This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 220 Steady Development on the Eve of Departure

Time passed, and as time came to December, the Breeding House of the Elf Center in Baishi Village finally took on the appearance of an elf center.

On December 7th and 8th, the breeding house finally ushered in two trainers who went to the Kunshan forest for training, and put their elves into the breeding house for foster care. They were two unicorns and an Alidos.

As the elf center of Baishi Village, it has gradually gained a stable passenger flow.

Basically, there will be one guest every morning and every afternoon, and occasionally two or three guests will appear.

Yes, the business of the elf breeding house in Baishi Village is not very good.

However, compared to the Breeding House in the Elf Center, the Wang's Bee Farm behind the Breeding House is running more smoothly.

On December 5, more than 2,000 unicorns in the bee farm hatched one after another under the care of more than 30 large needle bees.

Then, under the leadership of the former queen bee and the current queen bee, these 30 artificially cultivated bees and more than 2,000 unicorns merged with the original colony of more than 3,000 bees in the Kunshan forest, and officially settled in the bee farm.

The establishment of Wang's apiary was very smooth, without manual management at all, and it has already begun to take shape just after it was established, with thousands of large needle bees.

On December 15th, Wang's bee farm conducted its first transaction and produced more than 2,000 catties of honey. The old man Wang successfully obtained a profit of 100,000 yuan, and the deposit of the old Wang's family also exceeded six figures for the first time.

Old man Wang didn't show anything, but he was extremely dishonest and invited dozens of families in the village to have a meal.

Yes, although after Old Man Wang killed Ye Shenjian One, Baishi Village built an elf center breeding house, repaired roads, and repaired tap water. Old Man Wang also received many gifts, such as illustrated books, energy cubes, evolution stones, and even some good wine, but Old Man Wang never received any money.

No one thought that Old Man Wang needed money, so no one came to give it to him.

In fact, not only did Old Man Wang not receive any money, he didn't even receive the money he should have received.

According to the regulations of the alliance, the owner of the Elf Center will receive a salary subsidy from the alliance every month, at least 10,000 yuan per month, but I don't know if I forgot or for some reason, Old Man Wang has nothing.

Just in order to maintain his persona as a hermit and strong man, Old Man Wang has never said anything, nor has he carried out low-end acts of selling treasures.

In short, apart from the fact that the Great Merchants Alliance still does not pay wages, the development of the Old Wang family is relatively smooth on the surface, and the entire Baishi Village has gradually returned to calm after the establishment of the elf center breeding house.

And in the dark place near Baishi Village, both Wang Qing and the security team were making steady progress.

On December 15th, at the same time that Wang's beekeeping sold the first batch of honey, under the leadership of Sun Qiushi and Xia Lingyun, the security team began the first round of invasion of Dongying Group in Qingshan Province.

Wang Qing followed in secret, on the one hand to check up some missing places, and on the other hand to protect Xia Lingyun's safety.

After all, apart from the castration of Chu Qiu, this was Xia Lingyun's first solo action, and Wang Qing couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, Wang Qing's worries were a little unnecessary. Xia Lingyun was very adaptable to this kind of action, and there were not many omissions.

During the day on December 15th, the mobs successfully seduced 31 high-level members of the Dongying Group in Qingshan City, and then at night, the mobs continued to bewitch 273 core members of the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province.

In just one day, most of the Dongying Group in Qingshan City had fallen unconsciously.

On December 16th and 17th, based on the members of the Dongying Group in Qingshan City, the main strongholds of the Dongying Group in seven municipal cities including CZ City, Wutong City, and Tongnan City in Qingshan Province fell.

On December 20, after five days, the security team managed to take down all the main strongholds of the Dongying Group in all the areas above the county level in Qingshan Province without causing any disturbance.

The security team completely controlled 131 strongholds of the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province, including two underground bases for cultivating ghost elves.

In the entire Qingshan Province, the mobs and the other two Abo monsters with bewitching power absorbed a total of 151 high-level members of the Dongying Group and 2,356 core members.

In addition to the core members, there are more than 40,000 members related to the Dongying Group, and these personnel have also been indirectly controlled by the security team.

It was only at this time that Wang Qing realized that he really overestimated the Dongying Group, and the seemingly large Qingshan Province Dongying Group was on the verge of collapse.

If the Japanese team headquarters of the Sakura Alliance continues to let it go, it won't take long for the Japanese team in Qingshan Province to collapse naturally.

First, Ye Shenjian Yi died, then Ye Shenjian III was killed, and the military advisor Mr. Kuroda committed seppuku. The Dongying Group in Qingshan Province has entered a state of leaderless, and people's hearts are floating. Most of the members who know the truth are not optimistic about the future of the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province.

In fact, in Wutong City, Qingshan Province, there were even more than 20 members of the Dongying Group who planned to go to Baishi Village to find Old Man Wang to apologize after learning the truth.

Without this invasion, perhaps these people would have come to Baishi Village to plead guilty at the end of December.

And there are not a few people with all kinds of thoughts.

However, through the power of the mobs, although the Dongying group at this time is still the same group of people, the inner nature has changed.

They already have the concept of the security team, and the belief in protecting the safety of the world and maintaining world peace.

On December 23, in just three days, the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province had basically returned to normal, re-opened the foreign trade route with the Sakura Alliance, and then resumed transactions with local families and gymnasiums in Qingshan Province.

Wang Qing also has a channel to get news about the Sakura Alliance.

So far, the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province has basically been resolved.

As for the next step of encroaching on the Dongying Group in the entire four southwestern provinces, Wang Qing decided to take advantage of the time he participated in the Hunter Rising Star Competition to stabilize for two months, and wait until the news of the remaining provinces was clear before taking action.

While solving the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province, Wang Qing's underground base in Baishi Village also achieved due results.

On December 7th, under the joint research of Wang Qing and Mr. Zhao, the first teleportation device combining Qianlong inheritance, Kunlun Mountain underground palace technology, and modern technology was successfully manufactured and tested. Except for the extremely unstable teleportation position, there are no other defects.

On December 12th, after a few days of research, Mr. Zhao obtained 80% of Genesect's transformation technology through reverse deduction, but he lacked several necessary raw materials, so the transformation test cannot be carried out at present.

Also on December 12th, Wang Qing reincarnated Genesect as an elf egg and temporarily placed it in the Kunshan forest patrol team.

On December 20th, after continuous experiments by Wang Qing and Mr. Zhao, the first group of fixed-point teleportation arrays in Kunshan Forest was successfully established, and the teleportation position became stable, but the teleportation distance was greatly reduced. Currently, teleportation can only be carried out within one kilometer.

On December 23, Wang Qing and Mr. Zhao made a series of improvements to the teleportation array, and the teleportation distance was successfully increased by 30%. However, this has reached a limit for the time being. According to the existing design ideas, the improvement will not be too great.

And also on December 24, the 267 underground bases in the entire Kunshan forest began to be officially built, and are expected to be completed in 6 to 7 months.

At that time, all the elves in the Kunshan Forest can be transferred through these teleportation arrays, and the safety around Baishi Village can be better protected.


In this way, with the construction of the Kunshan forest, the steady development of the security team, and the progress of the transformation of Xiaoping, Wang Qing gradually got rid of the busy state.

On January 7th, as Dazhi went out again and returned from the endless forest, a six-person hunter team composed of Wang Qing, Xia Lingyun, Lei Luo, Dazhi, Xiaozhi, and Wu Li officially set out for Locke City...

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