“I heard that one of your Squad Leaders has also been dispatched?”

After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato couldn’t help but shake one’s head to stop thinking about these messy things.

But he seems to be accustomed to this state of work, and he also recalled something.

That is Uchiha Kei, who seems to have dispatched one of his own Squad Leaders.

In fact, he doesn’t need to go to the police department at all, because the entire security department is under the jurisdiction of Uchiha Kei.

However, Uchiha Kei reported this, and he naturally knew about it.

Send a team of Captain out, this kind of thing can be big or small.

To be smaller, this is to enhance the fighting strength of this time conflict and enhance the survival ability of the members of the Ministry of Security.

But going bigger, this is simply expanding the rank of the conflict, and a little carelessness may cause war!

Also, Uchiha Liuying is a ninja who turned on Sharingan. Such Kekkei Genkai is very precious.

In case of being targeted by Hidden Cloud, there is a risk of being captured.

“Ah, yes, it’s Liuying.” Uchiha Kei nodded: “He asked for it, and I agreed, after all, the loss is a little bit big…”

Uchiha Kei was also helpless inside, because he agreed to let Uchiha Liuying try it.

In fact, he is not the only Squad Leader who wants to be in battlefield, except for him and Uchiha Chuan who want to go up all the time.

Even Hyuga Hizashi and Uchiha have submitted application reports.

But because their identities are really special, Uchiha Kei at first rejected them all.

But with the passage of time, the number of casualties in the Security Department began to increase, and he had to decide to send someone who could hold the factory to try.

At first, his choice is Uchiha Chuan, because Uchiha Chuan is the one who has followed him for the longest time, and his loyalty and strength are completely trustworthy.

But after Uchiha Kei flipped through the battlefield resumes of these four Squad Leaders, the first one he excluded was Uchiha Chun, a woman who had never been to battlefield, and Uchiha Chuan was the second.

Because of Uchiha Chuan’s performance in battlefield, he can only be described as unremarkable. Such battlefield experience does not reassure him.

Hyuga Hizashi and Uchiha Liuying’s battlefield resumes make him more amazing, and he plans to choose one from these two people.

In fact, here, it is very easy to choose.

Hyuga Hizashi even submitted an application report and has Hyuga Hiashi’s commitment.

But he is always impossible to send the younger brother of Hyuga Clan Leader to battlefield, right?

What’s more, Hidden Cloud’s information system is not a fool. If you really want to recognize him, the problem is a bit big.

So Uchiha Kei chose Uchiha Liuying, or he could only choose Uchiha Liuying.

“It’s really hard work for you.” Namikaze Minato sighed: “This thing is really…”

“Captain Minato, didn’t we say that we will not talk about work? “Uchiha Kei looked, he couldn’t help but knocked on the table in this state of clothing: “It’s still time to rest.”

“Also, sorry.” Namikaze Minato felt sorry.

He did say that he shouldn’t talk about work now, and his son would be on the sidelines.

But he simply couldn’t stop, even though he didn’t take the Hidden Cloud thing too seriously in his heart.

But when the lively ninja turns into a list of cold death lists, his heart is absolutely uncomfortable.

After all, these ninjas went to the center of the conflict because of his decision, and it was because of his decision that they died.

Took a deep breath, Namikaze Minato is not thinking about these issues.

Even if you want to think about these issues, you have to wait until you return to Hokage’s Office to talk about it.

Turning his head to glanced at Uchiha Kei and Hyuga Aya, he suddenly noticed Hyuga Aya’s face…

It seems that he is still blushing?

Did this kid just say some love words that made this cold girl shy?

Not bad, have you improved!

But then, he seemed to think of something, and his face became a little ambiguous.

“speaking of which, If I remember correctly, today seems to be Aya’s birthday? I saw it when I processed your Jonin report last time. I’m sorry I didn’t prepare a gift.

“So…. Are you two really dating? “

Uchiha Liuying stood on a tree and looked quietly away. He has been in Land-of-Iron for a few weeks.

Land of Fire and Land-of-Lightning do not border, but there are small countries such as Land-of-Iron, Land-of-Hot Water, Land-of-Rice Fields, etc. among them.

Even if these small countries have ninja and Ninja Village, they are not trusted by local Daimyo and wealthy businessmen.

In addition to having no money, they would choose these local ninja, otherwise the rich People are still happy to hand over the mission to Great Country.

Konoha and Hidden Cloud are one of the two Great Country on Ninja World.

However, since the establishment of Konoha, almost Participated in all Shinobi World Wars, but they did not fail.

Therefore, the rich businessmen and Daimyos who value stability and mission success rate are more willing to hand over the mission to Konoha.


Land-of-Iron is naturally the same. Although there are some people who are closer to Hidden Cloud, they are still a minority.

