If his wife hadn't called to ask him about the arrangements for the Ching Ming Festival, Zhang Jinshan would never have remembered that so much time had passed.

After the hacking incident, Zhang Jinshan became busy and rarely went home. Sometimes when I go home, I just take a short sleep, wake up and go to work immediately, sometimes I go to other places for business negotiations, and I don’t go home for a few days. Externally, we must deal with public opinion and public relations crises. Internally, we must strengthen the morale of the army, lead the team to fight fires everywhere, and secretly cut off the black hands extended by colleagues, and resist the dirty water poured by villains. In short, he was too busy to touch the ground.

Zhang Jinshan knew that the annual salary of one million yuan was not easy to get, but he didn't expect it to be so hard to get. But he lived up to the salary, saved a lot of contracts, and didn't make the situation worse. The largest headhunting companies in the market have long been eyeing him. As long as he has the intention of changing jobs, he will be invited by several big companies immediately. Several of his presidents and director friends also jokingly told him that after Han Jue collapsed, he might as well start a business with them, and the position and salary would only be higher than they are now.

But Zhang Jinshan didn't plan to find a next home for himself in advance. One is that he didn't intend to lose and leave, and the other is that he had a premonition that this matter would be over soon.

When Qin Xiaotong came to tell him that the hacker had been caught, Zhang Jinshan's tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Are you sure it's the same hacker who stole the song before?" Zhang Jinshan sipped his coffee to wake himself up, and asked Qin Xiaotong who was sitting opposite him.

Qin Xiaotong nodded and said that in the early hours of this morning, the people from Zhang Yaohui and Tan Nian had already controlled people in the United States, and the evidence in the computer also showed that the person who tweeted was the same person who stole the song before. hacker.

Linlin, who was beside Qin Xiaotong, seemed to have foreseen the turn of the situation, and began to cheer up in advance. She said, "Then posting the evidence now, will it prove that the boss is innocent?"

However, after Zhang Jinshan relaxed, he calmed down again, and he shook his head solemnly: "It's not that simple."

Let’s not talk about how many people believe it after the truth is released. The problem now is that after the truth is released, I don’t know how many people will read it.

Suppose a rumor is heard by 100 people and they all believe it. A few days later, the authorities began to clarify the truth, but only 20 people may listen, and only 10 of these 20 people are willing to believe it. In the end, when the truth and rumors spread together, 10 people who know the truth are definitely not as powerful as 80 people who firmly believe in rumors. In addition, the media or other people make trouble, and those 10 people may not believe firmly. Not one. In this way, the truth can never outrun the rumor.

Qin Xiaotong was cultivating Linlin, so he told Linlin the reason. After hearing this, Linlin became angry. She was one of the first hundred people who believed the rumors: "Why do those people stand in line casually!"

Compared to the angry Linlin, Zhang Jinshan seemed much calmer.

Zhang Jinshan didn't dislike those who were the first to "stand in line casually", but he didn't encourage them either. Although a lot of justice can be done, it is because netizens first stood up and condemned, which raised the heat of the topic, which prompted more and more evidence to emerge in the future. As a result, some things have been "reversed", and some have been hit hard. But he believes that more importantly, those who stand in line should draw new conclusions based on new evidence, not stick to their own opinions, and not be afraid of being "slapped in the face". This is the best way to observe justice.

Unfortunately, there are not many such people.

More people's attention is like a one-off. After venting their emotions with righteous indignation, they feel that they have contributed to upholding justice, and then go to other things with cheap satisfaction and inconclusive conclusions. I stopped paying attention to it. After a period of time, if I accidentally saw relevant news, I would only feel that the endless news was really annoying. I might as well just execute the death penalty, all of them!

In addition, although some people have been paying attention to the incident, they do not pay attention to new evidence. They just want to follow the people on one side to attack the people on the other side, and then feel that their voices are also very loud and amazing. After that, he stood there completely and did not move. What they really care about is not the truth, but the fact that "I am right" itself.

Any incident that can reveal the truth in a short period of time and justice is not late is lucky.

Once the battle lines are extended, things become more and more uncontrollable. Rumors, rumors, rumors like rumors, rumors like rumors... In the end, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake. There are too many ways to confuse the view and pollute the truth. Zhang Jinshan has also seen too many things come to light after several years, but no one cares about the truth, and rumors have long become "truth" and are deeply rooted.

