This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 195 Wang Xiaobing's Transformation (Part 1)

Seeing Leiluo's actions, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately chased after him.

As the old saying goes, he really didn't want the pervert to stain Wang Xiaobing's eyes.

It's a pity that Leiluo's footsteps were very fast, Xiaozhi found Leiluo had appeared in front of Wang Xiaobing before he could stop him.

Leiluo took out her mobile phone, laughed loudly and said, "Brothers and sisters, didn't I tell you yesterday that there is a way to make your strength stronger in "League of Glory of the Elf"?"

Wang Xiaobing nodded suspiciously, Leiluo looked perverted, Wang Xiaobing really didn't think that this person could really make her stronger.

But this person is my elder brother's younger brother, not a stranger, and my elder brother has also told her that this person can be trusted.

Wang Xiaobing was stroking the new skin in the mobile phone store while listening to what Leiluo wanted to say.

Leiluo suddenly put his arms around Xiaozhi's shoulders and said: "Xiaozhi, I saw you playing this game yesterday, do you want to become stronger, and I can also make you stronger by the way."

Wang Zhi pushed Leiluo away calmly, and kept thinking in his heart.

Wang Xiaobing is mainly an ADC, and his current assist skills are still a bit weak. If he can become stronger, then...

"Can you make us stronger?"

Leiluo laughed loudly and said, "Actually, I thought of a solution last night, and I got the answer today."

Wang Zhi showed a suspicious expression, not knowing what Leiluo was talking about, Wang Xiaobing also looked at Leiluo suspiciously.

Leiluo didn't continue to play tricks, and dug out the chat history of his mobile phone and said: "This is also thanks to Wu Li, my brother's good buddy. I just tried to ask a question yesterday, and he sent me a super support for "Glory of the Spirit League".

"Game support?"

"Is it the kind of support from Jungle Records? But isn't there an official support like this?"

Leiluo was a little surprised. He had never played the game "League of Glory of Elves", but he had heard Wu Li talk about plug-ins, scripts, and hang-ups when communicating with Wu Li in the laboratory.

Leiluo scratched the base of his thigh, then pretended he didn't hear it and said, "Okay, I've distributed this support to you through Duoduo, just download and install it, and Wu Li said it's best not to spread it, but he seems to say that it's okay to spread it, he can make it impossible for others to use it."

Following Leiluo's words, Wang Xiaobing and Leiluo downloaded "Elf Glory Alliance Rank Simulation Assistant".

The memory of the auxiliary software is not small, more than 300 megabytes, but the interface is very simple. There is only a simple buoy. With the movement of the buoy, you can move from the lowest black iron three-stage to the highest king 9999 stars. There are a total of 36 gears to adjust.

But apart from adjusting the thirty-six gears, there is no other information.

Wang Xiaobing manipulated for a while in doubt, but didn't find that this support was useful. When he looked up, he saw Leiluo showing him the perverted smile as usual.

Leiluo looked at the two men fiddling with their mobile phones and said excitedly: "How are you brothers and sisters? Are you satisfied with this support? If so, can you tell me where the brother is? I haven't seen the brother for two days. I miss him."

Hearing Leiluo's confession-like words, Wang Xiaobing felt very uncomfortable. His brother and sister-in-law are obviously very good, so what's the point of suddenly inserting a pervert?

Without much hesitation, Wang Xiaobing lied casually: "My brother may have gone to Kunshan Town. It seems that he has visited Principal Gao. You can go to Principal Gao and ask."

That smiling principal Gao is not a good person either, he is mysterious and just let the pervert find him.

As soon as Wang Xiaobing finished speaking, Leiluo had already disappeared.

Wang Xiaobing also ignored Xiaozhi next to her. This person met Grandpa by chance a few months ago and seemed to have some background, but he evaded her whenever he saw her.

Well, a boring gourd that is not interesting.

