This Text Adventure Game is Totally Poisonous

Chapter 586: You can’t do it, right?

Near the abyss, all the creatures quickly retreated to several sky cities.

Immediately, the eleven sky cities flew high one after another before the mirage approached, and drifted away in the opposite direction of the mirage.

The reason why the mirage creatures did not show aggression towards the Fool before was because they had a common enemy, the robot, and the mirage tapir deliberately controlled the actions of these companion creatures.

Not long ago, after the robot turned against the Fool, the mirage tapir immediately noticed this change and revoked the restrictions on the mirage creature.

Therefore, mirage creatures now treat the Fool the same as other creatures, and they will attack whenever they see him.

At the edge of Dawn City, several city lords gathered.

Looking at the fierce mirage coming from below, Solomon couldn't help but say: "I wish I had known if I should have told the robot not to return to the furnace so early, but to stay with us to fight off the mirage before evacuating..."

Mu You shook his head: "It's useless, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. What we need is not just to let the mirage creatures leave the star spirit world, but to make the mirage tapirs retreat and leave their birthplace outside our No. 2 server, otherwise they will stay here." Players on Earth will no longer be able to explore the real world in the future.

"And letting robots fight against mirage tapirs will definitely consume a large number of robots in the process, which is equivalent to consuming our vaccines, which is not in our interests." Tianzi added.

"That's true..."

While several city lords were discussing, the mirage quickly spread across the abyss below Sky City.

The entrance to the abyss with a diameter of two thousand meters was like a flood going through a rabbit hole compared to the vast mirage. The mirage immediately formed a vortex above the abyss, like an inverted funnel, and the mist swirled and poured in crazily. And enter.

Countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals hidden in the mirage seemed to have discovered something new at this moment. They rushed to the front of the abyss, surrounded the abyss, and accelerated the relay to transport the mirage, as if they wanted the mirage to fill the big hole faster. .

Mu You flew away from Sky City and floated over the abyss, observing the progress of the influx of mirage.

Because of the active acceleration of the mirage creature, the mirage was poured in faster than expected. At the current speed, it would only take a day for the mirage to reach the bottom of the abyss.

When the time comes, Ava will have to allocate energy to resist the penetration of mirage, and vaccine production will definitely be affected.

In other words, they had better drive out these mirage creatures within one day.

After understanding the situation, Mu You flew directly back to Dawn City and teleported back to the main castle.

At this moment, there were only the herb gatherers in the main castle. The two of them waited in the castle for a while, and two rays of light lit up on the teleportation array in front.

"I'm exhausted, but I'm back..."

"The mirage is really not a place for people to stay. It's like severe smog. The air in our own territory is better..."

The figures of the watchman and the exquisite ones appeared one after another, all looking dusty.

The night watcher immediately found a nearby sofa and sat down, and started petting the orange cat. Linglong rushed to the table, picked up the teapot and filled half of it.

"Done?" Mu You came over and asked.

"Of course! The Mu family's army is ready to take action!" Linglong made a victory gesture, then took out five forest spirit cores and placed them on the table.

"Here, there are five. Not one is missing. I've found them all."

"Where are the secret crystals that those people imitated?" Mu You asked. Completing the secret crystal is their ultimate goal.

"This imitation crystal is a one-time use and cannot be taken out after being fused with the human body. Therefore, those crystals that have been used are no longer available...but we found the blueprint of this thing."

The watchman took out a roll of blueprints from the ring: "This is the kind of crystallized design that can be produced at any time as long as the materials are found."

"Oh? So it can be mass-produced?" Mu You was startled. If the secret crystals could be mass-produced, it would be of great significance to the Fools Collective.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but the materials required for this thing are a bit unusual. The group of people from the Secret Arts Association have only found a few dozen pieces over the years, and they have all been made into forged crystals."

"what do you need?"

"A kind of stone called 'Echoing Stone'." said the watchman.

"Echoing stone..." Mu You recalled, but did not find this material in his memory.

"Echoing stone?" The lamp god suddenly appeared from the oil lamp and looked at the people with some surprise.

"Do you know? What kind of stone is this?" Mu You asked hurriedly.

"Of course, this is a material produced in the real world. Under different structures, it will show two completely opposite effects of attracting energy and repelling energy." Deng Shen said.

After listening to his description, Mu You and the herb collector looked at each other, and one word popped up in their minds: semiconductor.

Semiconductors refer to materials whose electrical properties are between conductors and insulators, and this stone expands the energy range of semiconductors from 'electricity' to all energies.

It is precisely because of its semiconductor-like properties that after special treatment of this stone, the energy can be made to run and manifest in the fixed way they want. That is, after the black magic is input, it can be stably output as black magic. Never gets out of control.

And this is exactly the characteristic of secret crystallization.

