This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 216 The Flaws of Digital Intelligence

The change of 3D Dragon Z surprised Wu Li, but as a network technician, Wu Li didn't consider the strength of 3D Dragon Z at all.

After becoming Professor Bi's assistant, Wu Li's file was assigned to the Changbai City Research Institute. In the future, he will definitely become a researcher of the Great Business Alliance. The future is bright, and there is no need to worry about whether he can graduate.

Because of this, Wu Li didn't think about training 3D Dragon Z fighting skills at all.

Wu Li took a deep breath, looked at the 3D Dragon Z next to him and said, "Recently, Professor Bi has helped us a lot. Our main server cost more than five million yuan in materials alone. If you count the assembly and renovation of Dr. Meow's electromagnetic monster factory, the value of the server is at least tens of millions. It's time for us to repay Professor Bi."

3d Dragon Z showed a serious look and nodded.

"By the way, I forgot to bring earphones, otherwise you can talk to me." Wu Li thought of something and continued: "Where's the little Magneto?"

3D Dragon Z understood, and the laptop immediately displayed the location of the little magneton.

This little magneton who doesn't like staying in the poke ball always likes to be mischievous, steal electricity everywhere in the research institute, and occasionally play pranks.

After Wu Li tried to discipline him twice, he found it was useless, so he finally let it go.

"I don't eat a good battery feed, and I don't need a charging switch. I just like to steal electricity and make troubles. You should take it with you, otherwise it will be bad for it to slip to the server."

While talking, Wu Li came to the database where Magneto was hiding, and found that this time, Magneto was naughty for a while, and then suddenly became very cute.

It seems that seeing the 3d dragon z, the little magneto is a little scared.

Wu Li smiled and said, "Duoduo is now level 100, but you are only level 11, you are a bullying guy."

After Wu Li finished speaking, he put Magneto in his palm, then pressed the switch on Magneto, and plugged the data cable into Magneto. The latter cooperated very well this time, but Wu Li quickly sighed.

"It seems that elf transformation is obviously not something that a half-baked person like me can do."

Half a month ago, Wu Li installed a microcomputer on Magneto.

cpu, small display screen, graphics card, memory stick, motherboard, as for the small magnetite as the power supply.

As a result, after half a month, Magneto was still used as a power source, without any change, and the microcomputer was still the original microcomputer.

Without thinking too much, Wu Li came to Professor Bi's laboratory. At this time, Professor Bi was still thinking hard about the improvement of the method of drawing super-evolutionary stone lines.

Seeing Wu Li walking in, Bi Zhi nodded slightly and continued to meditate.

After getting in touch with him in the past few months, Bi Buzhi already has a certain understanding of Wu Li's learning ability. The programming technology may be top-notch in Dashang, or even in the world, but in other respects, he is like a mentally retarded person.

Yes, Bi Zhizhi had already given up teaching Wu Li other aspects of knowledge, it would be good to let Wu Li focus on software technology.

"Professor Bi, you once asked me to help you improve the machines for the super evolution stone and the evolution key stone. I haven't come up with any plan, but just now, I have an idea."

Listening to Wu Li's words, Professor Bi showed a puzzled look, and took Wu Li's laptop casually.

As he flipped through the contents of the notebook, Bi didn't know what to think from the beginning, to surprise later, and finally turned into shock.

Bi didn't know that he thought that Wu Li might have had a sudden enlightenment, and then he had some inspiration, or some software inspiration, but found that Wu Li had come up with a whole set of plans.

This set of plans is basically a complete set of design drawings, with 67 improvements marked on it, detailing the effects of various improvements.

Bi Bubu asked suspiciously, "Did you hack into the Citi Federation's database, or did you hack into the Sakura Alliance's database?"

Without waiting for Wu Li to explain, Bi Bubu continued: "No, this design is obviously based on my design, and the above improvements are also some basic things, so perfect, there are many things I overlooked, but this efficiency improvement is only 60% at most. How did yours become 112%?"

In Bi Zhi's sight, a text explanation suddenly appeared in the statistics below the design drawing, explaining that in addition to hardware improvements, this time the program is not an optimization, but a redesign, which greatly improves the texture drawing efficiency and accuracy by 30%.

Bi didn't know that at this moment he finally discovered the 3D Dragon Z floating in mid-air.

"3D Dragon Z? Isn't the evolution technology of the 3D Dragon a top secret of the Citi Federation? Otherwise, the Citi Federation would not introduce the 3D Dragon to our big business."

Wu Li had no intention of hiding it.

In fact, Wu Li had been planning to use this incident to surprise Professor Bi, and now it seems that Professor Bi has been surprised.

Wu Li quickly told Professor Bi about the digital intelligence research and development, and the latter was amazed again and again.

Professor Bi quickly thought of something and said: "So, other equipment can also be optimized and redesigned through your 3D dragons? If you breed more such 3D dragons, wouldn't it be..."

Wu Li nodded, and then thought of what Wang Qing had said: "It is indeed possible, but Professor Bi, you should not rely too much on it. Digital intelligence can optimize existing knowledge to a certain extent, but it only integrates previous knowledge and lacks the ability to innovate."

Professor Bi nodded, but he didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, as long as Wu Li's technology of cultivating 3D Dragon Z is popularized, there is hope to revitalize the big business.

Seeing Professor Bi's disapproval, Wu Li hastily continued to explain: "Professor Bi, it's really not as good as you imagined. You don't know much about digital intelligence. They have fatal flaws. If they are not used properly, we will become dependent on digital intelligence. When the younger generation relies on this kind of thing and enjoys it, our technology will never innovate and stagnate."

Bi Zhi fell into deep thought, continued to ask a few questions, and finally agreed with Wu Li's idea.

Digital intelligence can be used, but it must not be relied on.

After some deliberation, Bi Buzhi decided to hide the fact that Wu Li possessed digital intelligence.

He also repeatedly warned Wu Li that, except for Wang Qing, who already knew about it, he should not even tell his own parents about this matter, lest the information leaked be persecuted by the top executives of the big business and have bad consequences.


But in any case, it is true that 3d Dragon Z has been optimized.

Bi didn't know that he was in a good mood. If he used the 3D Dragon Z's fully optimized solution, Dashang would have a great advantage in producing evolutionary keystones and super evolutionary stones.

The consumption of materials is less, and the production speed and production quality will also exceed those of Citi Federation's machines.

Not only that, according to the existing learning ability of the 3D dragon, the energy cube machine, the elf repair machine, and even Dr. Meow's Dashang Heavy Industry, there are many things that can be improved.

With the help of 3D Dragon Z, it is undoubtedly possible to set off an industrial revolution in Dashang territory.

Bi Zhi continued to discuss with Wu Li for a while, and soon got the information from Wu Li that Wang Dazhi wanted to see him.

Hearing that it was Wang Xiaogou's friend, Bi didn't know and didn't refuse, and immediately set a time to meet...

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