Now their team has tried their best and cooperated with all parties to finally catch the hacker and grasp the evidence, but this is not enough. If more than half of the 100 people who listened to the rumors cannot be brought back, Han Jue and the others will fall into a passive position. Those colleagues who are looking forward to Han Jue's downfall will definitely fish in troubled waters, fan the flames, add insult to injury, and take the lead in questioning that the hacker is fake and a scapegoat.

So a moment is needed. A chance to turn the eyes of the person who believed the rumors at first, and then make a final decision. But this opportunity is obviously not easy to find in a short time.

Under the wave of "Me Too", there are fresh gossips almost every day. Han Jue is the most topical among them, but people's energy is also very limited, and they will get tired of eating a melon repeatedly. Although Han Jue's "Black Mirror", Wang Qingjun's speech, and netizens' doubts about hackers all drew back some rational attention and made some trolls feel offended, but after a week, all but the most tenacious Han Hei, passers-by inevitably paid attention to other things. Even if Han Jue's victim is a minor. An unknown victim whose whereabouts are still unknown, after all, is no better than a celebrity victim who is begging for explanation in front of the screen.

Just when Zhang Jinshan was thinking about how to create that opportunity, someone suddenly called him at the door of the office:

"Manager Zhang."

Zhang Jinshan and Qin Xiaotong turned their heads and saw a staff member standing outside the open office door.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jinshan turned serious, and let the staff come in. He recognizes every employee in the studio, and knows that the employee who walked in is responsible for monitoring public opinion on the Internet. In recent days, whenever there are more than 500 reposts of gossip and false rumors targeting Han Jue on the Internet, it is this employee. Came here to report. At this time, the staff came over, and there must have been negative reports or news about Han Jue on the Internet.

The staff came in with a tablet, hurriedly said hello to Qin Xiaotong, and then showed the tablet to: "Twenty minutes ago, Lan Hai, the chief director of "Singer", sent a tweet with a video about the boss of."

"Lanhai?" Zhang Jinshan frowned, not expecting to hear Lanhai's name. In just a few seconds, his mind has turned a few times, guessing if Han Jue refused to participate in "Singer" before, so he was held grudge by Lan Hai, so at this time, he fell into trouble and dug up some dark history...

While taking the tablet, Zhang Jinshan was thinking about how to deal with Lan Hai in the future.

Taking a closer look, I saw the following on Lan Hai's Weibo:

[The incident has been going on for so long, and I have been silent. Because I know that if there is justice in the world, the truth will come to light sooner or later. But I couldn't help it anymore, because after listening to "Bohemian Rhapsody", I was too worried about Han Jue. I was worried that if I didn't say anything, Han Jue would be killed by you!

From the very beginning, I didn't believe that Han Jue would commit crimes against children, because it is impossible for such an evil criminal to spend 30% of his income on children's charity every month!

Some of you may judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, saying that Han Jue did this to facilitate crimes. Big mistake! If anyone dares to say that to me face to face, I promise to pooh his face!

Han Jue has set up a charity fund dedicated to children's charity. Whether it is making movies, making music, or running a business to act in commercials, as long as he gets profits, he will invest 30% of them into the fund. It sounds only 30%, not much, but looking at the figures, last year 310 million, and the year before last 180 million, all real money, to buy musical instruments, books, toys for children, decorate dormitories and classrooms, improve Food... I know that there are some orphanages in the world that hide the ugliness and darkness of human nature, but these things have never happened in the orphanage he donated to, because he set up an investigation team, and the people in the investigation team held extremely high Salary, the main job is to patrol the country and supervise these orphanages to see if the materials he bought are used by the children, whether his donations are used for the construction of the orphanage, and whether the children in the orphanage have been abused or violated. ... If you want to say that such a person is a demon who will attack children, I don't believe it!

The following video was taken last November, when I pestered him to ask him to go to "Singer", but he kept shirking that he was busy and didn't have much time to participate in the competition. I was just curious about him. It was his birthday that day, and after filming the advertisement, he went to an orphanage near Hangzhou. I followed him there and found out that he was the music teacher of the orphanage!

A winner of the Golden Melody Award, a singer of the king of singers, and a great artist, in his heart, teaching a group of children to play guitar is more important than participating in competitions.

