue, right?"

"Hmm!" Zhang Yiman nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Yaohui patted his daughter's little head.

"You, you, what should I do if there is no father by my side in the future." Zhang Yaohui tried his best to restrain the apple muscles that were almost out of control, and sighed with a smile, then supported his hands, and slowly sat up from the bed .

Like a fierce tiger waking up from a deep sleep, he was very happy and wanted to see some blood.

Thank you for your concern, I feel much better now.

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