This star is from the earth

Chapter 716: The Farce Comes to an End (Part 2)

At the end of Xiaochi's tweet, he followed a bunch of links, all of which went directly to the video released by [Han Jue Studio] two years ago.

In the comment area below, there are fans of Han Jue who is in the carnival. Onion searched for almost five minutes, and almost couldn't find a message from a fellow.

He had the courage to keep it for himself, but he didn't know what to keep. He watched the video provided by Koike one by one, and sure enough, all the content in the hacker's new video appeared two years ago.

I don't know if the warm spring has not come yet, Onion suddenly felt the chill in the dormitory, he wrapped himself in the quilt, and picked up the phone.

He entered Han Hei's discussion group and found that everyone was worried about the same thing. Those who know the current situation are educating those who don't know the situation. After the science popularization is over, everyone is anxious together, cursing Weibo users for being too easy to be manipulated.

Onion knew that there were actually some people in the entertainment industry mixed in this discussion group. Although they didn't know which companies they came from, they knew that they had a common goal, which was to hope that Han Jue would fall.

Sure enough, now that Han Jue may not die, these people are the most anxious.

These professional and interested insiders have darker hearts and dirtier methods. They suggested that Han Jue's charitable behavior could be targeted next. For example, it is said that Han Jue's charity is actually to avoid taxes, that Han Jue actually has no good intentions, and that Han Jue is actually to cover up his evil deeds...

However, several reminders to quit the group popped up intermittently in the group messages.

Before leaving, they left a final statement:

[I can't take it anymore, I suddenly feel disgusted...]

【You guys play slowly】

【You guys, there is no bottom line】


A considerable number of people in the group are just black Hanjue as a pastime, far from keeping up with the level of life and death. I usually scold Han Jue's works, but I dare to turn into great musicians and great artists, point out some shortcomings, and add fuel to the fire, but let them make rumors and slander out of nothing, they will not be so stupid as to be real. This is an early bird.

Everyone was embarrassed, and only a few people who seemed to be insiders were still talking in the group.

Onion felt a headache, the enemy had launched a new round of attack, and his side couldn't even organize a counterattack.

It seems that counting on them is not enough.

Onion closed the discussion group and returned to Weituo.

It was almost time for the afternoon class to start, but he didn't plan to go. He was lying on the bed and operating the computer. This time, he pretended to be Han Jue's fan, and started harassing passers-by who liked and replied, and started cursing people through private messages for no reason, saying that the other party had slandered Han Jue before, now look at Han Jue's Shanxing asked, "Do you regret it?", "Are you ashamed?", "You don't deserve Teacher Han's forgiveness!"... Successfully provoked a lot of passers-by to resent Han Jue.

After a few wasted hours, the toll of the night began to show, and his eyelids began to grow heavy and sleepy. He rubbed his eyes and felt that it was almost done. With the operation of the public relations team, it would take several days for Han Jue to "reverse the case". At that time, those professional Korean blacks and industry insiders should also have interference countermeasures.

So Onion decided to go to sleep now and then talk.

Putting down the computer, lying on the bed, I fell into a dream in a trance.

But for some reason, he didn't sleep peacefully this time. The scenes in the dream often changed, and he slept very tiredly. When he opened his eyes with difficulty, he realized that he had only slept for two hours.

He turned over panting, and although his eyelids were still heavy, he didn't plan to sleep anytime soon. Subconsciously picked up the cell phone next to the pillow to surf the Internet. Opened Weibo, and found that the number of likes of his comment left under the hacker had begun to decrease. After so long, there were only a little over a hundred likes. In the comment area, there were also voices of doubt, who came from behind and became popular, which made Onion very unhappy.

He snorted coldly, and went to the main business of [Xiaochi Chichi], intending to check the status of the messages there.

As a result, as soon as he entered the main business of [Xiaochi Chichi], he saw the latest Weibo, which was no longer the previous video questioning, but a repost.

Reposted from [Hangcheng Sunflower Children's Welfare Institute].

Inside is a photo. In the photo, a few plainly dressed adults are in the center, standing in a row, holding a banner together—it is said to be a banner, but it is actually just a dozen pieces of white paper glued together. Surrounding the adults are a group of children. Some of them were sitting in wheelchairs, and some had their mouths drooping obliquely... But the same thing was that they all stretched out their little hands and tightly grabbed the corner of the banner. They pursed their lips and stared at the camera with red eyes, as if the words on the banner were what they wanted to say at this moment.