This is Han Jue.

All the children in the orphanage liked him very much, from the bottom of their hearts. After giving the children guitar lessons, he would sing to the children. That day, the children booed to listen to a song called "Olive Tree", which was Han Jue's new song and hadn't been published yet. I learned that Han Jue would sing some new songs that had never been released on the market almost every time he came, and I was speechless at the time. From then on, I never dared to pester him to ask him to participate in variety show competitions, because, No name, no profit, in his eyes is not as good as a child's smile. After he sang the song that day, he told the children that the world is beautiful. But now, almost everyone in the world is showing him the bad side of the world, I can't stand it anymore, so I have something to say!

I recorded the song called "Olive Tree" and put it in the video below. I posted it without Han Jue's consent. I will admit my mistake to him later, but now I just want you to listen to it. If you wrong the wrong person, what a great artist we will lose.

You guys, can you discern carefully before doing righteous things? 】

After Zhang Jinshan finished reading the text, he swiped to the bottom of Weite, and there is a video below, click on it to see what Lan Hai filmed that day. The children celebrated Han Jue’s birthday, Han Jue taught the children guitar, the children asked Han Jue to sing, Han Jue sang “Olive Tree” to them, and after singing, Han Jue said those words to the children…

"It's the boss's birthday...!" Linlin didn't read the text, but heard the singing, and suddenly remembered the scene in the video.

The video was not edited much, or in other words, Lan Hai deliberately uploaded it without any editing. Even the content of Han Jue’s lessons for the children was not edited for a second. During the period, Han Jue skillfully taught the skills and communicated with the children skillfully. Sometimes he was serious and sometimes encouraging, which showed that he already had teaching experience. Not a pose.

After watching the video, Zhang Jinshan looked at the comments below, almost all of them were shocked by Han Jue's low-key kindness, and they all doubted the authenticity of the matter.

[Donated so much money and done so many things? Didn't the media report it once? Either it's fake, or it's too low-key! ! ! 】

[I've listened to "Bohemian Rhapsody", but now when I hear "Olive Tree", I burst into tears... It's the world that failed him. 】


Of course, such a video can't clear up Han Jue's suspicion, but there is no doubt that such a thing has attracted a lot of attention.

When Zhang Jinshan saw the video, it had been almost 50 minutes since Lan Hai posted it, and the retweets had exceeded 10,000, and the likes had exceeded 80,000.

Looking at this tweet, Zhang Jinshan suddenly thought of when is the time to announce the truth.

"Tell the team leader in your department that there will be a meeting in the conference room in ten minutes." Zhang Jinshan returned the tablet to the staff who had stood aside for a long time, and asked him to go back with the notice.

The employee took the tablet and left the office.

Zhang Jinshan tapped on the armrest with his fingers, and quickly conceived a plan in his mind.

At the beginning, the [Charity Disclosure Plan] was only proposed as a plan to divert attention and win the favor of passers-by when fighting Weng Nanxi. After that, there was no war with Weng Nanxi, and the plan was shelved. After the hacking incident happened, I never thought of using it, because if they operated it themselves, the traces of whitewashing and diverting attention would be too obvious, and it would even arouse the fury of public opinion.

Now Lanhai, as a bystander, posted a video and said something, which gave Zhang Jinshan an opportunity.

"When will the evidence from Manager Guan be sorted out?" Zhang Jinshan raised his head and asked Qin Xiaotong.

Qin Xiaotong said: "Already sorting out, it will be in the afternoon at the earliest, and tomorrow at the latest."

"Okay, let Manager Guan prepare the evidence," Zhang Jinshan pointed at the handrail, and said to Qin Xiaotong, "I'll draw my attention here, and wait until the heat is the highest..."

"The evidence can be released." Qin Xiaotong nodded, his eyes bright.

"I will talk about the specific plan at the meeting." Zhang Jinshan said.

Qin Xiaotong nodded and went back to his office.

After Qin Xiaotong and Linlin left the office, Zhang Jinshan thought about his plan again, then took out his mobile phone and replied a text message to his wife. According to the text message, this year's Qingming Festival should be free to visit the tomb.

This farce is finally coming to an end.

It's still a bit difficult to resume the daily update suddenly... I'll get used to it first.

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