The game matching started soon, and the annoying Dragon Ball was spinning in his mind again, and then Wang Xiaobing continued to forcefully choose ad Pikachu.

However, this round was different from the previous round. The person assigned to the ad position didn't know how to be modest, so two adcs appeared in the team.

Wang Xiaobing saw this kind of situation a lot, so he directly blocked all four teammates, and came to the bottom lane.

Then the wild Charmander on the opposite side suddenly sprang out of the grass.

First blood!

When Wang Xiaobing realized something, she had already obtained the first drop of blood, one of the few in her life.

Rolling, basic attack, rolling, basic attack, moving to twist Charmander's fireball, basic attack, rolling, basic attack, passive effect Charmander is paralyzed...

Except for being attacked by the Charmander at the beginning, Wang Xiaobing was not touched by the Charmander while controlling Pikachu. Taking advantage of the range of the shooter's attack, he played with the Charmander between applause.

"Pika Pika! Pika Pika!" (The master is amazing! Let Ibrahimovic come and see it too!)

"How did I do it?"

Wang Xiaobing released Ibrahimovic casually, and the latter immediately jumped to Wang Xiaobing's other shoulder.

Getting the first blood certainly made her excited, but Wang Xiaobing was also puzzled, her hands were clumsy, obviously not that strong.

After that, with Wang Xiaobing operating Pikachu, he came to the line.

double kill!

Pikachus counterattacked with blood, using the vision mechanism of the grass, coupled with the opponent's top, accepted the heads of Xiaofudan and Yevine Snake, and won a double kill.

Pikachu and Ibrahimovic celebrated excitedly on their master's shoulders, and Wang Xiaobing's operation just now exploded.

However, compared with the young and ignorant Ibrahimovic, Pikachu obviously saw something, but it still coaxed the owner to be happy.

Wang Xiaobing frowned, and controlled Pikachu to get up and go back to the city. As he came to the line again, his Pikachu was already able to overwhelm Xiao Fudan and Yevine Snake on the opposite side and couldn't get the pawn line.

Not long after, Pikachu easily killed the leaf vine snake, and the nurse, Xiao Fudan, returned home with residual blood.

At this point in the game for three and a half minutes, Wang Xiaobing finally realized something was wrong—when she let go of her character, her character didn't stop, she kept the pawn line as usual, and then after the pawn line was collected, she suddenly came to her wild area and killed the little charmander that cleaned up the wild monsters again.

The cheat that Leiluo gave her really worked.

If she doesn't operate, the cheat will automatically kill monsters and kill casually. If she actively controls the character, the cheat will micro-manage the character she controls when facing the enemy, thereby assisting in killing her opponent.

In a daze, ten minutes later, under Pikachu's random killing, the opponent chose to surrender, and Wang Xiaobing also got a crushing stat of 31/0/1.

In addition, Wang Xiaobing also received three friend applications, all of which were requested by the gods, not to spray her food.

The corners of Wang Xiaobing's mouth turned up slightly, such a victory made her feel very happy.

But apart from being happy, Wang Xiaobing had some inexplicable feelings in his heart.

Soon Wang Xiaobing continued to play a game, 43/0/5, her Ibrahimovic slaughtered the whole game, then the third game, the fourth game, the fifth game...

From noon to dusk, Wang Xiaobing played more than 20 rounds, crushing all the way, and even raised his rank to Gold Five, still killing randomly.

But the smile and joy on Wang Xiaobing's face became weaker and weaker.

At dusk, Wang Xiaobing deleted the cheats he had downloaded.

"Although I am good, I am fighting with my own strength. It is meaningless to use cheats to win. Although I am very happy to win at the beginning, it is just a false joy!"

Wang Xiaobing talked to himself, made up his mind, clicked on customer service, and reported himself for using the cheat.

A few minutes later, Wang Xiaobing’s report received a reply, which was similar to the replies she received when she reported others. The punishment system first thanked her for her report, and then said that the system detected that the account she reported was normal and would not ban it...

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