This Text Adventure Game is Totally Poisonous

Chapter 684 Born under the Moon

Mu You's consciousness was silent at the bottom of the lake, surrounded by darkness, silence, and depth, and he couldn't see anything.

In a daze, Mu You only remembered that he seemed to have seen someone at the bottom of the lake. The other person chattered a lot to him.

His intuition told him that it was very important, but he couldn't remember what he said specifically.

At this moment, he couldn't move, couldn't wake up even if he wanted to, and couldn't even open his eyes. Mu You's consciousness could only be forced to remain silent under the cold lake water, in a hazy state, half asleep and half awake.

There was darkness all around, but it was boundless, as if we were in an empty universe without light.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a group of colorful lights burst out in the darkness, like a cluster of fireworks, illuminating the originally dark and boundless space.

In this overlapping fusion of shining light, shadow and darkness, Mu You seemed to see a newborn planet taking shape in a chaotic nebula.

The rotating matter gradually formed a disk-like structure, like a giant carousel. Gas and dust gradually gathered under the influence of gravity, forming regions with higher density, entangled, torn, swallowed, and solidified with each other.

The surface of the planet begins to condense into landforms, with mountains, canyons, plains and oceans... The sun rises and the moon sets, spring passes and winter comes, life is born, all things evolve, the colorless world is gradually dyed with color, and the form of life changes from simple to simple. The outline gradually becomes complex and colorful...

Countless planet scenes flashed back crazily in front of Mu You's eyes at flying speeds.

Mu You felt as if he was transformed into a piece of dust, erupted from a certain flare of the star, surrounded by countless interstellar dust, and finally hit and rushed into the universe, falling into a vast ocean.

Then he transformed into an infinite reincarnation cell, drifting with the flow of nature, sometimes transforming into a plant, sometimes an animal, sometimes a cloud, falling with the raindrops on the planet, rising with the steam, blooming with the soil, and withering with the flesh and blood...

It seemed like a moment had passed, and it seemed like countless years had passed. Mu You felt that he had followed the planet and participated in the evolution of all life from scratch.

He can no longer tell whether he is a personal experiencer or a bystander. Most of the time, he is just a tiny cell, but every life on this planet seems to have been affected by him. Participation.

In other words, every life born on this land was once himself, and all lives born in the future will also be played by him.

He is the ‘all things’ in this land!

In this chaotic and hazy jump of consciousness, until a certain moment, a cold beam of light illuminated his eyes.

Mu You opened his eyes, as if awakening from a dream, and found that he was still sinking to the bottom of the dark and turbid lake.

On the dark rock formation above the head, a gap suddenly appeared.

The circular stone plate moved quietly, connecting the upper and lower lakes, and also allowing a ray of moonlight from the outside world to shine through the hole into the deep lake water, shining directly into Mu You's eyes.

The moonlight changed from a crescent moon to a full moon in a short period of time, like an eye that had been closed for a long time, from closed to open, and finally looked towards him.

Mu You sank at the bottom of the lake, looking at the Eye of the Moon from a distance above him. In the bright and pure moonlight, he suddenly had an enlightenment: all the flashbacks he had just seen might be the result of this 'Eye of the Moon'. Everything you see and hear.

It is like a lonely bystander, always hanging in the sky, witnessing the life, old age, illness, death, and vicissitudes of the planet from a bird's eye view...

Mu You suddenly felt himself starting to rise.

Looking down, he was still in the butterfly state, standing on the red suit and not moving.

Instead, the red suit itself was pushed by a buoyant force and floated rapidly toward the hole above.

Mu You quickly followed the suit through the hole of the Eye of the Moon and entered the surface of the Moon Lake.

The moment Mu You appeared, countless miniature blue butterflies hidden inside the water droplets floated from the lake above, gathered around him, and penetrated into the suit, spitting out particles of dust and debris.

Mu You didn't recognize what it was at first. It wasn't until he found some fragments of flesh and bone in the dust that he realized that these were his flesh!

His body, which was devoured by these butterflies before, is being returned bit by bit by these butterflies.

As the dust accumulated, a humanoid skeleton gradually formed inside the suit, followed by blood, blood vessels, muscles, skin, hair...