"It turns out it's something from the real world. No wonder it's so rare in the world of stars and spirits." The watcher suddenly realized, then shook his head and said, "But I've seen this thing before, and it's not as beautiful as we imagined."

"Although this thing can indeed store dark magic power, the magic power reserve is much less than that of real secret magic crystals. Depending on the quality of the raw materials, it is only about one-tenth to one-third of ours, and each crystal only has one side. Store magic circuits.”

"At the same time, because the nature of magic cannot be repeated, theoretically, each person can only have a maximum of twelve such crystals in his brain, which means that each person can have up to twelve fixed secret techniques."

"In addition, because this thing is one-time use, it has a fatal flaw compared to secret magic crystals, that is, it cannot actively produce secret magic cards, nor can it actively convert ordinary magic into black magic. At the same time, it is Because there are no secret cards, the black magic on these crystals is basically fixed, and once it is engraved on it, it is difficult to replace it."

"That's not bad!" Mu Youyou said.

Even though the watcher mentioned so many shortcomings in one breath, he couldn't hide the biggest advantage of this thing: it can be mass-produced!

Being able to be mass-produced means that everyone has the opportunity to own a complete set of crystals. In the future, players will have the opportunity to change careers to become mystics and master the ability to fight with black magic...

In addition, there is no need to worry about the real mystics being replaced. This counterfeit crystal creates half-baked mystics after all, and each person can only possess twelve kinds of black magic at most.

Moreover, because these people cannot convert black magic on their own, the secret cards that can switch black magic with one click will become precious circulating commodities, and secret cards can only be produced by people from their secret arts association, which will greatly inconvenience them. Enhance the value of every association member.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they must first find enough echo stones.

"Is this kind of stone rare in the real world?" Mu You looked at the djinn and asked.

"It's not rare to be considered rare. This kind of stone is usually rare because it is relatively unpopular. It is only used when making very few special tools. The demand is small, and the output is naturally small. In fact, you have to go to Gaotian World to dig it carefully. If so, you should still be able to find quite a few." said the Deng Shen.

"That's good." Mu You breathed a sigh of relief. Hundreds of millions of players have mobilized, and as long as it's not something as priceless as the Power Stone, it won't be a big problem.

At this time, the herb collector looked at the watchman strangely: "You just said that this kind of crystal cannot actively convert secret techniques. Since their crystals cannot actively create black magic, where did their black magic come from?"

"This is the key point! Can you believe it? The black magic these people possess are actually scrolls they found from various ancient ruins!" The watchman said, and began to take out the magic scrolls from the ring.

One roll after another, and soon the whole table was piled up, at least hundreds of copies.

Mu You stepped forward and took a look, and found that they were all small and medium-sized black magic scrolls. There were also large black magic scrolls, but there were very few of them, and the total amount was not enough for one hand.

"You plundered these from the members of the club?" Mu You looked at the watchman strangely. As a trophy, this amount was too much.

"Only a small part, and I found the rest from their treasure room?"

"Treasure room?"

"Yes, we captured their treasure house, and we moved everything inside without leaving anything behind. In addition to these, there are also many white magic scrolls and various collections of books." said the watcher.

Only then did Mu You pay attention and sat down next to him: "Tell me what happened."

"Well, this starts with the somewhat naive priest I met. I joked with him that I was the real leader of the Secret Art Church, and I came to the bottom of the private server for a private visit. As a result, he believed me directly. , expressing that he wants to follow me..."

The story is undoubtedly very twists and turns, but the watchman is not afraid of twists and turns. He started from the beginning and told it for more than three hours, finally telling this story with nine twists and turns.

In fact, if Mu You really wanted to know, he could just fuse the memories directly. However, there were other people present who were listening, so Mu You rarely interrupted him and allowed him to talk freely.

After listening, everyone was speechless.

He is not just taking over someone else's treasure house, he is simply occupying the magpie's nest, directly replacing the person's leader's position from the source!

Yes, the watchman is now the real leader of the Secret Art Church. All the members at the bottom have been successfully brainwashed by him, while those at the top have been caught and executed one by one by his devout believers. Up to now, the entire Secret Church has The Church of Art has become his one-spoken church.

"Then what? Where are the fools you subdued?" the herb collector asked, directly classifying those who were successfully brainwashed by the watchman as 'idiots'.

"It's disbanded. The moment I became the leader, I immediately announced that the Secret Art Church was disbanded on the spot, and asked them to go back to their homes and find their own mothers." The watcher said.

The herb collector couldn't help but frown: "Why should we disband? Although they are a group of fools, they are still an obedient force..."

"Because, it's too troublesome. I'm asked to take care of a large group of people's eating, drinking and sleeping habits. I don't have the patience." The watchman spread his hands. The reason was very straightforward: laziness.

Mu You rubbed his brows helplessly. Forget it, this is not the point. The point is that the two people gained a lot from this operation. They almost emptied the entire church. Compared with the lifespan they invested when they joined the meeting, , I have made money back hundreds of times.