Because the damage and oppression that Hidden Cloud causes to them is better than Konoha Much bigger.

“Liuying Captain. “At this moment, a Hyuga ninja suddenly started to talk and called him.

“Talent, what’s wrong?” “Uchiha Liuying turned his head and looked at this Hyuga ninja.

This Hyuga ninja’s name is Hyuga Cairen, and he is a member of Branch House.

He was sent out this time. Team up with Uchiha Liuying, and another team member named Senju Xun, who is a good Earth-Style and Water-Style ninja.

“I found that there are people from the Cloud Ninja moving towards mission group. . “Cairen Hyuga said quickly: “There are six people in total, and they should be two fast mobile teams. “

A normal ninja team, the number of normal people is generally four.

But on battlefield, the number of fast maneuvering teams is generally three people.

This kind of team usually excludes Medical-nin, or ninja who is not good at offensive.

Uchiha Liuying and their team are almost like this. Of course, it is not ruled out whether it is because of other Side downsizing has led to the team’s inability to reach full length.

After all, the current battle is defined as a’conflict’, but such a’conflict’ is always accompanied by death!

“Six people? “Uchiha Liuying is nodded, he took a deep breath and started to talk directly and said: “In that case, let’s go!” “

“Yes, Captain. “Hyuga Cairen and Senju Shino said immediately.

With an order, the silhouettes of the three people disappeared instantly.

Uchiha Liuying was the fastest, although it was Squad. Leader, but he always regards himself as an assaulter on battlefield.

And even if he is a Square Leader, he has to lead by example, so that his subordinate can have the courage to fight.

He has plenty of actual combat experience. He has been on battlefield for at least eight years. He knows exactly what he should do.

Quickly close the distance, he has opened up halfway His own Sharingan.

The two tomoes in the scarlet eyes are slowly rotating. At this moment, his speed seems to have become faster.

Three people The two queens constantly shuttled through the forest. In less than one minute, they had arrived behind the ninjas in the mission group.

What they have to do is not to wait for Cloud Ninja to shoot. They But you must directly intercept and annihilate these Cloud Ninjas!

“Talents, you cover the people in the mission group, look, you support me on the side. While moving fast, Uchiha Liuying gave orders: “Move!” “

“Yes, Captain! “Hyuga Cairen and Senju Shino said immediately, and then the two of them separated.

One ninja who followed the mission group went on, and the other went around Uchiha Liuying’s side.

It didn’t take long for the three people to see the Cloud Ninja who fought back and forth.

“Fire-Style · Fire Phoenix Immortal Technique. “Uchiha Liuying saw this and took the lead in hand seal trouble.

The finished hand seal was on the run, and then he sprayed directly at the crowded areas of Cloud Ninja.

To be honest, whether this Jutsu is effective or not, he has no bottom.

However, because there are many people on the other side, the chance of getting hit is high.

Facing the sudden appearance of Konoha As for the reinforcements, Cloud Ninja didn’t seem to panic.

Seeing the oncoming Fire-Style, the first few Cloud Ninjas were hand-sealed at almost the same time.

“peng! peng! peng!”

In the fire, two clouds of smoke rose, and then a few pieces of wood fell to the ground.

Body Substitution Jutsu, this As one of the most basic Three-Style Jutsu techniques of ninja, it is often the most life-saving technique.

Uchiha Liuying’s scarlet Sharingan scanned left and right, and he quickly identified those Cloud Ninja’s Specific location.

But just as he was preparing for a surprise attack, he suddenly felt the hairs of his whole body stand up, and a very bad sense of danger rose in his heart.

The Body Substitution Jutsu was used instantly, and the sound of breaking wind rang out, but unfortunately it was only a few pieces of wood left on the ground.

The silhouette of Uchiha Liuying appeared not far away Under the big tree.

Glanced at the clothes that were cut on his shoulders, turning around glanced at the stump that was split in half is falling from in the sky.

He I know, I am afraid I have encountered an extreme danger guy this time.

However, Uchiha Liuying can’t think about how dangerous the other side is. The first cowardice before the fight is courting death!


“Not bad. “The Cloud Ninja glanced at the broken wood on the ground, turning his head to look at the location of Uchiha Liuying: “Boy, you are very good, and your eyes are also very good. “

“Troy? “Uchiha Liuying wrinkled frowned head: “That, the magnetic shield ninja of Hidden Cloud Village?” “

“Oh? It seems you know me. “Troy nodded: “However, I accept your eyes.” “

“Really? “Uchiha Liuying’s voice is very flat.

He moved towards all around, he found that the only person he faced seemed to be Troy, and the rest were probably chasing those in the mission group. Right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Liuying couldn’t help but relax a little.

Although the guy he is facing now is very dangerous, his situation is relatively a bit bad.

But if it is one-on-one, then he still has some confidence.