How fast it was dissolved when I jumped into the lake before, how fast it will aggregate now.

In the blink of an eye, Mu You's body reassembled into a complete physical body from scratch.

At the same time, the butterfly carrying Mu You's consciousness naturally penetrated into the physical body's brain.

The savage leader woke up with a stab of pain.

Opening his eyes, he found himself lying on the bed in the room, unable to move.

A female savage was sitting beside his bed, holding a sharp straw stick and pricking him repeatedly.

The clan leader recognized this woman as one of the newest herbalists in the clan.

He quickly recalled that he had been hit by a poisonous arrow before, and this woman should be treating him at this time.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

His poison didn't seem to be lessened, but instead it was much more serious than when he was hit by the arrow.

Logically speaking, as the leader of the clan, he should have received proper treatment after being comatose for so long, but the result was exactly the opposite...

The patriarch was shocked and realized a possibility: could this woman also be...

Before he could figure it out, he heard a conversation coming from the direction of the door not far away.

"The patriarch is critically ill and is undergoing treatment. He needs a quiet environment and must not be disturbed!"

"In order to prevent spies from getting in, I will convey all the news to the clan leader..."

After the voice said a few words, there seemed to be some noise coming from outside, but it was suppressed by this person, and everyone was quickly dismissed.

Then the owner of the voice came towards the house.

After a few seconds, the man walked to the bedside, and the clan leader finally saw the man's face.


The patriarch stared at the savage elder in front of him, his eyes almost spitting fire.

He is now completely sure that Yuman is a traitor!

The poisonous arrows before were probably shot under his instruction.

At this time, the other party used his identity as an elder to put him under house arrest. The female herbalist next to him was probably with the other party!

Thinking of this, the patriarch wanted to jump up and strangle the two traitors immediately. Unfortunately, his whole body was unable to move under the influence of the poison, and he could not make any sound from his throat.

"Oh? Are you awake?" Yuman also noticed the patriarch who opened his eyes at this time.

Noticing the way the other person's veins bulged when he saw the enemy who killed his father, Youman sneered: "Don't get excited. The reason why you are still alive is because you are still valuable. Don't make yourself angry to death first."

While talking, several savages filed in from outside the door, holding sacks, ropes and other items in their hands.

The clan leader glared, instinctively feeling something bad.

"Haha, don't be nervous. I'm just sending you out of the Ring Forest. If you're lucky, we will send you back before the end of the moon festival. By then, you will be one of our own." Yuman's face With a proud smile on his face, the words he said made the patriarch's heart freeze.

The other party wants to transform him into a parasite!

And once he, the clan leader, is taken over by parasites, what will happen to the clan?

Thinking of this, the clan leader hurriedly struggled desperately, wriggled his movable lips, and tried to bite his tongue to commit suicide. He was not afraid of death. What he was afraid of was that he would continue to drag down the clan after death.

Unfortunately, the enemy would not give him this opportunity.

Before the clan leader could take action, his body was stabbed with poison by the female savage again, and the clan leader's consciousness quickly sank.

At the end of his sleep, he vaguely heard the laughter from Youman's mouth: "Speaking of which, I really have to thank the Fool. If he hadn't suddenly come to disrupt the situation, I wouldn't have found such a good opportunity to make things happen naturally. You replace it..."

That night.

The bright moon rises, the singing and dancing on the seventh floor of the Ring Forest continue, and the moon festival ceremony goes on as usual.

However, because of what happened yesterday, the atmosphere of today's festival was a little dull.

Yesterday's moon festival was interfered with by outsiders, and the clan leader was seriously injured. It is said that he is still in a coma and is unable to come forward to host the ceremony, but the moon festival cannot be stopped because of this.

According to clan rules, when the clan leader is unable to appear, an acting clan leader needs to be elected and the acting clan leader will preside over affairs.

At this moment, the person standing on the altar instead of the clan leader was Youman.

After a day of fermentation, Tenlang, Muro, Sethia, and the dead fool who desecrated Moon Lake have all been beaten into iron villains. As for Youman, who once firmly opposed these people, he has successfully become a villain. He took over the position of acting clan leader.

Most of the other tribesmen had no objections to this, and the few who had doubts were forcibly suppressed by the sudden burst of unanimous praise around them.