"That's all we have here. What about you, the preparations should be over, right? So when will we go to heaven?" Linglong asked impatiently.

"In four days...but before that, we have to deal with the trouble outside." Mu Youyou.

Naturally, both the watchman and Linglong knew that the 'trouble outside' refers to mirage.

This thing has its advantages and disadvantages. If their mission hadn't been due to the sudden arrival of mirage, which blocked the functions of all forged crystals, resulting in the combat effectiveness of the church's senior personnel being completely reduced, they would not have been able to complete it so smoothly.

"This thing is indeed caused by us fools. It's really not good to leave it alone...but, how to control it?"

The watchman pondered: "Even if we drive the mirages out of the star spirit world now, they will still be able to come back when we leave, right?"

"This depends on you." Mu You looked at him and said.


The watchman was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what he meant, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I... let's talk to it first..."

"I'm with you." Mu You said.

The watchman didn't refuse and put his hand on Mu You's shoulder, and then their consciousness entered the watchman's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the pure white boundless sea of ​​​​consciousness space, the two people fell from the sky, and finally landed on a piece of water full of mist.

The watchman waved his hand to disperse the mist, and in the space in front, the figure of a giant snake suddenly appeared.

The upper body of the snake is entangled on a high tower, while the lower half of the snake's tail is leisurely flowing in the water.

A little boy with a pale face was kneeling obediently under the tower, beating the snake with his fists and massaging the snake.

Seeing the two people approaching, the boy's face suddenly showed a resentful expression, but with Ju Snake nearby, he did not dare to say anything and hurriedly put away his expression, lowered his head and continued his work.

The two ignored Cain, walked directly to the snake, and explained to it the purpose of their visit.

"You want me to scare away the mirage tapirs? Cluck..."

After hearing the purpose of the two people's visit, Gu Snake suddenly laughed. A snake head poked out from the clouds high in the sky and stretched it out in front of the two people. Snake Xinzi spat out and pointed it at the two people.

"Of course! But why should I help you?"

"Don't be so heartless, Xiaoba. After all, we have known each other for such a long time, so we can be considered friends. Do you need a reason to do something for your friend?" the watcher persuaded.

"Friend? Would you consider someone who has imprisoned you forever in your consciousness as a friend? Be a good person!" Gu Snake transformed into a master of yin and yang.

The watchman wanted to say something else, but Mu You stopped him.

Mu You looked at the snake head in the sky and said with a strange expression, "You can't do it, right?"

"No? What do you mean? You want to say that I can't beat that stupid pig?" Ju She frowned suddenly, her voice a little unhappy.

The watchman immediately reacted after hearing this: "Oh, that's true. After all, it is the end of the fear season and the beginning of the mirage season. Your power should have faded, and the power of the mirage tapir is increasing over time. You But it’s also normal.”

"Forget it, let's go, let's think of another way." Mu You shook his head in disappointment, greeted the watchman, and the two of them turned to leave.


Ju She roared angrily: "What a joke! I am afraid of that little piglet? When I was in Gaotian, that guy was only assigned to me as my younger brother, and he obeyed my words. You know why among the four major disaster seasons, the mirage season is the best?" Is it the shortest, and the season of fear is the longest? That’s because every time the season changes, it only dares to wait until I’ve had enough fun and takes the initiative to go into hibernation before it dares to come out! Otherwise, if I don’t leave, it will never dare to come out!”

"Even if the mirage season has started now, do you believe that I can scare it into running away just by showing up?" Ju She said confidently.

"Okay, Xiaoba, there's no need to explain, we all understand and we won't let you embarrass yourself if we believe it." The watchman gave a 'comforting' sound, and then continued to leave with Mu You.

"Bastard!" Gu Snake became even more furious. The snake's head stretched out and it quickly intercepted in front of the two of them, blocking their way.

After Ju She glared at the two of them angrily, he quickly sneered: "Haha, I am the ancestor who plays with people's hearts. You don't need to use this kind of provocation against me. After all, don't you just want me to Will you come forward to help you?"

"I'm telling you directly, yes, but you must first liberate my body and let me regain a certain amount of strength. Otherwise, I probably won't be able to scare that guy." Ju She said.

"This is impossible! What if your body escapes?" The caller immediately shook his head.

If the mirage cannot be frightened away, the consequence will be that the Star Spirit Realm loses part of its land within a few thousand years at most. It will have little impact on the Fool and will not have any fatal consequences on other creatures in the Star Spirit Realm. But if one accidentally lets the snake's body run wild and escape, that will be the beginning of the real loss of life.

"Haha, that's something you need to consider. Anyway, I've told you the method. It's up to you whether you want to use it or not." After Ju She said that, she turned around and climbed back to the tower, ignoring the two of them.

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