The words on the banner read: [Don't bully Teacher Han! ! ! 】

Accompanied by the photo, this should be the official Weibo account of the orphanage, and it also posted a large paragraph of text, roughly telling that their orphanage was in an extremely difficult situation before Han Jue arrived, and the children had a difficult life, as did the adults. Because the orphanage is located in a remote place and cannot get publicity, even if there is a government subsidy, it is still a drop in the bucket. For several years, dozens of children were cared for by only two principals and one teacher. It wasn't until Gu Yu and Han Jue came that the environment of the orphanage was greatly improved. At first they thought that these two stars were just here for show, but as they came again and again and got along with the children, they found that Gu Yu and Han Jue were kind people who really wanted to help them. They don't surf the Internet very much, and they don't know what happened to Han Jue some time ago. It wasn't until the volunteers mentioned it this morning that the whole orphanage knew what happened. Everyone was very angry, and no one believed that a person like Mr. Han would do such a thing to a child. We don't know how to support Mr. Han, so we sent a Weibo, hoping that everyone will believe the police's investigation results, don't blame Mr. Han, and don't bully him. He is a very good person and should not be treated like this by everyone.

After seeing the photo, Onion read this text again, and was stunned for a long time.




Onion warned himself in his heart that this was just a public relations method for Han Jue's team to win favor, and he really lost.

However, he clicked into the comments below and found that the first few floors were not fans crying in pain, but layers of links.

These links all lead to another orphanage.

Qing'an Children's Welfare Institute: [I am the director of Qing'an Children's Welfare Institute, Wang Chuanhua. In July of the previous year, a house in the yard suddenly tilted, and I dared not let my children live there anymore. We needed money to build a new building. At that time, we couldn't raise money, so we asked for help online, but no one responded. For a month, adults and children lived and ate together on the playground, and then suddenly one day, we received a donation. The house is built. Donations will be received every month thereafter. Ask the bank who donated it, don't say. Later, a supervisor quietly came over and worked as a volunteer for a period of time. After discovering his identity, he pressed him and found out that it was Mr. Han who saw our difficulties on the Internet, donated money to us, and took care of us all the time. ... I read the news on the Internet. I believe that Mr. Han would not do such a thing. There must be something wrong. 】

Liu Yang, a teacher of Hope Primary School in Chiyang Village: 【It is not easy for the children in the village to go to school. They have to start at five o'clock in the morning and walk a long way. Several children were missing on the way to school. Some adults would rather their children stay at home than let them go to school, because they are afraid that people will disappear along the way. In November of the previous year, someone in the village suddenly said that they wanted to build a school. The school was built quickly. The tables and chairs were all new. Children from the nearby villages could also come to study. They were all free of charge and there were school buses to pick them up. . The salaries of our teachers are also being paid... All this is just because a child in the village left a message to Teacher Han on the Internet, saying that he wanted to go to school, but his family refused. Teacher Han saw it, and then there was a school in Chiyang village. Teacher Han asked us not to talk about this matter. We knew that Teacher Han didn't care about these fame and fortune, so we kept silent. But now seeing Mr. Han being slandered, we can't stand it anymore! Teacher Han, come on! 】

Heyue City Children's Welfare Institute: 【... We had a child who was bullied last year. Everyone was very sad and didn't know how to seek justice. They posted online asking for help, but they were suppressed. One day, several lawyers came suddenly, and they said that Mr. Han sent them here to help everyone...]

Sushan Children's Welfare Institute: [...the year before last, a child had kidney failure and had to undergo surgery, and finally Han Jue contacted us...]

One after another, orphanages came out to speak, telling about the help that Han Jue brought to them. These help is by no means just throwing away a sum of money. Among the children who have been helped, some have received suitable desks, some have received legal assistance, and some have hope for life. Even several children's welfare institutions in the United States have received Korean felt donations.

When they were in trouble, it was Han Jue who helped them. Now when they knew that Han Jue was in trouble, they stood up together without hesitation.

They also posted pictures one by one. There are photos of Han Jue teaching children to draw, photos of Han Jue presenting awards to children, photos of Han Jue carrying stacks of books to the bookshelves, and children vying to hug Han Jue, while Han Jue A photo of a warm smile while pretending to be disgusted.

And at the end of each of these photos, there must be a group photo of all the staff of the orphanage. They were holding banners, or standing in front of the blackboard, and wrote words on it to express their solidarity with Han Jue.

[Teacher Han, come on! ! 】

[Don't bully my Teacher Han! ! ! 】

【Mr. Han, you will always be our hero! ! 】


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