Soon, it was late at night.

As the full moon rose to its highest altitude, the stone plate of the Square Moon Eye in the center of the moon lake moved away again.

Countless blue butterflies flew out from it, rendering the Moon Lake beautiful.


On the altar, Youman patted the shirtless savage next to him and gave him a reassuring look.

This savage is today's sacrificer.

After stepping off the altar, the savage tore off his clothes, stepped naked across the cordon, and walked towards Moon Lake.

But he was cautious along the way, looking around vigilantly, for fear that another arrow would be shot from the surroundings, and he would follow in the footsteps of yesterday's sacrificer.

The result is whatever you are afraid of.

The savage had only taken a few steps when several sounds of cracking through the air were heard behind him.

A series of seven or eight arrows were shot from a certain direction at high speed.

The savage dodged subconsciously and successfully dodged the first three arrows, but he was still hit by the next few arrows, one on each of his legs, chest, and right shoulder.

The savage fell to the ground, screaming and unable to move forward.

At the same time, in another direction, the hooded Sirius jumped out from behind the crowd, rolled and jumped into the cordon, and rushed towards the Moon Lake. On the way, he did not forget to set up his bow and arrow, and aimed at this The savage beside him drew a sword and accurately penetrated the savage's head with an arrow.

The savage was killed on the spot, but Sirius dropped his bow and arrows, tore off his clothes, ignored the pursuers behind him, and strode towards the Moon Lake.

All this is exactly the same as the scene where Mu You rushed towards Yue Lake yesterday.

The only difference is that Sirius is more powerful. When he explodes with all his strength, he is much faster than Mu You. Before most of the savages can react, Sirius has already rushed within 20 meters of Yue Lake.

However, just when Sirius was about to approach the lake.

Four figures suddenly jumped out from the nearby sand, just surrounding Sirius.

At the same time, the four of them pulled the ropes in their hands. Under the sand on the ground, a huge net was pulled out, restraining Sirius in the net.

Sirius was shocked, and only then did he realize that this was a trap. These four people had obviously been ambushing here since daytime, waiting for him to show up and fall into the trap.

Sirius hurriedly struggled with all his strength, trying to get out.

Unfortunately, the four savage men held the four ends of the rope tightly, and with the strength of the four of them, they were able to barely suppress Sirius.

"Haha, do you think I will make the same mistake twice?" On the altar, Youman looked at the successfully captured Sirius, with a successful smile on his lips.

At the same time, another savage jumped out from under the sand in front of Sirius. He was one of the six previously selected sacrificers.

As soon as the savage appeared, he sneered at Sirius, tore off his clothes, and under Sirius' desperate eyes, turned around and jumped towards the Moon Lake, which was just around the corner.

In the chaos, no one noticed.

At this time, under the clear lake water, a red suit quietly passed through the Eye of the Moon and floated to the surface of the Moon Lake.

And inside the suit, a humanoid figure quickly gathered and formed like a rewind.

Above the lake, the savage in the air felt his eyes blurred as a red light shot out of the water and hit him straight.

The next moment, he only felt a pain in his chest, and then he was knocked out by a huge force. He drew a beautiful parabola and fell headfirst into the sand in the distance.

At the same time, a figure covered in red body-hugging armor landed lightly on the edge of the lake.

The scene was silent for a moment.

Behind the cordon, all the savages looked at this scene blankly, doubting their own eyes for a while.

Someone jumped out of the lake?

It wasn't until more than ten seconds that anyone realized what this meant.

"The son of Yueji...?"

"The son of Moon Festival appears?"

"He is...the one from yesterday..."

The noise grew louder and louder, soon drowning out all other sounds.

Above the altar in the distance, when Youman saw the figure jumping out of the water, his eyelids were already twitching, and he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

Listening to the noise around him, he hurriedly shouted for silence, trying to suppress these discussions, especially the term 'son of Moon Festival'. At this moment, he wanted to block this word from everyone's memory.

It's a pity that with such a big thing right now, no one even cares about the Moon Festival itself. Who has time to care about him?

The scene was in an uproar, and all the savages were whispering to each other. The noise became louder and louder, and the discussion about the 'son of Moon Festival' quickly spread throughout the entire place. (End of chapter)

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