After all, he is a Uchiha with Sharingan…

…. .

Uchiha Liuying stared at the Cloud Ninja before him, and began to quickly analyze the pros and cons in his heart.

After all, the enemy he had to face was really not an ordinary person.


Troy, this guy is also a strange enough guy.

As a Hidden Cloud ninja, he actually mastered the Kekkei Genkai that Hidden Sand people are thinking of.

Rather than the traditional ones, Land-of-Lightning’s Kekkei Genkai.

But it’s undeniable that this guy’s strength is absolutely strong.

Uchiha Liuying doesn’t even know about it. , Can he fight this guy.

In fact, he also has some doubts in his heart, why a veteran strength and powerful ninja would be dispatched.

But he knows better, I am definitely not the time to let the imagination run wild.

After that many years on battlefield, he learned a lot.

The most important thing is to fight You must abandon distracting thoughts when you are in, and only concentrate attention completely in the battle can you win.

Thinking of this, immediately threw the kunai in his hand on the ground, and at the same time threw away all the metal utensils on his body. .

The other side is a magnetic shield ninja. It is too dangerous to leave such a metal device on the body.

“Not bad. “Troy’s eyes were faint, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: “Throwing away the metal can indeed limit some of my performance, but…”

“You without a weapon, want How to face me! “

Without any sign, Troy has already appeared in front of Uchiha Liuying, and he hit Uchiha Liuying fiercely with a punch.

Unfortunately, he After this fist went down, suddenly found that the hand feels not quite right.

And the smoke that came out afterwards also let him know that this damned Uchiha used Body Substitution Jutsu.

But he also He didn’t care too much, he noticed this Uchiha ninja, and the Sharingan in his eyes was two tomoes.

This also shows that this guy’s Sharingan has not reached the extreme yet, and Troy is very confident of victory!

He took out a scroll at random, and Troy directly tore the scroll.

At a time, dozens of square shurikens, these shurikens were suspended under his control, one by one Started to spin slightly.

Uchiha Liuying not at all immediately attacked, what is he still observing.

Because this opponent knows some specific information, other things are really good There is nothing left.

“I found you! “

Suddenly, Troy yelled.

Those square shuriken seemed to have received orders, and they quickly moved towards Uchiha where Liuying was hiding and flew over.

Uchiha Kei Liuying jumped up quickly, but shuriken’s speed is still a bit fast.

And they seem to lock themselves, even if he uses Body Substitution Jutsu again to hide, These shuriken still caught him immediately!

“Why is this? “

Uchiha Liuying dodges, his heart is always thinking.

In his Sharingan, he clearly saw the special Chakra on those shuriken.


These Chakras are the main driving force of these shurikens, but these Chakras seem to be a little different, as if they are…


Suddenly , Uchiha Liuying seems to have thought of something, and he is also immediately avoiding those shuriken, and moved towards a big tree to dodge.

When his silhouette coincides with that big tree, he immediately hides Look at his moved towards his own atire.

Just as expected, on his shoulder that was cut by Troy, there are some special and obscure Chakras on it!

Uchiha Liuying can now basically judge how this guy found himself, found himself and used these techniques to track himself.

In fact, it depends on the characteristics of the magnetic shield!

“Fortunately, I started Lord to help me turn on Sharingan, although it was very uncomfortable…..”

Uchiha Liuying mentally secretly sighed, but he When his silhouette was about to step out of this big tree, he had already thought of how to do it.

He kept hiding behind these big trees, Uchiha Liuying’s silhouette finally got away from these big trees. Cover.

Because Troy began to increase his efforts, those big trees could not withstand his attack at all.

But at the moment of leaving the cover of the big trees, both of his hands hand seal sprayed A Fire-Style came out.

The violent explosion caused a lot of shuriken to be exploded, and he himself picked up the branches on the ground, and then rushed to Troy’s body.

Troy laughed disdainfully, this Uchiha ninja is too to indulge in fantasy, actually want to use the branches to fight with himself?

I felt a little bit, the legacy Chakra on this Uchiha ninja, Troy Psychologically nodded.

This kid still has his own Chakra on him, so there should be no problem.

But he still needs to be careful, once ninja is careless, then he is not far from death.

With a wave of both of his hands, two square shuriken came into his hand.

The rest of the shuriken quickly acted like a magnet, moving towards Uchiha and Liuying stabbed.

Uchiha Liuying’s silhouette is very agile, even if he holds a branch in his hand, he is relying on the Sharingan to dodge and shoot down those shuriken continuously, and continuously moves towards Troy’s location.

Such a physical attack basically made Troy sure that the guy in front of him was the main body, not something like clone.

“Che, I thought the people of Uchiha Clan would be so amazing.”

