Wang Qing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he hadn't had a nightmare for a long time, and this kind of nightmare caused by his own mistakes was the first time he saw it.

He had unknowingly killed his own child.

"A beautiful face is a disaster, the ancients never deceived me."

Wang Qing murmured softly, and once again remembered the fist that pierced through Xia Lingyun in his dream. Wang Qing felt that his right hand seemed to have become a little stiffer, and some were not so flexible.

"Grandpa, are you awake? It's the first time I've seen you sleep so late. The lady told me not to wake you up and let you have a good rest.

I'll help you warm up your breakfast right now. By the way, Wu Li and Sun Chuanliu called you twice, and the lady answered it for you, saying that they would come around noon. "

Xiaohuan looked at the uncle on the bed with some doubts, and put the uncle's mobile phone beside the bed.

It was already 9 o'clock in the morning, and it was the first time she had seen her uncle wake up so late.

From Xiaohuan's point of view, my uncle Wang Qing is a tireless animal. In her impression, my uncle seems to sleep very little or not at all, and he seems to be full of experience every moment.

My uncle can't see anything unusual these days.

Did something happen to my uncle last night?

Not noticing Xiaohuan's strangeness, Wang Qing picked up the mobile phone beside the bed. There were more than 300 chat records in the group, and there were two missed calls on Wang Qing's mobile phone.


Wang Qing quickly found a picture of a clown in the group, which was the clue left by the puppet on the camera last night.

"So fast?"

Wang Qing flicked through the chat records in the group suspiciously, only to find out that although the outside world had learned that 24 people including Chuan Dao Kangcheng had died overnight, the murderous "clown" had not been announced by the alliance.

As for the photos sent in the group, they were actually images captured by Wu Li from the surveillance cameras by hacking into the surveillance system of a joint venture hospital in Arakawa City.

In the group, Wu Li led the analysis, and Sun Chuanliu and Li Li participated in the discussion.

Even Professor Bi would occasionally interject, express some opinions, and warn everyone in the group not to take actions such as demonstrations because of this matter, so as not to be arrested by the Arakawa City Alliance.

Although Professor Bi didn't say it clearly, Wang Qing could sense some compromises and helplessness from Professor Bi's words.

Wu Li seemed to have seen something from Professor Bi's words, and his words had been restrained, but Sun Chuanliu and Li Li continued to celebrate in the group.

"It's really not thoughtful, so the impression score of the two of you in Professor Bi will be lowered."

Wang Qing looked at the information on the phone and shook his head. He had asked Xiao Hei to investigate the two of them the night before using dreams, and there was nothing wrong with them. They belonged to Professor Bi's brainless fans.


Wang Qing was puzzled and saw two elf eggs on the table shaking at the same time. Not long after, the little white fox appeared first.

The hair is white, with fluffy hair on the head and tail, just like the clouds in the sky.

The little guy looked at Wang Qing and made a milky voice. From Xiaolu's translation, it should mean that he wanted to suckle.

The light purple Ditto also broke out of its shell very quickly. It was relatively solid. It first spread out on the table, and then its body kept changing. It didn't take long for two ice six tails to appear on the table.

Variety followed Bing Liuwei to look at Wang Qing, and made a milky voice.

But Ditto is simply parroting, and its voice lacks some emotion.

Wang Qing quickly grabbed Bing Liuwei, just like the little seed at that time, this elf rubbed him affectionately when he was caught in his hand at first, but after being caught for a while, tears flowed from his eyes, and he began to hug Wang Qing hands struggling.

After that, Bing Liuwei looked at him with fear.

Wang Qing carefully sensed the energy in Bing Liuwei's body for a while, and then threw Bing Liuwei on the bed. No matter how talented an elf with this personality is, in Wang Qing's opinion, his potential is not great.

In fact, if it wasn't for Professor Bi and Grandpa Xia's force to force him, no matter it was the Miao Frog Seed or the six-tailed Wang Qing, they would all be ready to be released.

Of course, in any case, it is better than King Carp.

And this Bing Liuwei's talent may be really good. Although it is an elf transformed by Oulian using special technology, Wang Qing didn't feel any traces of chiseling from Bing Liuwei's body, and the energy fluctuations are very pure.

"From now on, you will be like Little Seed, and you will be positioned as my elf on the bright side. Work hard and don't cry casually. From now on, you will be called Xiao Liu."

The little Liuwei looked at Wang Qing pitifully. Wang Qing had already grabbed the ice Liuwei that the Variety turned into. It looked exactly the same as Liuwei in appearance, but the inner energy was somewhat mixed. After Wang Qing tore it a few times, hundreds of The monster changed accordingly, turning back into light purple plasticine, which Wang Qing kept rubbing.

This Variety Monster is the most talented one selected by Wang Qing from the 13 Variety Eggs, and it seems to have a very good personality.

"Ha ha……"

Thought it was playing with Wang Qing, Ditto's voice was a little happy, and his IQ seemed to be a little lower, but the problem wasn't too big.

Although a little less mentally retarded than Tielong Xiaobao, he is countless times smarter than Carp King.

"Wang Qing, huh? Have your two elves hatched yet?"

When Xiao Liuwei saw the female human that appeared suddenly, she immediately jumped off the bed. She was quickly held in Xia Lingyun's arms, and she rubbed against Xia Lingyun affectionately.

Wang Qing shook his head and said, "The Variety is alright, but this Six-Tails is just like the Little Seed, it has a bit of a bad personality, and it's hard for it to take on heavy responsibilities."

Xia Lingyun nodded.

As a family of hermits guarding the great business, each of Wang Qing's elves has to bear unimaginable responsibilities for ordinary elves, and it is too cruel for elves like Little Seed.

Xia Lingyun has already seen through these days of training that Little Seed's character is really weak. Even if he overcomes the fear of death, he is still very afraid of fighting. The fighting style is mainly dodging, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

However, compared to Little Seed, Bing Liuwei's appearance is much higher, Xia Lingyun rubbed Little Liuwei's fluffy hair very intimately.

"You are so cute, but you must work hard, and I will help you cheer."

Xia Lingyun cheered for Xiao Liuwei, and for no reason, Xiao Liuwei felt the terrifying feeling of the man grabbing her from this gentle-looking woman.

Little Liuwei kept struggling, but found that she couldn't break free at all, and the woman kept stroking her hair with her hands.

It is very comfortable to be rolled up, but it is full of anxiety in its heart.

Wang Qing looked at Xia Lingyun stroking the six tails and said, "It seems that you like it very much. I haven't received the elf ball yet. Do you want to cultivate it?"

Xia Lingyun shook her head and said, "This is the elf that Professor Bi gave you to cultivate, you should keep it."

"That's right." Wang Qing nodded and continued: "It's almost September 20th. The Little Fist Group near the Kunshan Mountains is about to give birth to a new Little Fist. I plan to go back once, maybe two to three It will take days to come back, and also to see how the family is doing.

Recently, I found some theoretical support of EUL in Professor Bi's laboratory, and obtained some materials and equipment. I also have some materials myself. I plan to cultivate a small fist stone. "

"Little Fist Stone?" Xia Lingyun asked suspiciously.

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