This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 222 The once-in-a-thousand-year snowfall

"This man's tricks are not righteous. He was a little hostile towards you at the beginning. After discovering your identity, he had the idea of ​​flattering you."

The Messenger of Justice, Leolu, stood on the armrest of Wang Qing's seat, and when he saw Feng Sha walking back to his seat, he immediately sent a message to Wang Qing with the power of waveguide.

Realizing that Wang Qing ignored his plan, Leolu snorted, and continued to look at the vast snow outside the window.

Not long after, Riolu covered his head again and showed a painful look.

Ever since he left the border of Dashang and came to the vast white snow country, Riolu suffered from headaches from time to time.

Seeing this, Xia Lingyun immediately took out a bottle of holy water made by Wang Qing from her backpack and handed it to Riolu. The latter drank it first, and then showed a complicated expression to Wang Qing.

Although others don't know the origin of the holy water, but with the power of waveguide, and seeing Wang Qing's promotion to the legend with his own eyes, Riolu naturally knows that this holy water was created by Wang Qing using his own ability.

Riolu really didn't want to accept Wang Qing's help, but the holy water really helped his headache.

After Old Man Wang killed Ye Shenjian One and became known to the world, Wang Qing did not continue to hide it, but revealed something appropriately so that outsiders could not see clearly the reality of the old Wang family.

Diluted holy water that can heal wounds and replenish physical strength is one of them.

But except for Xia Lingyun, everyone didn't know the true origin of the holy water, they only thought that this potion was a hidden secret of the royal family.

Seeing that Leo Lu drank the holy water and there was some remnant, Leiluo immediately took the remaining bottle over.

Leiluo drank the holy water in one gulp, then licked the remaining liquid in the bottle, and said to Leo, "Have you eaten chili? It's not good for dog elves to eat spicy food. You should eat less in the future."

After Leiluo finished speaking, he ignored Leolu's angry expression, and started push-ups directly in the aisle of the train, and then turned into sit-ups.

The holy water of the Hermit Royal Family can not only heal injuries, but also continuously restore physical strength. Exercise during use will undoubtedly get twice the result with half the effort.

Everyone in the carriage pointed at Leiluo's actions, and even everyone in Feng Sha, who had just returned to their seats, complained softly to Leiluo.

"Leiluo is said to be crazy. I always thought it was a disguise of his cowardice. I didn't think it was really abnormal."

"Didn't you say that Leiluo's Big Steel Snake is very strong and has the strength of a master-level peak? How did he lose so badly?"

"Mega evolution, his big steel snake was defeated by the mega evolved big steel snake, Citi Federation's mega evolution is really strong, we shouldn't have resisted like that before."

"So that's how it is."

The surrounding discussions didn't affect Leiluo at all, or Leiluo felt his body full of strength following the discussions of the surrounding people.

As Leiluo practiced harder and harder, several red-haired drunkards from the Ula League diagonally opposite suddenly surrounded him, clapping and whistling.

A red-haired man put down half a bottle of vodka in front of Leiluo. Leiluo took a sip and sang loudly while exercising.

And Leiluo also suddenly felt the blood surge in his body amidst the applause of the red-haired drunkard, as if something was about to break through the restraint, but when Leiluo deliberately felt his body, this feeling disappeared.

Wang Qing vaguely noticed the change in Leiluo's body, but it was not obvious, and then looked at several red-haired drunkards who were singing diagonally across from the seat.

There are many differences between this world and Xueba Wangqing's other world, and language is one of them.

Compared to another world, different peoples have different languages.

Maybe it's a mythical beast, or maybe it's something else. Humans in this world only have one language, but different national languages ​​have some dialect characteristics, but they can still be understood as long as they listen carefully.

However, compared to the similarity of languages, the characters of different nations in this world are completely different, which is very strange.

Wang Qing was still thinking, and suddenly found that Wu Li, who was sitting across from him, had turned over the notebook, showing the introduction about Feng Sha in it, and leaned his head over and whispered, "I said why he was so excited. It turns out that he also has a Benquila, so he heard us talking about Benquilas and came here to make trouble."

"Oh, he has Bankiras?"

Hearing Wu Li's words, Dazhi took the laptop and browsed the information about Feng Sha, but he didn't have any obvious impression.

Dazhi vaguely thinks of the Feng family on the Huangsha Plateau, but the Feng family seems to have declined or disappeared in the future, and should be buried in the long river of history in the future turmoil of Dashang.

Dazhi sighed, and suddenly noticed that a few red-haired alcoholics on the diagonally opposite side of the aisle were discussing again while looking at the heavy snow outside the window.

"It's a once-in-a-thousand-year snowfall. I heard that the Ussum River, which never freezes all year round, has also froze this year. I don't know if the Hanks Valley in front will be blocked."

"Why worry about that, isn't there a mobilization team going there to clean it up?"

"I'm afraid they are like us, patronizing drinking and forgetting what they should do."

"Don't worry, if it's really blocked, I will let my ice ghost protect the way ahead!!"

"Don't talk about this, have you heard the reason for this once-in-a-thousand-year snowfall?"

"what reason?"

"Hans, if you want to say it, say it quickly, or I will kiss your ass hard with my fist!"

"Actually, I also heard about it some time ago. What have you heard of the legendary ice elves?"

"It won't be the manifestation of Winter's will, Kyurem?"

"Is it really Kyurem?"

"Don't always think about the legends of our Ula Alliance, what else can you think of the legendary elves of the ice system?"

Following Hans' mysterious smile, several alcoholics shook their heads.

"Have you heard of the Frozen Bird?" Hans took a sip of his wine and said: "It is said that the Frozen Bird flew from the Alps in the European Union, circled around our Ula League, and now seems to be going to our Tianzhu Peak."

"The Frozen Bird flew from the Alps to Ula and circled around, so we have a lot of snow?"

"The Frozen Bird is all right, flying around?"

Hans seemed a little puzzled by the question, scratched his head and said, "That's what they all said. I also heard that General Chelf went to Tianzhu Mountain and took our newly developed power isolation device to catch that frozen bird."

Listening to the conversation of the red-haired alcoholics, Dazhi shook his head slightly.

In his memory, at this time, except for the miraculous wishing star Kiraqi, there is no news about the legendary elves.

It seemed that these red-haired men were talking nonsense after they were drunk.

But just when Dazhi concluded that these drunkards were talking nonsense, a handsome young man in a white windbreaker with sword eyebrows and starry eyes suddenly walked in the aisle of the train carriage.

"You said that the frozen bird flew to Tianzhu Mountain?"

The man was none other than Wang Qing, who was the champion of the Kunye area trainer selection competition and Ye Hao, the grandson of the Ye family.

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