Troy thought to himself: “But considering this guy’s age, and I’ve seen my skills People are basically dead, and his performance is already considered decisive and excellent.”

It is indeed decisive and excellent enough.

In the face of being unfamiliar with ability, only knowing that the other side is good at magnetic shields, I resolutely gave up having weapons that are attracted by magnetic force.

Being able to do this step is really not comparable to ordinary ninja.

But I don’t know the enemy’s information, this guy is doomed to fail!

Chakra’s suddenly poured into these two shurikens, and in the blink of an eye, the two shurikens became as slender as blades.

Then he waved fiercely and struck Uchiha Liuying.

The kind of special Chakra attraction can almost guarantee that his sword can accurately concentrate Uchiha Liuying!

“Unfortunately you still don’t know my information, as far as I’m concerned, no matter what weapon you use, it’s actually the same!

In this case, just send you off! Magnet-Style · Sparrow and Bee Double Blade!”

The sharp blade directly moved towards Uchiha Liuying’s body, and at this brief moment, Troy suddenly felt something wrong.

The fierce and unafraid of death that Uchiha suddenly showed in front of him, he moved towards himself and rushed over.

It seems that this Jutsu’s formidable power is not in the eyes.

This situation suddenly gave him a bad premonition, but at this moment he simply can’t worry about that many, he directly cut down the sword!


White smoke recklessly, this is Shadow Clone, a broken piece of clothing fell on the ground.

Troy complexion slightly changed, this kid discovered the characteristics of his technique?

There is also this Shadow Clone, how many Chakras have been divided into that kid?

How sure is he to do this?

There is no room for Troy to think about it. A silhouette suddenly sprang out from the ground and moved towards Troy’s chest with a punch.

Troy is also an excellent Cloud Ninja. His physical fitness has no problems at all. It can even be said that this fist is completely ignored by him.

He was a little surprised as to why this Uchiha guy made such a choice.

Under the cover of Earth-Style, he can completely attack his back. Why should he attack the front?

However, at this moment, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his mind.

However, he didn’t have time to close his eyes. Uchiha Liuying’s scarlet 2-Tomoe Sharingan was already looking at him.

The weird Chakra has passed through the pair of Sharingan to his own eyes, and then spread into his own brain!

“Secret Jutsu·The Art of Songhang!”

Only an instant, Troy felt he was frozen.

He felt like his limbs were penetrated by nails, completely deprived of his freedom of movement!

Uchiha Liuying stood in front of him with his upper body naked. He seemed a little tired, but he knew he had succeeded!

Under Sharingan’s glance, he can judge whether the person in front of him is the main body or the clone.

The incredible and unwillingness on Troy’s face are mixed together, it looks like such a difficult situation.

“Is the magnetization right?” Uchiha Liuying straightened his body a bit, and at the same time he was silently recovering Chakra.

This battle seems to have only several points of clocks, but it is really expensive for him!

In a very short period of time, he divided more than half of his Chakra and gave it to Shadow Clone.

Let the Shadow Clone burst out of the ability not weaker than the main body, and also gave all of his clothes to Shadow Clone.

And he used the explosion created by Shadow Clone to cast Earth-Style and hid underground.

Know that he is not an Earth-Style ninja. Forcibly using Ninjutsu like this is another burden on his consumption and control.

Finally, he used a very strong Genjutsu, which made him so tired now.

But it is precisely because of his thinking and seeing through Troy’s technique with the cooperation of Sharingan that he has the opportunity to arrange all of this.

In the end, the magnetic shield ninja of Hidden Cloud didn’t exert all his power at all, so he was bound by him!

This is the case of the ninja battle. Unless you have reached an incredible level of power crushing, the competition is still the use of skills and the detection of information.

“truly worthy of Uchiha…”

Troy struggled forcibly, and then he laughed disdainfully, he didn’t seem to worry about his safety at all.

“The magnetization is right, I have to say that Kekkei Genkai of Uchiha is really terrifying, and a guy like you can defeat me.”

“Do you think I Won’t kill you?” Suddenly, Uchiha Liuying said flatly, his hands had already begun to hand seal.

“You think you are a ninja of Kekkei Genkai. For Kekkei Genkai, we shouldn’t be killing you but take you back. In this way, we can use some other means, such as Negotiate, and then let you go back?”

“I’m sorry, you thought wrong.”

Uchiha Liuying’s voice became more and more cold, his Chakra He has recovered a bit, and his seal has been completed!

Under Troy’s slightly incredible gaze, he said indifferently: “If it’s someone else, I’m afraid it will really hurt your existence. Kekkei Genkai like you, plus your position at Hidden Cloud , Very few people would make such a choice, yes, but…”

“My boss is Uchiha Kei, start Lord.

I start Lord before I leave. As I said, don’t keep your hands if you make a move, and you must remove the roots!”


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